Day Game Technique


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 14, 2020
Hello folks,

This is a question for day gamers specially in US. Today, I was having a coffee at a local coffee shop where they have outside seating. A girl walked by the curb and she was walking her dog. While she was passing by me; we made intense eye-contacts and she smiled. I know for sure she was interested. I waited so i can open her on her way back, but she probably took a different route.

My question here is: should I have followed her and opened her? or would be creepy? or how would you approach this situation?


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Hello folks,

This is a question for day gamers specially in US. Today, I was having a coffee at a local coffee shop where they have outside seating. A girl walked by the curb and she was walking her dog. While she was passing by me; we made intense eye-contacts and she smiled. I know for sure she was interested. I waited so i can open her on her way back, but she probably took a different route.

My question here is: should I have followed her and opened her? or would be creepy? or how would you approach this situation?
Yes, but not waiting more that a few seconds before acting. Walk fast or jog up beside her and around in front, big smile and a raised hand, and wait for her to slow or stop before saying your opener, e.g. 'hey I couldn't help but notice your gorgeous smile!'


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2022
Hello folks,

This is a question for day gamers specially in US. Today, I was having a coffee at a local coffee shop where they have outside seating. A girl walked by the curb and she was walking her dog. While she was passing by me; we made intense eye-contacts and she smiled. I know for sure she was interested. I waited so i can open her on her way back, but she probably took a different route.

My question here is: should I have followed her and opened her? or would be creepy? or how would you approach this situation?
Usually if she smiles, you're cleared for landing so hard to screw up, but don't approach from the back. I did this once after a smile. She was wearing earbuds, couldn't hear me coming screamed and jumped about 20 feet. Man. That was rough. lol.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 20, 2024
Yes, but not waiting more that a few seconds before acting. Walk fast or jog up beside her and around in front, big smile and a raised hand, and wait for her to slow or stop before saying your opener, e.g. 'hey I couldn't help but notice your gorgeous smile!'

Exactly this. The fact of the matter is, if you're going to day game, you are going to have to follow girls a tiny bit. Obviously you have to completely minimise the creepiness of this, and really you need to pick up your pace massively so you catch up with her straight away. If you're following for more than a minute its kinda creepy.

But yeh man, go after her. I've never regretted going after a girl. I've regretted NOT going after a girl ... many times