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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I've finally moved to Kansas City Missouri, the place I plan on living for around 2 years before I can leave the country (United States for anyone not in the states)

The place I'm in is the literal worst part of the city. Sucks, but I'm looking at shitty little houses that I can possibly buy to get out of here. But that's not what this is for, just a little backstory because my mindset actually kind of sucks for these first few approaches. Which is likely why one of them didn't follow through

Girl at Logan's Roadhouse:
Went in with my friends and this was like the worst day for me. I was dressed crappy, just got moved and some stuff that I don't wanna share left me feeling like absolute dog shit.

Anyways, think she was more interested in my friend no big deal. No follow-up after we exchanged Instagrams. And I don't really remember all that much about it anyways

Wally World:
Was going into Wal-Mart a little in my head when a hot blonde in a dress came fast walking out of walmart. It didn't even register in my head that she was there and hot before she was gone. Oops, but this did put me in a better mindset for an actual approach to come up.

Need to get out of my head more.

Wal-Mart Worker:
Black girl in a dress with big boobs, gave a big smile back to me when I tried to give a slow-spreading smile. Eye contact the entire time. Okay, well I know which checkout lane I'm going to.

Bummer she gotta boyfriend though

Not the best little journal entry, but it's more about momentum and trying to keep myself accountable. In addition, I'm still a little crestfallen and need to work on my own state a bit. So yeah...

The next one should be better, just trying to get going at the moment

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I'm hard pressed to call anything I did an actual approach yesterday. More like little pings of the people around me

Love going to coffee shops. Two are interested, one of them very interested but I'm not interested in her sadly. The other is just kinda meh... she do got some titties though

Did however talk to a cool guy in Target yesterday who told me about some job openings that sounded interesting. Didn't have the heart to tell him that I can't pass a background check to save my life but I'll at least look into them

We shall see... also the Target girl was interested but when I asked how single she was she said she was 17... well fuck... or rather, unfuck lmao (17 is actually legal in Missouri but anyone still in high school, even if 18 kinda weirds me out personally)

She was cool about it and understood though

Stuff I've noticed about my own fundamentals:

1) voice is lovely. Never honestly thought I'd get to a point where I thought my voice was good, but it is (still need to add more power and projection while keeping it good though, do have problems there)

2) my walk has suffered, need to get back on that

3) my clothes are getting old and are too big (yay) and Target actually has some nice stuff. Hopefully I can go on a clothes shopping spree soon after I get outta the place I'm in that I lovingly call the crackhouse

4) my excitement still gets the better of me and I go a little overboard sometimes. Managed to catch it before I made too much of an ass out of myself but still, kinda cringe at one of my interactions yesterday :(

5) state control has suffered greatly. My energy levels are positive and warm, but my default state for women that I envision for myself is more controlled (also people respond to it better)
--> think Patrick Jane

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Finally found a decent daygame place here. But before that I saw an awesome park that I felt forced to stop at and saw a redhead while walking around.

She was looking for her friends so not much to report there, doubt she'll follow up but ya never know.

Then got in a few more approaches, some were already dating but shit happens. Including one who was EXACTLY my type but... oh well...

One approach where I actually had a conversation was nice.

Saw her across the street, walking slowly and before I knew it I was looking both ways to run after her. She was a slim brunette with beautiful green eyes.

Went with Hector's direct open from the course (don't want to spoil it, it's simple but effective). She's hooked immediately, facing her entire body to me so I give her mine as well. She's locked in.

I'm blank, she's blank.

Asked her what she had going on for the day, she mentioned a show hours later. Okay, so I'll remember that for quick date. Moving on and just asked her what she did at the grill she worked at, from there got into how she mentioned she liked film. She likes being creative and from there I wanted to relate a bit by talking about how I like being creative with photography and if she'd want to see pictures.
--> but fml google drive doesn't allow me to see the attachments on my phone... fuckers... so apparently I need to keep at least a few on my phone itself

She had some super strong eye contact that was more than a little seductive to me. I haven't had a proper direct approach in so long that I talked a little bit too fast, but energy was good (most are indirect interest pings as I like to call them or even indirect-direct approaches from Chase's article)

Then I asked her if she wanted to pop into the Panera Bread with me and I'd show her the pictures on my laptop and we could grab a tea (it was literally two feet behind me lol). But she was on her way to the gym first so I suggested we do something later. Exchanged numbers, side hug and more strong eye contact before she left saying that I'd text her and we'd do something soon.

