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A Challenger Approaches


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
RE: So you think you're a god?

Challenge terms:

30 day, point based competition. We're here for results, not vanity metrics- a lay is a point, fellatio a half point.

Stakes: Winner gets to choose loser's profile pic and forum name for a month, as well as bragging rights under god in perpetuity.

Should either of us fail to score any points, a third party will choose both of our names and profile pics.
Should we end the 30 days at a tie above zero, the time will be extended by 30 days and the tie can only be broken by a full point.

We'll be using this thread to chronicle our work, posting at least once every five days.

It starts tomorrow, October 10th 2022.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Time for a check in. My post will be brief as I don't want to keep up with two journals, or cross post my most recent journal entries.

What I've been doing in the last 3 days:
1. ironing out fundamentals- practicing silent street game openers to get body language and vibe down pat (monday)
2. starting to employ reality paces- using evocative, descriptive language to convey feelings rather than facts (tuesday)
3. being more sexually charged- flirting with more explicit sexuality (wednesday)

as well as a million tiny baby steps towards my game and non-game related goals. You can check my progress out in greater detail here

Today, I traveled back to my hometown, where I will be for most of this weekend. Since I will likely never see any of these girls again (as opposed to college), my mission is to make my sexual interest abundantly clear and see how far I can get.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021

Bruh, I'm quite lost.

God Mode Mist

The 30-day challenge with fog continues (the extra stipulation is I get 100% hook rate every day). 16 days in and I'm honestly tired af and need to hunker down hard for 4 days. The start was September 30th - end was October 15. Too much to even think of going out of the house tbh.

With this comes the end of God Mode Mist :(.

Dude Mode Mist

This is additionally day 6 of the greatest battle of all time against Mav. The start was October 10th. I do not quit this.

My journal is on pause and will remain so until the completion of both of this challenge.

Here's why you I'm the best

3 instant dates.

4 leads. ( I debated adding more, but I'm going to say these are the more solid ones. )

0 lays

0 head

1 play (First booty call ever.)

General Sticking Points
  1. I go about emotional stimulation in a harmful way to my sexual and social frame keys.
  2. I am very bored in long-form seductions.
  3. Risk-averse and lacking proximity to tangible escalations.
  4. My warmth isn't genuine. Hard to fake it too as I find I'm more of a guarded person than that seducer on the attack.
  5. Demotivated with contact closes. Overwhelmed. Chicks in my phone last from 1 to 3 days before the momentum is gone.
  6. Never moving quite as fast as I think she'd like. I haven't pushed too far since May 2021.
  7. Negative future projection occasionally comes into my inner game in my sets. Anxiety about I'm wasting time.
  8. Knowing what to do but not doing it due to fear.
  9. I do not make enough effort to isolate and when I make the effort.
  10. I am inconsistent in putting women at ease in cold approach.
  11. Social Circle seductions are played so safely I never even ask for compliance.

I'mma is honest. Been busy af and I don't remember nor note every interaction down to the letter without considerable effort. I'll condense it to my most telling interactions. Tons of women, but mostly follow these themes.

1. HBRacist

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro
  1. Bad joke over text killed the social frame
  2. uncalibrated narrative
  3. Investment mismatch
  4. Too dancing monkey
  5. Interest, but untapped sexual vibe and proximity.

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro
  1. Lack of time
  2. Untapped sexual vibe
  3. Moving way too slowly for her windows
  4. Friendly
  5. Playing it safe
3. HB:|

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro
  1. Playing it safe
  2. Logistics of our working and school lives
  3. Bored AF texting her
  4. Moving way too slow
  5. Apprehension towards her personality type (Madonna whore complex)

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro
  1. Dancing monkey
  2. moving too slow
  3. Didn't address the objections
  4. Social frame just off
  5. I added her sister and mom joined the set

5. HBDakota

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro
  1. Moving too slow
  2. Playing it safe
  3. Madonna Whore Complex (she's taken which messes with my head)
  4. Intimidation with her being older and outlier SC
  5. No proximity, touch, or real sexual moves

6. HBWinnin'

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro
  1. Long response times
  2. Sorta not sure when to make my move with the vibe
  3. Logistics
  4. Moving Slow
  5. Gaming her around my friends made me self-conscious.

