FR  Chipping away at Approach Anxiety


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Approach 1
Approached girl in a cute yellow dress and nice legs sitting in a bench right before I go to the gym. I did a back and forth to get a good look at her before I approached. I went up to her after some mild resistance. Say excuse me wanted to say I like your dress or something like that. She said thank you. She spoke very softly I could barely hear anything she said. I tried introducing myself and I didn't even hear her response. She was not compliant at all so I left her alone. This was before I even got to the gym to workout.

Approach 2
Leave the gym. See some spanish looking lady a bit old in the face,but her body looked nice in leggings. She goes into an outdoor market,leaves and I walk after her and open her in spanish and ask if she can speak english and she says a little bit. I tell her I think she looks nice. She says thank you,but doesn't display much interest. I ask her if she has a bf or husband she says bf so I just tell her bf is lucky and have a nice day. Had pretty soft,weak tonality as I spoke.

Approach 3
I see a blonde spanish lady in leggings whose ass looked nice. I pulled up aside her said excuse me I wanted to say I think you're cute. She didn't really understand english so I converse with her in spanish and tell her that I think she looks nice. She laughs, says gracias and appreciates the compliment. She's dominican and tells me her english is limited and I ask if she practices by taking an online course and she says yes. Then I ask her if she has a bf or husband and she says she has a bf. I say her bf is lucky she giggles and I tell her to have a good day in spanish and adios and she says the same.

Approach 4
I see a spanish woman whose ass stuck out in a colorful dress. She didn't speak english and didn't give me much of a reaction after I told her she looked nice in spanish. She just said oh gracias and kept it moving. I leave her alone and keep it moving myself.

Approach 5
I saw a woman in a olive green dress with a fat ass (possibly fake) typing on her tablet on the hood of her car. She wasn't that cute in the face when I approached her. I went up to her told her she looked nice in that dress. She says thank you I joke about her cracked tablet and her using it outside her car. She said she was waiting for her kids and had one in the car. I ask her if she's married and she says yeah. I tell her no problem and her kid comes back and we say bye to each other and I wish her a good day.

Approach 6
This isn't really of a cold approach on the streeet more hired gun game,but I went to Buffalo Wild Wings and decided to eat inside. There was this cute server and I struck up a conversation with her from my table while she is sitting across the bar. I open her by asking what she knows about the nyc dining restrictions. Then we expand the convo and we elicit each other's values on masks, covid,social distancing,vaccine and how silly some of these rules are. We discuss our careers in similiar fields and how covid altered our path. She's paying off nursing school by working here. I joke around and banter with her and we have a good time. Tell her if she wants to be a nurse to get ready for her Covid jabs she laughs. She's a really sweet girl. I pay the bill thru phone link and she thanks me for paying. I tell her I really liked talking to her and she says reciprocates and says she liked our talk. Tells me I can catch her there in the mornings or something. I tell her I think she's super dope and cute and don't want her to get in trouble,but ask if she would be down to hangout when she's not working. She smiles and says she has a bf and apologizes in the most sincere way possible,but says I can still come visit. I tell her not a problem, she doesn't have to apologize and wish her well and she says thank you so much. She's very flattered. That interaction I had really good eye contact and excellent vocal tonality because I was inside and had to speak from so far.

Approach 7
I completed my daily goal of approaching/asking 5 women out,but I see a dominican woman with a nice fat ass and a sexy hip swerving walk pushing a cart and thought fuck it why let all this momentum go to waste I could do another approach. I jog up catch up to her open from the side and tell her I think she's sexy after looking her up and down while trying to be genuine. She says thank you,but doesn't really hook. I try to persist a bit by making some cold reads,but she doesn't really offer much investment. I just tell her that her husband is a lucky man and wish her a good day and she says thank you.

Was a really good outing for me. I had plenty of daylight and could've done more approaches,but I just went back home to unwind. Approached 7 women and made up for yesterday. I hit some new milestones. Approached a girl before I went to the gym,approached multiple women right after the gym, approached without meditating and approached 4 women in rapid succession in a 10-15 minute timeframe along the same street and I even asked out a server. Idk if the 4 approaches back to back to back is shotgun approaching,but fuck it every approach is beneficial for me.At this rate maybe I get the pua reputation in my neighborhood that I was so afraid of lol. I find myself pushing past resistance much more easier and feel an urge to go talk to women if I like how they look.