Then I turned around and Panera was closed lmao... lack of staff

Go to a coffee shop and there's an older woman not wearing a bra who I smile at through the window and she smiles back. But I just sat down at the coffee shop I'm at now and she wasn't hot enough for me to want to go out. She comes in and wanders back to where I'm at. Starts talking to me and wants a ride cuz she hurt her ankle and didn't want to walk home like 5 minutes away. I knew that she probably wouldn't be interested but fuck it, I'm having a good day so I'll pass the goodness along whether she's interested or not and do a good deed.

As I'm putting my stuff up I say let me finish my water. And right as I'm finishing my water and she talks about how she's focusing on her career so I make my fun sugar baby joke (I've made this joke like 40 times or so by now and it's always gotten a laugh). And she FLIPS HER SHIT.

I'm like, wait what?

Lmao chick is off her rocker. Oh well, now I don't have to leave my new spot until I'm rested to do more approaches. But apparently the spirit of god is not in me... damn... that really hurts lol

Oh! Which reminds me of one of my other approaches that I thought was fun. Group of 3 girls (honestly I thought one of them was a dude at first) walking behind me close to a corner of people shouting about how we're all going to hell and how they're eternal virgins and shit or whatever.

So I stop and look at my phone to let them catch up. The turbo virgins offer the group eternal virgin cards but one of the girls (the one I like) points at the dude-girl and says "she's gay". Then I turn my head while still walking in front of them and say "Y'know, I just really wanna make out with someone in front of them. Does that make me a bad person?"

The girl I like says no and subtly switches places with the quiet girl (also cute) to be closer to me. We talk for just a few seconds, make a couple quips but then they say it was nice talking to you and duck into a store before it even registers in my head to stop them and at least ask for a name.
--> one of the problems with indirect, are you being friendly or are you interested?

It was a girly store and it would have felt awkward to go in there. But looking back if I woulda grew some testicles I probably could have gotten away with it by being more direct.

Also, speaking of growing a pair, I did let a thick blonde go by when I first got to this area today. That first approach. I didn't feel scared or anything, but I am kicking myself for not stopping her and trying. Not sure if it was a momentum thing or what? But I'd already had some conversations with people earlier beforehand, so I wasn't coming in cold or anything. Already had pet some dogs too.

Not sure what happened with me there. Especially since I like slightly thicker women (not fat or even chubby, but just thicker in general and what curvy is supposed to mean)

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Had another approach that didn't go well. Didn't take into account that it was dark and that crazy chick kinda bothered me

Decided I needed to call it a day and detox from the crazy. Good news is, is that I've never had something go that sideways before (even when I was hardcore's testing stuff in my newbie phase)

I know mentally that it had absolutely nothing to do with me. But it did bother me, and I didn't notice it until that next/last approach

All good. It's been a good day of getting some positive momentum and I've finally found some real motivation for other parts of my life that I'd honestly started to wonder if it was gone for good

A lot of my creativity is kind of coming back and some ideas about how to move forward in my professional life is coming back. I haven't felt motivated since I was forced to give up on my website a few years ago.

After working on it for a few years, going through some shit that I had no control over with it. Then waking up at 5 am to go work my golf course job, eating my once a day meal and then going to a coffee shop to work on it. All while homeless and getting only a few hours of sleep a night

I was motivated. And then it all died because of something outside of my control. I can feel it again

And don't get me wrong, it's not hope with the women I met today. But rather it's the feeling that I'm finally in a city that I can make it work!

It's a kind of motivation to be the man of everybody's dreams. A man of absolute freedom. A lot of that comes with wanting women (not all of it, but most of it)

A few years ago my game suffered when I was forced back into Missouri. My life suffered and my mental suffered. In some ways I'm still just trying to get back to where I was in general

But at least I feel that spark again. I wasn't happy while I was homeless (this was during my extremely angry phase). But I was at least fulfilled in a way. I've missed that so much. And I feel it again

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
So not to say that I'm obsessed but I did get like 2 more approaches in late last night. While I was asleep lmao

Let's just say I was so damn dreamy :D
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Listening to some videos for marketing that I plan on getting done either tomorrow or the day after. Still feeling motivated for that but I'm not as motivated for women.

