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The Strategy Of Purposely Ignoring Girls In Nightclubs


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2019
My main strategy in nightclubs is to stand in a highly visible spot and then act extremely aloof, never look at any of the girls and act like I'm better then everyone.

When I do this i will start getting a lot of AIs from girls.

they basically invade my personal space.

Girls come and stand directly in front of me, they brush against me as they walk by and some stand directly next to me so close that they are basically leaning against me.

And some girls will even start talking to me first.

The problem is that I'm not fucking any of these girls.

I've been running this as my main strategy since 2013.

During that time I've probably had 3000-5000 girls maybe even 10 000+ girls who invaded my personal space when running this strategy

And i have another 200-400 girls who came up and started talking to me first when running this strategy

I've fucked only 5 girls from nightclubs in my life (all 5 approached me)

so I'm fucking girls who approach me at a rate of only 1 in 40 to 1 in 80

and the girls who invade my personal space but do not talk to me, I've never fucked any of them even though that happens to me a lot every night i go out

What am i doing wrong?

what can i do to fuck more of the girls who approach me?

and what can i do take advantage of the 1000s of girls who invade my personal space?

can this strategy be improved to result in more sex for me or its a flawed strategy that is doomed to never get me laid a lot?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Do you talk to these girls?

I use this strategy during the beginning of the night in clubs when there aren't many people there yet or during stretches of downtime when I'm not socializing for whatever reason.

And yeah, it's good... women will come up to you. But you have to open them. "How's your night going?" is all you really need. Doesn't have to be anything creative. "Hi" is fine too. You don't need a clever opener.

Sometimes they are grabbing drinks for their friends if you're posted up near the bar. That's fine. Talk to them for the two minutes they're there, then let them go. You may run into them later, and they will be much warmer to you then because they remember you.

Your entire night out should not consist of you posting up posting like a Michelangelo statue though.

You need to be socializing.

You should move around and talk to people. Talk to guys and make friends / find some wings (I'm assuming you are rolling solo... only time you need to do the "post up and look stoic" thing is when you're by yourself, typically). Talk to girls, even if they're not super cute, just so people can see you being social.

But especially -- talk to hot girls. For warm-ups, for momentum, and to find women you want to get to know better, take contact details from, or pull.

Women are not going to start talking to you themselves. 98 times out of 100 they won't. They will wander into your vicinity and make themselves available for you to approach.

They are scaredy cats. They don't know how to talk to you. They're too nervous for that. You have to open. You have to lead the first few minutes of conversation. Then you have to lead them through the seduction.

You're the man. You must lead.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2019

Do you talk to these girls?

I use this strategy during the beginning of the night in clubs when there aren't many people there yet or during stretches of downtime when I'm not socializing for whatever reason.

And yeah, it's good... women will come up to you. But you have to open them. "How's your night going?" is all you really need. Doesn't have to be anything creative. "Hi" is fine too. You don't need a clever opener.

Sometimes they are grabbing drinks for their friends if you're posted up near the bar. That's fine. Talk to them for the two minutes they're there, then let them go. You may run into them later, and they will be much warmer to you then because they remember you.

Your entire night out should not consist of you posting up posting like a Michelangelo statue though.

You need to be socializing.

You should move around and talk to people. Talk to guys and make friends / find some wings (I'm assuming you are rolling solo... only time you need to do the "post up and look stoic" thing is when you're by yourself, typically). Talk to girls, even if they're not super cute, just so people can see you being social.

But especially -- talk to hot girls. For warm-ups, for momentum, and to find women you want to get to know better, take contact details from, or pull.

Women are not going to start talking to you themselves. 98 times out of 100 they won't. They will wander into your vicinity and make themselves available for you to approach.

They are scaredy cats. They don't know how to talk to you. They're too nervous for that. You have to open. You have to lead the first few minutes of conversation. Then you have to lead them through the seduction.

