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Im really giving up on women this time. I really hate them


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
I just not going to bother anymore. The depression I feel on a daily basis and inner turmoil I cant fuck with it anymore. Im so done. My biggest problem is operating without them. I mean I could never get them but I have to prevent myself from ever trying.

Such bullshit creatures they are. They are just parasites that just leech off of you. I don't want them anymore even though they never wanted me. It is what it is. Women live a super privileged life and most men arent going to worthy of being the top 20 percent. Most of us are going to lose so most of us gonna get fucked in the end. So why even bother with them in the first place but wasting time.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
I just not going to bother anymore. The depression I feel on a daily basis and inner turmoil I cant fuck with it anymore. Im so done. My biggest problem is operating without them. I mean I could never get them but I have to prevent myself from ever trying.

Such bullshit creatures they are. They are just parasites that just leech off of you. I don't want them anymore even though they never wanted me. It is what it is. Women live a super privileged life and most men arent going to worthy of being the top 20 percent. Most of us are going to lose so most of us gonna get fucked in the end. So why even bother with them in the first place but wasting time.
look man I understand what you're going thru. Everyday I struggle with managing my bitterness,cynicism,apathy when it comes to getting women and learning game. It feels like a lot of work just to get one girl that you're happy with and women don't seem like they do much in comparison,but these are all feelings that everyone experienced at some point in time maybe more in others.

The game has always been more difficult for men as a beginner unfortunately. Men occupy the extremes of the least successful in dating and the most successful . You don't have to be the chads in the 20% you just have to be better than the average joe who doesn't even try to approach women. I highly doubt there has never been a woman who has laid eyes on you and felt desire. You either didn't catch it,act on it, or made a mistake along the way and didn't realize it.

If you give up learning how to get women you will never truly be happy. There will always be a part of you that feels unfufilled,bitter, jaded and deep down you won't be at peace . I know it can feel like a waste of time and idk how long you've spent working on yourself,but I think this is important enough to you that you should keep trying. There has to be something that you're missing that has been the reason behind your lack of results.

Women are not terrible creatures they can be sweet,kind,caring,fun to be around and appreciative of men. Obviously not every women is like this sometimes there are toxic,bitter,entitled,spoiled women and there is probably more of a concentration if you're in a country like the US. Dating is a bit harder in this country with all the cultural and issues with gender identity. But don't let that darken your view of them. Not every women is a horrible human being and if you believe that they are all dismissive of you and leeches who just want to use you you've already lost.

Just remember there are other men in your same exact position struggling. You're not alone at all. We can help you,but only if you want to be helped. If you still think fuck this game and fuck women then nothing further can be done. I hope you find peace.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
what are you struggling with?
Everything. Women are way too hard to understand and navigate. And Im literally pulling teeth trying to figure them out. Im so done with them. I hate them. Like its a losing game


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
look man I understand what you're going thru. Everyday I struggle with managing my bitterness,cynicism,apathy when it comes to getting women and learning game. It feels like a lot of work just to get one girl that you're happy with and women don't seem like they do much in comparison,but these are all feelings that everyone experienced at some point in time maybe more in others.

The game has always been more difficult for men as a beginner unfortunately. Men occupy the extremes of the least successful in dating and the most successful . You don't have to be the chads in the 20% you just have to be better than the average joe who doesn't even try to approach women. I highly doubt there has never been a woman who has laid eyes on you and felt desire. You either didn't catch it,act on it, or made a mistake along the way and didn't realize it.

If you give up learning how to get women you will never truly be happy. There will always be a part of you that feels unfufilled,bitter, jaded and deep down you won't be at peace . I know it can feel like a waste of time and idk how long you've spent working on yourself,but I think this is important enough to you that you should keep trying. There has to be something that you're missing that has been the reason behind your lack of results.

