WTF falsely accused of attempted non consentual, ADVICE PLEASE


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2018
Im two weeks into college, had sex a few times. Hit up clubs, did homwork. All was well.

Second weekend of college im at a frat party, and I start talking to these two chicks with some random guy. It was a sloppy seduction, but I kept pushing to go back to my dorm hall and they all agreed.

Guy pairs off with his chick, and my chick says shes tired. I follow her upstairs (shes on the third floor) and tell her to give me a tour of her floor. She says im tired but I keep pushing and she agrees. We talk some bs and then I ask if shes seen my floor (4th).

She says no, and I tell she should come see it. Again the fucking "im tired" excuse.

We live with football players, and this big black dude is passing by and hears and says "no shes not tired". What a fucking bro!

She agrees and we go up to my floor, I give her a tour and suggest she see some of the cool posters in my room. Again the fucking "im tired" excuse.

I persist, but then I give up and say okay, walk her back to the elevator and say goodbye.

Im very pissed walking back to my room and two guys from my floor who were observing come to me as im entering my dorm and start talking shit.

What they said:
What the fuck was that?
You know Duke has a reputation for this?
Me: wtf are you talking about?
You tried to rape her
She looked freaked out
Me: buddy, i let her go, never once did I force her (i barely cupped her elbow)
WELL you were ABOUT TO!
Me: thats fucking bs! Good night!

Jealous white knights they didnt go out and get any. Fuck them.

I slammed my door shut and crashed my drunk ass to bed.
That was on a friday. Now flash forward to today (thursday, almost a full week later), I get an email from student services about a misconduct.

In summary, Im not allowed to be on her floor, or have any communication with her whatsoever. She has been informed of the same with you.

"you tried to make another student, XXXX XXXX, let you enter her room and then tried to force her to enter your room, both times without her consent."

I received this just before I was about to sleep, and i have an 830 tomorrow its 1am right now.

I am beyond livid, and I just need some advice on the next steps to take. I am already meeting with a school counselor tomorrow so I will try and keep a calm head and explain things thoroughly.

Thank you




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2018

I'm very sorry to hear your story. I'm not American, so my advice may worth as much to you.

One. You may be interested to hear Christina Hoff Sommers of the Factual Feminist. As far as I understand the main point is, not to have a trial by some bogus college code, but in front of the law of the country. As scary or frightening as it may already sound., it's just the way how I understand your system works. :/

Two. For next time. Let's say you are already not guilty. Let's assume, hope. You may be interested in checking about dating advice from white knight dating guru, Harris O'Malley aka. Dr. NerdLove. He is all about consent this, consent that, how to get her consent... Heck, I should be interested in checking out his work if I were ever to visit an unsafe country like yours. Most of you living in such countries, in that particular country might already want to heavily study his material as well. His book, YouTube channel, and column. You may find some of his advice ridiculous as I am, but hey! At least it's 100% on the safe side.

We are with you! The bottom line, it seems we can't escape this community to become a little more like Roosh's. At least a little. Some similar shit happened before with serious consequences. :(


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2013
If I were you I would be posting the advice request on a lawyers forum, not here.

You are being falsly accused of almost a rape man!

So now the way I see this is you have two options. Just let it go or "fight the case" Both are shit for you. Letting it go may mean that you indirectly agree with her accusations. That is bad because imagine tomorrow or in 3 months when you don't even remember this case she "overcomes her trauma" and decides to go to the police. Since you didn't protest, she could easily accuse you of rape and that would be a gigantic load of shit to you. On the other hand, letting it go may just freeze the conflict and it will eventually go away.

Personally, I would fight the case. It's you honor on the table man, you can't visit her floor? You are a fucking rapist or something? Why do you have these restrictions just imposed on you? Because you are attracted to a girl and wanted to fuck her? What is the crime in that? Where is her evidence that you tried to do something against her will? What is even the definition of that? In my understanding it should involve some sort of physical action from you such as grabbing her, puling her etc. Did you do any of those? Or you just kept it verbal? If so, then she is doing very serious false accusations. As I said, this is both morally and legally humiliating towards you.

If you let this one go, imagine some other bitch decides to do the same to you in the future and this shit will be on record. You will be seen as someone who does this on a regular basis. And it may get you in legal trouble.

Do you have witnesses? Who are the other two losers, the white knights? Are they her witnesses? What about the black dude that saw you can he be your witness? Btw, why were the white knights so offended? May you actually did try to pull her in?.. Be honest with yourself here..