You're the man. You must lead.


the vibe im projecting with this strategy is NOT stoic at all.

the vibe is extremely arrogant and aloof, like I think that im better then everyone else in the club.

it's like I'm thinking to myself "wtf am i doing here with all these losers?"

that's the vibe I'm projecting when running this strategy

And I do get girls talking to me first.

but im only fucking the girls who talk to me first at rate of 1 in 20 - 1 in 40

what can i do to improve this in your opinion?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
"Stoic" was poor choice of word on my part. But basically -- yeah, what you said.

That said: how many girls a night are talking to you? What do those conversations look like?

You're posted up at the bar I assume (or are they running into you elsewhere in the venue? I assume you're not just chilling outside the women's restroom :D).



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2019
"Stoic" was poor choice of word on my part. But basically -- yeah, what you said.

That said: how many girls a night are talking to you? What do those conversations look like?

You're posted up at the bar I assume (or are they running into you elsewhere in the venue? I assume you're not just chilling outside the women's restroom :D).


I actually avoid the bar because it gets too crowded and then i cannot be seen.

Next to the bar is good spot or just somewhere everyone can see me but im not constantly being asked to move like at the bar with people trying to order.

I get girls actually talking to me first once every 3-4 nights i go out so definitely NOT every night.

For the girls who invade my personal space i get that too many times to count,
probably 10-20 times per night depending on how long im inside the club that night.

the conversations with girls who talk to me first usually starts with them making a comment almost like they're trying to neg me.

The most common 3 openers girls use on me are:

"are you ok?"

"you've been standing there all night, are you ok?"

"why do you look so angry"


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Haha... all right. Well those are definitely not the kind of comments you want to be getting.

Have you read my article on posting up? At the very least, go to point #4, "how long to stay in a post-up spot":

If you stay in one place for too long, you stop being "cool mysterious guy... I wonder what his deal is?" and become "strange anomalous guy... why has he just been in one place by himself all night???"

I tried that in my early days going to clubs, when I'd have a night with bad approach anxiety and couldn't get myself approaching. There is really no good way to deal with girls coming up to you like that. By the time women are coming up and opening you like that, you've ruined the venue. All the women there have noticed you acting weird... they're intrigued enough to talk to you, but two things have happened that make it pretty much impossible to get a good interaction going like this:

  1. You have zero momentum. You've been standing there like a statue for hours. You're not going to pop into action and suddenly be cool and social like that. Just can't do it.

  2. All these girls have a super mysterious guy narrative in their heads about you at this point. Unless you answer them with the perfect mysterious Byronic guy, then get compliance from them very fast, in a cool, charming way, they're going to realize immediately you aren't the mysterious Byronic hero they hoped, and are instead just some guy posing, and lose all their interest.

You need to circulate. You need to talk to people. You need to be opening.

Then you can post up in between circulating, and chill out for a bit. That's fine.

But you need to get moving again before you reach the point where women really start to wonder why you've just been hanging there all night and thinking you are some kind of legendary guy, which is an expectation you will seriously fail to meet when on your end you have just been posing and waiting for hours and are in no condition to be cool, suave, or charming.

You need to talk to people.

Only thing that works.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2019
Haha... all right. Well those are definitely not the kind of comments you want to be getting.

Have you read my article on posting up? At the very least, go to point #4, "how long to stay in a post-up spot":

If you stay in one place for too long, you stop being "cool mysterious guy... I wonder what his deal is?" and become "strange anomalous guy... why has he just been in one place by himself all night???"

I tried that in my early days going to clubs, when I'd have a night with bad approach anxiety and couldn't get myself approaching. There is really no good way to deal with girls coming up to you like that. By the time women are coming up and opening you like that, you've ruined the venue. All the women there have noticed you acting weird... they're intrigued enough to talk to you, but two things have happened that make it pretty much impossible to get a good interaction going like this:

  1. You have zero momentum. You've been standing there like a statue for hours. You're not going to pop into action and suddenly be cool and social like that. Just can't do it.

