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Paid Service  Two Years of Progress in Two Months - Life Coaching with Tony D

Tony D

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 26, 2018
Hey Skilled Seducers.

  • Do you hate the idea of living an ordinary life?
  • Approach Anxiety got you down?
  • Not sure how to charm a crowd?
  • Is there a dream you want to pursue, but you’re not sure how?
  • Are you struggling to motivate yourself?
  • Do you often make the wrong choices?
  • Are there aspects of your life that are leaving you unhappy?
  • Is fear, indecisiveness, and regret holding you back?
  • Do you feel like you have untapped potential?

Then you might be a good candidate for Life Coaching.

Tony D here; professional dating/pickup veteran, consultant, Youtuber, bootcamp instructor, and author here at Girls Chase (as well as at my own site AbsoluteAbility.com).

I’m now offering a new, powerful service:

Life Coaching

More specifically, Inner Game focused, online, one-on-one, private coaching.

“Wtf is life coaching?” You ask? “Is it motivational speaking? Is it Therapy? A sex cult?”

Well, it is motivational, and can be therapeutic… but it’s neither. I’ll explain.

In my years of teaching experience, I realized that most men have deep Inner Game issues that just can’t be solved in a weekend bootcamp.

I learned that many men don’t actually want to learn pickup. They don’t want to approach and seduce women. It isn’t just sex that motivates them. If that was the case, rather than pay me thousands of dollars a weekend they could just hire an escort.

What they really want is purpose, achievement, and to realize their potential.

Attraction from beautiful women is a byproduct of realized potential. It’s the result of confidence, which comes from experience. Not just in approaching women, but in all areas of life.

Realizing all of your potential is NOT EASY to do… on your own.

Approach Consulting vs Life Coaching

For most, the seduction community is a gateway. It’s a beginner path to self-awareness, and self-actualization.

Think of all the powerful men that women flock to who have never read a pickup book, or taken a bootcamp. Think of the actors, entrepreneurs, athletes, public speakers, and everyone other than pickup artists who succeed at life, and have women naturally flocking to them. What’s their secret?

It’s more than just learning cold approach. This is just brick block in a castle. After the bootcamp, many men go back to their old habits, and fail to execute on what they’ve learned.

Beautiful, intelligent women, want a man that knows who he is, where he’s going, and how he’s getting there. Learning how to approach women is just one brick in the castle. It’s not just HOW to approaching women, but understanding WHY you haven’t been able to find the success you’ve been looking for.

Women want a Doer… not a Dreamer, not a Talker.

This is the sort of personal power that Life Coaching can unlock in you. Not just how to approach and talk to women, but how to be a successful man that women want to be with.

You don’t need more advice. You need to become radically self-aware, in every aspect of your life.

  • What motivates you?
  • What’s the root of your anxiety?
  • Why you believe what you do?
  • Where did your core identity come from, and how can you change it?

How often have you sat down to ask yourself these question? That’s one aspect of what Life Coaching can do for you. But it goes much, much deeper.

What type of man are you?

In my ten years of teaching experience, I’ve found there are different types of men. We could go very meta, but I’ll simplify it to Type A, and Type B.

Type A: The guy who’s never cold approached women.

He has no idea what to say, and can’t find the strength to over-come his approach anxiety. He’s a very common client.

Result of Coaching Type A

These guys often take bootcamps from a pickup instructor (like myself), get a temporary, powerful boost in motivation, then after a few weeks fall back into their old habits, and fail to ever realize their potential.

So they take another bootcamp, and another… learning all kinds of “Skills” “Mindsets” and “Techniques” but never really investing the necessary years to mastery of cold approach pickup.

This is often the case in many other areas of their lives.

They want to find success, but repeatedly fail to execute. Because of this, they have low self-esteem, a lack of motivation, and ambition. This leads to a spiral of negative self-image, ego chatter, and even self-destruction.

They want to seduce beautiful women, but they don’t even know their own core values, motivations, identity, or life goals.

These men are self-development junkies, but they consistently fail to execute.

A bootcamps instructor can manipulate them into approaching women, but after the training, they slip back into complacency.

