Calls & Texts  when scheduling she gives you a maybe or any weak agreement...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
If you are texting and you do things properly you should not be getting a maybe, the ideal situation is that she is invested and respond positively to the soft close, then you hard close... It is very rare to get maybes or weak responses to the hard close if you have done things right..... However if this happens is due to these possible scenarios:

1.- She is into you but trying to save face so the maybe is sort of a silly shit test. (this is the one i usually get, but is very rare she is just being cute). Good
2.- she is not invested enough but she does not want to reject you so she says maybe (same dynamic of girls giving you phone numbers so you can go away or social media, so they don't have to reject you, women are risk adverse). bad
3.- she actually may be open to meet you but there is some type of hidden objection that she may not be bringing up. not too good
4.- she wants to meet you but want insurance in case something comes up in her schedule. kind of good

I personally since i do things right, don't have to deal with this stuff, sometimes i deal with 1 cause i fuck around too much, with trolling, and cocky funny stuff... but i know she still likes me and invested so she is just trying to save face or she is a bit of bad texter

1.- Scenario 1:

lets go for the Soft close

me: "you should take a break from working so hard and enjoy a relaxing evening with a sexy latin guy"
hb: uhmm that sounds tempting (she is not giving me anything to work on for the hard close)

me: let me fix that for you "that is a great idea having a fun time with a fun sexy latin guy i am sure is the right recipe for my stress" Better
me: Linda, i agree with you how does Wednesday in the evening sound?

^ so i just pretended to be her and soft closing her as a ventriloquist to go into a hard close, this is something more fun and advance a bit trollish that matches my vibe, but it serves me as a fun way to polarize in fun way if she is not giving me much. but i know she likes me, she is just bad texter or too careful etc... (i did something similar with my now main, she was a horrible texter, i think the worst i ever had texting wise)

2.- I really don't deal with number 2, i recommend if you recognize a number 2 do the same, i don't even know what i put on the list, is radio silence, aka no contact.

3.- I personally again i don't deal with number 3, cause i do things right.... But if you do here are some tips i seen from pwf:

"maybe we can do Thursday lets see" or any other lukewarm answer not strong firm commitment that is not a solid yes to the hard close when doing logistics, again:

player: "maybe" "lets see"?

you don't seem confident

if she does not respond to you don't seem confident follow up with "what is holding you back" here you want to uncover the objections and address them

4.- Sometimes i get this, scenario number 4:

"well i have school but if i get out early i may be able to see you after"

Nah! first text too shock her system

then after 5 seconds:

listen Linda i am super flexible is ok, i rather see you when is something concrete, we are both busy and i understand, i rather see you when is a more solid day....

^ here she will kiss ass and either double down and make it happen or give you a better alternative date....

here is a sample from @TomInHo she is more like number 4 in the scenarios:



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 26, 2015
I like your texting-approaches. Too bad I didn't know how to handle a maybe back when chatting with dark-eyes.

How would you reconnect in that situation?

(I doubt she ever listened to that voice message.)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I like your texting-approaches. Too bad I didn't know how to handle a maybe back when chatting with dark-eyes.

How would you reconnect in that situation?

(I doubt she ever listened to that voice message.)
you did not follow my texting approaches, you were doing something else, that i repeatedly said it does not work and has low oddss... i can't help you, when you did everything i said does not work 50 million times and then try to come out with a miracle solution.... Do things right from the get go, everything you did is what i advice not to do cause it does not work...



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 26, 2015
I am aware. In my defense, I stumbled across any of your posts only after the damage was done.
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 26, 2015
... even crafted a 3-page checklist from that post and added this one here when you published it:



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
... even crafted a 3-page checklist from that post and added this one here when you published it:

Open>flirt/banter>at high point of interaction soft close>hard close


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 5, 2022
If you are texting and you do things properly you should not be getting a maybe, the ideal situation is that she is invested and respond positively to the soft close, then you hard close... It is very rare to get maybes or weak responses to the hard close if you have done things right
I actually made a post about that how I soft closed and got a enthusiastic yes but after hard closing I’ll look at my schedule. Do you mind looking at my thread?