7 - 8. HBred and HBNee 2-set

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro

  1. I complied like a fucking chump. Also waited.
  2. Improper use of teasing
  3. Dancing monkey
  4. Congruence, social frame, and emotional stimulation all off
  5. Involved an outsider in my set like a fucking chump

9. HBCushion

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro

  1. I was very haste in closing
  2. Confusion on how to handle the text game
  3. Momentum in the initial approach
  4. I am doing something off or have done so before where she goes completely silent at any date planning
  5. Texting investment
10. HBAfrica

TL;DR/Why no fuck bro
  1. Not handling her objections
  2. Logistics
  3. Old set with a long history of flaking causing me apprehension
  4. Not sure how to pursue a chick who throws signs out there but is otherwise not compliant when it comes to date setting.
  5. Moving slow af
In Conclusion

I might elaborate these sets as I see fit or requested.


(@fog 30 day challenge continues. I wrote I quit and couldn’t stomach it. Went to a comedy club and made an approach…no hook. Went to Walmart and got the hook.

even if you’re tired get out there my friends :)

God Mode Mist Lives! I am the pinnacle! Rip Dude Mode.)
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
hmm, your game is probably better than mine; you can probably get more consistent hooks, instadates, etc... but I don't give a fuck.
Not having good enough game is NOT the reason either of us aren't getting laid right now.

Right now, all my 'leads' have fizzled out except for a date (hangout?) scheduled for tomorrow, which I have high hopes for. Other than that, all I have are a few open social circle loops that I'm going to test out later this week.

In conclusion, fuck your god mode, I'm on go mode. It's go time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
In conclusion, fuck your god mode, I'm on go mode. It's go time.

Before I've even responded everyone reading is like

God Mode Mist is the wave, vibe, and religion. This post is an instant classic to showcase this point further.

hmm, your game is probably better than mine; you can probably get more consistent hooks, instadates, etc... but I don't give a fuck.
Not having good enough game is NOT the reason either of us aren't getting laid right now.

Right now, all my 'leads' have fizzled out except for a date (hangout?) scheduled for tomorrow, which I have high hopes for. Other than that, all I have are a few open social circle loops that I'm going to test out later this week.
Bacchus told me there is always a missing piece.

Currently both our sticking points are not pushing our interactions in person to their most SDL extreme. Gun stated his results, paired with mirror neurons, went up 25-50% when he adopted "Make The Ho' Say No."

Skills has stated and shown his chicks infield would fuck him on the night he grabs their number. Prides his interactions as being very good.

volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume

any problem I have can be solved with more volume, by talking to more girls and spending more time in those interactions.

Yes, but if you're working out or developing a skill - sets focused in on your sticking point or isolated portions are worth more but not as fun.

Better game means less volume. You use volume to get there, but not weak sauce interactions...get to the hook and get further in EACH set in person.

Why approach 10 when you have high odds of getting laid within 9?


Anyway my phone leads have fallen off or stagnated and txt to meet is a pipe dream with most of them as well.


Tell me if that is better game my friend? (Yes it is...all of them are at a lost of words after confronted with my godliness.)

*I will note those listed above are selected sets out of a 16 day approach/game marathon. It's not EVERY set.*

"In conclusion, fuck your god mode, I'm on go mode. It's go time."

Go Mode Mav3rick...
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Yes, but if you're working out or developing a skill - sets focused in on your sticking point or isolated portions are worth more but not as fun.

Better game means less volume. You use volume to get there, but not weak sauce interactions...get to the hook and get further in EACH set in person.

Why approach 10 when you have high odds of getting laid within 9?
I'm talking about volume of quality interactions. Having 10 encounters of a sexual nature instead of 2, spending 2 hours with the girl as opposed to ten minutes. You're right though; doing too many approaches can take time away from the girls that really matter.