  • They may succeed at work, but hate their job
  • They may get dates, but with women they’re not attracted to
  • They want to travel, but never buy the ticket
  • They want to start a business, but never launch it
  • They want to lose or gain weight, but never take action
It all adds up, and women can see straight through them. They’re not achievers… they’re dabblers.

And yet they want to date the hottest girls.

Is this you?

Type B: This guy has ambition, an instinct for seduction, and above average charisma. He just wants to increase his overall success with women.

When he says he’s going to do something, he does it.

He’s already going out to practice on his own, and has a strict regimen. He’s on the way or already getting results, but could use feedback and advanced techniques from an experienced expert.

A dating consultant can help him shave a year or more off his learning curve.

He doesn’t need a pep talk, or to know “what to say,” as much as someone to review his approaches, demonstrate, and give him feedback. Bootcamps work great for this guy.

He may also have approach anxiety, but also the belief, drive and motivation to practice and overcome it.

I’ve taught many of these men. Quite a few go on to becoming dating instructors themselves. But they’re rare.

If you’re this guy, Life Coaching is also powerful.

I can help you create a structured plan, to maximize your time and energy. I can also help you eliminate time wasting distractions, to hone your talents with focus, and accountability, in all areas of your life, including dating, relationships, and pickup.

What’s the difference between Coaching and Consulting?

Coaching is about asking powerful questions. It leads you to utilize and develop your own values, motivations, and problem solving abilities.

Consulting is more about giving advice, techniques and tips.

A coach doesn’t advise you, but asks the questions that teach you how to think, and act like a high performing, effective person.

A coach can also be a consultant. But in my years of vast teaching experience, I’ve found that coaching can be far more effective than consulting, especially if the client has stugglled to motivate himself to solve their problems on their own.

How does coaching work?

I coach over the phone/video once per week.

There are many reasons why coaching works, but the basic structure looks like this:

1. Asking questions that probe your core identity

2. Laying out a reasonable plan of action

3. Holding you accountable for the follow-through

My goal is to help you get excited about taking action. To have you jump out of bed, stoked that you’re moving towards your goals.

My approach includes a lot of first hand experience, but also cutting edge techniques taken from years of study in self-development: from NLP, Hypnosis, World Travel, Mindfulness, Life Coaching, consulting, and ten years of teaching pickup bootcamps. Not to mention the hundreds of books I’ve read, self-help seminars, and my own transformative journey.

I’m a life-long career coach. This isn’t a hobby.

I care as much about your results, as I do about achieving my own. I’ve dedicated thousands of hours into my own personal achievement and want to use this experience and wisdom to help you actualize yours.

The goal is to empower you to equip you with the tools to solve these problems on your own. Not just tell you what to do, and what to say. There are enough books out there on that.

Is Life Coaching a substitute for Infield Coaching? Not exactly. But a bootcamp won’t help you get your room clean, reconnect with your family, or lose ten pounds. A bootcamp won’t motivate you to walk out that door and go socialize, start an online business, or release your hip hop album. Only you can do that.

If you really want to become better at pickup… yes… I can definitely help. But not if you’re paralyzed. First, we need to work on that. If you just want someone to listen to and critique your infields… I can also do that. I can also act as a consultant.

But the most value you can get from me as your coach? I can teach you how your own mind works, so you can motivate yourself to take action.

This may be as simple as asking the right questions, or breaking down and rebuilding your core identity from scratch. It depends on you. Either way… it’s an adventure worth taking.

Here’s a review from a recent student.

“Unlike therapy (which I have been in for a number of years), I found that life coaching had me taking action much sooner.

I’ve been interested in personal development and self help for quite awhile now. I read a lot of books, watched a lot of youtube videos, and done a lot of self reflection, as well as journalling, yet often struggled to apply what I was learning to my life.

First of all, these sessions hyped me up and left me feeling more motivated and determined. I find that working with someone in person is a great way to keep me accountable.

Tony helped me narrow down my focus and figure out what was truly important to me, as well as how to get there. Unlike binge watching youtube videos and storing the information away for later, these sessions actually helped me make significant progress in a short amount of time. I have a solid routine now that I am dedicated to and it feels great. My future feels more clear and less confusing now.

Overall, this was a really fun and insightful process. I’ve learned a lot and grown a lot, and am much more action oriented now than when I started. I think everyone could benefit from sessions like these, and I highly recommend it.”