I spoke to 5 women who had boyfriends/husbands. I'm starting to experience how difficult it is to find single women and how common women are in relationships as I approach more and more.
Redpill boys say women are hypergamous, cheating sluts lol. Didn't help me out one bit.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017
First, congrats on getting out there and doing lots of approaches, thatʼs great, man!

Iʼve done pretty well with the approaches Iʼve done, but I  just donʼt do anywhere near enough. The only time I  ever did that many in one day was during a cultural event where the street was just packed with the type I  go  for (black  girls). Usually, approach anxiety kills me, partly because I  donʼt get  along with my cityʼs demographics; Iʼm going to move as soon  as I  can.

Anyway, I  have one big suggestion.

I  would avoid asking if the girl has a boyfriend.

As youʼve observed, most attractive women will at any given point have a man in the picture in at least some capacity. This does not mean she is unavailable to a sexual man, and if you limit yourself to women who are totally single, you do yourself a disservice, if nothing else because there will be very, very few options.

More importantly, it tells her that you donʼt “get  it.”

As such, you may wind up either rejected outright, or else roped into the “provider” role. Very crucially, you should not be looking to become her boyfriend — it puts you on the losing side of natureʼs equations.

In my personal experience, you should probably get laid after about 60 approaches and possibly even less. (It  took  me about 60, but in retrospect I  had a girl open to  it well within the first 20, and another within 40 or  so, before the one I  finally  did  lay.) If youʼre getting laid, awesome, man! If not and youʼve done more than that  many approaches, you probably need to change something, and the first thing Iʼd look  at is your attitudes on monogamy.

Iʼd suggest to not idealize monogamy. At  all.

For all the years of my life I  worshipped monogamy, all I  ever got was friendzoned. The whole concept of monogamy kept me lightyears from any pussy. I  only lost my virginity once I  totally gave  up the notion of monogamy and actually embraced that humans were never meant to be monogamous.

Thereʼs tons of science saying itʼs a sham, from extra-pair paternity studies on species previously believed to be monogamous, to studies showing that the very shape of the human penis was evolved to remove another manʼs semen from the vagina, to components of semen designed to kill another manʼs sperm, to rodent studies demonstrating the so-called “Coolidge  effect” in which males and females both exhibit renewed sexual interest in the presence of a new potential mate, with evolutionary advantages in both genders, to studies finding that women are something like three  times more likely to orgasm when cheating vs. when having sex with a husband, to studies finding that women are most attracted to husbandly men during the least  fertile point in their estrus cycle, and attracted to “bad  boys” at the most  fertile point. I  could go on and  on, but hopefully you get  the  point.

Evolution has basically programmed females with an instinct to want to lock down a monogamous male to provide for her offspring, and then conceive those offspring by a polygamous male. For a mathematical explanation of why this  is, and other useful stuff, search my old posts for “Sexy Son Hypothesis” and for posts I  wrote to a now-banned guy named NealIRC. I  also wrote some useful stuff to ElderPrice.

From all Iʼve seen from my own experiences as well as many experiences from guys on this forum and elsewhere, thatʼs pretty much how  it  works.

Hell, right now I  have a rather underwhelming sexual track record (only  because  of debilitating approach anxiety plus being a moron who will only touch a  certain  minority) ... and yet even Iʼve slept with a girl most probably behind a boyfriendʼs back, and came fairly close to doing  it on several other occasions.

When you get the “has a boyfriend” line, Iʼd brush it off. (There  are different opinions on how best to do that. Itʼs something I  still have to play  with  more.) Not being dissuaded by that line shows that you “get  it.”

Women may even throw this at you as a “shit test,” to see how you react.

Iʼve actually had a chick get significantly more interested in me when she saw that I  didnʼt care she had a boyfriend — if that tells you anything. And Iʼm not even all  that experienced! I  have no doubt Iʼd see this even more if  I  was.

Cheating is very, very common.

Because itʼs actually an instinct. Not to say all women do it... some do fight the instinct. But my guess is the fraction who succeed at denying that instinct is fairly small, and Iʼve heard the  same from much more experienced guys. Sex is, after all, a very powerful instinct.

But some of these “redpill” guys take on the wrong attitude about this. They get all disappointed in women and think that life sucks. Why??? To me, may as well just embrace the way nature works. Itʼs really liberating, if you actually stop and think about it! Be the guy theyʼre cheating  with instead of the guy theyʼre cheating  on. Thatʼs  my  take.

