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  1. S

    Finding difficulty in approaching on campus as a graduate/non student.

    I joined the forums a couple months ago and started practicing doing approaches in public in order to try tackle my approach anxiety, which was going okay but I had to take my focus away from practicing seduction during the last month due to other things in life. I practiced some direct...
  2. Atom

    Atomic Ascent

    Hi everyone, After seeing many other members start journals and go on to find great success, I have decided to start one as well. I am finally going to start taking my dating life seriously and establish it as a priority, at least for the foreseeable future. I hope that this journal will help...
  3. Conquistador

    Do college girls have more realistic standards for looks and fundamentals?

    Various recent sets and SC experiences have made me wonder if college girls have lower, more realistic standards for looks and some (not all) fundamentals. The reactions and amount of IoIs I get from girls who are in college seem to be noticeably stronger and more positive than random cold...
  4. Conquistador

    Special Girl Super shy classmate likes me

    In my language class, there's a young woman (she's actually 21). The Class Quite intimate (we're down to 10-15 students regularly attending), evenings, Euro aunt first-time professor, I'm her favorite simply because I love the subject and otherwise act like a grad student. In addition, due to...
  5. Mr.SocialAcceptableHarem

    Netflix and Chill and The Boyfriend Zone

    I didn’t know what I was doing and now I’m this girl’s boyfriend without having had sex with her. To me that doesn’t even count as a boyfriend but she’s says I’m her boyfriend and she’s crazy about me. She really loves me and gets emotional about me at times. I’m just sitting here confused as...
  6. Mr.SocialAcceptableHarem

    FR Conservative girl gives HEAVY resistance

    So I pick up this girl at her apartment. We were gonna go to an arcade but I offer we go for a hike instead, just because it was so nice out. I was hungry so I suggested we get some food. I've read your supposed to introduce sex as a topic of conversation just to put the idea in her head, so I...
  7. Conquistador

    FR Approached after a makeup class, excellent convo but I

    Today I attended a later lecture than usual for my humanities class due to a business appointment, same course, same professor, same material. Lecture format but in a regular classroom. So I have serious social proof and confidence in this setting due to, well....being myself, but am a...
  8. Conquistador

    Older (25+) single girls in college: How to proceed?

    So I've met two different older girls (I use that word deliberately) in college recently. Both intellectual, in good shape for their age, apparently single, have their lives in order, quiet, slightly lonely, no red flags, both actively expressing limited interest in me. The first is 37 or so...
  9. Conquistador

    How to use social media (Instagram, Telegram, Snapchat) effectively for social circle and seduction (college)

    I have no real experience with social media due to being relatively low-tech up to now. Bur it seems that everyone at college has a major social media presence, except for me; people keep asking me for my Insta, which I don't have. Before I change that, though, I'd like to spend some time...
  10. DrippyMoonKnight

    Day-game Disaster

    Near the end of last school year (I'm in university), I made the mistake of using the "are you single?" line during a day game approach. This was made even more abrupt and out-of-place by the fact that I used the policeman stop just before saying it. Now, a woman who previously liked me thinks...
  11. Conquistador

    Surveying the Topography

    Welcome to my humble journal. I intend to post updates more or less regularly, but not daily. I'm a freshman at one of the hottest colleges in the country. I waited to start until the world went back to being vaguely normal, so I'm already 20. If you recognize my profile picture, I'm pretty...
  12. Lushie

    How to deal with a club rager

    I was out with two of my guys at a uptown college bar, it was crowded as fuck. We were chilling at this bar area and I noticed this group of mixed set with three girls and three guys. I told my boys let's go closer to the DJ, so one of my guy went first and slip past one of the girl in the...
  13. Mr.SocialAcceptableHarem

    UPDATE: How do I navigate social circle?

    This is an update from my first post, How do I approach girls. Since I posted that thread, I've been fighting my social anxiety. Saying hi to strangers, walking up to and then making conversation with strangers, and also making conversation with employees of companies (i.e. Starbucks barista) My...
  14. lceman

    Mav3rick Earns His Wings

    mav·er·ick /ˈmav(ə)rik/ noun 1. an unorthodox or independent-minded person. Allow me to re-introduce myself. I'm Maverick, and while I chose this name based on the dictionary definition, I'm on a mission to become Top Gun. Think of this journal as me taking you along for the ride as I go...
  15. B

    Any advice on artsy girls?

    So I've realized that I have a type. Artsy girls. I've been thinking about my past relationships and I've realized that the main reason why they never worked out is because they just haven't been my type. I like creative girls. I myself am a film maker. And I'm interested in girls who have an...
  16. mist

    FR Accidental Sniper Approaches

    HBEastAfrican (Last Monday) 40-50 minute interaction(?) Something about africans and having dat ass. Well I hope so because it was hard to tell with her jacket. She had a very nice shape though. What I looked like sort of. Rough draft of what I was wearing Red sweater fit (Close to this)...
  17. O

    [Urgent Help] How do I connect with a girl (who likes me) in my class to move things forward from general small talk to building personal connection?

    Hello, everyone. I am just starting out on this journey of understanding pickup/game. And, needed some solid advice on how to progress things forward. The thing is I am in college right now, and there's this girl with whom I have a class together. It's only been a few days/classes, and we...
  18. lceman

    The Return Of The Mack

    Intro- 11/15/21 Wassup playas! I'll be chronicling my adventures with women, along with what I'm thinking about during the process, in this journal. Back in my high school years, I had some success with women without knowing pick up artists even existed. I pulled mostly from social circle...
  19. Lobo

    LR Mr. Worldwide

    Where do we begin? It seemed today, I found myself in unique circumstances only befitting a ladykiller. Lunch With Social Circle.... Oblivious to HB? First I'm just shooting the shit, talking with my girl friends over dinner, when a group of girls come in and sit right next to us. I didn't...
  20. F

    College dating tips other than Cold Approach?

    Hey so I've recently went back to college to finish my degree. I'm a senior so I only have 1 year left. The thing is, I don't have time to slow game and build a huge social circle, yet cold approach doesn't really work at college (from my experience). Most girls care about their reputations and...