4 girls a day for 30 days challenge


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
Hi Gents,

I'm going to do the approach 4 girls a day for 30 days challenge starting today (15th of May 2024).

Last month I've approached 5 girls, got 3 numbers and one date. it's been the first time that I really did it with intention.

somehow the mix of fear and hesitation I have right now is one of 'that's not me' (doing cold approaches), than a fear of who am I when I really start doing it and a fear that I know from martial arts training - which is the more I go the more likely it is to get hurt - the more I approach the more likely it is for me to get a bad reception/rejection, have a bad approach/day whatever. so a fear of numbers because of the higher likelihood that I might have a bad experience.

I don't want to do the challenge and yet I want to do the challenge.

Today (15th of May):
I have a day off, the weather is good, so I'm gonna go walk through the city and the parks.

I'm gonna update this every day.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
so this was a battle.
reason I even did the challenge now was because for the last two weeks I couldn't get myself to properly approach.
so I was still fighting with this today.

I went out at 10:30am to the city and walked around. saw some girls I liked but didn't approach. waited for AIs.

then I realized I was mentally in a bad space (that it is a chore etc) so I went into myself for a moment and was like hey there are beautiful girls with great bodies and they give me a good energy I want to approach with - looked up and towards me came a women with features and a body just giving me that feeling (lol universe). and even better she held eye contact with me, broke it and just as we passed she quickly looked at my dick. and I stopped. turned around. and then I saw that there was a restaurant with people sitting outside just a few meters away from where she came from and I was like 'how's that gonna look' and also she caught up to some girls walking slower. and if I wasn't bald I could rip my hear out after for not having approached her.

walked around and didn't get anything done so went home at 2:30pm to eat and reset.
and to be honest I cried shortly at home for not having done any approach so far.

decided to watch the first video of Meet Girls Everywhere to get myself in a better headspace (having someone like Hector talking about approaching in such a cool and nonchalant way gives me a push in the right space in my head). screamed a few times because learned from my trainer that brings emotions into movement and opens up energy (anger specifically).

then went back into the city (~4pm)
20min later I walked towards the highest tower in the city to check out the prices there for the panorama terrace (want to go up there with friends soon). and on the way to the entrance a woman walked towards me and held nice eye contact. so I stopped and I was like 'not this time' and turned around and walked towards her. she was unlocking her bicycle and looked at me while I was walking towards her. I smiled. and said roughly 'hey I'm nervous right now but we just passed each other at the entrance and I had to come back because I find you attractive'. and she was happy about it. introduced each other. had a nice talk (I relaxed pretty quick). then asked her to meet up (in the heat of the moment I sometimes ask instead of saying I want to or we should). she said 'then let me give you my number'. she put the number in my phone, we talked a lil more before I said I let you drive home now and have a nice day.

I felt good.

saw one I liked but she had her arms wrapped around her body and looked angry but I was like 'okay fuck off signals but let's see' so walked up next to her while she waited at traffic light but as soon as I stood next to her she walked to steps away. I got the message.

then maybe just 20min after the first approach I saw a beautiful girl in the supermarket (I went into supermarkets today plenty of times each time just buying one small thing like a water or cooled coffee) and we passed each other and I just took her behavior at the cashout as an invitation (just to get myself to approach). so she left the store before me, I paid my stuff and went outside to find her. caught up to her at a moment with less people close to us because it was a crowded street in the cbd. stopped her from the side, she took her airpods out and looked at me and I told her we passed each other in the store but was too nervous to approach her inside and I'm still nervous but had to do it now because I find her attractive. she smiled and said thank you but I have a boyfriend. I said I can imagine that. she laughed and I wished her a beautiful day.

that felt good too. and then I realized I basically did that right in front of a cafe with lots of people sitting outside. so I just walked away from that place but it wasn't too bad :D

then I took a break but that also slowed my momentum down. then I walked a route where I didn't really got any good shots (of course I can always creat those). so walked to the central station and as I wanted to take the downstairs go go back outside I saw a beautiful woman approaching the stairs in my way from the bottom. so I stopped at the top, looked at my phone and as she was before me I looked up, we had eye contact, I smiled at her and said hi. it was basically a frontal stop without the police stop hand thing. maybe that was the reason she just looked at me and kept walking past me.

so here the problem might have been that I wasn't committed enough and to stop her properly. nonetheless it didn't hurt that much and I felt good having done a third one.

so for the fourth one that was a shit. walked around and it already got dark (so was out for like almost 5 hours on that second session now). and when I saw some I liked I either had the problem with people too close or her behavior stopped me. one seemed open but was on the phone. one I turned towards her and was about to approach but she turned away.

so then I was like fuck. then realized (maybe to have 4 anyways) that I did an indirect approach earlier but didn't count it as one because didn't go through.

