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Women Who Tease (CAUTION)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Just Thoughts Here,

Like to note on Guys, There are Girls out there that likes to tease men but never sleeps with them. Their way of screening for strong and capable men.

Here are some of the ways to be aware,

1) Incidental touching of Breast to you when first approach.
2) Holding your arms but never agrees to isolate with you
3) Touching too much
4) Flirtatious Eye Contact
5) Being Overly nice

Move Fast, and you know which one is a tease.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 11, 2013
Thanks, this is interesting. Why is it wrong if they are overly friendly, can't this be a sign of genuine interest as well? Maybe you can be more specific on this one :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Ahh! Those girls piss me off, it's soo annoying xD! Another sign is that they do that with EVERY guy, like if you see her around different guys all the time doing the same thing they do to you, chances are she's one of those teaser/flirty girls and she's probably a big waste of time!

Great point Zac, you have to get compliance from these girls fast in order to know where their head is at. There was this one girl I met at school, and when we were sitting, her legs were touching mine, she kept holding/hugging me, she was flirting all over the place so I was thinking, "Well I better get this girl home fast (back when I took girls to my parents house -.-)", and when I texted her to join me on the bus, she kept dodging the question, and kept trying to change the topic. She was probably looking for a texting buddy, one of those guys who chases her so she can use as a backup. Huge waste of time, so I cut her off fast. Anyways, look out for those girls, and as Zac said, get them following your lead, and if they keep dodging the idea or strongly refuse despite some persistence, cut and run!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Xpander said:
Thanks, this is interesting. Why is it wrong if they are overly friendly, can't this be a sign of genuine interest as well? Maybe you can be more specific on this one :)

Most women are genuinely friendly, but overly friendly is something that only most highly social girls, party girls do. Some women do touch you much to gauge if you used to get women. I had a girl friend who did this, and she did this a lot and she got a boyfriend!

You generally don't find women overtouching guys on the coffee shops, grocery stores and libraries, do you? Overtouching can also be put with something i called 'rudeness'. where a women will pretend to be non-reactive and respond un-interested in almost any questions or talks during your date, but you ask her for compliance and she says things like "whatever" and "ya ya" but she still do and follow what you tell her to do.

Asking for compliance is highly essential to know if a women has genuine interest for you. Women who like you likely never reject you all too often.

They either

make things easier,
pretend to be rude,
says she got a boyfriend but stays there,
looks into distance, but complies with you (this one you can try isolate and see if she's comfortable enough already to be escalated)

One incident in school where i had a women who act 'angry' and not talk to me, and i just deleted her off from facebook months later, mainly because i didn't talk to her. Next day in school, she was ultimately piss off, and her friend look at me and smile, i know she like me by then. She would not act that way if she didn't like me. I should have f**k her in the a$$ though. :) but yea, wasted.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
Have one of these girls in my social circle. She's even ruined my chances with other girls pretending to be my gf or something when I was talking with those girls but when I actually brought the idea of a date with her she rejected saying "I Don't date guys younger than me" (she's only 1 year older though.) Since then I don't give a damn what she wants from me. Just smiling at her and turning away . (I can't UN-friend her like Zac did since she's in my social circle. ie we have mutual friends)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

aliparpar said:
Have one of these girls in my social circle. She's even ruined my chances with other girls pretending to be my gf or something when I was talking with those girls but when I actually brought the idea of a date with her she rejected saying "I Don't date guys younger than me" (she's only 1 year older though.) Since then I don't give a damn what she wants from me. Just smiling at her and turning away . (I can't UN-friend her like Zac did since she's in my social circle. ie we have mutual friends)

I have had women telling other girls i'm her boyfriend and some other girls in other social circles talk shit about me when it's clear i was treating everybody well. What you did here was cool but your problem here is that in social circles, you be the one at the top of the social ladder(although there's no such things as a social ladder and hierarchies), i mean those who girls likes him and all the guys respect him no matter what he does. Always try to provide value with the least amount of investment, speak whenever it's appropriate, put in jokes occasionally where everyone will laugh, always remain on the periphery (give people what they want but also not always there). This takes a high degree of intuition and lots of mixing around with people.

