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When to cut ties with one specific girl.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 30, 2020
Hello everyone, and thanks for ending up on my post :)

I just bought Chase's OneDate and TDA, and I feel like the information inside of them is pure gold. So thanks Chase!

One thing I noticed is that previously my strategy was to do pretty much drop a girl if the relationship wasn't progressing as fast as I wanted it. I'm at the point where I feel like I can meet women with fair consistency, so them not putting up doesn't really make me chase. However, to me it seems like with the SAC and VAC process one can prolong a seduction... well virtually infinitely. So, in my typical fashion, I tried to push it to the extreme and see where I end up :)

Case in point. Cool girl that I met through work a while ago. I have a little bit of history with this girl, we've gone on an informal date before, I tried inviting her home and she refused. We kept in touch semi-frequently (2-3 times a month just me dropping her 'hey' texts). She seemed like the perfect candidate for the new method, so off I go inviting her on a date.

Date #1: Meet and go for a walk. I ask her for small compliances, she accepts. She seems kind of excited, goes along with what I'm doing just fine. I try to chase frame her and get somewhat good responses from her, however at one point I want to put my hand on the lower of her back, and I can see she seemed real uncomfortable. I try joking and upping her arousal, just being a rebel and having fun. Still she was feeling quite uncomfortable. So for the rest of the walk I tried working on similarity. It seemed like I hit a big wall with that touch. She seemed a bit cautions for the rest of our time out. At the end of the date, I want to invite her home. She refuses, saying she has a bf (she does, in fact, have a bf of 5 years, whom she lives with). I persist a bit but to no avail. So we kiss on the cheeks and say goodbye.

After that I sent her a text a day later asking her to go for a walk again. She again accepts, but with visibly less excitement in her text (no emojis).

Date #2: Same process. I try upping compliance, this time I take it slower. She seems to respond quite well to excitement and chase frames now for some odd reason, she doesn't contest the chase frames at all and even jokes about sex. I try the hand on the small of the back again and she gets uncomfy again... I ask her to come home with me, and she ACCEPTS. At this point I was like 'damn Chase what did you make me do to this girl' lol. We get back at my place, she sits on the couch with me. After 10 minutes of chatting I try to kiss her and she goes with it. We have a small makeout session. I try to push things forward by putting my hands behind her lower back and she brings up the boyfriend again. She looks kind of guilty, tells me she 'doesn't want to do it'. I try to dial it down, go back to similarity, then back to arousal, then try again to kiss her. She says she has to go, I tell her she seemed to enjoy kissing the first time. She tells me it's 'too much'.

I wait a few days then ask her out again. She again, god knows why, accepts.

Date #3: Go again on a walk. Deep dive her again. Same process, up arousal. At this point I'm one horny mf and I really wanna have sex with her. But now she won't come home with me. I flat out look at her lips and tell her I wanted to kiss her. Nope. 'It's too much' (no boyfriend mentions now though, so I guess that's good!). I feel like I need to address this so we end up again talking about how she 'doesn't want to do it with me' and 'she has principles' and 'it's inappropriate'. I tell her that we kissed the other day and she seemed to enjoy it, so she can go wild with me, I won't judge. Nope it was 'just flirting'. She said she was tired and left.

I left her alone for a while. Then today she texts me how I'm doing and offers to buy me a croissant. I'm not sure what the heck to do here. I feel like she wants me to be her friend only. If I meet up with her again I know if I'll try to escalate she'll go 'it's too much' again on me and I'll end up with blue balls again. I can build similarity and arousal with her again, ask for compliance, and I'll end up in the same spot where MAYBE I'll kiss her, and maybe we'll get to have sex. But the whole seduction just doesn't look right for some reason.

Yet she still wants to spend time with me and offers me compliance (the croissant), knowing full well I'll try and escalate on her, and she'll try to resist again.

So my questions are these:

I heard Chase mention that as long as she's talking to you, you've got a chance. Do you think that if I spent enough time on this girl, I'd end up in bed with her? The makeout sesh and her compliance gives me hope, but I'm dreading the huge walls of resistance she puts up.

And why does she still want me around? Is it just as a friend or does she *hope* I'll be able to finally overcome her resistance and have sex and be lovers?

Most importantly... if there is no hope here, at which point should one give up? What do you do if a girl responds well to deep diving, excitement and compliance up to a point, but then throws a big fat wall of resistance?

If you've made it this far, thanks a lot for reading. I'm looking forward to any replies and insights.

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018

After 2 dates and no sex she is definitely out. I would use a parting shot though before ending things.

Right now you are in the chasing role.. Get out of it and meet more girls. She knows she is prolonging sex if you made moves .

"A lot of men are very thirsty. They will chase and chase so long as the woman dangles them little tidbits of potential. " Chase from the above article.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 30, 2020
superb, just what I was looking for. even down to bringing up touch in the example, lol.

parting shot it is, and on to greener pastures :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
Hey @Darius

Chase outlines the process with cutting ties êrfectly in this post :

Happy Hunting