FR  Sexy brunette flirts heavily and buys me a drink.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
@Tony D, as promised.

Went out solo in my denim jacket last night around 10:30. My plan was to make some new friends early and then branch out to talk to chicks, instead of just clinging to the group like I have the last few weeks. The uber on the way over smelled like BO – 4 stars because the driver was cool at least.

When I arrived I noticed the place was dead – coronavirus – I immediately went in for a drink – and joked to the cute bartender that her job was going to be so easy tonight. She smiled, told me it was boring and then asked me to come back later to make it go faster.

Before going upstairs I had to finish my drink – so I started talking to the bouncer at the stairs. Finished the drink, got his name (and wrote it down in my phone) and headed upstairs. Action time. I was sitting down and noticed a boisterous group of guys sitting next to me. I looked at my phone, feigned a puzzled look and walked over to them, sat down I the empty chair and told them that my friend had just bailed on me because he didn’t want to risk getting coronavirus. I rolled my eyes when saying this as if it was the lamest thing in the world. They all laughed and we introduced ourselves. They were friendly, and I was trying to break into their conversations, but after a short while I felt like I was being a value vampire. I told them I was getting a drink and as soon as I got up to leave, two cute blondes who apparently were with them came back. As luck would have it the two blondes were going to get a drink too.

Two cute blondes

At the bar I confidently asked them if they were with the guys I was just with and then introduced myself. When they found out I didn’t know them and they were surprised and asked who I was here with. Gave them the same “friend bailed” schtick and they loved it and we exchanged names. I made sure the lightly touch the cute one near me (B) and mainly talked to her – I then told them because of my friend bailing I was on a mission to make friends – could have been more flirty here and said something like “and meet cute girls” while looking at them – they told me I already had and that I could always come back and join them later.

After they left, I went and sat down next to do older guys sitting down and told them about my mission, got their names and found out a bit about them.

Two cute younger girls

There were two cute girls sitting behind me, so I told the guys I was going to go talk to them. I went to the girls, told them about my mission – but again I should have told them I was out to meet cute girls as well. The one opposite me looked surprised and skeptical, the one directly to my left was smiling widely but not talking too much – it didn’t seem to be attraction but more a “I can’t believe this is happening, this is so funny”. I didn’t physically engage with the one on my left despite her smiling – it felt wrong for some reason and she looked reaallly young.

I ejected from this set early, went to talk to an Asian guy and girl who were cool, went to the bar again, ran into a guy and chatted. 10 minutes later I went to a large table to engage and he was sitting there and immediately welcomed me to the table. Got to talking with the guys.

Gorgeous pale black-haired girl

After a short while this really cute girl came over and was standing next to me – I knew she wanted me to introduce myself so I did and held her hand, making sure not to shake it. And pulled her in for a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and told me my hands were really cold – does anyone know a fun flirty response to this? It’s something I get a lot. I’m thinking something like “maybe you’re just too hot” with a wink could work.

I sort of fumbled over my words because I didn’t know what to say – she then left to talk to another guy and I think that awkwardness might have contributed to it.

I told the guys I was getting up to get a drink and headed to the bar.

Short sexy brunette

At the bar there was this short, really sexy italian looking brunette (Z). I don’t remember exactly how I engaged her but immediately it was on. We were close and touching each other – at one point her hand was resting in mine on the bar. She pointed out that she was with her “sexually adventurous” friends tonight and pointed them out – telling me that I should join them. When the bartender came over she asked me what I was having and then ordered for me.

But! Suddenly I realized I didn’t have my phone and start freaking out inside. I tell her this and say I’m going to find my phone – she says when I find it to come find her so she can give me her number. After walking around I find it… in my jacket pocket. LOL. I went and found her and sat down, introducing myself to her friends.