“It sounds awesome Tony! How much?”

I have an introductory price, which WILL be going up.

I only take students who are willing to apply the concepts and take action. Therefore I don’t offer hourly sessions.

I offer one, 8 week package for only $1497 USD.

And if you contact me today, I’ll give you one free Life Coaching session of 30 minutes. Not a sales pitch, but a whole session where I’ll help you with any issue.

If this interests you, know that this price will double in the near future. At the moment I’m transitioning for bootcamp instructor to online coach, and with all my ongoing projects, I only have so many hours in the day.

The sessions are 60 minutes in length, and happen every week.

Why 8 weeks? Because I radical change takes time. There’s no magic pill (not even rectally.)

Whatever goals you have, coaching will drastically speed up this process. If you don’t have clear goals, coaching will help you identify, and define them.

This isn’t consulting. If you just want to ask my a bunch of questions about pickup, there are lots of guys that can answer you for free. If you want to make long term change with the help of an experienced, professional coach, this requires long term commitment.

Contact Me Now for a Free Coaching Session

If you want to know more, just send me a PM, and I’ll hook you up with a FREE COMPLIMENTARY 30-minute coaching session.

No strings. No hard sales techniques. This is a legit Life Coaching session where I’ll help you with any issue you need help with. If that’s about girls, awesome. If it’s about something else, perfect.

I love coaching, and it’s my way of giving back. It doesn’t cost me anything but time. But if I can improve your day, and spread the word… why not?

Of course, I’m not a licensed therapist. So if you’re diagnosed with any psychological conditions, then I’m not the guy.

But if you’re looking to step up, and take life by the balls… Let me be your guide.

Take The First Action Today

Just Pm me, or Click This Link, and I'll get right back to you right away.

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Or, you can go back to jerking off to Manga, Tentacle porn and playing Fortnite. Cause I know that’s exactly what you’re about to do…

Jokes… (Can’t be so serious all the time.)

So don’t wait… Just send me a pm with the title “Free Session.”

Click This and I'll email you right away.

I have a 100% money back guarantee. If after the second session (first paid session) you feel this isn’t for you… I’ll refund your payment. But after this, I consider you committed.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Tony D
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Tony didn't ask me to write this but I thought I'd chime in real quick.

I do sales for Girls Chase and have been working with Tony for the past year putting guys into his programs. All the GC coaches are world class but Tony is by far one of my favorite coaches that I frequently recommend to students.

He goes the extra mile and really gives a fuck about your success and gets great results for guys because of this.

Def just try out his free trial if you're on the fence (a pretty sick offer for forum members here btw). Too often guys are to skeptical of coaching and spending money. It drives me nuts at how many guys are willing to stay stuck bumbling their way through learning when they could just work with a guy who's coached 100's of guys and knows exactly how to get you where you want in way less time.

Def give Tony a shot if your thinking about doing coaching.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I do sales for Girls Chase and have been working with Tony for the past year putting guys into his programs. All the GC coaches are world class but Tony is by far one of my favorite coaches that I frequently recommend to students.

I should note here that this offer by Tony is not one of his offers through Girls Chase, so we don't get paid and Rob doesn't get a commission for anyone who signs up for this coaching.

This is just him expressing his personal experience working with Tony as a coach, with regards to an offer Tony is offering outside his Girls Chase offerings (which focus more on in-field "meet girls" coaching, primarily).



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
This is just him expressing his personal experience working with Tony as a coach, with regards to an offer Tony is offering outside his Girls Chase offerings (which focus more on in-field "meet girls" coaching, primarily).

Right exactly. I should've made that more clear that the program's I sell of Tony's are girl/dating focused and I do not sell or in any way benefit from Tony's life coaching offer that you see here.

I Just wanted to co-sign on Tony's coaching in general as I've been really impressed with his commitment to his students to get them results.

Ok Hopefully that is more clear.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I personally do not know much about life-coaching - but I do know my thing when it comes to pick up. Tony D has been a long time member of the mASF (the legendary pick up forum) where he was a respected member and I have always enjoyed his posts. He deserves to get the cred he derserves. The street cred of this guy is unquestionable.