Crucially, I  donʼt look down on women for being unfaithful — instead, I  look  down on the men they cheat  on for not understanding women. This is super important, because women are very perceptive and they will hide their sexuality from men who pass moral judgment on  them. You do not want a girl to feel unsafe showing you her promiscuous side. So please, for your own sake, take the word “slut” out of your vocabulary, and regard sleeping around as normal, healthy feminine behaviour.

The whole concept of monogamy poisoned my mind severely. Thankfully I  saw through it, if only after nearly two painful decades. Iʼm still just recovering from the damage of the brainwashing society did  to  me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
First, congrats on getting out there and doing lots of approaches, thatʼs great, man!
Thanks man I appreciate it. Honestly could've done more.

Anyway, I  have one big suggestion.

I  would avoid asking if the girl has a boyfriend.

As youʼve observed, most attractive women will at any given point have a man in the picture in at least some capacity. This does not mean she is unavailable to a sexual man, and if you limit yourself to women who are totally single, you do yourself a disservice, if nothing else because there will be very, very few options.
Well tbh I only asked because I didn't know what else to say,didn't want to stand there like a statue so I figure it's a safe phrase why not take a shot and see if you can close. Sometimes i'll ask "are you single" or "do you have a man". Also in this outing at least 3 of the women were native spanish speakers so not like I would've been able to go on a date with them and have a full conversation and seduce them to the bedroom. I still have trouble flirting in English lol.

Well I know daygame is like this a lot i'm starting to realize. A lot of women do have partners I believe somewhere from 50 to 80%. I don't purposely try to disqualify myself,but sometimes I recognize it's not worth the effort to try. The server I asked was so friendly and polite when she said she had a bf I didn't want to plow ahead, insist and make it awkward sometimes it's just not worth it. I'm still new to this so I don't want to push too many boundaries so soon.

Cheating is very, very common.

Because itʼs actually an instinct. Not to say all women do it... some do fight the instinct. But my guess is the fraction who succeed at denying that instinct is fairly small, and Iʼve heard the  same from much more experienced guys. Sex is, after all, a very powerful instinct.
Depends who you ask and where these women are found. I have recognized that girls most likely to cheat usually party,drink at night without their bfs or even with. They are inebriated with alchohol,have guys hitting and flirting with them on a consistent basis, they have more motive to especially if their relationship has friction in it. During the day women aren't as motivated because they're not in party,drunk mood and more closed off to stranger men unless you have the combination of game and attraction.

Iʼd suggest to not idealize monogamy. At  all.

For all the years of my life I  worshipped monogamy, all I  ever got was friendzoned. The whole concept of monogamy kept me lightyears from any pussy. I  only lost my virginity once I  totally gave  up the notion of monogamy and actually embraced that humans were never meant to be monogamous.

Thereʼs tons of science saying itʼs a sham, from extra-pair paternity studies on species previously believed to be monogamous, to studies showing that the very shape of the human penis was evolved to remove another manʼs semen from the vagina, to components of semen designed to kill another manʼs sperm, to rodent studies demonstrating the so-called “Coolidge  effect” in which males and females both exhibit renewed sexual interest in the presence of a new potential mate, with evolutionary advantages in both genders, to studies finding that women are something like three  times more likely to orgasm when cheating vs. when having sex with a husband, to studies finding that women are most attracted to husbandly men during the least  fertile point in their estrus cycle, and attracted to “bad  boys” at the most  fertile point. I  could go on and  on, but hopefully you get  the  point.
I don't really want to get into a discussion about whether monagomy is viable,pointless etc. Idk if I idealize it,but I would like to experience a mongamous ltr for myself. I dont wanna base all my beliefs solely on the words of guys from the internet. I already do enough of that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017
Well tbh I only asked because I didn't know what else to say,didn't want to stand there like a statue so I figure it's a safe phrase why not take a shot and see if you can close. ...
Ok, I  see.

You might try to prepare yourself in advance with some other options.

Personally, with African girls, I  like guessing what part of Africa they are from. Iʼve had them totally open  up when I  would get it right! Even if not, it can lead to further conversation. You seem to have a  lot of Hispanic girls in your area. Maybe you could use that in some way. I  dunno, maybe ask them to tell you something in Spanish, or guess where theyʼre from based on their accent.

I  like to try to get a girl to open up a bit, maybe share with me a personal story or something she is interested in. That involves fishing around with questions that try to dig a  bit deeper. Often Iʼll ask her if sheʼs a student, what sheʼs studying, and then when I  have that topic, ask something aboout that, like, what got her into  it. Maybe play with her a bit depending on what it is. “Deep diving” as Chase calls it. Canʼt do it too  much during a short day  game approach, but I  typically give it a quick shot. I  still could use improvement here myself, but at  least itʼs a start and sometimes itʼs enough.