Dropping the ball (edit: but not really - apparently she was leaving, not going to the dance floor as she clarified in a text today. I misheard. The whole night I thought she was on the dance floor and went to find her later)

The vibe was a little different with Z this time – maybe she was surprised I came and found her so soon – I’m not sure but she was definitely less flirty now – but maybe because the friends were around. I gave her my phone and asked her to put her number in it. While she was doing this I was chit chatting with the friends – they got up to go dance and asked Z if she was coming. She said a bit later because she was still going through my phone. She told me that she was scrolling through to see how many other girls were in there because she wanted to feel special, or something like that. Ok… that was a bit weird. She then put her number in with a love heart. We then chatted some more about how no one was out – and she commented that “the only people out tonight are horny”. I’m not that dense and knew she was flirting, but she was saying it so platonically and matter of factly – it was weird. After a short while she got up to dance with her friends – and then told me that later on if I hadn’t met another chick, to text her. **now I realize this meant another time, not tonight**

How much more aggressive should I have been here, if I knew at the time that she was leaving? What would you guys have tried saying to keep her there?

Later on I ran into the two cute blondes (including B) again - they were a bit wasted at this point and I got a high five – and they asked me to join the guys on the dancefloor– so I went to the dancefloor. B came out of nowhere, grabs me from behind and starts grinding on me (I think she was very drunk at this point) but as soon as I turn around and recognize her she stops and goes to join the guys. I went to dance with them and all the guys seemed glad to see me, grabbed both the blondes in either arm. But after a while we were just dancing in a circle and I was unsure how to escalate with B – I think it was already too late and I hadn’t built enough rapport with her earlier. I ejected.

Gorgeous strawberry blonde

Out in the smokers area I sat down at a table with a group of guys and a girl. I was losing steam at this point. The girl offers me a smoke and I decline. This gorgeous tall strawberry blonde (S) comes over – she’s the niece of one of the guys. We start chatting – she seems very interested in me and is putting her arm around me, telling me how this was her first time there since she just moved from the country which was a long time coming since she was turning 23 in a few months. I wanted to escalate but.. I was actually a bit afraid of doing it in front of the group of guys since they were very intimidating… Maybe I should have tried to number close and tell her that we can explore my city together. A short while later this other guy who knew S comes over and they start chatting. I eject.

Final moments

After heading back to the dance floor – I made a last ditch effort to find Z, but couldn’t see her – I didn’t want to text her asking where she was because that would be needy.

My social momentum was completely dead at this point. With all the people I'd met earlier in the night drunk and on the dancefloor and everyone else a stranger and drunk, I thought it was too late to do the whole "my friend bailed" schtick again since everyone was right drunk at this point unlike earlier.

I decided to call it a night and left at 1:30 (three hours after I got there). I texted Z the “save my number” text. No response. This morning I realized the number was wrong since there was an extra digit in there – so I texted a few likely numbers and she responded on one of them - we've been texting back and forth today - she's not free tomorrow (Sunday) but I'm going to see if I can set up something during the week.


The whole "my friend bailed" trick really opens people up to you - I liked how confident I was with it and acted like it wasn't a big deal that I was going up talking to randoms. Now, instead of saying that I'm on a mission to make friends, I want to try being more flirty and try saying something like "and meet cute girls" since I still had a platonic vibe.

Don't drink so much, ffs. This is a "lesson" every FR I write but it's so hard not to get a couple in you to relax.

I had good social momentum at the start but lost it at the end when the people I met were all drunk on the dancefloor. It feels like it was a waste - but I realize if I'd built more rapport with the girls beforehand it could have been fun with them and I might have had a chance.

Regarding what times to target - I used this rough plan and it seemed to work. And it lined up with my experience in that later on in the night (after 12) waay more people started rocking up, and they were drunk, so I just felt that it was going to be much more difficult and that killed my momentum. But again, probably should have stuck it out and tried.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Nice FR. which city are you located in?

Thanks man. I don't want to say the exact city since I don't want to get doxxed, but I live in Australia.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Text game fumbled again - I think I went for the meet too soon. Maaan

M: Hey, is this Z? It's M, the guy from last night. The number you gave had an extra digit so I'm not sure if this is you ;P

Z: Haha how many times have you had to send this message??