Do I vouch for him? well yes. I vouched for him to write for GC and I vouch for him here.

Tony D

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 26, 2018
I just want to bump this and remind you all.. I am offering ONE HALF HOUR OF FREE COACHING. I'm getting very busy, and won't be offering this forever. If you want a FREE coaching session, just message me. You can also ask any questions about coaching in this thread, to help all the lurkers. All those guys who say they want to improve... but never take action. Now's your chance!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013

I did the Free Call yesterday with Tony. I would recommend anyone here in the path of improvement to take it. The main topic for me was dating and it was way better than what I expected.

Far from being a sales pitch to make you sign up for the full program, I got a real personalized coaching session where we discussed my sticking points and Tony game me personalized advice and shared some of his and experience and expertise with me. He was also very good at explaining stuff by linking it to things I already know

It's will be even more valuable if you are looking to improve but got lost in the big jungle of different (and sometimes conflicting)devices available. That was the case for me and I now have a better idea of how to continue my journey.

So again, definitely recommend you take the Free Call nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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Feb 3, 2020
Hey everyone,

I've been a happy client of Tony's for over 2 months now. I wanted to share my experiences. This is for those who are interested or on the fence on signing up for life-coaching sessions.

First things first, the first coaching session is free. You can chat with Tony one-on-one and get a feel for his methods, experience, personality, and more. This is invaluable because you can see exactly what you would be getting.

My first session with Tony was excellent. He was exactly what I needed. I was in a rut. Without direction. I just knew I needed help getting my life together. But I felt powerless to change it.

In just 1 session, Tony helped me pinpoint my problems and what my ideal future self would be like. He gave me structure that I was lacking and couldn't find on my own. He accelerated my development in just 1 hour. I knew where I was at and where I wanted to be.

The first session was real. It wasn't a gimmick to take your money. His advice was authentic and generous. I felt comfortable moving forward with another 8 sessions.

In the following sessions, Tony provided thought-provoking counsel. He didn't just prescribe actions and send me my way. He helped me explore myself. To improve my self-awareness. And this was critical to taking my life back into my own hands. To feel powerful and in charge of my life.

He pushed me to question why I thought the way I did. And provided different, more conductive mindsets or approaches to my problems. The advice was custom-made for my issues.

After every session, I would have homework to carry out. I learned that you can't address just your mind. You have to take action to change. And Tony held me accountable. I greatly appreciated this because it propelled me forward.

Throughout the sessions, Tony was easy to talk to. And most importantly, he had been in my shoes. He understood completely where I was coming from. And if you're here like me, then he's most likely been in yours. If you sign up for lessons, you won't have to hide your problems because he will welcome them with open arms and work with you to solve them.

Because of Tony, I was able to cold approach 3 girls in one outing on my own. In the daytime! Before the sessions, I had never done that. Tony prepared me with the right tools and mindsets. He pushed me to leave my comfort zone and attain my goal of cold approaching. If it wasn't for Tony, I would still be at home wondering how to approach.

Another great result I had is increased self-awareness. Tony helped me learn things about myself that I didn't know. My real motivations. Why I felt a certain way. He was able to draw out all this stuff that had been stewing inside. And pushed me to fix it.

I thought I was pretty self-aware before the sessions. But Tony increased my abilities even further. This was great because the increased self-awareness let me take more control of my life. I wasn't just subject to my emotions and urges. I could recognize my ego, my feelings, and choose to act another way. Example: I learned that I am too nice a guy because really I feared rejection. I learned that I could be respected and liked by people without having to supplicate or submit. And the revelation was intoxicating. I felt like a new man. More free.

The best result overall is that I feel well equipped now. I know how to identify problems and fix them. Whether it's dating, fitness/health, relationships, etc. If there are obstacles, now my mind will not be one anymore. And often, that's the most formidable one. Tony helped me take charge and use my thoughts/emotions to achieve my results. And not let them control me.

Despite quarantine, the sessions were still a great purchase. There's plenty in our lives to work on that don't involve socializing. So I would definitely not let quarantine hold you back. If anything, you have a unique opportunity to invest more into other areas of your life during quarantine. Take advantage of that.

