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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
It's time to step it up again. I've been doing few approaches recently, mainly because I wasn't motivated due to the cold weather. But recently I've been seeing more interesting girls out and about again, not super hot ones (coz of winter clothing) but at least a decent few that looked approachable.

So tomorow I want to do 4 approaches. Plan is to do 2+ around noon in the city center, then later 2 more on the beach.

Drive by compliments or comments don't count, but any approach where I get some information from a girl (or try to, and get ignored or rejected) counts. Can be things like where she's from, her name, or what she's doing. Or even her zodiac and favorite color if I can't think of anything better. But gotta try and talk to at least 4 women. The intention is to be smooth and charm her socks off, and the rest of her clothing as well ideally.

If I get a good connection with a girl then it's ok to keep talking to her and forget about the rest of the approaches for the day. (I'm typing this out explicitly because in the past I've ejected from sets that were going good, thinking I gotta get the rest of my approaches in for today which is of course bs.)

I'll post back here tomorrow evening and let you guys know how it went.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Didn't reach my goal at all. Except that I went out. Walking around in the city streets, my AA was through the roof. I saw a few single girls coming my way but I couldn't fathom asking them anything. Not many hotties either, except see below.

The only opener I got in was in a 2nd hand clothing shop, where I got myself a nice new jacket. After paying, there was this slim Ukrainian (?) girl trying on a short jacket herself. It looked good on her so I said to her "Looks very elegant!" She laughed, and thanked me. I didn't follow up though because the shop owner / clerk was standing right there watching. Also she was with a female friend.

I walked around some more but couldn't do any street stops. There was one girl I wanted to open, the only hot one I saw all day. She was dressed in gym clothes, with those short tight yellow yoga pants. She was walking quite fast though, on the other side of the street, with huge head phones on. I wanted to ask her "Aren't you cold in that?" but I got the impression that she noticed me noticing her. I think she avoided eye contact and walked by extra fast before I could cross the street. Checked her out from behind, she had those two slutty tattoos on the back of her thighs. Ah well :)

Shortly after it started raining. Went home for lunch and to get some work done. Then in the afternoon I went out for another extended walk despite the rain, but the atmosphere was quite gloomy and I didn't see any hot or approachable girls. One cute Asian caught my eye, but just a second later, I saw her little son running after her so that was a no go.

On the plus side: I finally got myself a nice, stylish vintage jacket. Wore it proudly today and enjoyed how much better it looks than the jacket that I used to wear before. Which today I realized almost everyone else seemed to also be wearing.

So that was a nice little step to improve fundamentals. I've never been big on stylish clothing, but it's one of my goals for this year to slowly and gradually improve my wardrobe. As it befits an attractive middle aged gentleman.

As for approaching 4 girls, no luck today. Will give it another go tomorrow. Weather should be better by then if the forecasts are correct.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Hit my goal of 4 approaches. Niceeeee

First one was with a woman who sat down at the table next to mine, in a cafe. About my age, slim, but not reaelly attractive. I made some situational comments to her, but she wouldn't even reply. Just shook her head at the first, and nodded to the second of my comments. Kind of a weirdo I guess. I overheard her ordering a coffee first, then changing the order to a glass of water. Also she asked the waiter to charge her phone for her, then less than 5 minutes later asked for her phone back lol. Bit of a crazy one it seems to me...

The other 3 approaches were on the beach. I forget the exact order. One was a beautiful balck girl with very long hair. Looked like extensions though. She walked by me and I complimented her hair, she said thanks. I then asked her "Is it really yours?" She said no. I said it still looks great on her, and she thanked me again. She walked off though. She was there with an older woman, might have been her mother.

One was a read haired girl standing int he water. I asked her if she wanted to go swimming, she said no it's a bit too cold. I waited for a few seconds then said, "It would be nice though!" She agreed but walked away too. Later I saw that she was with a guy.

The last one was a girl who kept putting her phone down, with a timer I assume, then jumping for the picture. I walked up to her and said "That looks like a difficult selfie!" She looked confused, so I repeated in the local language. I don't remember what she replied. Then I asked her "Did it come out right?" She said "Yes!" and "Thanks", then looked down at her phone again.

My plan was to ask whether she wanted help with the pictures if I sensed any interest from her, but I didn't. Anyway she said the pic turned out good so I guess she was fine. Also once I saw her face, it looked like she had a huge lip job (as in, lips far too big for her face) and enormous eyelashes. Not my cup of tea at all. So I just kept walking.

I'm happy to have achieved my target for today. Next step is to rinse and repeat tomorrow.

And to improve. I almost forgot how much fun this shit can be! Once you get over the initial AA, it feels a million times better than not approaching.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Quick update since I didnt post yesterday.

