Can't stop looking at others


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 17, 2019
Over the years I've been trained myself to have better posture, talk slower, etc. But for some reason I cannot stop checking out women or even people in general. I look at people when they are walking by. I look at people when I am walking by. I tired to condition myself to keep my head and eyes straight but I like looking at other people too much.

I've read the post on using peripheral vision. That's just hard with glasses and contacts are too uncomfortable to wear everyday.

What can I do? Do I just need more determination? More discipline? Or are there exercise and steps for this?

Can you teach me how to respond better when I get caught?

Usually I panic and frantically look away or do a meek smile. I probably do these things because I don't want my co-workers to think I'm leering at them as it's especially awkward when it happens at work. I don't want women at work to think I'm a creep who stares at them. Maybe they already do.

Is there a difference between looking at a female co-worker and a cute girl when I'm out and about?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2014
What’s up pika pika!!

Yeah you gotta have discipline to not do it so much, or better yet do it quickly.

How are you starring at everybody? Are you starring at everyone and they are noticing? If so, then yeah, you can’t do that.

I do tend to look at a lot of girls when I’m out and about, I try to see if they’re looking at me for an approach lol.

With me I take a glance very quickly, I don’t turn my head or anything, just move my eyes over then keep it moving.

In one of the newbie assignments they want you to look in people’s eyes to develop better eye contact, then you give them a nod or say hi.

I have tried smiling, but I give off a smile that isn’t as good as I thought, so I’ll work on that more.

I would say with a co-worker be as cool as possible, don’t look at her like you want her unless you’re working at a job you don’t care about. You shouldn’t look at women you don’t know like you want her either at first before she shows you attraction.

There’s articles that go more in-depth on how you should look at women you approach.

For me, I don’t really think about how I look at females exactly.

I would just keep it the same with how you look at coworkers and out and about until you understand eye contact better.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
It's all about frame buddy. When you walk in like a confident man as if you own the place, you don't second guess if you are looking too long. It's exactly as the Tywin Lannister quote : " a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of sheep". This doesn't mean start behaving like a retard, but it's a part of dominance. You can calmly scan the environment: no big deal. Or you can very flightily start scanning everywhere looking for threats and opportunities: weak and needy. Develop your core confidence. I know quite a tall order to do in short time. People can sense your vibe, so you have to work with that.

Become the Mewtwo my friend.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 24, 2019
Agree with what Subzero and Darknight have said already. Do that stuff, and you'll be able to Squirtle all over her Lickitung in no time


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 17, 2019
lol, how are we all video game characters? Thanks for the advice :)