  2. All these girls have a super mysterious guy narrative in their heads about you at this point. Unless you answer them with the perfect mysterious Byronic guy, then get compliance from them very fast, in a cool, charming way, they're going to realize immediately you aren't the mysterious Byronic hero they hoped, and are instead just some guy posing, and lose all their interest.

You need to circulate. You need to talk to people. You need to be opening.

Then you can post up in between circulating, and chill out for a bit. That's fine.

But you need to get moving again before you reach the point where women really start to wonder why you've just been hanging there all night and thinking you are some kind of legendary guy, which is an expectation you will seriously fail to meet when on your end you have just been posing and waiting for hours and are in no condition to be cool, suave, or charming.

You need to talk to people.

Only thing that works.


yes i've read that post.

you're the only person who seems to understand the importance of positioning in nightclubs.

its a great post.

And yes you are 100% right, I'm only running this strategy because i have very bad approach anxiety, I've tried everything to force myself to talk to girls in nightclubs and nothing has worked.

so right now I'm running this strategy in clubs twice a week while doing daygame the rest of the week since im able to approach during the day.

And yes you are right that the girl who make the comments like "are you ok?" are already pretty much impossible to fuck.

I actually made a rule for myself years ago to no longer acknowledge those girls

What i do now is if a girl comes up to me in the club and says anything like "are you ok?", "why do you look so angry?", etc...i just ignore her completely.

what are your thoughts on the girls who open me by asking for help lik "where are the washrooms?", "where is the exit?", etc...I usually ignore these girls as well since i dont know what to do to fuck them.

And yes I'm aware that posting up too long causes issues.

What I've noticed for myself is this.

My first 30-45 min in the club i will get a lot of attention from girls.

After that it will significantly slow down.

And then in the last 30-45 min of the night i will get another period where i get a lot attention.

When i was living near the nightlife area i used to go to the club around 10-11 PM, stay for 1 hour then leave and come back for the last 30-45 min of the night.

This allowed me to skip the dead period i get when I'm in the club for 3-4 hours in a row.

But honestly, recently I've noticed that even during the dead periods of the night where i get less attention I still get a good amount.

What i do right now, is i will post up for 20-30 min at a time then i will go sit down for 10-15 and i alternate that for 3-4 hours and doing that i get get attention most of the night.

I even get girls who hover near me or approach me when im sitting since i also make sure to sit somewhere i can be seen.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
And yes you are 100% right, I'm only running this strategy because i have very bad approach anxiety, I've tried everything to force myself to talk to girls in nightclubs and nothing has worked.

so right now I'm running this strategy in clubs twice a week while doing daygame the rest of the week since im able to approach during the day.

Well, it is something you are going to have to figure out if you want to make clubs work more than once a year for you.

"Those girls aren't going to open themselves."

Or I guess they will. But when they do, it's not going to be the way you want, or in a context that is remotely conducive to hooking up.

And yes you are right that the girl who make the comments like "are you ok?" are already pretty much impossible to fuck.

I actually made a rule for myself years ago to no longer acknowledge those girls

What i do now is if a girl comes up to me in the club and says anything like "are you ok?", "why do you look so angry?", etc...i just ignore her completely.

But see -- what does that do for you?

If you're really not going to ever tackle your approach anxiety, at least do something with what few scraps you're getting.

If I was you... and I was just resigned to the fact that I'd be this lone guy holding up the wall of the nightclub two nights a week, every week, forever, and the only women I could talk to were the ones who came up and asked me if I was dying or whatever it was... I would be trying everything I could think of with those girls.

Come up with some random ideas to try. Write them down on a piece of paper. Try them each out 20 times each.