Had an indirect approach in a coffee shop where I'm 99% sure she was hardcore interested but she had braces and it honestly kinda scared me to think she might not be 18 yet... she probably was because otherwise she'd be in school... right? Oh well, decided to let her go just in case.

But that's not the interesting thing, literally immediately after the guy I'm listening to started talking about when the conscious and unconscious minds are in conflict. What he said was that when the unconscious mind and the conscious mind are in conflict the only place we can go is nowhere.

And it honestly clicked with something else that I've taken to heart, when you hesitate try to ask yourself why.

The natural thing is to beat yourself up over it, or talk yourself up and how you'll do better next time. But not enough people (and I'm including myself in this) ask why the hesitation? What's going on there?

It's a conflict between the conscious wants and the unconscious wants. In regards to doing something new (or even getting back into something after a long hiatus) it can be scary. Like, I started learning seduction with direct approaches. They were awful and barely ever went anywhere but then I got into other avenues of meeting women and finally my big life event that's set me back so much.

Now, years later I'm getting back into direct approaches (indirect approaches I'll just throw out and don't even consider them approaches anymore, but rather just pings) and I've noticed some hesitation here and there. Like most people I just plow through it and it's fine after that final first one.

With regards to my personal life there are hesitations because of my past failure that honestly took a big piece of me with it.

So why the hesitation I've tried asking myself? And it's because my unconscious mind is in conflict with my conscious. I'm assuming the unconscious sees the past failures and wants to keep me safe from that again (because it felt like it took a big piece of my soul with it, something that I'm just now recovering from it seems like). But my conscious mind is all gung-ho about it.

This made me think about the best analogy of how pain works in general and how I need to go in and detox that. But it's also got me thinking about what this means for men in seduction, since this is a seduction forum but also life in general. I'm a little grateful at the moment for the different scenarios running through my head where I kind of bitched out. Even recently.

How to get past that is something that I know how to do, and when I have a quite moment to myself in a few hours I'll go to a park and work on that.

But it's something that I would like to share with this community as well. I need to.
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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Had an indirect approach today, but not a lot recently (did have two girls where I was like holy shit need to approach them, but one had a boyfriend and one just Houdini'd herself before I could catch up to her... still don't know where on earth she went). Kind of noticed myself being really, really picky cuz I haven't been feeling the best lately. Guess this is a defense mechanism that I have to fight against.

Two girls in a coffee shop, neither knew each other so I kind of 'approached' both of them when I sat down. Picked the one that I liked more based on conversations and decided to ask if she was single. Not interested.... ouch... and I definitely burned the more interested one (but she's passionate about social justice warrior crap so that scares me off, defense mechanism or not)

That said, I think the initial approach was good and I got both of them roped into a conversation with me as well as each other.

Just made a joke about how I had to walk slowly with my tea to keep it from spilling followed by a short story (like literally 5 seconds) about how I pretended to almost fall on someone. Spoiler alert, the person in the story didn't think it was as giggle worthy as I did lol.

But just asked from there how their day was going. Moving back and forth with questions between the girls and quickly choosing the one I liked more which wasn't as interested but figured I'd go for it anyways. Sadly, like I mentioned, when I ultimately made my choice I definitely burned the bridge to the one that was interested (buuuuuuuut again... she was doing her project on literal social justice warrior topics by choice... that shit scares me)

Had another indirect approach in a different coffee shop. More of a store attached to a coffee shop and walked around. The girl seemed interested but I stumbled through the conversation a bit and just... I think I fucked it up honestly. Oops. When I asked her out for tea she said 'let me give you my email'.

So my suspicion is she's just better with people in general and had some fun but not interested. When I looked at her with a confused 'really?' look on my face I said 'email?'. She prized herself with crap about how I gotta work for the number.

Could be flirty, and it might have been, but I just didn't get that feeling. I mentioned before leaving that email is impersonal, don't ya think? And she just gave me her card and asked to be emailed.

Kind of a turn off...

But again, is this my 'feeling crappy' defense mechanism coloring the information or is it correct? The card has a number on there, but it could just be an office number. Not sure, contemplating just calling it instead but also thinking about just letting it go. Can't decide.