Did two approaches yesterday, but they went nowhere. However as I was sitting on the beach a woman appeared that I had opened weeks before. She's from my country and staying here for a month.

She was super chatty and told me she's leaving in a few days. We talked for an hour or two and it definitely seemed like she was interested. She's several years older than me and I don't feel any sexual attraction, but she seems cool has a friend. Has a high paying job back home but likes it better here. Says she'll be back.

I took her social media in the end to stay in touch. It was funny how it felt like I was the one slow gaming her.

I did try some touch btw just out of habit, but she said she was recovering from a flu and wouldnt have it. Makes sense to not risk catching her virus.

Anyway, it still felt like she was chasing me. Nice positive result for my endeavours. Keep em coming universe!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I keep missing IOIs. Either I freeze up when I notice them (day game), or I don't even realize they are IOIs until way too late.

Yesterday for example, I was out solo and had a beer. This girl opened me 3 times. Verbally (indirect) the first time, then non-verbally twice more.

I never realized she might be interested until when I thought about it today, the next fucking day! Girl was around 25, and seemed to know everyone in the immediate vicinity. Talking to her guy and girl friends both. Quite attractive.

Her female friend was even hotter. That one I opened situationally once, we had a nice short exchange but then it died down. Could have reopened but we were surrounded by friends of hers so I was hesitant to show too much interest openly.

I'm rusty af with night game.

As for day game, I seem to be having trouble with the IOIs too. The other day I saw a girl stop next to me, sit on a wall, and look over in my direction very openly. She was young, with a petite body, cute face, quite doable. But instead of opening, I froze up. Got AA like a noob. She didn't wait around for too long either, after a minute or two she got up and left.

I then opened some other random girl, which completely blew me out.

It's not like I'm getting IOIs every day, but when I get them I really need to learn to act on them without hesitation. Just walk over and see what happens. Or if it's at night in a bar, just ask the girl where she's from or how her night is going. It's not goddamn rocket science!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
(Warning, this post is a bit of a vent.)

Not a good day. I was basically back to saying hi.

My anxiety was high today, not necessarily approach anxiety, but due to various unrelated stuff. Also I had more coffee than usual which may have had an additional affect.

I haven't been approaching much recently. But today the weather was good and I really want to get back to doing a bit more volume. I decided to say hi to a few girls as a warmup. Most ignored me, one gave me a friendly smile. Another one (in a 2F set) looked at me in a freaked out kind of way.

I couldn't do any real approaches though. Didn't see any girls I found particularly hot either. A few single girls on the beach, but they were either too young or unattractive.

So, today wasn't a success. I'm frustrated. What's more, I saw this quite talented guy on the beach. I've seen him before engaging single girls and sets. He's really good. Saw him talking to a few girls, and as I left I actually crossed his path again and he was walking home with some girl. He's either a natural or an mPUA. Maybe I should befriend him or something. It doesn't seem like he needs a wing though, he's doing perfectly well on his own. Not particularly tall or handsome either, and wearing kinda cheap looking clothes. Might be around 30. He seems to love talking. I see him joking around and laughing with girls a lot. But he isn't what you would call physically attractive, as far as I can tell.

If that guy can do it though, how come I can't? I'm thinking it's probably a confidence thing. I basically have 0 confidence since I haven't gotten laid in ages. Once I have some success it's bound to get a lot easier. But that initial success remains quite elusive, at least for now...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
(Warning, this post is a bit of a vent.)

Not a good day. I was basically back to saying hi.

My anxiety was high today, not necessarily approach anxiety, but due to various unrelated stuff. Also I had more coffee than usual which may have had an additional affect.

I haven't been approaching much recently. But today the weather was good and I really want to get back to doing a bit more volume. I decided to say hi to a few girls as a warmup. Most ignored me, one gave me a friendly smile. Another one (in a 2F set) looked at me in a freaked out kind of way.

I couldn't do any real approaches though. Didn't see any girls I found particularly hot either. A few single girls on the beach, but they were either too young or unattractive.

So, today wasn't a success. I'm frustrated. What's more, I saw this quite talented guy on the beach. I've seen him before engaging single girls and sets. He's really good. Saw him talking to a few girls, and as I left I actually crossed his path again and he was walking home with some girl. He's either a natural or an mPUA. Maybe I should befriend him or something. It doesn't seem like he needs a wing though, he's doing perfectly well on his own. Not particularly tall or handsome either, and wearing kinda cheap looking clothes. Might be around 30. He seems to love talking. I see him joking around and laughing with girls a lot. But he isn't what you would call physically attractive, as far as I can tell.