HER: "Are you okay?"​
YOU: [sigh] "You know, I've had to wait here all night for you, and you didn't even text." [eye roll] "Well, at least you're here now. I'm SNV."​

Or how about:

HER: "Why do you look so angry?"​
YOU: "Well, if I tell you, you've got to promise not to get mad."​
HER: "What? What is it?"​
YOU: "Well, the truth is, I was going to talk to you earlier, but then I thought 'She looks WAY too uptight!' But actually now that I'm talking to you, you seem really cool. I'm SNV."​

Try these out.

Maybe just those two. Word-for-word, try them each 20 times.

If they don't work with your vibe, after you've tried them, try something else.

If this is all you can get in nightclubs, you've got to find a way to make it work, until you fix your approach anxiety.

It's better than nothing. But ONLY if you're trying stuff out with it, and being methodical about it.

what are your thoughts on the girls who open me by asking for help lik "where are the washrooms?", "where is the exit?", etc...I usually ignore these girls as well since i dont know what to do to fuck them.

"Yeah, you know, it's right [start to point, then seem to notice her]... say, you have a beautiful smile. I'm SNV. Are you having a good night tonight?"

Small talk for 30 seconds. Then if she's going to the washroom -- "Well the washroom's right over there. Come find me when you get out."

Or, if she's going to the exit, after your 30 seconds small talk: "So you're leaving? Have plans? Because I might roll out of here too, but I don't want to impose on you since we just met, but you also seem really cool."

Just throw some stuff out there like this. It's not always going to work... but sometimes it will.

When i was living near the nightlife area i used to go to the club around 10-11 PM, stay for 1 hour then leave and come back for the last 30-45 min of the night.

This allowed me to skip the dead period i get when I'm in the club for 3-4 hours in a row.

But honestly, recently I've noticed that even during the dead periods of the night where i get less attention I still get a good amount.

What i do right now, is i will post up for 20-30 min at a time then i will go sit down for 10-15 and i alternate that for 3-4 hours and doing that i get get attention most of the night.

I even get girls who hover near me or approach me when im sitting since i also make sure to sit somewhere i can be seen.

Yeah, that's good. You know how to get looks and attention. That's very good. It helps, a lot, especially when you're not warmed up.

Try this: the next four nights you go out, give three (3) women per night who hover near you a nudge (pre-open them), then when they look your way, make eye contact, smile, and very casually ask them, "How's your night going?"

That is ALL you have to do. You don't have to talk to them any more beyond that... unless you want to.

Just need to open three girls per night who hover near you.

Now be aware: some girls will hover near you, you'll open them, and they won't really bite.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything. I was recently in a club, opened a girl like this, she looked at me, then straight up ignored me. Walked away after a minute. Whatever, it happens. I just chilled there, talked to people as they came around, etc. Five minutes later she was back again, hovering near me again. I looked at her, she looked at me. I gave her a knowing look, and she busted a smile, I started talking to her, pulled her up next to me, and after that it was on.

Other times you will open girls like this, they'll give you some polite-but-neutral response, and that's it.

Sometimes they'll be enthusiastic, then leave. Then you run into them again later.

Sometimes they hook right away, and stick around.

You get a variety of responses, but you have to open.

Will you try that -- next four outings, nudge 3 girls near you, and ask them how their nights are going?

I'd just be curious to see how that works for you.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2014
Well, it is something you are going to have to figure out if you want to make clubs work more than once a year for you.

"Those girls aren't going to open themselves."

Or I guess they will. But when they do, it's not going to be the way you want, or in a context that is remotely conducive to hooking up.

But see -- what does that do for you?

If you're really not going to ever tackle your approach anxiety, at least do something with what few scraps you're getting.

If I was you... and I was just resigned to the fact that I'd be this lone guy holding up the wall of the nightclub two nights a week, every week, forever, and the only women I could talk to were the ones who came up and asked me if I was dying or whatever it was... I would be trying everything I could think of with those girls.

Come up with some random ideas to try. Write them down on a piece of paper. Try them each out 20 times each.