Uhhg.... wish I could get back onto Tinder and just line up some feel good dates/lays and my entire outlook would probably shift for the better. I'm such an approach noob, hate basically starting over. I'm absolutely sure that there's so much that I'm missing but I don't know what I'm missing and it's annoying. I can easily and naturally start conversations basically whenever, with anyone not just women. And people are having fun talking to me and enjoying it (even had a conversation with two people yesterday, one of which was cute but she was with her boyfriend but I still enjoyed talking to them and they asked for my number before heading out)

Constantly questioning myself and thinking twice about damn near everything. Also creates hesitations which has probably colored a few approaches for the worse.


Once I'm on a date though I'll be fine. But as far as getting to the date through cold approach, not used to it. I've mastered online dating and even getting dates through swing/ballroom dancing (because I used to teach it so I have a lot of instant authority/status in those venues) but I don't have anywhere I can go for those either because of the dumbass vaccine crap (I actually got turned away because the first thing they asked for was 'proof of vaccination') + my own probation bullshit.

Lol fml. Cannot wait to flee this country forever... a little under 2 years to go... just a little longer...

Also mourning my overall style because I had to leave a lot of stuff behind in storage that I can't get to (don't trust leaving much of anything behind in the 'crackhouse'). Stuff that really rounds out my personal style so I feel kinda bland right now. That probably shines through a bit. It's not that I'm dressed terrible or anything, but I'd honestly just say average or even slightly below average at the moment.
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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Looking at Hector's course stuff again, I feel stupid. There was a cute girl just a little while ago that gave me at least 2 approach invitations. Lmao but I explained them away

Urg... dumdum

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Decided to approach a girly in a dress with big boobs.

She was instantly into it. She was waiting on her cousin so I used that as my excuse to exchange numbers for later. She immediately continued the conversation for a little while after.

Thought it was a done deal.

Texted her my name and 'wrong number' reply... god damnit...

90% sure that she just fat fingered it but still... that shit's annoying

Guess I gotta sit there and read it back to them or just text while I'm in front of them from now on or something

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Saw another girl in the coffee shop I returned to. Was already set up and didn't wanna buy anything so I decided to go to the bathroom and then catch her while she was waiting on her drink

But when I get to the bathroom there's a line and another sexy girl waiting right in front of me.

Strike up conversation, got a date set up for Wednesday and she's part Latina... I'm already in love. I love Latina's and they love me.

Original girl nowhere to be found, which is a slight bummer but oh well. Latina definitely worth that miss.

I will forever thank my first ever girlfriend for my love of latinas and their love for me

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Weird quirk I've noticed within myself: if it's an indirect approach my voice is great. Tonality is good, slowness and all that (still working on projection).

But if it's a direct approach I've noticed my voice is weak. Just for projection's sake I need to get in the habit of breathing deeply into the stomach before speaking. I think this has accidentally creeped out a few women. Noticed that when I remind myself beforehand they love the approach, whether single or not.

But they get a weird look on their face when I forget to remind myself.

Ultimately this stems from when I was super fat in high school. I got in the habit of sucking in so I didn't look as fat (it works, plus if you learn exactly which part of the stomach to suck in it can help you look amazing in pictures, but suck in all of it or even the wrong part and you'll look weird). But this is the exact opposite of what I need to do for a great voice. Plus, I'm not fat anymore so I don't need to do it.

But I've literally had this as an unthinking habit for over a decade. Literally don't even think about it and I'm sucking in.

So yeah, noticed this is a big issue I need to work on undoing.
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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Ug... went to a coffee shop, girl came in with nice tits and no bra. Noticed her looking around and making eye contact with me. Talked to her. Went to a date to a museum. Went to Dollar General to pick some stuff. Dropped off at my place.

No sex.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand doubt I'll ever see her again. Only had 2 girls see me again after getting that close to sex but it not happening. Both were nuts. Odds not looking good. Lame.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Update to the above, felt a little down. I liked her personality and while I didn't get to see them, preeeeety sure she had some great tits

Went to go see Venom 2 to cheer myself up. I'm the first there which is weird, especially since I'm not even early. Cute girl walks in and I make a joke like omg more people just assuming her boyfriend is behind her (what cute girl goes to see venom 2 by herself?)