Some of you may be interested in pick-up advice from Tony. He's definitely still the guy for that. He is very experienced and well read. He is very perceptive and I've been learning non-stop from the knowledge he has accumulated. He helped me work on my approaching while simultaneously addressing other issues. As I said, the advice is custom for you. So if you want to delve into game with Tony, he's definitely the guy.

I'm very picky when it comes to mentors and coaches. But Tony is the real deal. So much so, that I signed up for another 8 sessions after the first 8 sessions. Zero buyer's remorse and I still look forward to every session. I highly recommend Tony's life coaching.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 29, 2020
I just want to bump this and remind you all.. I am offering ONE HOUR OF FREE COACHING. I'm getting very busy, and won't be offering this forever. If you want a FREE coaching session, just message me. You can also ask any questions about coaching in this thread, to help all the lurkers. All those guys who say they want to improve... but never take action. Now's your chance!

is this offer still available?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 31, 2019
This is a late review so I did have my 1 hour with Tony D and I like the dude there is many things that he stands out that I really like about Tony.

One he seemed swell, and he does his homework I have talked to some names in the industry and they are usually lazy about their clients, Tony studied me, from what I wrote in my posts and he read it which is something I really appreciate and when you deal with a coach you want to know that he took care of who you are and what your troubles is.

Second thing that stood out is that the dude, I swear he "reads minds" he "works with the CIA" am sure he is a secret agent because when he was telling me where my weaknessess and trouble is he WAS REALLY ACCURATE...I went to therapist and psychiatrist that cant pin point my issues just as good. He knew EXACTLY what was my frustration and what bothers me most.

An other thing I loved is that he was very empathic without being douchey (No oooh poor you, you poor thing, let me hug you so hard), he just didnt assume that I'm askhole or wasting people's time like I got accused here in the forum. He just was relatable, he has some sympathy to what I go through. I'm non-Western guy living in a Wester country, it is nice that he can still put himeself in my shoes.

Other is he is very geneous with his time and that means, it wasnt like ok hour is up go to hell, jump from the window and die. He made sure that I ask all questions, let all out, I asked everything I could think of and he answered them all briefly but enough clarity and details. I asked about many thing to do with inner game, with work with women and he made sure he answers everything, HUGELY APPRECIATED.

An other thing is that "No Woe is me" attitude, his attitude is awesome, it is all attitude, and that is what I needed to fix, attitude, innergame with the way I talk about myself, can be procastinator and lazy and man issues, but he insisted that, it is time to stop this negative talk and so far this my 4th day and this is the longest I went without insulting myself calling myself a "loser", "good for nothing", , "piece of shit", my friend said if you talk to me the way you talk to yourself I wouldnt be your friend, what you have between you and you is an abusive relationship....So this is the longest that is Tony's homework is that I have been 4 days without insulting myself and talking positively (It is insanely hard and I slipped on few moments) but I'm still struggling with the task. This is something that Tony had to be credited for is that he gives you a homework a good one to do, reading good books.

Other issue is I dont want want to be bitter or angry towrads women, I have consumed mgtow and redpill for years, I still love women but I'm scared of them and that is my issue, I don't trust them and I understand that they don't trust us too, we both are wary of each other and that is an other reason I actually liked working with Tony is that he has this attitude that just let the door open to any woman to leave anytime. He is masculine too, he didn not invite me to be weak but to not be scared of women leaving. That if Iam in a relationship or just courting, I have to eep the door always open for her to leave anytime she wants.

An other thing I appreciate is the fact that he made sure I tell him back the pointers that he mentioned, make sure that I listen, my issue was big time Inner game and he now knows more than anybody in the forum some of the barriers I go through or some real challenges but if there is something I REALLY like is when I left the meeting, I didnt feel bitter, I hope it is not a high of the moment but just that you know I am not angry towards anyone and that is what I wanted...If I go to a club and get rejected by every single woman I dont want to be bitter, and I dont want to be be concerned (Doesnt mean that I want to lose dignity I am proud of being proud) it just means that I'm ok regardless. Most importantly is not to have anger to employers and MOST IMPORTANT is towards myself.

My biggest challeng moving forward now is that how can I motivate myself without cussing and insulting myself, in the past decade "hurting myself" mentally and physically was my motivator to move forward and now I have to find something new that doesnt burn my spirit.