HER: "Are you okay?"​
YOU: [sigh] "You know, I've had to wait here all night for you, and you didn't even text." [eye roll] "Well, at least you're here now. I'm SNV."​

Or how about:

HER: "Why do you look so angry?"​
YOU: "Well, if I tell you, you've got to promise not to get mad."​
HER: "What? What is it?"​
YOU: "Well, the truth is, I was going to talk to you earlier, but then I thought 'She looks WAY too uptight!' But actually now that I'm talking to you, you seem really cool. I'm SNV."​

Try these out.

Maybe just those two. Word-for-word, try them each 20 times.

If they don't work with your vibe, after you've tried them, try something else.

If this is all you can get in nightclubs, you've got to find a way to make it work, until you fix your approach anxiety.

It's better than nothing. But ONLY if you're trying stuff out with it, and being methodical about it.

"Yeah, you know, it's right [start to point, then seem to notice her]... say, you have a beautiful smile. I'm SNV. Are you having a good night tonight?"

Small talk for 30 seconds. Then if she's going to the washroom -- "Well the washroom's right over there. Come find me when you get out."

Or, if she's going to the exit, after your 30 seconds small talk: "So you're leaving? Have plans? Because I might roll out of here too, but I don't want to impose on you since we just met, but you also seem really cool."

Just throw some stuff out there like this. It's not always going to work... but sometimes it will.

Yeah, that's good. You know how to get looks and attention. That's very good. It helps, a lot, especially when you're not warmed up.

Try this: the next four nights you go out, give three (3) women per night who hover near you a nudge (pre-open them), then when they look your way, make eye contact, smile, and very casually ask them, "How's your night going?"

That is ALL you have to do. You don't have to talk to them any more beyond that... unless you want to.

Just need to open three girls per night who hover near you.

Now be aware: some girls will hover near you, you'll open them, and they won't really bite.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything. I was recently in a club, opened a girl like this, she looked at me, then straight up ignored me. Walked away after a minute. Whatever, it happens. I just chilled there, talked to people as they came around, etc. Five minutes later she was back again, hovering near me again. I looked at her, she looked at me. I gave her a knowing look, and she busted a smile, I started talking to her, pulled her up next to me, and after that it was on.

Other times you will open girls like this, they'll give you some polite-but-neutral response, and that's it.

Sometimes they'll be enthusiastic, then leave. Then you run into them again later.

Sometimes they hook right away, and stick around.

You get a variety of responses, but you have to open.

Will you try that -- next four outings, nudge 3 girls near you, and ask them how their nights are going?

I'd just be curious to see how that works for you.

Could you give an example of small talk in the club?

and is it good to give them a direct compliment after opening as well?

I can open with no problem, but after I ask how their night is going I draw a blank.

It’s like what do I say after that? What do I ask or talk about that isn’t boring?

Usually girls will ask me questions, then I can deep dive them from there, but they’ll ask me the typical boring questions about work, and I’ll just switch it around on them.

But if they aren’t asking questions, I get stuck on thinking of what to talk about.

Basically, what I’m thinking would work would be a short list of topics after you ask her about her night or make a compliment

I’m thinking I should ask them.

1. What they do
2. Who they came with
3. Are they from here. (Actually I think this one is pretty good, didn’t think about this before)
4. Asking them what are they drinking

Let me know how those questions sound to make good small talk/conversation and if you have any more examples



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 9, 2019
have you considered they’re coming around you and brushing against you because your standing in the middle?

this strategy can work if there are girls there who think you’re really hot. brad pitt circa 2000 could’ve slayed with this strategy without the fame. average pua dude not so much.
Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
And yes you are 100% right, I'm only running this strategy because i have very bad approach anxiety, I've tried everything to force myself to talk to girls in nightclubs and nothing has worked.

so right now I'm running this strategy in clubs twice a week while doing daygame the rest of the week since im able to approach during the day.