Movie ends and nobody else with her... weird. I make another joke about how more people showed up. She mentioned how she was glad to see how she wasn't the only one who goes to see movies by herself

Iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnntteresting and game on

Not a long interaction but a tentative date for tomorrow is set

She got a nice smile. Also after leaving a big fluffy puppy ran over to see me. Dogs are great

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Date was terrible lmao. She came in excited but as soon as I slipped up and mentioned I didn't have a job but was thinking of going back into construction while I work on my shit, all interest died

It was like I walked up and executed it. Not a big deal, just a cold splash of water in the face from good ole reality

But like I said, not a huge loss. She came off like the reformed party girl type who is provider hunting

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Went to the college to do some approaches. Had a good one where a condom fell out of my pocket in front of her lmao

Also, had a huge scare where I thought I tore my ACL 0.0
--> luckily I think it's only a sprain. But still...

Proooooobably done approaching for today

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Update; so I did a few half-assed approaches that went nowhere. But then saw a chick in tattoos that tickled my pickle a little bit, will write about that shortly because there's actually a useful takeaway for everybody in that.
EDIT: https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/demonstrate-knowledge-authority-in-her-world.24984/
--> demonstrate knowledge/authority in her world/interests

But I got in my car to leave and as I was leaving I look over and see a tall chick with HUGE boobs and before I could even process what was going on I was pulling into the turning lane so that I could go back into the park. Lmao so I park on the other end (she was in the long walking trail and it's a good sized park) and I start walking.

See her and she's immediately into me. So now I have a date at 6 tonight with tattoo girl and then another at 9 with tall girl (although tattoo girl might cancel on me, not sure, we shall see. I go into details about why as well as what I did to up my chances with her in the link).

All after I had an absolutely shitty date this morning and thought I'd torn my acl (99% sure it's a strain since I'm doing alright now).

Oh, and the girl on the college campus who I have a tentative date planned for Saturday. Though the date I had a few days ago wants to reschedule for this weekend and the latina that was also scheduled tomorrow never got back to me.
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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Tattoo girl cancelled but then like 3 minutes later asked to reschedule for later tonight

Meanwhile I got the feeling that she would so I asked tall girl if she would come out earlier (before tattoo girl cancelled/rescheduled). So all in all, they basically switched places

Tattoo girl is in an hour. Tall girl is awesome. Clicked personality wise and physically my exact type. Although I may have fucked it up by trying to plan the second date at the end of the first (you shouldn't do that)

Plus she's in the medical field and has basically no time. Soooooooooo we shall see

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Tattoo girl no call no showed me, even though she's the one that reached out to reschedule minutes after cancelling

Rude. Wasn't excited about her but still. Have some class

Edit: oh yeah, forgot to mention a few things I've noticed in my own dating style:

I've been spoiled with online dating (I will happily say that I know more about making it work then anybody I know). But what I mean by that is that I didn't have to do anything on those dates. If I wanted to fuck then we fucked

On these day game dates I'm completely missing a few aspects of the date. Something I was already aware of was that I prefer the S part of Chase's SAC dating model

It's my favorite part. The part I get most excited about and what I enjoy most with a date.

However the problem is that unlike the online dating girls, these girls aren't quite there yet (I'm pretty good looking and photograph extremely well which is all I need with OD, not so with DG). So I need to focus more on both C and A (mostly A)

Also logistics are dogshit sadly but nothing I can do about that at the moment

Sooooo yeah, 3 glaring cracks in my game currently. A is weak, C needs work and logistics are just plain fucked
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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I have blood blisters on my feet and I am annoyed. I have two warm leads I met last night for tonight and tomorrow morning. Have a second date on Saturday and supposedly another first date on Saturday as well. But Saturdays are the big approach days

But I'm honestly frustrated about the first date a few nights ago. Pretty sure I messed it up

Also my feet hurt. In the last week I would guess I'm somewhere in the 60-80 approaches.

I am perturbed -.-

EDIT: honestly just getting frustrated in general. Sure it's only been two weeks, and the real approaching madness only started on Saturday but still. Feel like the amount of follow-through I'm getting from women is astronomically low.

I get that numbers don't mean jack shit but still, I think I got better follow-through with online

Kinda just feel like venting a bit. Plus my feet still hurt like a motherfucker... luckily my knee is fine though.

Get the feeling that tonight's date is going to cancel. She was a little vague in her text but my gut says she's not going to follow-through.
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