Here is something that I also really enjoyed, women always tell they appreciate other women's compliment more than men because they know they have no agendas and I actually appreciated his compliments to me, I take it to the heart, it was nice hearing that I look good and that I'm smart coming from an other dude was AWESOME.


Tony was a great mentor and very sincere guy, very relatable, down to Earth and yet seems very confident in his skin, he likes and is proud of who he is and his attitude is infectious. I still have to do the 60 days challenge not easy and most important nothing is better than coming out of a meeting liking who you are and having no hate or bitterness towards anyone.

But sorry Tony Natalie Portman not for me, Only WWE Diva Taeler Hendrix and Rihanna are the celebrities I will be happy if they end up clotheless in my bedroom ;)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
This is a late review so I did have my 1 hour with Tony D and I like the dude there is many things that he stands out that I really like about Tony.

One he seemed swell, and he does his homework I have talked to some names in the industry and they are usually lazy about their clients, Tony studied me, from what I wrote in my posts and he read it which is something I really appreciate and when you deal with a coach you want to know that he took care of who you are and what your troubles is.

Second thing that stood out is that the dude, I swear he "reads minds" he "works with the CIA" am sure he is a secret agent because when he was telling me where my weaknessess and trouble is he WAS REALLY ACCURATE...I went to therapist and psychiatrist that cant pin point my issues just as good. He knew EXACTLY what was my frustration and what bothers me most.

An other thing I loved is that he was very empathic without being douchey (No oooh poor you, you poor thing, let me hug you so hard), he just didnt assume that I'm askhole or wasting people's time like I got accused here in the forum. He just was relatable, he has some sympathy to what I go through. I'm non-Western guy living in a Wester country, it is nice that he can still put himeself in my shoes.

Other is he is very geneous with his time and that means, it wasnt like ok hour is up go to hell, jump from the window and die. He made sure that I ask all questions, let all out, I asked everything I could think of and he answered them all briefly but enough clarity and details. I asked about many thing to do with inner game, with work with women and he made sure he answers everything, HUGELY APPRECIATED.

An other thing is that "No Woe is me" attitude, his attitude is awesome, it is all attitude, and that is what I needed to fix, attitude, innergame with the way I talk about myself, can be procastinator and lazy and man issues, but he insisted that, it is time to stop this negative talk and so far this my 4th day and this is the longest I went without insulting myself calling myself a "loser", "good for nothing", , "piece of shit", my friend said if you talk to me the way you talk to yourself I wouldnt be your friend, what you have between you and you is an abusive relationship....So this is the longest that is Tony's homework is that I have been 4 days without insulting myself and talking positively (It is insanely hard and I slipped on few moments) but I'm still struggling with the task. This is something that Tony had to be credited for is that he gives you a homework a good one to do, reading good books.

Other issue is I dont want want to be bitter or angry towrads women, I have consumed mgtow and redpill for years, I still love women but I'm scared of them and that is my issue, I don't trust them and I understand that they don't trust us too, we both are wary of each other and that is an other reason I actually liked working with Tony is that he has this attitude that just let the door open to any woman to leave anytime. He is masculine too, he didn not invite me to be weak but to not be scared of women leaving. That if Iam in a relationship or just courting, I have to eep the door always open for her to leave anytime she wants.

An other thing I appreciate is the fact that he made sure I tell him back the pointers that he mentioned, make sure that I listen, my issue was big time Inner game and he now knows more than anybody in the forum some of the barriers I go through or some real challenges but if there is something I REALLY like is when I left the meeting, I didnt feel bitter, I hope it is not a high of the moment but just that you know I am not angry towards anyone and that is what I wanted...If I go to a club and get rejected by every single woman I dont want to be bitter, and I dont want to be be concerned (Doesnt mean that I want to lose dignity I am proud of being proud) it just means that I'm ok regardless. Most importantly is not to have anger to employers and MOST IMPORTANT is towards myself.

My biggest challeng moving forward now is that how can I motivate myself without cussing and insulting myself, in the past decade "hurting myself" mentally and physically was my motivator to move forward and now I have to find something new that doesnt burn my spirit.