It's a classic example of Goodhart's Law: when a measure becomes the target, it ceases to be a good measure. Yet, in this case, talking to more girls more often and for more time is how I will progress the quickest.

And honestly, there is no Go Mode Mav3rick. Just mav3rick, and that's enough for me.
God Mode Mist is the wave, vibe, and religion. This post is an instant classic to showcase this point further.
I'll believe it when I see it ;)
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Nothing too long.

Lost all my contact leads.

Momentum, getting to the ask, and social frame seem to have been the culprits.

Reapproaches are going funky. basically as Will_V states
Should have persisted on the date, she got very warm with all the sex talk and you didn't seal the deal, now she's cold.

Sex talk is a bit like kissing, it's a form of escalation, and once the escalation train starts it either gets to the final station or goes off the rails.

Don't blame her, this is how women behave when they get the female equivalent of 'blue balls' - i.e. their defenses are penetrated but there's no conclusion. This makes them feel like you are not a strong leader. This is probably why she wanted your number etc because she got attached to the idea of getting intimate with you and wanted to be connected, but then reflecting later she just felt weird because nothing happened.

Hard to say what you could do now, but personally what I would try is something like:

'hey sorry I couldn't have you over before, was super tired from work .. we should do drinks at mine later this week tho, do you like wine" or something like that.

Frame it as it having been a circumstantial issue rather than a choice of hers, and that you had decided that it wasn't going to happen (which in a way was true, since you didn't persist) but now you realize it made her feel bad and you're going to fix it by leading.

At least that's a better option than playing passive aggressive games, which girls virtually never lose.

Midterms, work, and events really backed me into a contact grabbing corner, but I’m not pressed anymore.

Not surprised and not too concerned as I have work to do with revamping my emotional stimulation and upgrading my social frame. Textgame is for later. SDL tech and moves for today. No more blue balls for these chicks ;)

Hard leaning into tension and not being a funny guy. Getting very close though.

Going to go extreme for awhile. Minimize or stop laughing, reacting, joking completely. Shouldn’t be too hard…most these hoes boring af.

9 days left in my 30 day challenge with fog and 19 with mav

God Mode Mist is out!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
8 days remain.

I’m behind on a report I likely won’t finish it in time as I am trying to write transcripts which are timely.

But I’ve gotten so really nice SDL improvements and keyed into some glaring holes that have stagnated my progress and limited my potential.

not going to spill much more.

but God Mode Mist!

0 and 0 😩

But don’t underestimate us…you never know


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I can't lie, I've been acting pretty gay this past week. I've only hit on a handful of girls, and haven't been out 'to game' really at all. A look at my current priorities led me away from cold approach, and then I got sick, which doesn't lend itself to going out and talking to lots of women.

So I slowed down considerably, but I'm still moving in the right direction, so I'm not mad.

As soon as this congestion clears up, I'm gonna go find a sexy lady to holler at. We'll see where it goes.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I'm choosing @madala to do my loser name and pic. The competition phase 2 will begin in 5 days. I believe mav is experiencing health shiz.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
[Phase 2 begins on the 18th of this month. Participators will have an updated stakes and rules.]

Mist no longer.

I have lost my godhood, lost the first half of the bet, lost my challenger...

I'm still the best.

I'm the hottest trash on this forum and I'm looking for someone to try and shut me up.

Phase 2 is coming! Perhaps more than wants a shot at this?

PM me or @me in the chat.

Don't be scared I lost the first half. You have a head start I promise :)

- Hottest trash in the game

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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Mist no longer.

I have lost my godhood, lost the first half of the bet, lost my challenger...
I was wondering what happened to you, I was reading back some of my old stuff and there was those comments by "trashcan", and I'm like who tf is that, then I found this thread lmao


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I was wondering what happened to you, I was reading back some of my old stuff and there was those comments by "trashcan", and I'm like who tf is that, then I found this thread lmao
trashcan era was a doosy man bro haha glad to see you back as well

You'll get your grounding in no time