- Joined
- Jan 6, 2025
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- 21
Hi everyone, I've lurked on these forums for a while now, and I've done some approaches on and off and even gotten some lays(like more than 5 for sure), but I've never taken seduction as seriously as I would like, which is the purpose of this journal.
My goal is to create a habit of writing and analyzing my interactions and also systematically change how I act and how I look at things to the point where I could have multiple 10s in my rotation.
Multiple 10s aren't the end all be all, but its more of a benchmark that I can look at and be confident that I've become a master at seduction and influence.
I want these extremely attractive women begging me to fuck them and have them be
my booty dial, and even further, i would like to have such a magnetic pull on these women, that I can they wouldn't care that they are a replaceable player on the roster.
When I'm done, I won't even see these women as 10s as I will have run through so many of them that the idea of a 10 isnt even exciting to me anymore as I bang one every night.
I believe that anyone, even if your chopped and broke, can develop the influencing skills needed to get a rotation of 10s. Of course, the uglier you are, the more insane your game has to be as I believe these other factors work sort of like multipliers to your game.
I've read so much about whether u should just looksmax, money max, or game max, but really i think the optimal path is doing all three - maybe not at the same time, but they all work together so why not. To neglect looks or money just because I want to rely solely on my game is an ego that would only get in my way.
Right now I'm broke as shit, but I'm getting into a sales job and I have a feeling I'm going to do pretty i well there.
I consider myself lookwise as a 7, but as I get leaner(about 18% bf rn) i think i can easily push 8, maybe even 9 as I'm also doing gymnastics rings every day and seeing some insane improvements in my physique.
I'm also working on my body language and my voice. I think the body language needs some work with just releasing tension, being more fluid, but as for my voice, I've developed a nice, deep and resonant voice - i just need to make it sexier and have more range in my tonality to create a more magnetic effect when I'm talking.
But right now, my biggest bottleneck is simply approaching. I can push through the discomfort but I keep waiting for perfect conditions
I'm thinking things like
1 - "is she hot enough, wait let me see what her ass looks like" and ofc, every girl these days is wearing fucking oversized jeans... such a dogshit fashion trend that i cant wait to be gone.
2 - "what should I say" this one is like half as important as i think it is. Sure it does matter, but I feel like by simply opening with good body language and vocal tonality is good enough to push to the hook phase because my fundamentals are decent.
3 - 'is now the right time to approach" i keep thinking I need to do a full A-Z seduction but really, I can get a good set in less that 5 or even 3 minutes, and then number pull and continue working from there. Maybe I'm just scared to use the phone since I have little texting experience, but that just means I gotta find strategies and get better
4- "I'm too busy" This is honestly just a cop out. I'm thinking that engaging with women would take to much time away from the other projects I got going on in life but thats just BS. I'm framing women like they are not worth the effort/time economically but thats simply not true. More pussy is always good. If a girl starts to be a problem/eat up too much time I can just cut her off.
Even from a time perspective, the amount of time I'm thinking about fucking girls because I'm so horny is also an insane amount that would get fixed if i was just fucking girls, or at least be a little under control. If I can't fit girls into my schedule, then I am truly fucking up life and girls are not the problem here, I am. That's the frame here.
First Approach
I just did an approach on the bus with a cute girl from my class. Shes has a golden brown skin tone and a nice ass. Honestly surprised I got an approach done today, I think it was really convinient timing, and I was already lukewarm with the girl so the approach was easy.
I was walking out of the school building and i saw the buses parked there, thinking they were about to leave, I instantly started running and when I got to the bus I noticed her and she immideatly noticed me. My first question was whether this was the right bus or not. THAT was my opener lol(really needed the bus, but also it's a totally appropriate opener).
After she confirmed it for me, I then started to continue the conversation with her. The hook was basically already there since she knew me, but I don't know what exactly we talked about. I know I asked some questions about her moving to here from another country and then when we boarded the bus, I was able to strategically sit right next to her, by bringing up how dirty the other seats were.
When I'm sitting next to her, I started asking more about her major, to which she asked me about mine. This was my first fuckup, not because I told her my major, but because I kept talking about it. I don't think I said too much, but it was the first sign of my biggest error in this interaction.
I started asking her about how it was like living here and she talked about how shes juggling college, and a part time job. I asked her how she did it since the time it would take for all of that is insane.