You can always make new social circles, there's no need to stuck with her and your friends, let a month or two pass and delete her off if you feel she puts you off completely the other time. I would say some women are just not cool and only likes to put you second fiddle in friendships and relationships, and if they see you with other girls, they get jealous and be possessive in front of your other girl. You have to be aware of this, just be warmth, also smile like you did, and resume conversation with your current girl. and take your girl away if she's terribly persistent in trying to put you in a bad light.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

ZacAdam said:
Like to note on Guys, There are Girls out there that likes to tease men but never sleeps with them. Their way of screening for strong and capable men.


Sometimes the women who are very touchy will go to bed with you quickly, but only if you are uber-dominant / extremely self-assured and moving things forward very smoothly and very quickly. These women tend to be highly experienced socially and around sexually excited men, and they know how to navigate these situations to get lots of attention but minimize getting stuck in situations where they end up putting out.

When dealing with these types of women, you need to actually minimize the attention and reactions you give them, while continually pressing things forward. They'll go nuts trying to get a reaction out of you, but if you stay calm, smooth, and just flirtatious and sexual enough to show them they're getting played at their own game, they'll begin to get very turned on and excited. You'll never know it though, and they'll just keep acting the same until you actually bed them. It's all part of the game, and they'll be testing you to see if they can route you into "just friends" land every step of the way.

Normally, the girls are really only worth it if you're really up for a challenge. Until you're very seasoned, you usually won't land them.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 18, 2012
@ chase so can these women be considered as 'alpha female'. I mean first of all generally these women are pretty great lookswise and secondly they are socially savvy and know the difference between an seasoned and inexperienxed guy?
Cant they be considered as higher quality females?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
ashutosh said:
@ chase so can these women be considered as 'alpha female'. I mean first of all generally these women are pretty great lookswise and secondly they are socially savvy and know the difference between an seasoned and inexperienxed guy?
Cant they be considered as higher quality females?


As Chase mentioned, they're only really worth it if you're up for a challenge. Assuming you land a girl like that, there is likely a correlation between her behavior and her quality in my opinion. You'll notice that most of the girls who act like that are usually hotter than your average girl. That's not to say that a normal girl you meet on the street isn't below the flirty/teaser type girls, but in general, I've noticed a pattern, being that the flirty girls are often on the higher quality of the social spectrum, thus more valuable in that regard as you've stated. The fact that they are a challenge and don't just settle for any guy is probably a decent indicator of their overall quality. I have been with normal flirty girls but not the overly flirty/teaser ones so I can't justify how they are valuable in other regards. Therefore, if anyone has dated a girl like this, let us know, as I'd also be interested to learn more about the patterns, and if they offer specific types of value other than social grace. In other words, is the challenge worth the effort expended?



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

ashutosh said:
@ chase so can these women be considered as 'alpha female'. I mean first of all generally these women are pretty great lookswise and secondly they are socially savvy and know the difference between an seasoned and inexperienxed guy?
Cant they be considered as higher quality females?

Well... that very much depends on your definition of "higher quality!"

They tend to have higher testosterone levels. That means:

  • Higher sex drives
  • Higher ambition levels
  • Better careers
  • More earning power
  • Greater levels of independence
  • More "masculine" thinking and behavior
  • Higher chances of infidelity / cheating
  • More aggressive in chasing after what they want
  • Quicker to dismiss / get over people who don't do what they want
  • More likely to fight over something than let someone else get his or her way
  • More competitive than other women
  • Better social skills
  • Goes out a lot more than most women
  • Harder to "control" than other women

Personally, I enjoy these women a lot - they're my favorite types over the short run - but I don't consider them good "long term" material.