By “sometimes itʼs enough,” I  mean that the conversation doesnʼt necessarily have to be amazing. The main point is to always be moving things towards the bed. Women like men who “sweep  them off their  feet” — which basically translates to always moving things towards the bed. A consequence of the Sexy  Son Hypothesis is that the men who are most attractive to women are the ones that get sex quickly  and  easily. This means that moving quickly is in a sense far  more important than any of the other elements of game. Sometimes just having the confidence to try moving quickly is all it takes. Because the very  fact of you trying to move fast suggests that you probably get a lot of sex — which is extremely attractive to women. Obviously it does require some calibration, but my point is that guys who have never seduced a chick tend to put too much weight on things that arenʼt always that  important.

Itʼs understandable that you donʼt have a lot of skill yet at flirting, but think of it this way: if you ask for a BF, you will get much less practice at it. Because once the answer is that she has a BF, thatʼs the end of the flirting. (Well,  maybe  not if youʼre good, but now  itʼs  harder.)

But really, rather than taking my word for it, if youʼre doing enough approaches, just experiment. Go out for a while asking half the chicks about a BF and not asking the other half, keep track of the outcomes, and when youʼve done at least several dozen of both, compare the results. Then do whatever you find gets you better results.

... Sometimes i'll ask "are you single" or "do you have a man". ...
These two questions are actually much different.

One of Chaseʼs secondary authors, I  forget his name, suggests to ask, “Are  you single?” Although myself I  donʼt agree with the whole concept, I  did find interesting the contrast he made between those two questions.

By asking if she is single instead of asking if she has a BF, he shows more confidence, because the wording is more optimistic instead of pessimistic. It would not surprise  me if there are a non‑negligible number of women who would answer “yes” to “do  you have a  boyfriend?” but would also have answered “yes” to “are  you single?” had you asked that first. If you get what I  mean. Subtle difference.

... Also in this outing at least 3 of the women were native spanish speakers so not like I would've been able to go on a date with them and have a full conversation and seduce them to the bedroom. I still have trouble flirting in English lol.
Yeah, I  can understand that concern. A few years ago I  hit  on a beautiful Dominican girl who didnʼt speak a word of English and I  only knew a bit of Spanish from back in high  school. Well, it was kind  of fun trying, practicing my Spanish on her, hahaha! Got her number and we ended  up chatting a  bit on WhatsApp. At the time, I  didnʼt know what I  was doing even in English let alone Spanish, so I  wasnʼt able to get a meet‑up.

In retrospect, the reason I  didnʼt get the meeting was not because I  didnʼt know Spanish well enough. Itʼs  because I  had a flawed mental  model in  which I  thought I  had  to  impress  her. Well, I  canʼt say for  sure that the language wouldnʼt have been a problem. But I  can say that, faced with that situation again, Iʼd still at least try. Iʼm really glad I  tried with that girl, for as hard as it may have been, because in retrospect I  did get a useful data  point from her that contributed towards getting dates with other girls in  English.

(I  mean, obviously itʼs a matter of degree. If you literally donʼt know a word of her language and vice-versa, yeah, it might be pointless... oh,  hell, myself, Iʼd try anyway to see if I  could pull her directly, cuz, nothing to lose, right? But I  get the feeling you probably know enough Spanish to take  a  stab at  it even if the chances  arenʼt  good.)

My advice is, always try. I  mean, unless itʼs some woman that is not random and whose impression of you actually matters in your life. The reason is, itʼs not always as hard as you think it  is, and if you donʼt try, you never get to see that. I  was honestly surprised at how easy it was to get a chick in  bed from day  game. If I  hadʼve waited for the “right” moment to try — meeting a girl who seemed interested enough, — it would never have  happened.

I  cheat myself out of so damn much pussy as it is by not opening my mouth at all, that once I  do actually push through that initial inhibition to open the girl, I  always at  least try. Because really, you have nothing to  lose.

... I'm still new to this so I don't want to push too many boundaries so soon.
I  totally understand that. I  mean, yeah, if you absolutely donʼt want to do something, donʼt... but at the same time, donʼt be too afraid to push the envelope a  bit. Sometimes youʼd be surprised how far you can go, and when youʼre too afraid, you  never  find  out.