I saw her from behind walking in front of me and she had a nice body. so caught up to her (we where at one of those open places in the city) because she took a pic of the area with the sun. so next to her I looked at her and said 'so you must be a tourist' and she laughed and said no she's from here but it looked so nice. thing is I saw here face now first time and it had nice features but bad skin. so I was put off. I said 'funny how one assumes someone is a tourist just because of taking pictures here'. she laughed and agreed. I wished her a nice day.

so don't know if this is an approach or not. besides I'm not that comfortable with going indirect and then moving it into romantic territory. but also haven't done that a lot so let's see.

so yes this was my day (literally the whole day).

so if you have some feedback that would be cool.

tomorrow I have to do this whole thing in a shorter timespan because of work. so I'm glad I did it today when I had the whole day for the first day.

tomorrow I have to get up early to be in the city early.

some insights from today:

- if I started walking towards her I have to pull through, stopping and waiting then feels weird
- people around fucks me up but shouldn't stop me
- can't rely on AIs to do the approaches in a shorter time
- 50% of girls have airpods in, but that shouldn't stop me, can't be that many who don't want to be approached

so see you guys tomorrow!

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
This is great! Way to push through and force yourself to achieve that goal. I wish I had that willpower most days. You got a number too!

Keep going, keep writing about your interactions and analyzing what you did well or could have done better. At the end of your 30 days I bet you see a MASSIVE improvement in your game.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
Thursday 16th of May:


got only 2 approaches in today.

so I already had problems leaving the house knowing I'm gonna have to approach.

so I left my home and went to a supermarket 3min away to just get an apple before going to the city. at the self checkout I saw a cute girl and she left just before I reached the checkout. so I thought to myself 'she is really cute and might as well get my first one out of the way as quickly as possible'.

so paid for my apple, went outside, saw her in the distance (same direction I was gonna go). so followed her, ran a few times to catch up to her. and it was perfect. caught up to her in the middle of a big bridge with only a few people passing by either on bicycle or by car. so caught up to her from the side, cupped her elbow, and looked at her.

she looked at me, took of her sunglasses and airpods and I told her 'hey I saw you in the store but didn't want to approach you in there and I'm nervous now but had to catch up with you because I find you really cute'.

her reaction was a mix of not knowing what happens and being a happy about it.
so introduced myself and asked her where she went to. same direction so I said let's just walk together.

interesting thing here again was as soon as we started a normal conversation I was pretty relaxed. I talk to people all day at work and talked to a lot in my life already so that shows me it's the nervousness of not having done too many approaches so far and because after the initial approach I know her reaction already.

so we walked quite a bit, and the talk was really nice. when we reached the traffic lights where she needed to pass to get her tram I told her 'hey it was nice talking to you, we should meet up sometime to continue'.

I can't really put her reaction into words but I said to her 'you are a little overwhelmed right now' and she laughed and agreed and said that this hasn't happened to her before. so echanged numbers and I wished her a great day.

so the first one was done. I walked towards the cbd and saw that I had brown stains on the back of my white button down. that made me self conscious. so my thought was to quickly buy a new shirt but all the stores were not yet open (8:30am).

while I stood with my back to a wall in a less crowded street to check all the stores a beautiful woman walked by me. no approach invitation and she seemed somewhat bitchy/closed, but I was like she's beautiful and no one around. so walked up to her from the back and said hey and she just looked halfway and continued looking forward and walked.

that sting was short but it stinged. but it's okay.

so then my plan was to get back home and change my shirt to go back. so navigated through the cbd in a way nobody could see my back :D (idk why this made me so self conscious). reached the tram station and stood there with my back to a pillar. a girl stood a few meters away and moved in my direction. she entered the tram through the same door as me. in the tram I stood with my back to the wall again. only thing in my mind was to get home and change but I still noticed her behavior. she left two stations before me and even went to stand right in front of me before leaving (so she passed the door to wait on the other side where I was).