Lots of fun short term and great companions (if you can handle them), but their constant efforts to out-dominate you over the longrun and their aptitude at doing so will tire you of them eventually if they don't break you first.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 18, 2012
Spot on! Chase. Actually my female best friend is a tease and she possesses all the above mentioned features. Shes hot and sometimes i get carried on by her,but i know i dont want her as my girlfriend because as you mentioned they have the potential to hurt you inthe long term.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2013
Chase said:

ZacAdam said:
Like to note on Guys, There are Girls out there that likes to tease men but never sleeps with them. Their way of screening for strong and capable men.


Sometimes the women who are very touchy will go to bed with you quickly, but only if you are uber-dominant / extremely self-assured and moving things forward very smoothly and very quickly. These women tend to be highly experienced socially and around sexually excited men, and they know how to navigate these situations to get lots of attention but minimize getting stuck in situations where they end up putting out.

When dealing with these types of women, you need to actually minimize the attention and reactions you give them, while continually pressing things forward. They'll go nuts trying to get a reaction out of you, but if you stay calm, smooth, and just flirtatious and sexual enough to show them they're getting played at their own game, they'll begin to get very turned on and excited. You'll never know it though, and they'll just keep acting the same until you actually bed them. It's all part of the game, and they'll be testing you to see if they can route you into "just friends" land every step of the way.

Normally, the girls are really only worth it if you're really up for a challenge. Until you're very seasoned, you usually won't land them.


Bingo. Yea that pretty much falls in the realm of what happened to me 2 weeks ago. I had a girl to myself all night conversation-wise, had her aroused as she was all over me dancing and making out with me, but at the end of the night pulled the "I have to leave with my girlfriends," line. It was a fun night with her, she enjoyed my company and vice versa but yea she is just one of many that will go out on a limb to find a guy they're attracted to and for the most part have their way with them. I would have liked to follow up with her but as soon as I see her out again i'll rekindle it..


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I saw The Tool did "Bump" on some of the older post. Perhaps this week could be great in reviving some older materials.

BUMP! :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
ZacAdam said:
There are Girls out there that likes to tease men but never sleeps with them.

1) Incidental touching of Breast to you when first approach.
2) Holding your arms but never agrees to isolate with you
3) Touching too much
4) Flirtatious Eye Contact
5) Being Overly nice

Move Fast, and you know which one is a tease.
This is our Vice-President of Finance. She started doing this to me the moment she interviewed me for the fucking job, without the slightest provocation from me obviously.

I wasn't yet into GirlsChase but I did move fairly fast in my first few weeks, and she resisted most of my attempts to isolate her. And I pushed it real hard. These days I barely talk to her at all.

Chase said:
These women tend to be highly experienced socially and around sexually excited men
A perfect description of the woman in question.

Chase said:
they know how to navigate these situations to get lots of attention but minimize getting stuck in situations where they end up putting out.
Why? Doesn't that mean they miss out on sex that might have been physically pleasurable? Or do they get more than enough of that from their husbands and other lovers?

Chase said:
Until you're very seasoned, you usually won't land them.
Quite right. Wish I'd known that ;-)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Marty said:
Chase wrote:
they know how to navigate these situations to get lots of attention but minimize getting stuck in situations where they end up putting out.

Why? Doesn't that mean they miss out on sex that might have been physically pleasurable? Or do they get more than enough of that from their husbands and other lovers?

LEt's hope Chase has something here,

They just love attention, and their boyfriends already satisfy them OR i believe they looking for a better boyfriend than theirs without compensating the current relationship in case she read you wrong, as a quality male.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
To someone who ask about handling tease.




Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014
Ahhh just the thread I was looking for. This clarifies a lot of things for me.

Thanks for the bump.

- ZacAdam


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Chase said:
Normally, the girls are really only worth it if you're really up for a challenge. Until you're very seasoned, you usually won't land them.


Great idea to bump! This was the type of girl that brought me to this site. I definitely agree these girls are looking for dominant men. When I had 0 experience with girls, she slotted me in the friendzone w/in the first two weeks meeting of social circle.

I've developed a strong urge to bed these girls, like there's something to prove. I managed a couple times since starting the program, but only via cold-approach. It's my wet dream right now to bed a serial flirt in social circle and succeed in an area I failed in the past.