Women are not terrible creatures they can be sweet,kind and appreciative of men. Obviously not every women is like this sometimes there are toxic,bitter,entitled,spoiled women and there is probably more of a concentration if you're in a country like the US. Dating is a bit harder in this country with all the cultural and issues with gender identity. But don't let that darken your view of them. Not every women is a horrible human being and if you believe that they are all dismissive of you and leeches who just want to use you you've already lost.

Just remember there are other men in your same exact position struggling. You're not alone at all. We can help you,but only if you want to be helped. If you still think fuck this game and fuck women then nothing further can be done. I hope you find peace.
I think most men who feel this way dont ever actually go anywhere because women are always going to pick the best men


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
I just not going to bother anymore. The depression I feel on a daily basis and inner turmoil I cant fuck with it anymore. Im so done. My biggest problem is operating without them. I mean I could never get them but I have to prevent myself from ever trying.

Such bullshit creatures they are. They are just parasites that just leech off of you. I don't want them anymore even though they never wanted me. It is what it is. Women live a super privileged life and most men arent going to worthy of being the top 20 percent. Most of us are going to lose so most of us gonna get fucked in the end. So why even bother with them in the first place but wasting time.
This is depressing to read. Do you realize what forum you're on right now?

If you want to find success in whatever it is you do... you need to accept accountability for where you are at and not sit there like a jellyfish, riding the waves of the ocean and ending up wherever the current takes you.

If you want to be the jellyfish, that's fine. Do you. But don't be bitter when you are not getting what YOU want.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
I think most men who feel this way dont ever actually go anywhere because women are always going to pick the best men
That's not even true. It's a common misnomer that women only date and fuck the top guys. Women date up ,but by no means do they go for only the "best". Women will talk like they only date and go for kings,but that's bullshit. Women go for the best they think they can get. Or they even settle for a guy who they feel is right for them even if traditionally or socially he doesn't look like a top guy. The best guy for a girl can be a guy who looks like a crackhead,has a body of a twig ,but regardless of that she feels attracted to him just because of his positive exuberance and energy.

Certain women who aren't quality women can be delusional to think they are deserving of a rich handsome man who embodies all the qualities they want and will be loyal for them,but reality will set it in later on in their thirties when they still haven't found the prince charming they think they deserve.

The "best" guys that you think in your mind aren't even dating the hottest,most beautiful women. Read or reread this article if you haven't https://www.girlschase.com/article/how-disprove-looks-are-pillar-attraction-ideology

There are guys beneath these men in looks and status who are dating hotter looking girls.Guys who look basic af and don't have the same advantages. So why do you still believe women only want the best guys? You need to stop listening to what women say their standards are they want for the men they date because it's bullshit.

You're letting your emotions dominate you and that's your biggest sticking point by far. They are dictating all your thoughts and behavior and why you are in inner turmoil. You need to rewire your negative mindset otherwise you're just gonna forever be flustered and upset. I know I don't want to be a miserable incel for the rest of my life so why would I ever give up on seduction when i've only scratched the surface?

Also you say you don't want women anymore,but that's bullshit. If a hot girl went up to you and offered herself to fuck would you turn her down because you said you're giving up on women? Doubtful. Your ego is saying you are giving up on women,but it's only autorejecting women cuz you think they're too difficult. They feel difficult because you haven't broken through the wall and you are skeptical if if you can even break through the wall. Your ego believes women make it impossible and only go for the 1% and completely ignore every other man that isn't.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
That idea you have of how women work is totally biased and wrong.

If you’re going to call it quits, go ahead it’s your choice.

But know that you’re leaving in defeat.
Not because you can’t win but because you chose not to.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I just not going to bother anymore. The depression I feel on a daily basis and inner turmoil I cant fuck with it anymore. Im so done. My biggest problem is operating without them. I mean I could never get them but I have to prevent myself from ever trying.