M: About 64 times. Have had so many randoms texting me back saying heeyyy

M: Haha. No, twice. You wrote XYXY so I figured it had to be XYX or YXY ;)

Z: So rude that I grabbed your phone and entered my number and just rolled out XD. I was in a state and also in a rush!

M: Wait, a rush to urgently show the world Z's dance moves before the virus hit us all? I thought you went to the dance floor. Or did I mishear ;)

Z: Hahaha no, no, my dancing would definitely not be on the priority list of things to see before quarantine and or death. I was trying to round up all the gals to get out there. Lol

M: That makes a lot more sense - you did seem distracted, it was cute and confusing XD

M: But you're right, it was rude, very rude. You're going to have to make up for this somehow ;P. Are you free tomorrow?

Z: Haha glad you found it endearing. I'm actually flat out tomorrow, but good to see I'm forgiven for my behaviour

M: Hey now, you haven't been forgiven yet! *I went out after this and didn't send a follow up*

Next morning:
M: Let me know what you're (misspelt that) schedules looking like and lets figure something out, before the world goes into lockdown ;)

It's been almost two days now and no response. I will send another one tomorrow but I would love it someone could spot any glaring errors in this text exchange... texting has killed me so many times!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
Your text game looks pretty good to me. You passed her shit test, and you asked for a date on a high note. The only thing I would have done different would be your last text. I would have reengaged her, gotten her on a high note again, and then asked her out. She's not really on a high note the next day.

Did you qualify her before getting her number and did you hint at the idea of getting her number to set up a date?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Your text game looks pretty good to me. You passed her shit test, and you asked for a date on a high note. The only thing I would have done different would be your last text. I would have reengaged her, gotten her on a high note again, and then asked her out. She's not really on a high note the next day.

Yeah, after I sent the next day one I did re-read it and think along those lines, that I should maybe have greeted her and asked what she got up to last night especially since it was Saturday. I like that tip, always making sure to re-engage her after a conversation has ended - I generally just pick up where we left off - but maybe that's acting too familiar with her too soon.

Did you qualify her before getting her number and did you hint at the idea of getting her number to set up a date?

Well, she knew she was leaving soon and she's the one who told me to find her so she could give me her number, and it was not platonic between us. So she definitely knew what was up and knew I would be trying to set up a date.

I didn't really qualify her though. But I mean, we didn't really talk much because she had to go - how much more qualifying should I have done? She seemed like a cool attractive chick and so I would be down to spend at least a few hours getting to know her. That's why I'm so disappointed she stopped responding to the texts. I thought that I came across as a cool attractive guy, and hoped she would be at least a little curious to see where things would go with me, because I was very confident and non-needy around her. It's a bit demoralizing tbh

That does bring up another point though. I don't really qualify girls too much. In fact, because I'm now just in the phase where I want as much experience as possible, the only way i'm qualifying them right now is if I find them passably attractive and cool (but I mean, even this is reasonable to me?? Seems like a good enough qualifier for at least a first date)

But... I guess what I need to do is figure out a way of hiding the fact that she has won me over already just by being attractive and cool (only now while I get more experience, but obviously not later), and making her think she's won me over in other ways. Girls like a challenge, I guess. And I don't think I'm much of a challenge right now. Maybe the very fact that I think if she's attractive and cool she's good enough for a date actually does make me not a challenge.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
This chick just texted me back right now out of the blue "Irritating that you don't have your phone number linked to your facebook". Da hell? Going to make a joke about her trying to stalk me. Do I acknowledge the fact that it's been weeks in a sarcastic way or will that make me look butthurt?

Edit: Think I've got something good - "Look I know things have been moving pretty fast with us but I’m not sure if I’m ready to make it facebook official yet". Calls her out on the slowness of her response in a funny way and also frames her as the chaser/ the one who wants to move things forward.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2020
I would absolutely not mention the lateness of her reply.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
I would absolutely not mention the lateness of her reply.

I sent her the message in my edit - she responded. Having a bit of fun with this one now just teasing her, lol


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

This was a tidy report.