We talked more on that, to which we then talked about our other random stuff that I don't really remember which goes to show how insignificant my verbals were as I just had this converstation like 20 minutes ago. (Reminder to fix this part of the interaction)
After this though, i found myself talking waaay too much about myself, to the point where the only thing i know about this chick, is some logistical stuff like the fact she lives close to my house and that shes an immigrant and what she wants to study. I asked about her life in the other country but we didn't dive deep enough and that's on me. I believe this is mainly because I need to work on my conversational steering, and learn how to elicit deeper topics to build a strong connection. Bus ride was 30 minutes so I at least held the conversion for the entire point.
Also, me talking about myself doesn't do anything but maybe position me for a boyfriend role, which is not what I'm trying to do. I need to put the light on her and get her to to tell me things she hasn't told to anyone else. Tactfully break past the social barriers and get her to truly open up to me in and feel good, being vulnerable with me. (This is a skill that I want to bring to all of my future sets. I need to figure out how to do it though. Reminder to look this up on GC and SS)
She left at her stop, and while I feel I could have number grabbed, it was far too sloppy. Seeing as she lives like a 2 min bus ride from me, I'm definetely going to number grab after our next class together, citing this as a reason, and insinuating some of the fun activies we could do together while exuding a sexual vibe - not outright saying what I'd do to her, but making her think it anyways. I think there is one problem here though, and while it was in my mind the entire interaction, I don't think i articulated this vibe correctly.
I needed a much more sexual vibe. Not like a in your face way... but my energy level itself. The way I was talking had to much energy in it. I needed to bring it down a bit, and while I tried to use sexual eye contact, and I had a deep voice, it simply wasn't enough to turn the interaction into a man to woman interaction. I could certainly feel that there was potential for a man to women interaction, but I couldn't get her to look at me for long enough to build up any tension.
Yes, tension
THATS what was missing. Whenever I had a good approach in the past, there was a layer of tension in every interaction. That certain spark that would just make the interaction 10x better for the both of us. I love feeling this when talking to a girl, as it feels like theres this untapped potential in the air, and I know girls love feeling it to. I just need to figure out how to consistently bring that to the interaction.
I think one way would have been to simply picture the conquest while I was talking to her. Picture how her lips would feel slowly gliding on my cock, or how nice the view would be as i bend her over from the back and enter her. THinking of it now, I can feel that sexual energy rise in me - i just need to exude it in the set. It would be that X factor that would put my mind in the kind of frame that would make everything I do passively better.
Because I had such a social vibe, I stuck to social topics. Had I had this sexual frame in my mind, I would have naturally led the conversation to more sexual topics, and i think THIS is where I needed to be. I could have definetly done it in a non-try hard way, i honestly just didn't think of it, because my vibe was off.
I also need to look at some sexual topics I can talk about just so I don't force myself to come up with new material on the spot. Obviously i'm not trying to recite bar for bar, but having a general framework of some topics that could easily elicit the sexual vibe i want to create would go a long way into making the interaction sexual consistently.
I think the ideal conversational mix would be something like 40% her just sharing deep details about herself, then when I talk, I don't share much about myself, only what she truly needs to know so I don't active FSC. Instead I talk about things that create frames that lead to fast casual sex. I need to talk about things that would probe her view on things like fast sex, acting impulsively, slut shaming, self exploration, doing exciting things with people you just met, and through these words, get her mind to view reality in a way where she's perfectly ok with coming off the bus with me right there to explore herself in my room, with my cock. My ability to do this will be a key part on my success in seducing multiple women and 10s.(reminder to figure out how to do this).
In terms of conversation %, 40-60% of her talking about her self, 20-30% me setting up sexual frames, 20-30% me setting up the right frames to set up the same day pull, and now that I write this 5%-10% of just straight up silence... building up that tension.
I need to create a situation where she's basically melting in my presence. And one way to do that, is to really take my time when I'm talking, and use this silence strategically. If she asks me a question I can play with the eye contact before I answer, and as shes likely to look at me as I start my answer, I can drag this out with pauses to basically get her to look at me more, which builds more tension. Once again, i think this would be much easier if I just had a powerful sexual vibe active to begin with.(Reminder to look up using silence in conversation)
I think If I had that sexual vibe, and therefore created a sexual interaction, the topics we would have discussed would have been inherently more exciting, and I would have built more compliance. This increased investment, would lead to way more eye contact from her,which would have built the tension even further. Now, on the topic of eye contact, I'm not sure if i'm doing it correctly. I think I used too much eye contact because I used it as a crutch to build the vibe. I need to look into the appropriate amount of eye contact, and more specifically, how i can use that to build more compliance(reminder)
To Do
Approach more : The first thing I need to do, is get way more sets in. I'm in school 2 times a week after the schedule change im about to do, so Ideally, I should talk to 2-3 girls each time i'm there. I can easily do this, i just need to come up with a system to easily get the approach done when I see the opportunity arise, I also need to spell out these easy approach opportunities so that when I'm in field I'm not thinking, I'm just doing.