I find this very interesting. In my opinion, day game is much better for getting hotter girls more consistently once you get good at it. And generally speaking, the LARGE majority of guys who have approach anxiety experience it much more with day game than they do with night game. With night game, you at least have "liquid courage" in the form of booze, which is what the average dude at a bar or club uses to help him get over his own approach anxiety.

If you're able to approach during the day, why not just focus all that free time on that? If a guy were to come to me in your exact situation and tell me, "I can't approach during night game but I can approach just fine during game," the very first thing I would tell him is, "just focus on day game for now then and practice getting laid. It's going to be better for you in the long haul anyway."

Do you have any particular reason you want to do both night game and day game when you're clearly much better at approaching for one than you are at the other?

- Franco


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2019
But see -- what does that do for you?

If you're really not going to ever tackle your approach anxiety, at least do something with what few scraps you're getting.

If I was you... and I was just resigned to the fact that I'd be this lone guy holding up the wall of the nightclub two nights a week, every week, forever, and the only women I could talk to were the ones who came up and asked me if I was dying or whatever it was... I would be trying everything I could think of with those girls.

you are right.

I do need to do everything i can to fuck a large % of the girls that do approach me since those are my only leads.

The reason i started ignoring the "are you ok?" girls is i noticed interacting with them killed my vibe the rest of the night.

A girl would come up and say "are you ok?" i would engage her and it would go nowhere and the rest of the night i found it was harder for me to get back into the super aloof vibe that is needed for this strategy.

I noticed there was something about interacting with these "are you ok?" girls that lowered my confidence and made it harder to get back into my super aloof demeanor the rest of the night.

I did not decide to ignore these "are you ok" girls out of stupidity or laziness, but as a way to protect my vibe that night.

Come up with some random ideas to try. Write them down on a piece of paper. Try them each out 20 times each.


HER: "Are you okay?"​
YOU: [sigh] "You know, I've had to wait here all night for you, and you didn't even text." [eye roll] "Well, at least you're here now. I'm SNV."​

Or how about:

HER: "Why do you look so angry?"​
YOU: "Well, if I tell you, you've got to promise not to get mad."​
HER: "What? What is it?"​
YOU: "Well, the truth is, I was going to talk to you earlier, but then I thought 'She looks WAY too uptight!' But actually now that I'm talking to you, you seem really cool. I'm SNV."​

Try these out.

Maybe just those two. Word-for-word, try them each 20 times.

If they don't work with your vibe, after you've tried them, try something else.

If this is all you can get in nightclubs, you've got to find a way to make it work, until you fix your approach anxiety.

It's better than nothing. But ONLY if you're trying stuff out with it, and being methodical about it.

I've been thinking about a plan for when girls approach me.

I was thinking of something more non verbal since I think that's something im good at.

I naturally do not like "verbal" game, i hate talking and I'm more comfortable with body language, facial expressions,vibe,etc...
I think thats why im good at drawing girls to me in clubs.

what do you think about this as a gameplan for the girls who approach me:

- Girl approaches me and says anything
- Slowly turn body to face her directly and slowly get closer
- Make eye contact as i get closer
- Eject/Stop if she does not make eye contact when i face her
- If she locks eyes, keep getting closer while holding eye contact until within kiss range
- Look DEEP into eyes a few seconds
- Look at lips
- Move in slowly and kiss her
- If she rejects the kiss, eject/stop
- If she accepts kiss, stop kiss after 5-7 sec, grab hand, "come with me for 1 sec" and isolate to less busy area
- Once isolated, look in eyes for 3-5 sec, go straight for makeout session.
- Make it more and more sexual until kinda sexual climax
- Then try to fuck her in the club or immediately take her home
- Maintain super aloof vibe at all times while executing the above

what do you think of the above?

I'm a lot more comfortable with a 99% non verbal style like that then anything that involves talking.

"Yeah, you know, it's right [start to point, then seem to notice her]... say, you have a beautiful smile. I'm SNV. Are you having a good night tonight?"