I didn't follow her, I don't want to put it all on the stains but partly that.

so back home changed and then I didn't have much time left.

long story short I saw two more I really liked, one in the mall I quickly went to before heading to my friend to help him, but didn't approach and one when I was in the hardware store with my friend with an amazing ass and I suppose she even stayed close to us (my friend, his girlfriend, me). so yes even had a girl with us, and at the checkout I even told my friends I'm back in a minute and while they paid I walked back to find her but to be honest not totally with the intention to approach if I saw her. didn't see her.

so for the time helping my friend in his house I had bad mood.

after that went straight to work and after work drove to a different part of town to see what's up there (~9:15pm). walked through a store but and saw a cute girl on the street but didn't approach. after that went home.

so did only two approaches today.

same as the day before after two I have to figure out what it is. maybe willpower or fear.

so I suppose the challenge in the challenge is now to keep approaching after the second one still (and yes even approaching in the first place).

so had a rejection today that was probably the worst so far and an interaction that was probably the best.

today (Friday 17th of May) I don't have much time now left before work, I slept more last night since the last two night were neither good nor enough sleep but also I didn't have the hunger this morning to get up after not getting myself to approach more yesterday.

so I'm going to head out now before work to approach and after work.

let's work on that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 24, 2024
Great work!

Something is better than absolutely nothing. Just make up for the remaining two the next day.

A few things to help you:

1. When you go out to approach, you should think from the perspective of your dick. A bit crude, I know. But, you are approaching to romantically/sexually engage with a chick.

So drop the I'm nervous and I'm sorrys. You can just simply say Hi and smile if you don't know what to say.

If I am correct at cold reading you, you are nervous whether the girl will blow you out hard or tell you to fuck off. That happens rarely. So don't worry about that.

2. For rejections, repeat to yourself mentally before approaching, whenever you feel like your ego is going to get destroyed or you feel anxious or while she is rejecting you, 'If not, that's cool too. Everything is gonna be alright'.

Reinforce your mindset with positive things.
Blast songs like this (or podcasts, whatever you like) everyday on your way to work, on the way back. You will notice a difference in a couple of days.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
Great work!

Something is better than absolutely nothing. Just make up for the remaining two the next day.

A few things to help you:

1. When you go out to approach, you should think from the perspective of your dick. A bit crude, I know. But, you are approaching to romantically/sexually engage with a chick.

So drop the I'm nervous and I'm sorrys. You can just simply say Hi and smile if you don't know what to say.

If I am correct at cold reading you, you are nervous whether the girl will blow you out hard or tell you to fuck off. That happens rarely. So don't worry about that.

2. For rejections, repeat to yourself mentally before approaching, whenever you feel like your ego is going to get destroyed or you feel anxious or while she is rejecting you, 'If not, that's cool too. Everything is gonna be alright'.

Reinforce your mindset with positive things.
Blast songs like this (or podcasts, whatever you like) everyday on your way to work, on the way back. You will notice a difference in a couple of days.

thanks brother!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
so about day 3 (17th of May):

I didn't approach till 8:30pm.

so before work I didn't approach. after work I drove to a different part of the city, parked my car there and started walking.

and since it was already past 8 I was like I can't go home without a single approach today.

walked into a store and saw a cute asian girl there but hesitated twice. then passed her and she seemed closed so I dropped that and went to pay. when I left the store I saw that a beautiful woman with curly blonde hair had just entered the store (I truly liked her hair). tall. nice clothes.

I left the store and kept walking. and thought about her. shortly after I was like 'I have to approach today and I find her attractive so I'm gonna go back and force myself to wait in front of the store to talk to her when she comes outside'.

so did that. stood a few meters beside the entrance. she came outside and walked towards me. I walked a few steps in her direction from a slightly sideways angle from the front and stopped her.

told her 'hey I saw you when you walked into the store and I just left but I really liked your hair so I just thought I wait here to say hi'.

introduced myself.

talked to her for a few minutes. she even told me she finds me very sympathetic.
she even blushed at one point ☺

really beautiful. so after a few minutes I said 'I gotta go but I like to meet you again' and she said yes we can do that but on a friend's basis because she's got a boyfriend. and she added 'if that was your intention'.

