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Socializing  WHERE TO MEET cool AMBITIOUS friends?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2016
Hello guys,

Just wanted an opinion on a sticking point I'm tackling these days: neediness in friendship.

Before this let me say, I moved to paris a while back.

The only person I knew was my girlfriend, whom I broke up with soon after I arrived.

I've started dating another girl right away and banging some girls here and there in the meantime.

I'm quite advanced when it comes to women.

BUT, on friendship, I'm struggling a bit.

What I'm noticing is that each time I talk to a dude I'd be interested in befriending, I feel like I used to feel when talking to women at first.

My facial expressions are completely out of control and I feel fucking needy.

Like ' oh my god, I must befriend this guy'.

Even though I'm sure improving my body language would help, I think the reason I still don't have a lot of friends here is that I'm not approaching enough of them.

I've found a few friends of course, but the one who was more willing to go out with me, I'm not really enthusiastic about.

I feel like, If I have to force myself to go out with a friend, I'd rather put that time into finding a new one. ( lowering standards is ok, but only to a certain extent)

I get very disappointed whenever a friend I'm trying to make in the gym doesn't give me attention, while with girls I absolutely don't feel that way.

This is because with girls, I have more abundance.
One says no? You talk to another one in the street, subway, or any other places.

With friends, i don't feel you can really do this.

So my question is: where do you find cool, ambitious people?

I play golf, and the golf club is a great place to meet ambitious men ( though not necessarily young). But here in Paris I can't afford it yet, so a place I'm left with is the gym ( a very good place where men are still quite ambitious - he gym requires consistency. The ambitious man's main quality). But then? what else?

Where do you suggest to find ambitious men to befriend?

I've tried meetups and have no intention of giving it up, but for the moment, what I found is a lot of nerds with no social skills.

Open to your suggestions



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 3, 2017
I would like to know the same, but i dont want “friends”, i want to find some cool social circle and become part of it
Well i believe the first thing to do is go out and trust your gut then befriend leader
If no one replying im making new topic tho
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Ambitious people focus on their careers. These people you meet in professional societies and industry groups. In America we have Chambers of commerce for each town that business people join to network. As well as dedicated networking groups.

Also Service groups who do good in communities, like Rotary international will give you a chance to meet a number of people who in turn can expose you to other people your age you share common interests with.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2014
Networking events. Anything for business/marketing/entrepeneurship. Open talks or seminars at universities. Start following local business news. Go to bars in the most affluent neighborhoods. Follow the social elite of your community in social media. Immerse yourself in their world, connect.


Jan 12, 2019
"Cool ambitious friend " i think i have and i know where did i meet them. Most of the friends are made in schools and colleges and they become lifelong friend. The ambitious friends decrease all pain and entertain you and motivate you to do good in your life. I think i am lucky to have and also feel happy if the other also have ambitious friend.