Where most people got their life 'wrong'. Thought forms and Association


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

This is a short post on how to minimize 'f**k up' situations. I realize the whole 'pulling the weeds'/meditation after a day is true. but what i mistaken for the fact is that all my life, i tried to remove the negative experience in my life.

Basically i bought into the whole law of attraction bs. However, I learn that everything exist. Life is management really. You need to manage your body and your thought forms.

Important lesson: If you're stuck, yes you are stuck. Don't solve it. Get yourself out of that thought form. Then visualize, go internet, try things and solve it. Basically... life is creating thought forms, and also replacing not so nice thought forms with new ones. It does not necessarily mean the old one doesn't exist. It still does. But it is not as energize when you accidentally step into it in the future. Just as you should associate with great friends because your consciousness always perceives, which makes it perceive good stuff.

But yea, for now, FML. tsk



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
but what i mistaken for the fact is that all my life, i tried to remove the negative experience in my life.

You mean you focus on avoiding negative situations rather than creating postitive ones?

Basically i bought into the whole law of attraction bs. However, I learn that everything exist. Life is management really. You need to manage your body and your thought forms.

Completely agree on the power of thought forms, but I'm a little fuzzy on the difference between The Law of Attraction & thought forms and it sounds like you don't agree with the law of attraction.

But yea, for now, FML. tsk

So replace that not so nice FML thought form ;)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Lotus said:
You mean you focus on avoiding negative situations rather than creating postitive ones?

Huge difference. Let's say you approach a problem with the mindset that from a previous experience/thought form, it will affect you. A good example will be girls treating you better after not being so cool.

Chase noted this on being 'refurbished cool'. Pretty amazing.

Lotus said:
but I'm a little fuzzy on the difference between The Law of Attraction & thought forms and it sounds like you don't agree with the law of attraction.

Law of attractions in real life means you attract what you believe. "Believe" does attract but it is somewhere around 50/50. When you are not bias, you realize how bias you can be when it comes to certain results.

Lotus said:
So replace that not so nice FML thought form ;)

This is the thing i found highly profound. Most guys look at things at face value. When a girl says FML, they think that is the problem. It is not. 'FML' is the rationalization.

You must see beyond. What she does, What she desires, Where she is from. That's the process.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
Huge difference. Let's say you approach a problem with the mindset that from a previous experience/thought form, it will affect you.

Like the guys who had bad experiences with blondes and therfore think they are all cunts.

This is the thing i found highly profound. Most guys look at things at face value. When a girl says FML, they think that is the problem. It is not. 'FML' is the rationalization.

You must see beyond. What she does, What she desires, Where she is from. That's the process.

Looking beyond face value you has had a profound influence on me as well. Instead of seeing just the action I find myself thinking about what caused the action. Of course when you understand the cause, depending on whether it's good or bad, you either try to repeat it or avoid it.

But that doesn't change the effect the phrase "fuck my life" has.... it's creates a negative feedback loop either way. It's such a strong polarization to see the words "fuck my life".

Whether or not it's a silly phrase that doesn't mean anything at the surface, it implies vicitim mentality. Would you want to hang out with someone who is contstantly dropping negativety.. not ideally.