The first time after practicing game that I  got a chick home, I  literally didnʼt sexually escalate at all, because I  was just that afraid. But I  was really mad at myself over it afterwards, and as  is usual in that situation, I  couldnʼt get the girl home again (Sexy  Son Hypothesis at  work).

Second time I  had a chick home, I  was still terrified. So terrified I  couldnʼt do a smooth, gradual escalation. But I  knew that if I  didnʼt get sexual I  was just going to stay a virgin forever. What did I  do? I  fucking grabbed the girlʼs tit out of nowhere! Hahaha. Because somehow I  had to get myself over the boundary. That was terrifying, especially with all the #metoo crap. Well, she told me firmly not to touch her breasts, but what she didnʼt  do was more important for  me. She didnʼt totally freak  out on me like I  had been terrified she probably would. She stayed and we hung  out more and she was not mad at me, and later she jokingly asked something about  it.

The third time I  had a chick home, I  did have sex with her. Itʼs really important to realize that it would never have happened if I  hadnʼt have grabbed the second girlʼs tit, because otherwise Iʼd have been stuck in that “not  wanting  to push  boundaries” mode. I  learned such an important lesson from pushing that boundary: that women arenʼt nearly as offended by men trying  to fuck  them as I  had on  some level thought they  were.

With that said, if the server was someone you might have  to face again, then yeah, maybe sheʼs not the best person to push boundaries with. But in general, donʼt be afraid  to.

Depends who you ask and where these women are found. I have recognized that girls most likely to cheat usually party,drink at night without their bfs or even with. They are inebriated with alchohol,have guys hitting and flirting with them on a consistent basis, they have more motive to ...
Well, thatʼs certainly the stereotype. Thereʼs probably a grain of truth in  it, but at once I  wouldnʼt assume that this is the only type that  cheats.

A girl I  slept with who it seems had another man in the picture, I  did not meet drunk in a bar. I  barely ever do that sort of venue,  tbh. I  met her in a shopping  mall. She was with her  mom at  the  time.

Another girl I  got obvious hints to come home with (unfortunately I  did  not, as this was before I  was well  enough calibrated to understand the  hints), who had a boyfriend and in  fact a kid with him, I  had originally met as a coworker. I  had her on FB, but we barely talked either before or after leaving that job. Several years after, she noticed one of my posts and we started flirting back  and  forth and quickly escalated to a meet‑up. She didnʼt really have much time for partying etc., and spent most of her time at  home looking after her son. Relatively shy, quiet  girl.

Another one, the one I  spoke of who actually increased her attraction when I  didnʼt care she had a BF, I  met her when she was at a photo  shoot modelling costumes for a cultural event. Now, I  donʼt know much about that chick, but I  do  know that when I  met her she wasnʼt drunk or  partying.

Iʼve also had very well-grounded, career type female friends admit to cheating.

So I  have to ask, if you hear more about party girls cheating vs. other sorts of girls cheating, do you think this is because the other girls donʼt  cheat? Or could it maybe  be because the party  girls are more blatant about  it and do a worse  job of hiding  it, using less discretion on who they do  it with, etc.? Food for thought.

... During the day women aren't as motivated because they're not in party,drunk mood and more closed off to stranger men unless you have the combination of game and attraction.
You probably are right that they have more discretion, but you may not be giving yourself enough credit for being attractive. Remember, — with  the exception of the  server — most  guys donʼt have the balls to approach women in that kind  of setting, at  all, so that  already gives you a degree of attractiveness.

And  again, just because you probably canʼt succeed at something yet doesnʼt mean you shouldnʼt try. Trying gives you important experience that can eventually translate to success.

Well, if you have the belief that only trashy girls cheat, this will probably make  it harder, but try to keep an open  mind.

I  also would not be so quick to assume that women in random daytime settings are more “closed  off to stranger  men.” A woman in a nightclub has hordes of drunk, slobbering fools hitting  on her. This makes her feel high-value and causes her to put up her “bitch  shield,” and reject most men. In daytime settings, women donʼt get nearly the same level of male attention, so they may not be nearly as hard. Now, they may act more low  key in the daytime, but this is not a reliable indicator of how easy or hard they may be. I  admit I  havenʼt done much night  game, but I  have done a little  bit, and Iʼd be very hard-pressed to say itʼs any easier than day  game. I  really donʼt see  that.

I don't really want to get into a discussion about whether monagomy is viable,pointless etc. Idk if I idealize it,but I would like to experience a mongamous ltr for myself. I dont wanna base all my beliefs solely on the words of guys from the internet. I already do enough of that.
Yeah, there are certainly different perspectives, so itʼs up  to you to figure  out for yourself what you think makes most  sense.