If that guy can do it though, how come I can't? I'm thinking it's probably a confidence thing. I basically have 0 confidence since I haven't gotten laid in ages. Once I have some success it's bound to get a lot easier. But that initial success remains quite elusive, at least for now...
I just wanted to say that this kind of mood is something that can happen, being way more anxious for one reason or another.

Also this frustration is something familiar. I feel it comes when you go and put effort again and again but see no progress.

I think the solution is to keep going by targeting the things you want to change, in order to have some specific goal that will keep you focused.

Regarding the guy he could be great but it could also be that he just gets many good reactions. I can also get frustrated especially when I see guys looking like me with girls that are personal 10s, but in the end there is only how we improve ourselves.

I try to start from a point of my life being fine and having the possibility to only get better, and moving towards that. For one reason or the other you may not be very successful with girls now but that doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things.

You’ve lived the way you have, and you have a unique experience that noone else can have. This is true for all of us and sometimes I look into it for myself and I think: I am pretty well, would I have preferred to not have lived what I have and having slept with hundreds of women already instead?

The answer is generally no, since what I lived made me who I am today and generally I am happy with me, or you could say I am me, and anything else that comes in the future and I have control over can shape me more, but I try to appreciate the past that brought me here.

Hope I am not getting very off topic, simply sharing how I try to deal with similar thoughts. In the end you are healthy, you are motivated, your sexual organs work, so it can only get better as you move forward.

Maybe one thing that could help is specific guidance to help you overcome specific sticking points.

Because in general there are ups and downs and the most important thing is to keep going.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
hey man, I get that you're feeling low about this. I can be frustrated putting so much time and energy into something and only getting so much results.

If you are really feeling determined to turn a corner with cold approach. you might want to consider a coach. Learning online can be tricky and slow moving because there are so many nuances that we can't see here to offer you specialized advice. Sometimes just some small tweaks to body language or voice can go a long way. Or just having someone watching the nuances of your approaches.

I learned mostly without a teacher (until I came in here and found some mentorship in the community). and there were some roadblocks I probably could have blasted through if I had had someone going me along the way. I did get decent enough results at first though, to keep me going. Also that was a time when there was tons of raw infield footage, and honestly I am not sure if I would have been able to advance as much as I did without seeing a bunch of styles in action.

Just from reading your journal I can see someone with a lot of determination, and a positive can do attitude. But I also can see you on a bit of a hamster wheel, and it would seem there are some major things missing right now that you don't appear to really be developing with your approach towards the field.

Obviously there is only so much we can do for you here on the forum, but if you'd like, I'd be happy to help you run an in depth diagnostic. Just going step by step. Looking at the nuances of your fundamentals and the frame you are coming with. Could maybe help to determine where to apply your energy moving forward. Breath some new life into what you are doing


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
oh to be clear, I am not suggesting I coach you. those are two separate suggestions. one is maybe consider a coach or a boot camp. two is would you like me to help you diagnose things?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
oh to be clear, I am not suggesting I coach you. those are two separate suggestions. one is maybe consider a coach or a boot camp. two is would you like me to help you diagnose things?
Thanks StrayDog, I really appreciate you offering to help. But I'm not sure I understand what exactly you have in mind.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Thanks StrayDog, I really appreciate you offering to help. But I'm not sure I understand what exactly you have in mind.

oh yeah I get could be a concern. just for clarity sake. Is that a privacy concern, like personal identity? or something else. because I actually meant we could do it right here. where other guys could maybe offer perspective as well. not that we connected in private to do it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
and of course no pressure. just thought maybe a way to root out major sticking points


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Thanks StrayDog, I really appreciate you offering to help. But I'm not sure I understand what exactly you have in mind.
oh, just saw you edited. yeah maybe I wasn't being clear. and obviously this your journal so stop me if this would derail your current trajectory.

I was just thinking we were go step by step over your game where it's at right now and try to root out what's been holding back your progress. or optimize. basically a quick check to make sure there isn't something glaring in your fundamentals. go over your voice, your style, your presence, your walk (how you move through space is a big thing that can be easy to overlook), those kinds of things.

then once we have a good sense that there is not something there that is really effecting your game fundamentally, take a look at where you might be having common sticking points in your interactions. and see if we can't help develope a more results oriented structure for you to approach from. something that feels workable in field


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Thanks StrayDog, but I think I'll be fine. I appreciate all feedback I get and I am definitely taking everything into account, but as for actual coaching sessions through this forum, it just doesn't resonate with me at this point.

I do feel I'm making progress. But it's slow, and in winter there just aren't that many girls around to approach.

