How much money do you need to get top-tier results with women? (NOT "do women care about money")


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I don't think guys out of college should be trying to bag chicks the college way. If you're past 21, coffee plus a walk in the park should be over. Ikea furniture and roommates should be a thing of the past. That's a personal choice though. Plenty of 32 year olds are banging college girls on a dirty mattress in his Mom's basement. Cheap dates can turn a chick off before you get started. What used to be sweet at 19, is pathetic at 29.

I think you raise an important point that hasn't been discussed in this thread with this paragraph. It's like in Last Tango in Paris or Blue Valentine - past a certain age (I'd say 35 in the modern West) a guy should ideally have something other than his good looks (and/or well-kept physique), stylish attire, and charming vibe. What thing? Investments in stock, bonds, funds, or property (or all of the above). Passive income streams. An online business perhaps.

Why is that? Well, forget about societal expectations yadayada. Think about it. As you age, you want to have more options. It's the natural cycle of life. Even if you aren't thinking about wifing up right now, or having kids straightaway, you can be ready for such an eventuality or not. If you are, you're better placed to strike when the iron is hot (and to open yourself up to such a possibility) than if you aren't.

Aside from the wife and kids thing, there's also the "creature comforts" argument raised by Chase. After a certain age, you might find sleeping in 16-person dorms in hostels increasingly unbearable, as well as flying on low-cost airlines blasting noise at you every five minutes while you sit crammed like cattle without space for your legs, and aching knees.

You might want to travel to exotic places (not for your insta, simply out of genuine curiosity about the world you live in) such as Georgia (not in the USA, the country), Greenland, Antartica, the Galapagos, New Zealand, Australia, etc. You might want to scuba dive with great whites (or wreck or cave dive), alpine ski somewhere in Norway, go on a safari in Africa, trail a desert, hike around the Himalayas.

You might want to visit great ancient cities. You might want to have a small close-knit social circle to do these things with. Or set out by yourself and meet people along the way. Of course, all this requires not only a certain amount of money but also the ability to make friends with people.

Also, being able to offer more than just orgasms to hot girls. Because even if you want to be a masterful lover and a skilled seducer, you might also want to date babes and not just fuck them. When I say date I mean emotional intimacy as opposed to that of the purely physical variety.