Man if you can afford a consultation with a lawyer just fucking do it because this is a serious case that can have repercussions on you whole life. These shitty laws that are written to benefit women and men are always guilty no matter what are a fucking joke.

This is not a thread hijacking, but I've posted a rant about this some 3 weeks ago
precisely YOUR case, LMR and how you can get into a mess due to the dumbass feminist laws.

Let us know how it goes, I am very intrigued

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Yea, fuck that. Fight it tooth and nail, drag it into the legal sphere. Schools (at least in America where I'm assuming you are) can and will expel you based on accusation alone.

Most lawyers will do a free consultation with you to go over options, do it. And do it fucking yesterday. Skip class if you have to because this shit is much, MUCH more important.

What's more, I don't think it was even her that reported you. From the story I almost wonder if it wasn't those two jealous bitches you mentioned?

Sounds like they need some pranks to straighten out their behavior. Fuck 'em.

Trust me when I tell you, being labeled a sex offender is no joke. Doesn't even matter if it's legal or not. People that you were super close to you will turn on you and you can see it in their eyes, how they view you as some kind of disgusting monster. You don't want that, it wrecks havoc on your mind.

This is also why if I'm alone with a woman I have a recorder rolling. Double check state laws to make sure that audio recording is legal. Because if it's a woman's word vs a man's word the man is automatically guilty. That's how this country works now.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2013
Regal Tiger,

For real?? You have a recording rolling?.. Pff that's some extreme shit right there.. Is it necessary over where you live? Where I live the laws are a load of crap too btw! I just don't know if I would go to this extend to cover my ass.

This equal rights thing is totally going out of hands!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2018
Thanks for the support everyone :), it gives me comfort that I am not alone.

I should have seen this coming, I know remember she told me she is from LA. Those chicks are crazy (according to Tucker Max).

I just had a meeting with a woman from the office of student conduct, and it was actually the girl who reported the incident the morning after, and she was "terrified".

Apparently she didnt even stay in the same dorm the whole weekend because she didn't want to see me.

Also, all three testified to the lady I talked to today. They said I grabbed and pulled her, and put my hands against the wall trapping her in and she ducked under to escape. She said the two guys intervened to pull her away from me. I had a few drinks but I remember very clearly what happened.

It was actually all verbal until I cupped her elbow a little bit and gave her a light tug, but when she resisted I gave up and walked her to the escalator/stairs and said goodbye.

The woman basically told me about the "restraining order", but that it was not official investigation but not on my record. This does mean though that at any time during my 4 years at Duke she could reopen the case and pursue it further.

I explained that it is different in Peru where I am from, that a soft no like that is only like a "pretend or playful no", but now I realize college campuses in America are very fucked and you must get a "yes" in order to proceed with anything at all.

I do not have the skills yet to be able to bed women without problems like this. In an open world setting it would be fine, but the repercussions in college are really potentially bad.

I expressed my desire to possibly contact her in some way and apologize as I did not want her to feel the way she did about me. I communicated that I love women and would never force a woman to do anything she did not want to. But right now I have three witnesses against me, and they are lying. I was drunk enough to miss subtle cues, but really I remember everything very clearly, and she was very drunk as well.

I will keep you all updated,


Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
razir110 said:
Regal Tiger,

For real?? You have a recording rolling?..

You’re god damned right I do. No more fuckin risks

Pff that's some extreme shit right there.. Is it necessary over where you live? Where I live the laws are a load of crap too btw! I just don't know if I would go to this extend to cover my ass.

Let me tell you why: I was convicted of Sodomy (forced blowjob, which how tge fuck is that even possible to begin with??? The bitch has teeth) by a Jury when she herself got on stand and said that she said yes to sex!

This was the same chick that I asked her twice ‘what do you want?’

All it takes is her word and you’re fucked! Nobody gives a shit

How do you protect yourself? You fucking record it. Safe sex isn’t safe unless it’s recorded. Now, video is illegal so I just do audio. May someday do video too just in case

Because otherwise, as we’re finding out in the media: she can withdraw consent fucking years later. In some cases, there doesn’t even have to be sex for her to withdraw consent and cry rape

This equal rights thing is totally going out of hands!


Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
At least she isn’t pursuing it at the moment, so that’s awesome to hear Eli!

But still talk to a lawyer. Most of them will do a free consultation

Keep us updated


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017
EliAFutbol said:
Also, all three testified to the lady I talked to today. They said I grabbed and pulled her, and put my hands against the wall trapping her in and she ducked under to escape. She said the two guys intervened to pull her away from me. I had a few drinks but I remember very clearly what happened.
Holy fuck. I know there's some pussy-starved white knights out there, but wow I didn't know they would stoop to lying like that. Three against one, shit. Yeah, you really need to get legal advice here. If you get cleared you also might see if there's any action you can take against them; false accusation is actually a crime but it goes unpunished too often and that's how shit has gotten messed up to this extent.

