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Just like 2016, I asked again for help

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This is exactly why seduction forums do not discuss politics or religion …

I love stuff based on field testing in seduction and FACTS, all this conspiracy theories and twitter evidence and blog evidence is shit...

The idea that democrats (generally a bunch of pussies) and the republican's (the opposite), let the democrats STEAL some election due to ballots is just beyond retarded (when out of my way to use the perfect word retarded)

if you can get the EVIDENCE (i used to do foreclosures and had attorneys work for me, to substantiate claim fraud then put it out vs twitter post)...

By the way i did not even vote so i can care less i did not like either one... Why they did not STEAL the congress and the senate, facepalm!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
I love stuff based on field testing in seduction and FACTS, all this conspiracy theories and twitter evidence and blog evidence is shit...
yes anything that goes against what the mainstream media tells you ("facts") is bullshit.





you understand the reason the seduction community was born in the first place was because a couple of guys rejected what mainstream media told them ("facts" about women ) too, right?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
yes anything that goes against what the mainstream media tells you ("facts") is bullshit.





you understand the reason the seduction community was born in the first place was because a couple of guys rejected what mainstream media told them ("facts" about women ) too, right?

you have the bad tendency of never being able to back up claims, you start quoting people, posting pics, posting twitters, posting out of context quotes, that is bad way to present arguments, you just do unnecessary back and forths and prolong discussion without presenting facts that in itself is uncalibrated. …

Explain to me with EVIDENCE, how the election was stolen by the media, and how come he got elected last time, why the media let him get elected the first election, but no the second... And again why the democrats lose the senate, the supreme court, and a bunch of sits at the congress...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020

The evidence is found through:
  1. the improbable amount of mail-in ballets that magically popped for only Biden in Pennsylvania
  2. A large number of dead people voting for specifically Biden exclusively in the swing states of Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia
  3. Poll watchers being booted from areas in Pennsylvania

The exclusivity of the dead voters, kicked out poll watchers and improbable Biden mail vote dumps all being in the swing states is enough for the president to take legal action and ideally have the whole process audited. There are other eye-raising events as well, such as the glitch in Michigan that gave 6000 trump votes to Biden.

If legal action is not allowed to follow through, and a complete audit of the voting in these states is not done, we have every reason to believe this election was a result of finessing and trickery. If an audit reveals Biden was the true winner than all is fair.

As for différences for the Senate and Representatives. The fraud would not happen as an equal distribution amongst all counties or cities in each state. It is primarily situated around big démocrat cities. For this reason, representatives, which are elected based on district, will have lower odds of being affected.

For the senate, you can see that democrats did infact maintain their seats in the swing states that did have an election, such as Arizona and Michigan. So there’s nothing about the senate race that goes at odds with the election fraud we’re seeing unfold


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
you have the bad tendency of never being able to back up claims, you start quoting people, posting pics, posting twitters, posting out of context quotes
My friend. I posted graphs and direct quotes from studies, which you ignored because they goes against what mainstream media (those pics above) tell you.
Explain to me with EVIDENCE, how the election was stolen by the media, and how come he got elected last time, why the media let him get elected the first election, but no the second... And again why the democrats lose the senate, the supreme court, and a bunch of sits at the congress...
I am a PUA not a criminal investigator, amigo :)

Everything I posted here is evidence (let me see what I posted here, first I posted a link that shows that even an idiot can tell something's not right here (gut feeling), next I posted a link saying that PureEvil was wrong, that what he did to win the 2016 election would make minorities not want to vote for him, when what happened is that he got the highest share of minority votes since 1960, next I posted a link (which evidence inside that link, but I know you are not going to bother to read it) and then a link showing that the lockdown propaganda was China's idea) that the mainstream media is hiding something, which suggests they're lying about something.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
There is one of the top seducers, it seems to be lurking on the forum, he just send me a private email, with a link, telling me he thinks all of us suffer from this:

traits have a similar pattern to that of schizophrenia; that is, deficits in cognition, socio-emotional function, and behaviour. While these tend not meet the clinical threshold, and at some level represent a healthy personality make-up, they can be rather extreme and become a severe problem.


The Emerald Archer

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2016
Alright, STOP. This is why we can't talk about politics around here anymore because people can't keep their cool.

This is exactly why seduction forums do not discuss politics or religion …

I love stuff based on field testing in seduction and FACTS, all this conspiracy theories and twitter evidence and blog evidence is shit...

The idea that democrats (generally a bunch of pussies) and the republican's (the opposite), let the democrats STEAL some election due to ballots is just beyond retarded (when out of my way to use the perfect word retarded)

if you can get the EVIDENCE (i used to do foreclosures and had attorneys work for me, to substantiate claim fraud then put it out vs twitter post)...

By the way i did not even vote so i can care less i did not like either one... Why they did not STEAL the congress and the senate, facepalm!

What do field-testing seduction tactics & techniques have to do with this subject matter?