I smiled and said 'naw the way I approached you...' and she smiled. so I just talk a few sentences more with her (really liked the interaction) and then wished her a great evening.

what I realized here was that I got questions pretty quick from the last three woman where I had a convo with. the one on the second day started asking me questions quickly and the blonde one here asked me pretty much straight away after we introduced each other if I live here.

interesting to see.

so after that one I took a tram and another one to get towards home. just before my home I passed a woman with nice black hair, a nice figure and a dog on a leash. it was already quite dark so I couldn't really see her face. I stopped. fought myself for maybe 20-30 seconds and decided to 'hey four is the goal so do at least two' so walked back and when I reached her I said 'hey you'. she looked slightly but didn't react so I said it again. she turned and I looked at her now with better lighting and she wasn't all that beautiful (looked worn down).

so this and the way she turned I quickly changed and said 'what breed is your dog?'
quickly talked about her dog, wished her nice evening and left.

so what I learned today is I have to force myself to approach and that approaching from behind with the 'excuse me' is a weird energy, maybe I haven't done it enough, don't know.

so off to another day!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
so about day 4 and 5:

day 4 I walked through the city to approach and to get back to my car. again hesitated too much wich two girls to approach.

when I got closer to my car and was also running out of time (had to get to work) I went into a store to buy an apple.

walked to the queue. the woman in front of my turned slightly and looked at me and she had something in her eyes, like a really soft energy that caught me.

so since we stood in the queue I went indirect and tapped her arm and said to her 'hey you've got a cool jacket' (she wore a jeans jacket like me). so I just said we match jacket and shoes but have to work on coordinating tshirts and trousers. than I looked at her and said she's got amazing eyes and then introduced myself.

just talked as long as we were in the queue and she told me to go in front. then I paid and lefz the store and waited outside. she came outside and smiled that I waited. continued talking to her and then told her I want to meet up with her so we exchanged numbers and when we said goodbyes she added 'text me'.

so that was the only approach I did this day.

today (day 5) I went out into the city to do an approach. it was already late because it was after work. I talked to a friend on the phone while walking and we talked about approaching.

while we talked I saw a girl on the other side of the street and saw that she looked at me again before we 'passed' each other.

I told my friend 'just stay on the phone' and muted both of us and immediately jogged across the street to catch her from the side (that was my quickest approach without hesitation).

and told her that I saw her and find her beautiful so that's why I sprinted across the street. thing I noticed here I was my nervousness didn't go down in the conversation as it did before probably because I immediately approached and didn't get myself into the situation before in my head.

the conversation was a little bit humpy this time and not so much flowing. but kept talking and found some good things to talk about.

but I still went for the ask out even though not really feeling it.

she said she's got boyfriend.

so I wished her a nice evening. after that went to eat something and went home.

so did only 2 approaches in fhe last two days but got a nice interaction started from indirect in a queue in a store where I still gave her compliments after the open and the other one I approached as quickly as never before.

I noticed that I sabotage myself in ways like leaving the house later which gives me less time thus less approach possibilities and so on.

and one big factor is people around and my fear of them seeing me getting blown off hard.

these fears I noticed now more clearly because of approaching and wanting to approach.

tomorrow I have a day off so can relax and have more time to approach.

also got asked today by text from the girl from the store yesterday if I've got time tomorrow.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
This is great to see. I love finding a journal like this.

Even without hitting the 4/day number you're still pushing boundaries and seeing results.

I hope other guys (members, lurkers) will check this journal out and consider making a regular effort to approach (rather than try to get themselves worked up for big singular outings... only to then not approach the whole rest of the time!).

Keep it up, @MachineConny!

& break a leg on the date with that convenience store chick ;)



Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 20, 2024
Bro ... I hope you realise how much you are SMASHING it.

I've just threw myself back into day game so I totally get where you are coming from with a lot of your comments. Keep at it man. The momentum you will get from following this through will be huge. You are already picking up phone numbers (and thats without even hitting your 4 a day).

If you can keep at it you are going to see so much progress.

I've stalled a little bit recently because I have had so much on in my personal life that I just haven't really had time to approach, but reading this journal has inspired me to get some approaches in this week.

Also - one mindset that has helped me on days where I have said to myself "I must do X amount of approaches today" is to almost say to myself "i literally don't care how this approach goes, I'm only interested in getting through my approaches". I'm not sure if that is great advice, but it really helped push me into sets and almost remove my attachment from the outcome. BUT ... it may have made some of my approaches a bit sloppy because I didn't really think too much about what I was saying. But if you are having one of those days where you just can't approach, maybe try saying to yourself "i don't care how this goes I just need to get through my approaches".


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
This is great to see. I love finding a journal like this.

Even without hitting the 4/day number you're still pushing boundaries and seeing results.

I hope other guys (members, lurkers) will check this journal out and consider making a regular effort to approach (rather than try to get themselves worked up for big singular outings... only to then not approach the whole rest of the time!).

Keep it up, @MachineConny!