Learn how to deep dive and when: I've tried deep diving people but its never had the effect that I was looking for. Also i think I'm doing it too soon. Just really need to understand how to do it and when to use it tbh.
Learn how to steer the interaction into seductive frames: i rememeber there being a really good thread here on this but I can't find it. Whenever I used this strategy tho, it was just obvious that this shit was fire. What I'm going to do, is write down all the frames that I want to ideally set in an interaction, and then I will create dummy conversations that I could use to develope a strong seduction based frame.
Touch more : I touched her only a little bit in this interaction, but man, I know just how strong touch can be in the interaction. I gotta do it way more. I'm going to look up some articles and browse throught the forums to see how some of you guys have done it. This would multiply my sexual vibe through the roof.
Practice Sexual Vibe: There's two things I'm going to do for this.
#1: I strongly belive, that the best sexual vibe, is the one you don't have to come up with on the spot. I think I should just passively be in a moderate sexual vibe at all times. And just bring up the ante when talking to a girl, or lowering it in some professional contexts. So what I'm going to do, is picture the conquest whenever I see a girl and get my mind on the habit of simply being horny around women. I think over a longer time frame, this would just solve the sexual vibe problem by itself.
- When I think of sexual vibe, to me, all it really is is a desire for women. Most guys have this, but most guys don't feel comfortable with projecting this desire and for good reason. It's very easy to overdo it and I think a part of that is because they aren't used to that sexual energy because truth to be told, being horny and aroused, while it feels good, is technically a feeling of angst. Desire comes from a place of not having what you want.
But, by always being in a sexual state of mind, not only do I get used to this tension in myself, but I get used to calibrating it so that I'm delivering just the right amount to get the influence that I want over women. I need to look up some articles on calibration as well
#2: As I'm talking to the girl, I'm going to picture the conquest - Fucking her, right then and there. I want it to get to the point where I can make the girl see what I see without me even saying it. There's a certain nonverbal skill here, and I believe it has to do with the eyes, and touch. I should look up trinagle gazing, other eye contact techniques, and touch.
Also I need to learn sex talk from the one and only, whose name need not be said.
Learn how to use silence: silence is where the tension is made. Talking naturally reduces tension unless ur using sex talk. So i need to learn how to use this silence for powerful seductive effect. I'm sure there's an article on this.
Eye contact and body language: I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with my eye contact. I know there's a lot of things it can do thought particularly with tension and attainability.
Also need to evade and deflect question on me. The more the girl knows about me, the more she can judge me to align with an arbitrary social standard she has in her mind, and the less mysterious i become. By keeping things vague, and brushing things off by saying "it's a long story" or "it's complicated" and revert the conversation back to the girl.
- I need to figure out if i need more attainability or less attainability. Like whats the philosophy here? Some girls can seem aloof but that could just be because they think they cant get you. Whereas some other girls think you're not attractive enough for them, and you need to get more compliance from them. It's a tough line to walk, and i don't think i can just read an article to figure out how to walk it - going to need to do more sets.
- In terms of body language, I'm not sure what I'm doing here either, I need to look at lovesystems bodylanguage again.
Also I need to relisten Gunwitches SMMA, i think this would give me the framework that I need to consistently go from Attention, Open, Hook, Isolation, Lay.
Clearly, lots of work needs to be done here, and I definetely wrote a mountain of text here, but at least for me, this is the only way I know how to get better. Writing brings everything to awareness, and if your aware of it, you can fix it.
By not writing everything out, there's some details that I would miss, and because of that, I would take longer to get better, which is not what I'm trying to do. I want my rotation of 10s right the fuck now.
I'm not sure what exactly i need to do to bring this back into my set but i will review alek's articles on it and write on it. If yall have any advice, or have experienced any of the bottle necks that i'm going through, pls share. I know there are some real lady killers on here, and even if you aren't super experienced, please share as well as it would be very helpful for me(and you as teaching others is one of the best ways to cement your mastery in a skillset)
I need to do a bunch of uni and work stuff but ima get back to this and work out some of the to dos. talk soon
Hi everyone, I've lurked on these forums for a while now, and I've done some approaches on and off and even gotten some lays(like more than 5 for sure), but I've never taken seduction as seriously as I would like, which is the purpose of this journal.