Do you mean to say that unless someone has served as a sitting politician (either at the local, state, or federal level) or Judge or council-person, etc. that they are not entitled to an opinion on this stuff?

You can disagree if you'd like, but I went out of my way to provide links that people could check out and form their own opinions on. And they were not all conservative sources or conservative supporting.

Also, I said you can check them out. I never said I agreed with nor disagreed with any of those articles. I simply said I bookmarked them over the past few days because they appeared interesting and simply was providing links for people to check out on their own.

With regards to the "stealing the election" article, I specifically put in parentheses that it leans conservative. Thereby implying that you should watch out for bias when reading it.

Also, I did my best to avoid the typical Tribal stuff by directly calling out GOP politicians and implying that they have no spine (thereby refuting your binary opinion of me that Democrats are weak, while Republicans are strong and masculine) and even quoting Chase in that thread to show everyone why it's important to not take what the MSM says at face value and that the politicians are way friendlier with each other than they lead everyone to belive on camera.

Again, you completely ignored that part.

Yes, I have a bias towards Trump. I admitted that. I did my best to balance it out with everything else in my post which you completely glossed over and ignored.

The real reason we can't talk about politics (even though it's a subject matter that clearly appeals to many people here) is because of knee-jerk responses like these.

I like you @Skills, I respect you, you're a way better seducer than me and also have way more life experience than me and could most definitely teach me a thing or two (probably more) about myself and life.

But I absolutely do not appreciate this type of response. It seems very knee-jerk in nature.

EDIT: I also don't appreciate how you completely dismissed me and painted me as a conspiracy theorist. Not cool man.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

The evidence is found through:
  1. the improbable amount of mail-in ballets that magically popped for only Biden in Pennsylvania
  2. A large number of dead people voting for specifically Biden exclusively in the swing states of Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia
  3. Poll watchers being booted from areas in Pennsylvania

The exclusivity of the dead voters, kicked out poll watchers and improbable Biden mail vote dumps all being in the swing states is enough for the president to take legal action and ideally have the whole process audited. There are other eye-raising events as well, such as the glitch in Michigan that gave 6000 trump votes to Biden.

If legal action is not allowed to follow through, and a complete audit of the voting in these states is not done, we have every reason to believe this election was a result of finessing and trickery. If an audit reveals Biden was the true winner than all is fair.

As for différences for the Senate and Representatives. The fraud would not happen as an equal distribution amongst all counties or cities in each state. It is primarily situated around big démocrat cities. For this reason, representatives, which are elected based on district, will have lower odds of being affected.

For the senate, you can see that democrats did infact maintain their seats in the swing states that did have an election, such as Arizona and Michigan. So there’s nothing about the senate race that goes at odds with the election fraud we’re seeing unfold

lol more twiter quotes, do you have EVIDENCE... Jesus crhist! lol



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hey guys, I learn many stuff from here.

This is selfish from me. As long as you guys keep arguing but don't go crazy, I am all good. :)

The nuances here are gold.

HAHA :p:p:p



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Alright, STOP. This is why we can't talk about politics around here anymore because people can't keep their cool.

What do field-testing seduction tactics & techniques have to do with this subject matter?

Do you mean to say that unless someone has served as a sitting politician (either at the local, state, or federal level) or Judge or council-person, etc. that they are not entitled to an opinion on this stuff?

You can disagree if you'd like, but I went out of my way to provide links that people could check out and form their own opinions on. And they were not all conservative sources or conservative supporting.

Also, I said you can check them out. I never said I agreed with nor disagreed with any of those articles. I simply said I bookmarked them over the past few days because they appeared interesting and simply was providing links for people to check out on their own.

With regards to the "stealing the election" article, I specifically put in parentheses that it leans conservative. Thereby implying that you should watch out for bias when reading it.

Also, I did my best to avoid the typical Tribal stuff by directly calling out GOP politicians and implying that they have no spine (thereby refuting your binary opinion of me that Democrats are weak, while Republicans are strong and masculine) and even quoting Chase in that thread to show everyone why it's important to not take what the MSM says at face value and that the politicians are way friendlier with each other than they lead everyone to belive on camera.

Again, you completely ignored that part.

Yes, I have a bias towards Trump. I admitted that. I did my best to balance it out with everything else in my post which you completely glossed over and ignored.

The real reason we can't talk about politics (even though it's a subject matter that clearly appeals to many people here) is because of knee-jerk responses like these.

I like you @Skills, I respect you, you're a way better seducer than me and also have way more life experience than me and could most definitely teach me a thing or two (probably more) about myself and life.

But I absolutely do not appreciate this type of response. It seems very knee-jerk in nature.

EDIT: I also don't appreciate how you completely dismissed me and painted me as a conspiracy theorist. Not cool man.