Regal Tiger said:
I was convicted of Sodomy (forced blowjob, which how tge fuck is that even possible to begin with??? The bitch has teeth) by a Jury when she herself got on stand and said that she said yes to sex!
That's fucked.

If I understand, you're in the USA right? I read somewhere that the US Supreme Court found that state laws against sodomy are unconstitutional. I think it was a gay rights thing, because those laws (which I had gathered apply even to consensual acts) apply unevenly to homosexual vs. heterosexual sex. You might want to look into that! Maybe you could clear your name. As much as it could he hard and/or expensive to pursue.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2013
F*ck me.. What a bunch of cunts are there in your dorm! I'd change the dorm for starters if it can be done... I guess that the witnesses may be her little bitches that think they will fuck her or something by helping her against you or whatever, but man you should def get legal advice!

My course of action would be:

Before going to war, talk to the student officer, NOT TO THE GIRL DIRECTLY (don't even look at her from now on, don't seek contact) and ask to schedule a meeting with the girl, you and with the student officer as organizer. Say you must clear your name and you don't want your life in the US and college to start off like this. If she agrees to meet, indeed discuss what happened in detail, discuss wtf the witnesses saw. Make peace with her AND MAKE HER WITHDRAW THE COMPLAINT!!! If possible make the witnesses admit they are lying cunts. Try to talk to the black dude from the team! He can be your witness, it's very important!

If the peace doesn't' work out then tell the student officer you will seek legal advice and take legal action for defamation. AND FUCKING DO IT!!! You guys seem to be young, so I don't think that the witnesses, etc will be so brave to lie in court as they were to lie to the student off. They will shit their pants with the idea they will have to go to a serios trial and their lie will likely fall apart. But this is war, it's expensive, it's drawing your attention from the studies, it's bad for your mental health, etc. Avoid it at all costs, but be ready for it.

Cause this is what's fucked here, go to the police and say a girl raped you, I mean.. Now some bitch speaks against you and you are auto-guilty. Are you in the US on a student visa or something? You can even be deported for this shit.. With all Trump stuff happening you are not in a good position.

Just make sure you won't finish this case without a clear outcome! Her girlfriends may make up her mind to press charges against you or something, when you least expect.

Keep us informed!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2018
I talked to a guy who had actually been suspended for sexual assault on Duke. I just met him today, through a friend. He is the biggest natural I have ever seen.

He said that I am completely fine and that shit blows over. But he said to be careful. I requested contact with the chick so I can potentially mend things.

The move now is to start carrying around a tape recorder, never know when shit can go down.

The bitch is crazy even without the "restraining order" I would avoud her at all costs. Today even as I was going down the elevator in my dorm, it stopped on third. A chick was about to get on, and she saw me, then turned around and didn't get on.

Honestly I'm gonna stop giving a fuck and this thing will blow over. I know I did nothing wrong, so if they push anything, I can win. If not then whatever too.

Will keep you guys posted.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 15, 2013
Sometimes I feel sad that I didn't go to a college that had attractive women, but then I read stuff like this and it makes me feel better about missing out. I would be careful with the tape recorder because it's sometimes illegal to record conversations without the other party's consent. Lawyer up and shut the fuck up before you go to the lawyer.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2018
I just found out North Carolina is a one party consent state, meaning that only one party involved in the conversation needs to be informed of the recording.

Im good boys!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2013
Make sure to clear your name mate, I like your I-don't-give-a-fuck mentality, but these things spread fast especially on campuses and you know that in colleges, in the US, people love to label the "losers" "cool guys" etc so don't get the "rapist" label! Work in this issue mate..


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2018
Quick update,

This whole shit has largely blown over. I really don't give a fuck, and people have barely noticed at all.

I've run into this chick three times and not once did she seem "terrified" as she had stated to the school official.

I've focused on my schoolwork, working out, practicing my social skills, working on my vibe, and my Duke is big enough that I am not negatively affected with women all that much.

At parties and clubs I still pull as good as I have before.

I got the football player as witness, another guy who was with me before too, so if shit hits the fan I have some backup that can testify for me.

Fuck those two sjw guys tho, snakes

Again thanks for your support, college is still awesome and this is not gonna stop me, just make me a bit more careful.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2018

Almost every freshmen girl thinks that I fuck and rape many girls. I have been told by multiple close friends that being around me is not a "good look".