My goal is to create a habit of writing and analyzing my interactions and also systematically change how I act and how I look at things to the point where I could have multiple 10s in my rotation.
Multiple 10s aren't the end all be all, but its more of a benchmark that I can look at and be confident that I've become a master at seduction and influence.
I want these extremely attractive women begging me to fuck them and have them be
my booty dial, and even further, i would like to have such a magnetic pull on these women, that I can they wouldn't care that they are a replaceable player on the roster.
When I'm done, I won't even see these women as 10s as I will have run through so many of them that the idea of a 10 isnt even exciting to me anymore as I bang one every night.
I believe that anyone, even if your chopped and broke, can develop the influencing skills needed to get a rotation of 10s. Of course, the uglier you are, the more insane your game has to be as I believe these other factors work sort of like multipliers to your game.
I've read so much about whether u should just looksmax, money max, or game max, but really i think the optimal path is doing all three - maybe not at the same time, but they all work together so why not. To neglect looks or money just because I want to rely solely on my game is an ego that would only get in my way.
Right now I'm broke as shit, but I'm getting into a sales job and I have a feeling I'm going to do pretty i well there.
I consider myself lookwise as a 7, but as I get leaner(about 18% bf rn) i think i can easily push 8, maybe even 9 as I'm also doing gymnastics rings every day and seeing some insane improvements in my physique.
I'm also working on my body language and my voice. I think the body language needs some work with just releasing tension, being more fluid, but as for my voice, I've developed a nice, deep and resonant voice - i just need to make it sexier and have more range in my tonality to create a more magnetic effect when I'm talking.
But right now, my biggest bottleneck is simply approaching. I can push through the discomfort but I keep waiting for perfect conditions
I'm thinking things like
1 - "is she hot enough, wait let me see what her ass looks like" and ofc, every girl these days is wearing fucking oversized jeans... such a dogshit fashion trend that i cant wait to be gone.
2 - "what should I say" this one is like half as important as i think it is. Sure it does matter, but I feel like by simply opening with good body language and vocal tonality is good enough to push to the hook phase because my fundamentals are decent.
3 - 'is now the right time to approach" i keep thinking I need to do a full A-Z seduction but really, I can get a good set in less that 5 or even 3 minutes, and then number pull and continue working from there. Maybe I'm just scared to use the phone since I have little texting experience, but that just means I gotta find strategies and get better
4- "I'm too busy" This is honestly just a cop out. I'm thinking that engaging with women would take to much time away from the other projects I got going on in life but thats just BS. I'm framing women like they are not worth the effort/time economically but thats simply not true. More pussy is always good. If a girl starts to be a problem/eat up too much time I can just cut her off.
Even from a time perspective, the amount of time I'm thinking about fucking girls because I'm so horny is also an insane amount that would get fixed if i was just fucking girls, or at least be a little under control. If I can't fit girls into my schedule, then I am truly fucking up life and girls are not the problem here, I am. That's the frame here.
First Approach
I just did an approach on the bus with a cute girl from my class. Shes has a golden brown skin tone and a nice ass. Honestly surprised I got an approach done today, I think it was really convinient timing, and I was already lukewarm with the girl so the approach was easy.
I was walking out of the school building and i saw the buses parked there, thinking they were about to leave, I instantly started running and when I got to the bus I noticed her and she immideatly noticed me. My first question was whether this was the right bus or not. THAT was my opener lol(really needed the bus, but also it's a totally appropriate opener).
After she confirmed it for me, I then started to continue the conversation with her. The hook was basically already there since she knew me, but I don't know what exactly we talked about. I know I asked some questions about her moving to here from another country and then when we boarded the bus, I was able to strategically sit right next to her, by bringing up how dirty the other seats were.
When I'm sitting next to her, I started asking more about her major, to which she asked me about mine. This was my first fuckup, not because I told her my major, but because I kept talking about it. I don't think I said too much, but it was the first sign of my biggest error in this interaction.
I started asking her about how it was like living here and she talked about how shes juggling college, and a part time job. I asked her how she did it since the time it would take for all of that is insane.