You had at least one and possibly two girls you maybe could've pulled here with slightly tighter game / a bit more initiative-taking. You just missed those from not knowing what to do -- but don't worry, that'll change.

Couple of tips:

#1: for those groups situations with guys and girls where the dynamic is unclear -- "So, how do you guys all know each other?" is golden. This'll get you the dynamics of the group very quick, and you'll know if you can go for one or both girls and how likely or not the guys are to resist that or support it.

#2: when girls are talking about everybody being horny and talking about you and women -- it means they are horny and want you to pull them that night. Your first instincts were correct. If you built a little compliance with Z and led her around a bit and made an invite home or two to her you'd likely have gotten her.

More detailed remarks:

Two cute blondes

At the bar I confidently asked them if they were with the guys I was just with and then introduced myself. When they found out I didn’t know them and they were surprised and asked who I was here with. Gave them the same “friend bailed” schtick and they loved it and we exchanged names. I made sure the lightly touch the cute one near me (B) and mainly talked to her – I then told them because of my friend bailing I was on a mission to make friends – could have been more flirty here and said something like “and meet cute girls” while looking at them – they told me I already had and that I could always come back and join them later.

Wonderfully well set up for later.

Shame you didn't find out the dynamics though.

Guys seemed cool with you; they may all have been platonic friends.

If the guys like you, and none of them are hung up on the girl, sometimes they will cheer you on for getting together with their friend.

Gorgeous pale black-haired girl

After a short while this really cute girl came over and was standing next to me – I knew she wanted me to introduce myself so I did and held her hand, making sure not to shake it. And pulled her in for a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and told me my hands were really cold – does anyone know a fun flirty response to this? It’s something I get a lot. I’m thinking something like “maybe you’re just too hot” with a wink could work.

I sort of fumbled over my words because I didn’t know what to say – she then left to talk to another guy and I think that awkwardness might have contributed to it.

Her: "Your hands are really cold."
You: "That's how I send chills up spines... when my finger's on a backbone..."

You can also do:

Her: "Your hands are really cold."
You: "You ever play hot and cold?"
Her: "No, what's that?
You: "Well, we introduce a warm sensation to part of your body... then we introduce a cold sensation... it's really neat. I'll show with your hand first."

Then you bring her hand up to your mouth and blow on it with a hot breath while staring at her and smiling. Then put your icy fingers on the same part of her hand you just heated.

If she likes it, you can move on to other parts of her body. Or just seed: "Works even better on other, more sensitive parts of the body. But we need to save something for later ;)"

She pointed out that she was with her “sexually adventurous” friends tonight

That's her telling you that she HERSELF is sexually adventurous.

Or at least is feeling that way TONIGHT.

i.e., massive neon sign reading "Screw me silly!"

The vibe was a little different with Z this time – maybe she was surprised I came and found her so soon

"Hey, I am such a scatterbrain. Turns out the phone was in my pocket the whole time. Ever do that?"

Congruence can save you from stuff like this.

Help her understand why you have returned so quick from the "lost phone adventure" and it won't be weird.

She told me that she was scrolling through to see how many other girls were in there because she wanted to feel special, or something like that. Ok… that was a bit weird.

Checking the competition.

Another flashing sign. Like when a girl asks you if you have a girlfriend... except even more blatant.

She then put her number in with a love heart.

Good sign, especially in light of the others (i.e., she is not just a flirt).

We then chatted some more about how no one was out – and she commented that “the only people out tonight are horny”. I’m not that dense and knew she was flirting, but she was saying it so platonically and matter of factly – it was weird.

She was talking about herself!

Not every girl is a steamy sexpot.

And in fact the girls who have to voice it verbally are quite often the ones who have not learned how to convey it with their vibe, nonverbals, etc.

She wanted it, amigo.

After a short while she got up to dance with her friends – and then told me that later on if I hadn’t met another chick, to text her. **now I realize this meant another time, not tonight**

She was talking about that night!

She already made it as obvious as she could.

You did not take the bait, so she said "All right fine. If you don't get laid, text me and I'm yours."