Since you mentioned walk, I've actually been meaning to journal about that. My fundamentals are improving, and I'm working on a better walk. When I concentrate on my walk, I try to move slow, very erect, chin up, a bit haughty even. When I walk like that I actually catch girls checking me out once in a while. The other day a PR girl in the street gave me a sweet smile as I was walking by, and I smiled back at her.

I'm also in the process of improving my wardrobe. Got myself a nice vintage winter jacket recently, and it got me some compliments. Also wearing a better hat now, I used to wear just a baseball cap and I always found that looked kind of cheap.

That said I'm in a bit of a tough place currently. Had some medical tests done recently and am waiting for the results. Which is why I'm a bit anxious these days. Hopefully all goes well. Yesterday I had too much coffee, which made me particularly anxious. Today I cut down on the coffee and I'm feeling a lot better. I did go to the beach, but just to chill. It was a beautiful, very relaxing atmosphere there today.

As for results in game, I'm getting good reactions from women my age or older. Problem is, I'm just not attracted to them. Today I met a girl through social circle, she said she'd seen me around for ages in the neighborhood. We chatted a bit, really nice gal, and it felt like she might be interested. But... just not a hottie haha.

If I had been able to approach girls like I am today when I was in my 20s or 30s, I'm pretty sure I'd already have a few lays in this journal. But it is what it is. When I went to university there was barely an internet, let alone sites like girlschase or a pickup movement. And I still managed to get laid somehow. There were some rough patches also. But somehow I got lucky at least some of the time :)

I'm confident I will eventually be successful. I know in the long run I want a relationship. It would be awesome if I met the girl through day game. And in the meantime, maybe also some girls just for fun. Time will tell. Spring is around the corner!
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Thanks StrayDog, but I think I'll be fine. I appreciate all feedback I get and I am definitely taking everything into account, but as for actual coaching sessions through this forum, it just doesn't resonate with me at this point.
Right on, apprecite the honesty. And thanks for making room in your journal for my offer, and being open to my perspective in general.
Since you mentioned walk, I've actually been meaning to journal about that. My fundamentals are improving, and I'm working on a better walk. When I concentrate on my walk, I try to move slow, very erect, chin up, a bit haughty even. When I walk like that I actually catch girls checking me out once in a while. The other day a PR girl in the street gave me a sweet smile as I was walking by, and I smiled back at her.
Made this, if you feel like taking a peek
As for results in game, I'm getting good reactions from women my age or older. Problem is, I'm just not attracted to them. Today I met a girl through social circle, she said she'd seen me around for ages in the neighborhood. We chatted a bit, really nice gal, and it felt like she might be interested. But... just not a hottie haha.
Adjusting your fit to the demographic you want to attract might be able to help with this.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 15, 2014
Thought I'd check out if you needed my two cents on anything but seeing as your journal has over 27000 views and some cool replys so I probably can't add much as someone still at the "how you doin'" stage lol.

Anyway, you're still pushin' forward and, way to go man!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Did one decent approach today. 2F-set, in the street. They were from my home country so we had instant rapport. Chatted a bit where they're from, what they are doing here (visiting for a few days). Pleasant interaction, they seemed happy to talk and asked me back what town I'm from. But it wasn't like they really hooked. One of the girls was my type, but they told me they're going to uni so probably about 3 decades younger than me lol. After a minute or two of conversation it kind of petered out. They looked at me in this "Anything else?" kind of way so I wished them a nice stay here, and we parted ways smiling.

I wanted to approach some more but didn't find any real interesting girls. Saw one more 2F-set chatting on the beach with some beers, both were kinda cute but they were talking in a language I didn't recognize. So not much of a chance to hook there. Another girl caught my eye sitting by herself at a tree, but when I got close I saw she was probably a teenager so I aborted.

Well at least I did one good approach, which is a step in the right direction. I probably should have opened the other 2 sets as well just to get back in the habit.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 15, 2023
(Warning, this post is a bit of a vent.)
I know I'm a bit late to reply here, but I have a couple of thoughts. I think most of us have felt this way before. I know this is the place for developing cold approach techniques, but consider thinking holistically about your life - are you happy with where things are at professionally for you these days? Your health/mental health? Socially? Family? All of these can affect your overall mental state and your confidence.

At the end of the day, does success need to come from a cold approach? If you have a social circle, leverage that. If you don't have a social circle, develop one based on your interest/passion. Meet women at dinner parties. Go to meetup events, maybe volunteer somewhere, enroll in class, etc. I know this is typical mainstream advice for how to meet women. However, with over a year of cold approaching under your belt, I'm sure your conversational skills have improved during that time. I think you will excel in situations where socializing is woven into them.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake