Any advice on artsy girls?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 1, 2021
So I've realized that I have a type. Artsy girls. I've been thinking about my past relationships and I've realized that the main reason why they never worked out is because they just haven't been my type. I like creative girls. I myself am a film maker. And I'm interested in girls who have an artsy side to them. Those majoring in the arts etc. Lately I've been obsessing about this one girl I met who plays base in a band. From her ig, it seems like she's into art history too which is kind of cool to me. Idk the other day I watched Katy Perry's "The One That Got Away" and thought to myself "this is exactly what I'm looking for."

Any advice on how to find and attract artsy/ creative ladies?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 21, 2019
I had a thing for artsy girls back in the day (actresses / painters / writers / photographers, etc)…

What I can tell you is:
- They crave attention and qualification. They are thirsty for it.
A lot of people encourage them but really few people actually try to understand what they do.
If you can relate to them, deep dive their work and qualify them on it, you’re golden.

- They tend to be hedonistic and surround themselves by hedonistic people.
That means they are easy to date and bed, and also they’re a blast. They are usually pretty experienced themselves.
Best sex of my life was with an actress.
Bisexual artists is a pretty common stereotype.

- On the other hand, they tend to make bad girlfriends.
Too sensitive, emotional and surrounded by party and drugs.
It’s not that they are bad people but their circles are full of hedonistic influences, which is bad for a long term relationship.

- There are some archetypes that you will recognize if you spend enough time around them:
+ Movie/video actresses tend to be gorgeous but also big teases (some of them choose to be “single” publicly so they can flirt with agents and directors while having someone in a secret relationship).
+ Theater actresses tend to be cute non conventional women who are hyper dramatic.
+ Photographers tend to be shier and not overtly dramatic. Maybe the most down to earth.
+ Musicians are a party bunch.
+ Painters… man, those are crazy crazy.
+ Poetry writers… shit, I can’t even figure those out.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 4, 2021
Artsy girls are my bread and butter, they love edgy men. My type has always been white, petite, artsy girls that arent over the top with drugs or social media or crystal bs

I agree alot with @uriel ‘s list, just remember there will always be outliers as artsy chicks also have varying degrees of artsy from “i paint for fun on a sunday afternoon” to “i’m plastered in galleries all across the world and this is my entire life.”

Currently in an ltr with an artsy chick (paints half as a hobby and half as a side hustle)- definitely a bit hedonistic, but young, so relatively inexperienced. Emotional, craves qualification but not an attention whore. Extraverted, can connect with anyone. Super nurturing and feminine. Sporadic tattoos as an aesthetic. Was raised in a conservative, republican, christian family however so still holds some of those values including wanting lots of kids and to get married with her soulmate, hates the idea of open relationships, etc.

Just know artsy chicks are super variable but like Uriel said, they all love you deep diving about their art. Dominant, edgy, and fun/playful wins with these girls (although im sure some other styles can work too)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
From my experience artistic women like deep thinking men. Driven men with passion and vision. Men who march to their own rhythm. Men who understand what rules apply to them, and know-how to create new rules when the ones they have been given don't make sense to who they know themselves to be, or what they see to be true about the world. Men who can offer a doorway into new perspectives and ways of looking at the world. Men with the ability to turn the mundane dregs of life into vibrant moments of beauty imbued with meaning. Mysterious men who aren't always easily grasped.

Just a short list out of what is no doubt a tome's worth of ideas on how to be this sort of man
-Deep self-reflection. Really search to understand yourself and your experiences. Spend time alone with yourself
-Look for beauty and meaning in everything. Search for a deeper story in even the most mundane moments
-Go on daring adventures. Live just close enough to the edge that you can get a good peek over the other side (no need to be reckless though)
-challenge yourself and your worldview. Put yourself in new challenging situations
-Do things people normally wouldn't do to see what perspectives it might offer (lay down in a puddle on a rainy day, walk across town barefoot, walk backward through a crowded market, sneak into abandoned buildings, sleep on a rooftop somewhere in the middle of a city)
-Find ways, both big and small, to bring a sense of beauty and wonder to others
-Develop artistic abilities
-Study great art and music deeply. Seek to understand the deeper context and meaning with the art you engage with. Learn how to articulate your thoughts and opinions on art in an approachable, non-pretentious way.
-Become deeply observant of the world around you. People, places, things. Look for things others might miss. Share your observations, and show others a piece of the world they may never have even considered.
-Have the courage to stand by what you know to be true regardless of whether others understand it or not.
-Have private pieces of your life you regard as sacred. Places you go that few people know about. Thoughts you only share with you're closest companions. Thoughts you share with no one. Personal rituals that add meaning to your life

That being said, all these suggestions are more just ways that one can end up bringing something to the table that you two might find similarities in. You don't necessarily have to be artsy yourself, but you do have to at least understand where she is coming from. When it comes down to it, game is game. No way around it. And also, don't get so bogged down with deep things that you don't know how to just let go and have fun.

What @uriel said about them being sensitive and often surrounded by a good amount of partying is pretty accurate. There can be a lot of vanity in the art world, as well as hedonism. This is not true for all artsy women though and they really can run the spectrum of lifestyles and social dispositions. Expect a good majority to be on the typical super liberal "Artsy girl" trip.

Places to meet artistic women?
Coffee shops
Health food stores
DIY venues
Art schools
Art conventions
Cities known for their artistic culture and history
Gallery openings
Book stores
Art supply stores
Thrift stores/ vintage clothing stores
Record stores
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2020
1) they love to fuck, they also love toys in bed
2) they love brainy men who can talk
3) who will dominate them sexually.

Was seeing this attractive, short-haired film-maker chick, ~24, very highly educated, she loved long, edgy convsersations, pretty much everything was open sexually, very fit/thin, she actually won an award at the German film festival. She said she wasn't sure about me until the end of date #2 when I grabbed her as we left the bar and pulled her in for a kiss by the back of her neck. She literally did a cartwheel after we had sex the first time she was so excited to be with a dominant man instead of soyboy artistes.