& break a leg on the date with that convenience store chick ;)

hey Chase,

thank you for your reply, encouragement helps me a lot!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
Bro ... I hope you realise how much you are SMASHING it.

I've just threw myself back into day game so I totally get where you are coming from with a lot of your comments. Keep at it man. The momentum you will get from following this through will be huge. You are already picking up phone numbers (and thats without even hitting your 4 a day).

If you can keep at it you are going to see so much progress.

I've stalled a little bit recently because I have had so much on in my personal life that I just haven't really had time to approach, but reading this journal has inspired me to get some approaches in this week.

Also - one mindset that has helped me on days where I have said to myself "I must do X amount of approaches today" is to almost say to myself "i literally don't care how this approach goes, I'm only interested in getting through my approaches". I'm not sure if that is great advice, but it really helped push me into sets and almost remove my attachment from the outcome. BUT ... it may have made some of my approaches a bit sloppy because I didn't really think too much about what I was saying. But if you are having one of those days where you just can't approach, maybe try saying to yourself "i don't care how this goes I just need to get through my approaches".
thank you, I thought I'm gonna be ripped apart for not hitting what I said I'm gonna do but this pushes me also!

yes I can see that problem with the approaches being half assed and then they also don't feel good when doing them. but it still gives feedback, even that it's better to put everything in it (though some days the vibe just isn't there that much).

glad I could inspire you to go after it again, nice side effect of this journal and motitaves me too! :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
so about yesterday (day 6) and today (day 7).

yesterday I left house pretty late and I just couldn't get myself to approach.
idk maybe it was time to reflect those first 5 days and let them integrate but it just was like a wall I couldn't get through.

so I said to myself to drop approaching for today and to get ready and safe my energy for the date (approaching burns a lot of mental energy for me and tires me through living through the fear and adrenaline).

so met up with my date, we walked around a park, then went to eat something small and have some drinks sitting outside in a nice street.

then we got up and walked towards the stop where I had to get my bus (I didn't go for going home with her, maybe I could have but also she told me she's on her period (but that was within another topic which was driving to a lake spontaneously to go swimming) and her son was at home).

but halfway between the restaurant and my stop I stopped walking, looked at her for a little while, pulled her in and we kissed.

kissed a few times more on the way to the stop, at the stop too and said 'next time we drink a lot of wine and smoke a cigarette' (that theme came up over the date so it was an easy setup that we kinda both came to build). and kissed again and I went into the bus.

nice and beautiful experience.

inside the bus I joined a group call with two friends and one of them told me to get of at that stop after I told him I'm close to his house. so went to my friends place and we smoked a jonny (I hope I can write this here) and this also helped me to relax and let those prior days digest.

and it helped because this morning after leaving his place like 2pm-ish I went into a store and when I entered a beautiful girl walked towards me, looked at me and looked down. so while getting my first item (an apple again, hehe) I already could feel my nervousness rising because I knew I was gonna approach her now. so walked behind her, caught up to her in an empty isle and (this time I was nervous that it also made my approach feel a bit less powerful) tapped her on the elbow, she took out her airpods, I smiled at her said hi and told her that we passed each other just now at the entrance and she pretty quickly interrupted me and said she has a boyfriend (not in a rude way, more neutral), and added if that was why I approached her. I said yes that's why and wished her a nice day and she wished me one too.

still shaked when I paid but okay, that's how it still is with me right now.

than I sat down at a bakery to have a coffee outside.

and I saw a really beautiful girl with a nice body and an very open seeming body language and facial expression walking by.

and I felt like this approach would go well.
but interesting that at this stage having to empty my now only lukewarm cup of coffee (two sips) and bringing my cup inside the bakery (which would have taken all but 10 seconds) to then go after her was inertia to not getting myself to do it.

sitting there I knew this goes fast but still didn't act on this.

and I beat myself up on my way home. but also those approaches not done I've found a lot of times get me to approach the next time I'm in a similar situation and remember the regret from last time.

after that walked home, no more approach, had something to eat and went to bjj training (which I didn't do for a week now because approaching took my entire head space for the last days) and that was a good refresher for my mind :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
also set up a date now for friday with that girl from day 2 I approached in the morning after seeing her at the checkout and sprinting after her catching her in the middle of the bridge. she offered me today and friday so I took friday.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
gents, about day 8 and 9.

yesterday I didn't approach (didn't even go out). but used that time to reflect and messaged a friend who also did approaching last year.
also had some interesting experiences yesterday with women around me, like something opened up inside me that allowed those things (energy).

today I approached one. when we wanted to exchange numbers we did this thing where you hold the iphones together but unfortunately she didn't have her number in her contact card, so now I've only got her email and sent her a message there (I have never done this before and she suggested it, but now I know of this problem and will probably go for normal numbers exchange).

