Things I have learned about drama with my gf


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 5, 2014
This website has helped me quite a bit in dealing with drama and I just want to point out a few things I have done mainly because of learning from this website and what has gone in my mental stability...This is my second relationship and first serious one. Also the first one where I have applied a lot of the things from girlschase.

1.) No longer scared of drama. I view it as the woman cares. I am also no longer afraid to start it myself if I need to (I used to be scared to because of afraid of loss and I like to keep the status quo...)

2.) I no longer lose sleep over drama but usually I solve a problem before I go to bed anyway. And I look at it more as a challenge to fix something rather then "problem". Hard to explain this one. I set a frame early on in my current LTR to find the problem, talk about it, and solve it immediately if it can be solved. But I don't rush to fix the situation. I will usually wait till her or me are calm.

3.) Every time drama happens I think to myself that it is not my fault or her fault - instead I stop and communicate and try to think rationally what the problem is. Almost 95% of the time I feel the problem is usually just a misunderstanding...

4.) When it is my fault (either due to me being insecure about something, angry about something, or me just being a straight asshole and hurting feelings) I apologize immediately for it. And then I usually will thank my girlfriend and appreciate her for bringing it up and openly communicating the issue.

5.) When it is her fault I usually forgive after she sincerely apologizes. If she hasn't sincerely apologized yet and continues to use passive-aggressive attempts to push me to think I'm wrong I hold my ground. If she leaves she leaves oh well. (and usually this is never gonna happen with a really long emotionally invested relationship unless its something deal breaking like cheating, I used to think of every problem as a chain reaction to a break up because of my past history).

6.) After drama I tend to be more humorous and get us laughing about how silly we're. But after a problem is solved its solved. No more reason to bring it up again. Time to move on and getting the relationship progressing again.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Southern California
Good realizations to have here, DD. I've noticed the same changes in my relationships after discovering this website. It's nice to be able to sleep peacefully at night. ;)




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

This is good things here. :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 5, 2014
Yep. Always more room to improve though. Lately I try to categorize the drama first as "she feels too secure..." or "she feels too insecure.." (which is the case about 100% of the time) and even better yet my drama solving issues are becoming more natural...I don't have to sit there and think about it for a long time and over-analyze. I immediately search for what her emotion is and go from there.

Its nice though I don't have too much drama with my gf. Barely ever. Just every now and then. I call this healthy drama she does it to test and I win every time ;)