We talked more on that, to which we then talked about our other random stuff that I don't really remember which goes to show how insignificant my verbals were as I just had this converstation like 20 minutes ago. (Reminder to fix this part of the interaction)
After this though, i found myself talking waaay too much about myself, to the point where the only thing i know about this chick, is some logistical stuff like the fact she lives close to my house and that shes an immigrant and what she wants to study. I asked about her life in the other country but we didn't dive deep enough and that's on me. I believe this is mainly because I need to work on my conversational steering, and learn how to elicit deeper topics to build a strong connection. Bus ride was 30 minutes so I at least held the conversion for the entire point.
Also, me talking about myself doesn't do anything but maybe position me for a boyfriend role, which is not what I'm trying to do. I need to put the light on her and get her to to tell me things she hasn't told to anyone else. Tactfully break past the social barriers and get her to truly open up to me in and feel good, being vulnerable with me. (This is a skill that I want to bring to all of my future sets. I need to figure out how to do it though. Reminder to look this up on GC and SS)
She left at her stop, and while I feel I could have number grabbed, it was far too sloppy. Seeing as she lives like a 2 min bus ride from me, I'm definetely going to number grab after our next class together, citing this as a reason, and insinuating some of the fun activies we could do together while exuding a sexual vibe - not outright saying what I'd do to her, but making her think it anyways. I think there is one problem here though, and while it was in my mind the entire interaction, I don't think i articulated this vibe correctly.
I needed a much more sexual vibe. Not like a in your face way... but my energy level itself. The way I was talking had to much energy in it. I needed to bring it down a bit, and while I tried to use sexual eye contact, and I had a deep voice, it simply wasn't enough to turn the interaction into a man to woman interaction. I could certainly feel that there was potential for a man to women interaction, but I couldn't get her to look at me for long enough to build up any tension.
Yes, tension
THATS what was missing. Whenever I had a good approach in the past, there was a layer of tension in every interaction. That certain spark that would just make the interaction 10x better for the both of us. I love feeling this when talking to a girl, as it feels like theres this untapped potential in the air, and I know girls love feeling it to. I just need to figure out how to consistently bring that to the interaction.
I think one way would have been to simply picture the conquest while I was talking to her. Picture how her lips would feel slowly gliding on my cock, or how nice the view would be as i bend her over from the back and enter her. THinking of it now, I can feel that sexual energy rise in me - i just need to exude it in the set. It would be that X factor that would put my mind in the kind of frame that would make everything I do passively better.
Because I had such a social vibe, I stuck to social topics. Had I had this sexual frame in my mind, I would have naturally led the conversation to more sexual topics, and i think THIS is where I needed to be. I could have definetly done it in a non-try hard way, i honestly just didn't think of it, because my vibe was off.
I also need to look at some sexual topics I can talk about just so I don't force myself to come up with new material on the spot. Obviously i'm not trying to recite bar for bar, but having a general framework of some topics that could easily elicit the sexual vibe i want to create would go a long way into making the interaction sexual consistently.
I think the ideal conversational mix would be something like 40% her just sharing deep details about herself, then when I talk, I don't share much about myself, only what she truly needs to know so I don't active FSC. Instead I talk about things that create frames that lead to fast casual sex. I need to talk about things that would probe her view on things like fast sex, acting impulsively, slut shaming, self exploration, doing exciting things with people you just met, and through these words, get her mind to view reality in a way where she's perfectly ok with coming off the bus with me right there to explore herself in my room, with my cock. My ability to do this will be a key part on my success in seducing multiple women and 10s.(reminder to figure out how to do this).
In terms of conversation %, 40-60% of her talking about her self, 20-30% me setting up sexual frames, 20-30% me setting up the right frames to set up the same day pull, and now that I write this 5%-10% of just straight up silence... building up that tension.
I need to create a situation where she's basically melting in my presence. And one way to do that, is to really take my time when I'm talking, and use this silence strategically. If she asks me a question I can play with the eye contact before I answer, and as shes likely to look at me as I start my answer, I can drag this out with pauses to basically get her to look at me more, which builds more tension. Once again, i think this would be much easier if I just had a powerful sexual vibe active to begin with.(Reminder to look up using silence in conversation)
I think If I had that sexual vibe, and therefore created a sexual interaction, the topics we would have discussed would have been inherently more exciting, and I would have built more compliance. This increased investment, would lead to way more eye contact from her,which would have built the tension even further. Now, on the topic of eye contact, I'm not sure if i'm doing it correctly. I think I used too much eye contact because I used it as a crutch to build the vibe. I need to look into the appropriate amount of eye contact, and more specifically, how i can use that to build more compliance(reminder)
To Do
Approach more : The first thing I need to do, is get way more sets in. I'm in school 2 times a week after the schedule change im about to do, so Ideally, I should talk to 2-3 girls each time i'm there. I can easily do this, i just need to come up with a system to easily get the approach done when I see the opportunity arise, I also need to spell out these easy approach opportunities so that when I'm in field I'm not thinking, I'm just doing.