Such bullshit creatures they are. They are just parasites that just leech off of you. I don't want them anymore even though they never wanted me. It is what it is. Women live a super privileged life and most men arent going to worthy of being the top 20 percent. Most of us are going to lose so most of us gonna get fucked in the end. So why even bother with them in the first place but wasting time.

Women are not the problem my friend, the problem is that you aren't happy with who you are. You will find that when you fix this problem, the woman problem will be much easier to solve.

Women are only the icing on the cake. No cake, no icing.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
You don't have to be the chads in the 20% you just have to be better than the average joe who doesn't even try to approach women.
That's so true, guys nowadays buy hard into sensationalistic fatalist evopsybullshit people like Jordan Peterson and Red/Black Pill communities push out there that only the chadest of chads gets pussy, and you should just give up, which makes no sense. Basic knowledge of math should tell you it follows more of a natural distribution, and getting decently better than the average men gives you good results. I think not only they wanna create this bitter cult of sad men behind them, but also make enough men give up on women so that they, average losers, can get better women lmao

@Shake&Bake If you feel like you're humilating yourself to go for women, you're doing something wrong, and should reconsider what are you really doing and why. Maybe some time away from whatever "pickup" you're attempting will be healthy for you.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
That's so true, guys nowadays buy hard into sensationalistic fatalist evopsybullshit people like Jordan Peterson

Is Jordan Peterson fatalist sensationalist? How so?
I never noticed.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Is Jordan Peterson fatalist sensationalist? How so?
I never noticed.
I don't think he's as bad as the Black/Red Pill people, but he clearly only talks about and shows data that keeps men on this victim loop of "feminism is bad and is destroying my life" and "women should change, not me" (that's how he got popular after all). Does he talks about some real evolutionary research about the relation between the two sexes? Yes, but in my perception, he does so with a very political intent, and he's not really trying to be the saviour of men or anything (like some of his fans make it seem like). Also, I remember some obvious fallacies on his more theoretical discourse, in some of his classes (I can't really think of an example now, but I remember pointing it out on YouTube, and it seemed none was paying attention to it).
I think he does address some important society issues, but the way he does it isn't really helpful or that insightful, in my opinion, and he tended to attract the average MGTOW/Black Pill guy very hard with his discourse, which made me stop watching his videos pretty fast.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Forget women for a while. Focus on this:

I just not going to bother anymore. The depression I feel on a daily basis and inner turmoil I cant fuck with it anymore. Im so done.

No woman in the world can fix this. Until you fix it, getting a decent woman will be like trying to climb a mountain with your wrists broken.

Read this:

Then DO it.

Such bullshit creatures they are. They are just parasites that just leech off of you.

There are parasitic men, and there are parasitic women.

If you attract them (and you're not just repeating some stuff you heard on the web), it means you're deep in codependency, probably struggling with self-esteem issues, and need to get yourself out of that.

Codependent people are like free energy resources to needy, parasitic people. They will come to you to feed until you fix that issue.

Again, that article on depression is going to be where you start.

I don't want them anymore even though they never wanted me.

This is exactly, verbatim the kind of emo thing I used to say when I was deep in victim mentality depression in my teens / early twenties.

I used to fantasize about finally meeting the one great, beautiful girl who really saw me and got me, and telling her about how women didn't want me and her telling me I was so wrong, because she thought I was incredible and she was in love with me.

(gotta say, the one thing I still do now is if I'm getting too bored fucking some beautiful girl, I will look at her and think, "Hey, just imagine if I was despairing teenage Chase again, fucking this girl" and suddenly I will be having a GREAT time fucking her. #workseverytime)

I had a music album I was putting together called Shadow in the Dark, and the title track was all about how invisible I was to women, like a shadow in the dark.

I hadn't approached a woman in years.

Imagine thinking you are invisible to women, when you haven't approached any women.

It's like thinking you can't get a job when you haven't applied anywhere. How do you know?

Or, worse, when the only place you applied is via online job application sites... where companies get 1000s of applications for every one single job... or online dating, where women get 1000s of applications for one single vagina...

