Crying - Good or Bad


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 18, 2019
As the Title suggests - is crying good or bad?

Of course, I don't mean crying as a seduction method, nor do I mean crying in front of people. But occasionally crying at home, alone, would you say it's beneficial for your overall emotional and mental health as a man? And does the reason for crying matter or not (i.e. are some things more okay to make you cry than others)?

I'm asking this because I felt like crying yesterday, though in the end I didn't. Then the same thing happened today, and again, couldn't do it. And that made me reflect back on the last time I cried, and I honestly couldn't remember. I know for a fact I haven't done it since I got into game, which was 2 years ago, so it's been at the very least 2 years, but likely much longer.

Personally, I think the reason I felt like doing it yesterday and today is because the last 2 weeks have been so eventful for me. I slept with 5 new girls in that time, which is by far my personal record. With one of them I had a really strong connection, she spent multiple days night at my place, we bonded a lot, probably more than with anyone else in the past 2 years, and then one day she just pulled back. The reason is not important (she is leaving the country in a week, I'm guessing she's trying to preserve her emotions), but the last 2 weeks have definitely been an emotional roller-coaster for me, and I think I just feel like letting it out somehow.

I'm really interested in what your experience has been with crying. Is that something you simply do every once in a while, and if so, how often do you do it? Do you think that men shouldn't cry, unless it's something truly tragic e.g. death of a family member? Have you cried over girls? Do you still do it?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
The best thing in my opinion is to always be honest with yourself! So if you're at home alone and want to cry then feel free to cry. It's just you and yourself, do whatever you feel like. I've never been in a situation where I could cry over a girl but I've had moments of extreme happiness and pride in my own achievements that when I got home I cried tears of joy.

TL:DR: If you are by YOURSELF, feel free to do whatever you want :)