Small talk for 30 seconds. Then if she's going to the washroom -- "Well the washroom's right over there. Come find me when you get out."

Or, if she's going to the exit, after your 30 seconds small talk: "So you're leaving? Have plans? Because I might roll out of here too, but I don't want to impose on you since we just met, but you also seem really cool."

Just throw some stuff out there like this. It's not always going to work... but sometimes it will.

what if i tried the same non verbal style above for these girls?

if these girls are asking me for help as a way to get my attention because they are attracted then what if i just ignore their question and go straight into the nonverbal game plan?

Try this: the next four nights you go out, give three (3) women per night who hover near you a nudge (pre-open them), then when they look your way, make eye contact, smile, and very casually ask them, "How's your night going?"

That is ALL you have to do. You don't have to talk to them any more beyond that... unless you want to.

Just need to open three girls per night who hover near you.


is there a non verbal equivalent to "how's your night going?"

also, the smiling definitely does not match the vibe i use with this strategy.

I also do not think i will be able to do the nudge as something playful like that does not match the mood i put myself in when running this strategy.

there's a reason why a lot of girls ask "why do you look so angry?"

it's a dark vibe.

It's like I'm annoyed that I have to be in the club with all these losers; thats the vibe

so smiling and playfully nudging is not something i can transition into from that vibe.

I can try to do what you suggested and see what happens but I'm pretty sure i wont be able to force myself to do the nudging and smile given the mood i'm in when the girls hover.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2019
I find this very interesting. In my opinion, day game is much better for getting hotter girls more consistently once you get good at it. And generally speaking, the LARGE majority of guys who have approach anxiety experience it much more with day game than they do with night game. With night game, you at least have "liquid courage" in the form of booze, which is what the average dude at a bar or club uses to help him get over his own approach anxiety.

If you're able to approach during the day, why not just focus all that free time on that? If a guy were to come to me in your exact situation and tell me, "I can't approach during night game but I can approach just fine during game," the very first thing I would tell him is, "just focus on day game for now then and practice getting laid. It's going to be better for you in the long haul anyway."

Do you have any particular reason you want to do both night game and day game when you're clearly much better at approaching for one than you are at the other?

- Franco

I'm able to approach during daygame because the girl is alone.

My issue at night is I feel people are watching me.

In daygame i just make sure to approach girls who are alone.

also, I never drink when i go clubbing at all

I did try getting drunk 4-5 times last summer to see if it helped me approach and it did not work at all

outside of those 4-5 nights when i purposely got drunk, i never drink at all when i go clubbing.

and why do i not just focus on daygame?

that's a very good question that I've been thinking about recently.

for some reason, even though I do not get laid almost ever i still like going clubbing

I love going clubbing actually

I don't really know why but i still really enjoy it even though i almost never get laid

but yes you are 100% right, I need to shift my focus to daygame which i plan to do starting this week actually.

Tony D

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 26, 2018
When I post up it's usually with a table, at a high traffic location, like between the bathroom and the bar. I actually like the bathroom route because that's where you're most likely to meet girls who are isolated from their groups, in transit. As far as standing in one spot and just trying to look cool, I don't do that much except like Chase said, at the beginning of the night.

There's a basic rule for night game that almost ever guy who gets laid from them follows. Open often, don't waste too much time in sets that aren't going anywhere and escalate quickly when you find a hook.

You have to open. When I'd go out to bars to practice, we'd call it "Burning the place down" because we'd approach literally ever good looking girl in the place, until we picked up, or ran out of options.

"But that lowers your value!"

No, it doesn't because nobody cares in a busy club or bar. They really don't unless you're absolutely awful at it.

Moral of the story, just standing around waiting for ioi's is a terrible strategy. This stuff is all sales, and you need to knock on doors, not wait for the doors to knock on you.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I was on the search and I found this.

I thought I bump this.
It has good notes.