Myself, I  like to look at research papers, because then I  can see the details of what they did and what the results were, and draw my  own conclusions. Plus, the journals have academic standards, so itʼs not like some random idiot on the internet.

One thing most experienced guys will agree on, though, is to get yourself some seduction experience with different girls before getting into any LTR. When guys go into an LTR with little experience, thatʼs when theyʼre most likely to get walked  all  over. But I  suspect you realize that, already.

Anyhow, just thought Iʼd share some things that have helped me, in hopes it may be of some use to  you.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
ThePhoenix is right but also wrong. It depends on the situation. If she hooks and is into it then her boyfriend probably doesn't matter. However if she doesn't hook or invest i have experienced often times that it's because she is unavailable in one way or another and you might as well move on. This is the disadvantage with direct daygame. You are setting yourself up for a hard time with influencing her if she isn't initially receptive to you. So if it's not really going anywhere i will screen her like "So do your husband also like XYZ?" Or something else. If she has a boyfriend or a husband she wants to cheat on, unless you take her on an instant date then and there and do SDL, how else is she gonna sneak out to meet a dude she met on the streets? She could use some plausible deniability but meh. It is more likely if she wants to cheat she will do it with some proven dude she already knows or do it at a party or in nightgame.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
(only  because  of debilitating approach anxiety plus being a moron who will only touch a  certain  minority)
Have you made any progress with your approach anxiety/getting into state?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017
ThePhoenix is right but also wrong. It depends on the situation. If she hooks and is into it then her boyfriend probably doesn't matter. However if she doesn't hook or invest i have experienced often times that it's because she is unavailable in one way or another and you might as well move on. ...
Youʼre right, also.

Donʼt get me wrong, Iʼm not saying a boyfriend/husband doesnʼt create an obstacle that is very  often insurmountable. Iʼm also not saying to keep hammering  away when the girlʼs obviously not interested and not  complying.

All Iʼm saying is, heʼs not always an obstacle, so not to disqualify yourself right from the get‑go as  a  matter of  course. See if you can hook without him coming  up at  all. (Typically  if  sheʼs going  to cheat he may not even come  up in the conversation at  all.) If he does come  up, consider it may be a shit  test, and take a quick  stab at overcoming. Itʼs absolutely  true that most  often, you canʼt. But sometimes you  can, and those times make  it worth trying. What does it cost to  try? 20  seconds? Thatʼs all Iʼm  saying. Feel  it  out. If sheʼs really not opening  up, just move  on.

... So if it's not really going anywhere i will screen her like "So do your husband also like XYZ?" ...
Thatʼs an interesting idea. I  normally just wrap  up the conversation if she totally wonʼt hook. Do you find this ever turns things around?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017
Have you made any progress with your approach anxiety/getting into state?
Hey Rain,

Thanks for asking. Not that much. At first, yeah, I  did, but I  plateaued at 2  or maybe  3 approaches for a whole day at a busy megamall. Being that Iʼve done well on a reasonable fraction of the approaches Iʼve done, I  was still able to get  laid from this, but it was just so inefficient in  terms of the time  spent that I  really lost enthusiasm for doing  it in my current city and have since put more attention into the business prerequisites of moving to Africa... Iʼve seen videos, and I  canʼt possibly see myself spend a day in Kampala,  Uganda and only get 2  or  3 approaches. That would officially make  me  gay!    XD

The pandemic made it even worse; I  canʼt even push myself to approach at  all indoors now, and outdoors the traffic is way too low here. I  did try going outside the other day and did do an approach, my first in a long time, but I  was out for 11  hours and only did the one approach. Well, partly, traffic wasnʼt great, but I  did have 12  other good chances that I  bitched  out on. Staying away from girls so many years really fubared my brain, and I  was raised in this extremely introvert city, also. You would think that getting  laid from day  game wouldʼve fixed  it, but  no. Still bitch  out 95%  of the time. Itʼs terrible, man. I  canʼt wait to move, because Iʼm sure the volume will help  greatly.

Well, I  donʼt wanna derail Starboyʼs report so I  should prolly go write  up my approach from the other day. Only, knowing  me, Iʼll have to go into the background of where Iʼm  at, the inhibitions, analysis of the issues I  encountered in the approach, the question of whether  to still bother gaming in my current location or just focus  100%  on moving, and itʼs gonna end up 10  pages long and nobody reads  it,  LOL!    XD