Learn how to deep dive and when: I've tried deep diving people but its never had the effect that I was looking for. Also i think I'm doing it too soon. Just really need to understand how to do it and when to use it tbh.
Learn how to steer the interaction into seductive frames: i rememeber there being a really good thread here on this but I can't find it. Whenever I used this strategy tho, it was just obvious that this shit was fire. What I'm going to do, is write down all the frames that I want to ideally set in an interaction, and then I will create dummy conversations that I could use to develope a strong seduction based frame.
Touch more : I touched her only a little bit in this interaction, but man, I know just how strong touch can be in the interaction. I gotta do it way more. I'm going to look up some articles and browse throught the forums to see how some of you guys have done it. This would multiply my sexual vibe through the roof.
Practice Sexual Vibe: There's two things I'm going to do for this.
#1: I strongly belive, that the best sexual vibe, is the one you don't have to come up with on the spot. I think I should just passively be in a moderate sexual vibe at all times. And just bring up the ante when talking to a girl, or lowering it in some professional contexts. So what I'm going to do, is picture the conquest whenever I see a girl and get my mind on the habit of simply being horny around women. I think over a longer time frame, this would just solve the sexual vibe problem by itself.
- When I think of sexual vibe, to me, all it really is is a desire for women. Most guys have this, but most guys don't feel comfortable with projecting this desire and for good reason. It's very easy to overdo it and I think a part of that is because they aren't used to that sexual energy because truth to be told, being horny and aroused, while it feels good, is technically a feeling of angst. Desire comes from a place of not having what you want.
But, by always being in a sexual state of mind, not only do I get used to this tension in myself, but I get used to calibrating it so that I'm delivering just the right amount to get the influence that I want over women. I need to look up some articles on calibration as well
#2: As I'm talking to the girl, I'm going to picture the conquest - Fucking her, right then and there. I want it to get to the point where I can make the girl see what I see without me even saying it. There's a certain nonverbal skill here, and I believe it has to do with the eyes, and touch. I should look up trinagle gazing, other eye contact techniques, and touch.
Also I need to learn sex talk from the one and only, whose name need not be said.
Learn how to use silence: silence is where the tension is made. Talking naturally reduces tension unless ur using sex talk. So i need to learn how to use this silence for powerful seductive effect. I'm sure there's an article on this.
Eye contact and body language: I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with my eye contact. I know there's a lot of things it can do thought particularly with tension and attainability.
Also need to evade and deflect question on me. The more the girl knows about me, the more she can judge me to align with an arbitrary social standard she has in her mind, and the less mysterious i become. By keeping things vague, and brushing things off by saying "it's a long story" or "it's complicated" and revert the conversation back to the girl.
- I need to figure out if i need more attainability or less attainability. Like whats the philosophy here? Some girls can seem aloof but that could just be because they think they cant get you. Whereas some other girls think you're not attractive enough for them, and you need to get more compliance from them. It's a tough line to walk, and i don't think i can just read an article to figure out how to walk it - going to need to do more sets.
- In terms of body language, I'm not sure what I'm doing here either, I need to look at lovesystems bodylanguage again.
Also I need to relisten Gunwitches SMMA, i think this would give me the framework that I need to consistently go from Attention, Open, Hook, Isolation, Lay.
Clearly, lots of work needs to be done here, and I definetely wrote a mountain of text here, but at least for me, this is the only way I know how to get better. Writing brings everything to awareness, and if your aware of it, you can fix it.
By not writing everything out, there's some details that I would miss, and because of that, I would take longer to get better, which is not what I'm trying to do. I want my rotation of 10s right the fuck now.
I'm not sure what exactly i need to do to bring this back into my set but i will review alek's articles on it and write on it. If yall have any advice, or have experienced any of the bottle necks that i'm going through, pls share. I know there are some real lady killers on here, and even if you aren't super experienced, please share as well as it would be very helpful for me(and you as teaching others is one of the best ways to cement your mastery in a skillset)
I need to do a bunch of uni and work stuff but ima get back to this and work out some of the to dos. talk soon
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