I put the 'I'm nervous' back into my opener, because I am and just stating it/putting it out there makes me less nervous and gets me to relax more as I don't have to hide it anymore. and girls don't seem to mind it.

my friend also said he likes it because it's authentic.

the other thing I talked with him about was the fear of people around. this is the biggest hurdle right now it feels to me.

I know I should do those approaches with people around in particular to get the reference points that it's okay but it is another fear added on the approach fear which is a lot right now.

do you guys have some good tips/insights about approaching with lots of people around (who either not belong to her or do).

I feel like the whole crowd is gonna attack me either because I just talked to that girl or because she rejected me.

on the other hand interesting to see what fears I have.

I'll keep you updated, next thing is I want to approach a girl who is with a friend of hers.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 20, 2024
Bro the thing about approaching with others around ... I have a similar fear, maybe not as intense as you.

I tend to wait for the 'perfect' set ... a hot girl who is on her own and not near a crowd. But they are few and far between!

Today I broke through a limiting belief and approached a girl on a busy train platform. I started talking to her and number closed her. What I noticed is ... once you are in the set / talking to her ... you forget about all the other people (and she does). Also nobody, literally nobody is watching you. They don't care. They are busy, thinking about their own things. Also ... literally everyone has headphones in these days. Nobody can even hear you lol.

Think about it ... I would say 7/10 times I approach a girl I have to wait for her to take her headphones out to deliver my opener. This is actually one of my sticking points. The other day I was kinda waiting awkward whilst she took her headphones out, and the awkward pause made me fck up the opener. What I'm going to do now is just start talking on the assumption that she can hear me ... rather than just standing there silently and/or making sign language whilst she is taking her airpods out.

Anyway bro, I'm going through a similar process as you ... testing new things, seeing how far I can push it. My next step is similar to you ... approaching a girl when she is with a friend during the day. It takes BALLS. but we can do it. Its not biggy. Guarantee they will love it and be flattered even if they are not single. In some ways its kinda easier because there are two people to banter with, and they will feel less intimidated because there are 2 of them. So probably more open to chatting. So I'm going to force myself to open a 2 set during the day this weekend. Lets do it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 4, 2022
Bro the thing about approaching with others around ... I have a similar fear, maybe not as intense as you.

I tend to wait for the 'perfect' set ... a hot girl who is on her own and not near a crowd. But they are few and far between!

Today I broke through a limiting belief and approached a girl on a busy train platform. I started talking to her and number closed her. What I noticed is ... once you are in the set / talking to her ... you forget about all the other people (and she does). Also nobody, literally nobody is watching you. They don't care. They are busy, thinking about their own things. Also ... literally everyone has headphones in these days. Nobody can even hear you lol.

Think about it ... I would say 7/10 times I approach a girl I have to wait for her to take her headphones out to deliver my opener. This is actually one of my sticking points. The other day I was kinda waiting awkward whilst she took her headphones out, and the awkward pause made me fck up the opener. What I'm going to do now is just start talking on the assumption that she can hear me ... rather than just standing there silently and/or making sign language whilst she is taking her airpods out.

Anyway bro, I'm going through a similar process as you ... testing new things, seeing how far I can push it. My next step is similar to you ... approaching a girl when she is with a friend during the day. It takes BALLS. but we can do it. Its not biggy. Guarantee they will love it and be flattered even if they are not single. In some ways its kinda easier because there are two people to banter with, and they will feel less intimidated because there are 2 of them. So probably more open to chatting. So I'm going to force myself to open a 2 set during the day this weekend. Lets do it.
hey bro thanks for your input, it really helped me a lot!

also what you mentioned with the train platform.
the thing is I also didn't do a lot of approaches the last days because of people so my input of time and output of approaches is very inefficient right now because I tend to wait for a girl who is somewhat alone.
that's also why approaching was so tiring lately. when I face that I can do much more in a shorter time.

what you said with the headphones and standing there - so far I just kept looking at them and smiling and it worked quite well. you can see it kinda like a small build up where you let her anticipation grow to what's to come. also easier the more we know we can sweep her of her feet with the opener.

thanks brother. keep it up!