Field testing in seduction means that you can not just come to a forum and said try farting on a women face and she will fuck you.... You need evidence via field testing by multiple seducers or yourself....

evidence in court means that if you accuse someone STOLE an election, there has to be factual evidence and it needs also to make sense... by the way, is over guys, the dude lost, this arguments are silly...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
lol more twiter quotes, do you have EVIDENCE... Jesus crhist! lol

Pollwatchers getting booted, dead people voting and improbable amount of Biden ballot dumps all occurring under the context of mail-in-voting which is extremely easy to abuse and all while being exclusive to swing states, all while republican representatives (determined by district so harder to implement fraud) are being elected - this is evidence of fraud. It is not total proof, but it is sufficient for a full audit to uncover the full extent of damage. From here it is the job of criminal investigators to uncover the full proof. But we can already see enough public evidence to suggest an investigation.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I fucking hate when i make post, for example the one that i said TRUMP style works due to polarity, then argue with a million seducers....

Then have to make years later another post arguing the opposite, lolololol... Fuck my life!

it reminds me of the time i was arguing about second generation verbals saying it was mental masturbation....

then i had to fight the same guys explaining how it works and why it works... it fucking never stops...lol

The Emerald Archer

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2016
Field testing in seduction means that you can not just come to a forum and said try farting on a women face and she will fuck you.... You need evidence via field testing by multiple seducers or yourself....

That's not what I asked you...

I asked you what field-testing has to do with our discussion on politics? And then asked you a follow-up question about how you determine who has the credibility to speak on this.

Again, you keep ignoring the premise of the debate and did nothing but engage in moral shaming (painting me as a conspiracy theorist, trying to dismiss me or imply that I have no credibility because I have never served in public office, etc.).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
I am not American , and I am quite impartial , but trump would have been a better choice for presidency than Biden .

if you look on Biden’s Wikipedia you will have this summary “ not a smart guy , but You know what he is a good boy “ . Apparently Obama did not backed Biden until he has won the nomination to represent the democrats , even though he was his Vice President for 8 years .

the Problem with trump is that he has a big mouth , but if you think about it , he is the living flesh of the American dream . Models ,private planes , villas, having his tv show, books , bla bla . He is the ultimate aspiration for every American guy :)

and this is why he is popular among Americans


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
That's not what I asked you...

I asked you what field-testing has to do with our discussion on politics? And then asked you a follow-up question about how you determine who has the credibility to speak on this.

Again, you keep ignoring the premise of the debate and did nothing but engage in moral shaming (painting me as a conspiracy theorist, trying to dismiss me or imply that I have no credibility because I have never served in public office, etc.).

Bro! it was an anolgy... evidence similar to field testing (evidence light)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Pollwatchers getting booted, dead people voting and improbable amount of Biden ballot dumps all occurring under the context of mail-in-voting which is extremely easy to abuse and all while being exclusive to swing states, all while republican representatives (determined by district so harder to implement fraud) are being elected - this is evidence of fraud. It is not total proof, but it is sufficient for a full audit to uncover the full extent of damage. From here it is the job of criminal investigators to uncover the full proof. But we can already see enough public evidence to suggest an investigation.

chrance i believe you, where is the evidence?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I am not American , and I am quite impartial , but trump would have been a better choice for presidency than Biden .

if you look on Biden’s Wikipedia you will have this summary “ not a smart guy , but You know what he is a good boy “ . Apparently Obama did not backed Biden until he has won the nomination to represent the democrats , even though he was his Vice President for 8 years .

the Problem with trump is that he has a big mouth , but if you think about it , he is the living flesh of the American dream . Models ,private planes , villas, having his tv show, books , bla bla . He is the ultimate aspiration for every American guy :)

and this is why he is popular among Americans

They both suck, but yeah trump may be the least bad, but he was too unprofessional and uncalibrated, took it to far...

The Emerald Archer

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2016
Bro! it was an anolgy... evidence similar to field testing (evidence light)


Anyways, I think I might have rubbed you the wrong way since I spoke to your quote only earlier. I don't know if that made you feel singled out, but that wasn't my intention. I'll try to be more conscious of stuff like that from now on.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Feb 3, 2020
It seems to me like this is a case of suspicions or preliminary claims of evidence that may or may not lead to investigations or recounts.

I don't think we should necessarily need a "smoking gun" now to validate these claims. And hand-waving worries away is worse. We should let this play out in the courts/procedures. Especially since half of the country feels cheated. Whether right or wrong.

Trump's appeal to me was his empathy to the working class. He drew on their concerns and did it in a funny charismatic way. He also did a great frame of "us vs those elite." Hillary felt shady by comparison.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Anyways, I think I might have rubbed you the wrong way since I spoke to your quote only earlier. I don't know if that made you feel singled out, but that wasn't my intention. I'll try to be more conscious of stuff like that from now on.

incorrect! you did not rubbed me the wrong way, i am not sensitive like that bro! velasco and people that have followed me for years, can tell you i am not like that at all.... i hate seducers that are like that with a passion when they behave like this(sensitive and shit)

read my post here on trump https://nextasf.com/forum/nextasf/o...-president-being-polirizing-and-asshole-works
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