For me I remember, I think it was
@Will_V who told me in one of my first posts, that I didn’t have enough experience to really analyze the data (the post was about my first 10 approaches), and that 100 is a better reference point to start drawing conclusions.
and at first I was like “holy shit how am I gonna do 100?”
But with time, I made it a lifestyle, and soon approaching was easy for me (it took about three months to get to that point)
So yeah don’t think of it as a race to get to 100, because from your perspective, even doing one approach is really hard (it was for me too), but if you set realistic goals, like: I’m gonna approach at least one girl every time I go out (which is what I did) soon you’ll find yourself doing 3 approaches each time, and then 6, and then 10.
I wanted to quit a lot too, but the prize seemed better than the punishment
Don’t focus on making vibes yet, just be aware and observe, be a sponge and soak up all of the details of how your nonverbals cause her reactions and how her reactions cause you to react. You don’t want to really think but just expose yourself. After the interaction you can write down notes on what happened, and your thoughts and guesses as to what causes what. Then if you want you can share your field report in the forum and we’ll help you.
Use your urgency to work harder, but don’t rush the process. When we rush we tend to be sloppy. With patience we can focus on what we need to work on at the right pace. Your not only learning how to fuck girls, your also learning how to heal yourself from whatever is holding you back, everyone has a reason for the way they feel, I’d assume there’s some belief about yourself that is giving you low self esteem, and when you fix it, this process will become much easier and you won’t run into as many problems with girls.
everyone has positive qualities, maybe your funny or your creative or your honest or compassionate these are all things that could be on the inside that you haven’t shown others because your not being authentic to yourself just yet. It takes courage to be yourself. As become more comfortable with these women, they will start to notice who you are and some of them will like who you are.
The fundamentals take time, but they only enhance your personality and characteristics, they don’t change who you really are, so don’t think without the good fundamentals you are valuable, your like a moth in the cocoon or something
The truth is better then the lie, you just can’t see that yet
Looking forward to your next field report, you better make one!