If you've tried online anything, and that's all you've tried, it's basically the same as "haven't approached in N years."

Even when I was deep in depression, I went around applying for jobs everywhere. In-person.

I didn't get any of the jobs I wanted... the cool clothing-store jobs working with hot girl coworkers. I ended up applying at a tire store that had no girls working at it. That ended up being one of the best moves of my life, because it taught me sales.

In actual fact, if you do not approach women, you ARE invisible to them.

If you only swipe on women on dating apps, you ARE invisible to them.

Your visibility is directly proportional to the amount of approaching you do.

No "beautiful ones" mouse utopia preening or online dating posturing will fix that for you.

You have to approach.

But if you're too depressed to do that -- I assume you are -- fix the depression FIRST.

Women live a super privileged life

No they don't.

Take that word 'privilege' and excise it from your vocabulary. It's a gibberish word that's lost all meaning.

So long as you use it, you're just a captive of the Matrix.

A woman can log onto her smart phone and everyone is praising her and the media is performing cunnilingus on her and people are talking about how strong she is and she's got 500 matches on Tinder and 10,000 followers on Instagram and heaps of DMs from simps all up on her shit talking about how beautiful she is. That's the Matrix. A digital control grid. But none of it's real.

Because when her phone runs out of power, the fake world turns off, and she's plunged back into reality, where she's just average-looking without all her makeup and hair dye, and no one in the real world thinks she's a Queen except a couple of her besties who are puffing her up the same way she puffs them up.

She goes to the Starbucks and waits in line like every other pleb, she gets manhandled by the TSA if she wants to fly anywhere, she has to go work her dead-end job at the office for middling pay because it's all she knows how to do, and the men in her life are disappointing guys who aren't good-looking or cool or interesting or rich or anything remotely exciting, but she's still chasing after one or two of them anyway because he's the best she can get.

She has no direction in life, no great passion, and no top 20% guy is ever going to pay any attention to her, except maybe to pick her up one drunken night for a pump-and-dump, which is only going to make her feel worse after because she realizes she can't really have him (i.e., he will not commit).

That's life for the average woman.

Average, as in "right smack dab in the middle... 50% of the way from the bottom, 50% of the way from the top."

The vast majority of women are not super hot genius charismatics with perfect bodies, nor are the vast majority hideous retarded morbidly obese land whales.

The vast majority are these average chicks, right smack dab in the middle.

And that is what their life looks like -- at least when it's unplugged.

and most men arent going to worthy of being the top 20 percent.

Who cares?

Get in the top 30%.

Then get a woman from the top 30% too.

Or the top 35%.

I guarantee you, if you're top 30%, and she's top 30%, she's gonna seem top 1% to you.

Stop comparing yourself to everyone.

Social comparison is a killer. It'll drown you.

Again, go read that article on depression.

And, chin up.

If you can fix the depression, and change your perspective, the world transforms.

If you can't fix it, it doesn't matter if you wake up tomorrow and can fuck 1% girls. You'll just find something else to get depressed about.

Fix the real problem first. Everything starts self-correcting after that.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
This is depressing to read. Do you realize what forum you're on right now?

If you want to find success in whatever it is you do... you need to accept accountability for where you are at and not sit there like a jellyfish, riding the waves of the ocean and ending up wherever the current takes you.

If you want to be the jellyfish, that's fine. Do you. But don't be bitter when you are not getting what YOU want.
Ive never actually gotten what I wanted from women


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
That's not even true. It's a common misnomer that women only date and fuck the top guys. Women date up ,but by no means do they go for only the "best". Women will talk like they only date and go for kings,but that's bullshit. Women go for the best they think they can get. Or they even settle for a guy who they feel is right for them even if traditionally or socially he doesn't look like a top guy. The best guy for a girl can be a guy who looks like a crackhead,has a body of a twig ,but regardless of that she feels attracted to him just because of his positive exuberance and energy.