Then after she left, you stayed there, and kept gaming, then later told her to "save your number" (she was hoping to hear something more along the lines of "Sorry to take a while to text you. Finished my mission. New friends: MADE. What's your status -- still up or you hit the hay?").

Disappointing night for her, I guess.

You've gotta close out on these girls, man. She was throwing you as soft a serve as it gets ;)

How much more aggressive should I have been here, if I knew at the time that she was leaving? What would you guys have tried saying to keep her there?


I would've just gotten her out of there:

"So, whatcha got planned for tonight? Your friends seem cool but I'd like to hang me and you."

Pull her ASAP.

If the first pull fails, stick with her and just keep trying to pull.

She'd have left with you sooner or later (sooner, most likely).

B came out of nowhere, grabs me from behind and starts grinding on me (I think she was very drunk at this point) but as soon as I turn around and recognize her she stops and goes to join the guys. I went to dance with them and all the guys seemed glad to see me, grabbed both the blondes in either arm. But after a while we were just dancing in a circle and I was unsure how to escalate with B – I think it was already too late and I hadn’t built enough rapport with her earlier.

Yeah, probably. She might've just been having fun.

But she might've liked you.

Too unclear what the dynamic was here. You'd have needed to get to know her and the rest of the group a little earlier, before they were drunk and grinding on the dance floor.

We start chatting – she seems very interested in me and is putting her arm around me, telling me how this was her first time there since she just moved from the country which was a long time coming since she was turning 23 in a few months. I wanted to escalate but.. I was actually a bit afraid of doing it in front of the group of guys since they were very intimidating… Maybe I should have tried to number close and tell her that we can explore my city together. A short while later this other guy who knew S comes over and they start chatting. I eject.

She was obviously unafraid to escalate on you in front of the guys.

I'd have just asked "Would your uncle be offended if you and I went off to chat a bit?" and tried to isolate.

The uncle is going to hear that of course and give his blessing (or not). And if he doesn't, the girl can go to bat for you herself.

Any time there's a third party (friend, guardian, etc.) involved in the seduction, try to pass things through whichever of the two of them is more likely to go your way.

If her friend thinks you're an awesome guy but the girl herself is lukewarm on you, ask the friend, "Hey, do you mind if I steal Zoe for a few minutes?" The friend will say "Sure" and Zoe will go along with it because her friend agreed for her, and you get a little social proof boost too.

OTOH, if the girl herself seems friendlier, pass it through her: "Think your uncle will mind if I borrow you for 3 minutes?" Her uncle's a lot more likely to listen to her than he is to you, from the sound of it, and she's probably on your side based on the arm drape and the confession about her newness and excitement.

Anyway -- good outing, man!

I think you are doing better than you realize.

Two of those girls were fairly into you.

And one girl wanted you to pull her outright (and gave you as many signs as she could short of taking her shirt off and shoving her tits at you).

You just need to get a little better at capitalizing on the opportunities you're getting.

Take the lead, ask girls to do stuff, try to move them about. See if you can get them out of there with you.

Start doing that more and these girls who are showing you all this interest are going to start ending up in your bed.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Straight from the man himself! Thanks for the feedback Chase - particularly love your response to the "your hands are really cold" response - I get that pretty often so hopefully I get the chance to try that out!

One thing though - I know you're right in that with tight game I could have pulled her, but I'm not too sure if I agree about how much she wanted me to pull her then and there or how easy she would have made it... She told me a few weeks later that the reason she and the girls were out that night was because she had just had a major fight with the guy she was seeing. I feel like with that context, she might have perhaps been testing the waters seeing what was out there/keep her options open on the night out in case they broke up rather than looking to jump right in and sleep with someone else?

The next day she told me she had to round up all her friends and that's why she was in a rush to get out of there - and that's why the number had frantically been entered with an extra digit. I was touching her and the escalation felt natural until her friends left. I feel like there were actually some external factors that were causing her to act differently and not be fully present with me there.

Not that I'm saying it was completely out of my control - with some more skill and some more intuition I could have done it for sure. I've taken notes ;)