Here is something that I also really enjoyed, women always tell they appreciate other women's compliment more than men because they know they have no agendas and I actually appreciated his compliments to me, I take it to the heart, it was nice hearing that I look good and that I'm smart coming from an other dude was AWESOME.


Tony was a great mentor and very sincere guy, very relatable, down to Earth and yet seems very confident in his skin, he likes and is proud of who he is and his attitude is infectious. I still have to do the 60 days challenge not easy and most important nothing is better than coming out of a meeting liking who you are and having no hate or bitterness towards anyone.

But sorry Tony Natalie Portman not for me, Only WWE Diva Taeler Hendrix and Rihanna are the celebrities I will be happy if they end up clotheless in my bedroom ;)
Kinda what I was expecting from tony as he just seems to be more relateable to guys who struggled for a lot in their life being that he started pickup as he was nearing 30. He's not one of those "naturals" who just instinctively got good with girls like hector. I would've liked to done my session with tony,but now everything is just kind of out of flux with the pandemic and I didn't feel like it was the right time so I cancelled our session. Even if our consultation won't be free anymore I have no problem compensating him for one. I know I would learn a lot from him and he would help me.

Tony D

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 26, 2018
Kinda what I was expecting from tony as he just seems to be more relateable to guys who struggled for a lot in their life being that he started pickup as he was nearing 30. He's not one of those "naturals" who just instinctively got good with girls like hector. I would've liked to done my session with tony,but now everything is just kind of out of flux with the pandemic and I didn't feel like it was the right time so I cancelled our session. Even if our consultation won't be free anymore I have no problem compensating him for one. I know I would learn a lot from him and he would help me.

Hi guys. Thanks for the reviews!

Note, if you want to book a free session, just pm me. We can talk about game tactics, equip you with inner game mindsets, direct you to resources like powerful books or videos, and even do short hypnosis/nlp sessions. That or I can just listen to you.

Things are opening up again. Hit me up. Even if you flaked on a previous meeting. Just pm me with "Free coaching" and I'll give you instructions on how to book an hour long appointment.

Tony D

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 26, 2018
For those of you who wonder, how can online coaching help, I'd suggest watching this video of a therapist/coach, one who's obviously experienced helping men with inner game/dating issues, as he untangles an incel. A lot of my work is similar, though not as academic feeling. Very educational.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 3, 2020
Tony is an absolute G. He helped me work through a few of my problems that I think almost nobody I could ever have access to would have helped. His insights about doing night game in cubicle like "cafe clubs" or how to run a session with the right mentalities in coffee shops were humongous benefits to my life in many ways. I actually wanted to write a review with more tangible results (and I will) but I gotta go them first. :)

I thoroughly recommend him. He is super into outdoors & traveling and he is a true artist at heart so if you are at all interested these things and have even a remotely artistic personality you shouldn't even look for anyone or anything else.

And if you are not taking the free offer, I think you might actually be retarded. He actually does no sales. (He should, LOL. Get on that shit please Tony. :)) You might actually have to forcefully pay him out of shame due to the amount of free value you'd get in the call.

Much love and really grateful for everything man.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Just did the 1 hour free call.

I was really impressed with Tony, I like his articles, but I like his coaching even more. Coaching is a skill as much as dating is, and this man has both down.

He called it a guess, but I think he hit on my current situation and how I can improve it with precision. It's obvious he's experienced and knows what he's talking about.

I don't think I've ever had anyone help me out in only one hour as much as he just did. Thanks Tony.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 29, 2020
Had a solid conversation with Tony. He had some very solid insights into my thought process which I definitely needed to hear. Overall he can be understanding but isn't afraid to give out some tough love either, both of which are important qualities.

IMO anyone on the site who is aware of the free call should take advantage of it.

That being said therapy is an option as well. Some recent events coupled with my conversation with Tony have made me realize that therapy is something I need to seek out. I need to gain more emotional strength if I am going to be successful in this stuff.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 15, 2019
Very late vouch, but I had a call with Tony approximately 2 weeks ago. It was actually funny because it felt like a casual conversation between me and a close friend. Tony is a very genuine person and I can tell that he's very empathetic.
Now, there wasn't much conversation in regards to pickup as the hour was focused on inner game. Nevertheless, I appreciated the time he took to have a chat with me.