inner game

  1. Darius

    When to cut ties with one specific girl.

    Hello everyone, and thanks for ending up on my post :) I just bought Chase's OneDate and TDA, and I feel like the information inside of them is pure gold. So thanks Chase! One thing I noticed is that previously my strategy was to do pretty much drop a girl if the relationship wasn't...
  2. Darius

    Drilling frame strength into one's bones

    Hello, first time posting on the forums but long time lurker, so feel free to go crazy on the jargon hahah :) I'm interested in how one can maintain one's frame strength over time, particularly after having been a weak man for a long time. I think most men that go through big transformations...
  3. T

    How Do You Strengthen Your Frame?

    I've been in the community for 4 years now (28 now, known about it since 2007 but couldn't practice it till recently due to logistical issues). I have an 8 lay count but I'm very in-experienced (only was really attracted to 2 of the girls I've layed, lost my vCard 4 years ago, had very little...