Certain women who aren't quality women can be delusional to think they are deserving of a rich handsome man who embodies all the qualities they want and will be loyal for them,but reality will set it in later on in their thirties when they still haven't found the prince charming they think they deserve.

The "best" guys that you think in your mind aren't even dating the hottest,most beautiful women. Read or reread this article if you haven't https://www.girlschase.com/article/how-disprove-looks-are-pillar-attraction-ideology

There are guys beneath these men in looks and status who are dating hotter looking girls.Guys who look basic af and don't have the same advantages. So why do you still believe women only want the best guys? You need to stop listening to what women say their standards are they want for the men they date because it's bullshit.

You're letting your emotions dominate you and that's your biggest sticking point by far. They are dictating all your thoughts and behavior and why you are in inner turmoil. You need to rewire your negative mindset otherwise you're just gonna forever be flustered and upset. I know I don't want to be a miserable incel for the rest of my life so why would I ever give up on seduction when i've only scratched the surface?

Also you say you don't want women anymore,but that's bullshit. If a hot girl went up to you and offered herself to fuck would you turn her down because you said you're giving up on women? Doubtful. Your ego is saying you are giving up on women,but it's only autorejecting women cuz you think they're too difficult. They feel difficult because you haven't broken through the wall and you are skeptical if if you can even break through the wall. Your ego believes women make it impossible and only go for the 1% and completely ignore every other man that isn't.
No. If a hot woman came up to and anted to fuck. Id fuck. Im still a heterosexual man. I have libido. I wish I could turn it off but unfortunately I cant. Id Quickly get rid of right afterwards until I want sex again tho


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
That's not even true. It's a common misnomer that women only date and fuck the top guys. Women date up ,but by no means do they go for only the "best". Women will talk like they only date and go for kings,but that's bullshit. Women go for the best they think they can get. Or they even settle for a guy who they feel is right for them even if traditionally or socially he doesn't look like a top guy. The best guy for a girl can be a guy who looks like a crackhead,has a body of a twig ,but regardless of that she feels attracted to him just because of his positive exuberance and energy.

Certain women who aren't quality women can be delusional to think they are deserving of a rich handsome man who embodies all the qualities they want and will be loyal for them,but reality will set it in later on in their thirties when they still haven't found the prince charming they think they deserve.

The "best" guys that you think in your mind aren't even dating the hottest,most beautiful women. Read or reread this article if you haven't https://www.girlschase.com/article/how-disprove-looks-are-pillar-attraction-ideology

There are guys beneath these men in looks and status who are dating hotter looking girls.Guys who look basic af and don't have the same advantages. So why do you still believe women only want the best guys? You need to stop listening to what women say their standards are they want for the men they date because it's bullshit.

You're letting your emotions dominate you and that's your biggest sticking point by far. They are dictating all your thoughts and behavior and why you are in inner turmoil. You need to rewire your negative mindset otherwise you're just gonna forever be flustered and upset. I know I don't want to be a miserable incel for the rest of my life so why would I ever give up on seduction when i've only scratched the surface?

Also you say you don't want women anymore,but that's bullshit. If a hot girl went up to you and offered herself to fuck would you turn her down because you said you're giving up on women? Doubtful. Your ego is saying you are giving up on women,but it's only autorejecting women cuz you think they're too difficult. They feel difficult because you haven't broken through the wall and you are skeptical if if you can even break through the wall. Your ego believes women make it impossible and only go for the 1% and completely ignore every other man that isn't.
Well they do make it impossible for most men. Since we have incels and women don't and many men die without reproducing


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 4, 2015
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
That idea you have of how women work is totally biased and wrong.

If you’re going to call it quits, go ahead it’s your choice.

But know that you’re leaving in defeat.
Not because you can’t win but because you chose not to.
Dont fight a losing battle