Few girls talk to me, and many actively avoid me. When talking to girls when I go out, some may not know me and are attracted to me and all goes as normal. But a girl will sometimes come up and whisper in their ear, and immediately they go cold and turn away.

A few nights ago I had this happen five times in one night for me, I was so depressed went back to my dorm alone and cried.

Now for the real update:

The bitch who accused me, accused me again of breaching my no contact directive.
Apparently at 12:30am on Saturday I went up to the girl and said, "Hi", and grabbed her arm. This was confirmed by one of her friends who was right with her who identified me as well. Her other friend didn't know who I was but also confirmed someone did what I just said.

So I get another email from the school student conduct counselor requesting another meeting.

The funny part out all of this is that I was not even in the state when this happened, I was at a soccer tournament in Virginia. I have my whole team as witness.

I meet up with the counselor and tell her this and she is shocked.
Insist that the girl is lying, and is out to get me.

Counselor says that it is a possibility, but also that the girl could have misidentified me.

Now, on my campus, I am pretty unique looking. There are very few hispanics, and I am one of them. And there is no way the girl could have forgotten what I look like.
And also the fact that two people specifically identified me, not just one, further strengthens my case for a conspiracy against me.

The counselor still doesn't buy it, and the girl is let of scotch free.

This is a golden chance to clear my name on campus, so I am looking into getting legal help before I proceed any further.
This bitch must pay, else she may fuck me up for real when I can't prove my location, or she may fuck up somebody else's life.




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017

Holy fuck. I'm so sorry to hear this, man.

Yes, please get legal counsel if at all possible. Not sure if there is some system in place that can help you with the cost where you live.

You should also describe to your legal counsel, and possibly also school counselor, how there is this widely spread reputation. These investigations should be confidential, I'd assume, so for you to have such a reputation, is her doing or else one of her witnesses. I would be proactive. The counselors have a responsibility to your well-being as much as they do to hers.

If you're being singled out for being hispanic, there could also be some kind of human rights complaint in order, although I expect that may be hard to prove.

If I'm correct you're in the USA, I suggest you read this three-part article in The Atlantic... some of this could be important to know:

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy
The Bad Science Behind Campus Response to Sexual Assault
The Question of Race in Campus Sexual-Assault Cases (worse for black men but still worth knowing)

Take care!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Eh man lame situation I agree brother but just be glad you aren't facing a rape charge and prison time man.

You just gotta ride this out and defend your name.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2013
1. Go to a lawyer.

2. Make it very clear to the student officer that she (the officer) is being biased in the way she is handling the case. Ones that bitch tells something about you, you are called to the office straight away. When you prove she was lying, nothing happens to her. How is it possible that she misidentified you? If you grabbed her arm you would be at 1 meter distance. There is no way to misidentify someone like this unless you have a 100% twin. That is clear defamation and the officer tells you like "oh that's alright, she probably just mistaken you with someone else".. for real?? Her reaction should have been to call that bitch to the office straight away.

Now about the girls turning away from you, etc. Sorry, but let me tell you that you are calling this upon yourself. Me and several other people here advised you to get legal counseling straight away and to not let the case go on without being solved. Apparently you decided to let it go and didn't get a lawyer. Now you have the results. And it will only get worse. The more you wait to get legal action, the less this action will help to clean your name since people will look at it as "the guy got so desperate of being a reject that now he is even suing the poor rape victim as a last resort to clean his name"

The only way to make that bitch feel in danger is so make her get an invitation from a court to testify. Because now she feels at complete advantage. It's pretty clear by the way she bullshits about you, she knows the laws are all on her side, the course officer appears to be on her side too and the shit reputation is all on you.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 15, 2013
I hate to break it to you but this is what happens when you don't understand politics. Not the left wing right wing kind but the office politics kind. The student officer not only is probably a leftist him/herself but works for an institution that needs to uphold its reputation and fight against any potential rapists because Duke needs to still be an attractive place for undergrads to go to and for alumni to be proud of. Scapegoats and martyrs that don't put a serious effort towards revolting show the general public that the university is doing something, so people like you are actually wet dreams for colleges. razir110 gave you the red pill you needed to swallow so get on the lawyer asap and get ready to threaten suing the university. This isn't the time to be afraid of your parents or anyone finding out you actually had sex with a few girls or to be whining how unfair the system is.

Also consider transferring elsewhere if necessary. Or you can just ride out college like me not doing much and doing things only for the six figure paycheck (or whatever your next step is) at the end.