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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
I'm so glad I found this (it's kinda the reason why I'm here).

My feedback to OP is to go see a spinal specialist immediately. It must be wreaking hell on your lower back, walking around with such gigantic balls all the time.

But this is such a grind. My mans, who surely deserves a crown, clearly been through the shit in this process.

My question to the more experienced guys helping him-- is this just the reality of cold approaching? It looks like squeezing blood from a stone! What does it look like when *you* do it, by comparison?

Anyways, I cheer you on, you bigballed mofo, and I can't offer any real feedback because you're doing what I only so far have hoped to do. I wish you old age, and a peaceful death via drowning by pussy.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I'm so glad I found this (it's kinda the reason why I'm here).

My feedback to OP is to go see a spinal specialist immediately. It must be wreaking hell on your lower back, walking around with such gigantic balls all the time.

But this is such a grind. My mans, who surely deserves a crown, clearly been through the shit in this process.

My question to the more experienced guys helping him-- is this just the reality of cold approaching? It looks like squeezing blood from a stone! What does it look like when *you* do it, by comparison?

Anyways, I cheer you on, you bigballed mofo, and I can't offer any real feedback because you're doing what I only so far have hoped to do. I wish you old age, and a peaceful death via drowning by pussy.
Lol thanks mate

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
is this just the reality of cold approaching?
I can't write about daygame, as I have like 3 or 4 approaches and nothing to show for from that, but at the start of night game it felt a lot like that, I remember. There was a freebie here and there, but, for the most part, it was just rejections and weird interactions lol
Even now that I have a girl and I'm trying to get other girls on the side and maybe a threesome it feels like I'm a beginner, because I'm kinda relearning to game in another way, with other constraints.
Eventually I think you get the hang of it, and then it's "smoother sailing". Still, you never gonna be the god demichad that never gets rejected and takes a girl home everyday, this game is of assymetric returns, shit is random. But as you get more experienced, you get better results.
You gotta find a way to make game sustainable, have fun approach, then you're golden, because you really need the experience. Of course theoretical knowledge is valueable, but only in practice you really "learn", or at least have the proof that what you thought in your mind works in real life, so that's why you need to make it part of your lifestyle, something you can do regularly.

Also it's a numbers game, that's the bigger truth, the more you do it, the more you get from it. As you learn, your close ratio goes up, but if don't keep on gaming, that doesn't mean anything. Also you can lose momentum and that can hurt you a bit (not so much as when you start, as now you have the knowledge and some results to back it up, but if you're rusty you're not as sharp, you gonna fuck up things you wouldn't otherwise).

And congratz to @Regal Tiger on sticking on his transition to daygame, you were more of an online guy before, is that right? I wanna start daygaming but I'm a lazy motherlover, hopefully I'll get the drive to do it soon. It's really inspiring to see how you're putting in work into this, I'm sure soon you shall find some results to be glad for.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Such tenacity!! Keep going.
Thank you, I'll probably start up again next week after taking another break. Had another annoyance that I had to take another break

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I can't write about daygame, as I have like 3 or 4 approaches and nothing to show for from that, but at the start of night game it felt a lot like that, I remember. There was a freebie here and there, but, for the most part, it was just rejections and weird interactions lol
Even now that I have a girl and I'm trying to get other girls on the side and maybe a threesome it feels like I'm a beginner, because I'm kinda relearning to game in another way, with other constraints.
Eventually I think you get the hang of it, and then it's "smoother sailing". Still, you never gonna be the god demichad that never gets rejected and takes a girl home everyday, this game is of assymetric returns, shit is random. But as you get more experienced, you get better results.
You gotta find a way to make game sustainable, have fun approach, then you're golden, because you really need the experience. Of course theoretical knowledge is valueable, but only in practice you really "learn", or at least have the proof that what you thought in your mind works in real life, so that's why you need to make it part of your lifestyle, something you can do regularly.

Also it's a numbers game, that's the bigger truth, the more you do it, the more you get from it. As you learn, your close ratio goes up, but if don't keep on gaming, that doesn't mean anything. Also you can lose momentum and that can hurt you a bit (not so much as when you start, as now you have the knowledge and some results to back it up, but if you're rusty you're not as sharp, you gonna fuck up things you wouldn't otherwise).

And congratz to @Regal Tiger on sticking on his transition to daygame, you were more of an online guy before, is that right? I wanna start daygaming but I'm a lazy motherlover, hopefully I'll get the drive to do it soon. It's really inspiring to see how you're putting in work into this, I'm sure soon you shall find some results to be glad for.
Yeah, long story short but Daygame's my only real option right now

I do miss online game because I spent 2 years learning and mastering it

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Haven't done any approaches. Finding it exceptionally difficult to even want to go out and try... thinking I'm burnt out again

There is a girl at work who might be interested. She's on vacation right now but we have loose plans to meet up after she gets back. Probably like a... 6/10 chance something happens I'm thinking.

Also finding it hard to figure out what I want right now. Which means I need to step back and try to figure out my goals and aspirations again. Honestly I keep rebounding back and forth between extreme motivation and extreme apathy. So I'm going to focus on some things that I enjoy, I bought a 40 dollar course about hypnotism that I plan on going through today to get me moving forward again. On my next paycheck I'm going to try and do some ads for stuff...

Not sure when I'll return to women but it needs to be soon because it's going to start getting cold in a month or two and I won't be able to approach after that...

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Still absolutely no desire to go out and approach. Walked around a little today and it briefly came back and then immediately gone again just as fast lol

Also work chick never followed through. Got a text about how she couldn't make it but maybe next time. I never responded to her since it was clear that she wasn't interested from her text. That was on Monday. Saw her at work today and she was kind of cold towards me, not sure why since she's the one that cancelled/not interested... weird

Another work chick, who I think has a boyfriend is fun to flirt with though. Also, her mom came in today and her mom is smoking fucking hot lmao

Edit For Thoughts:

I think a big reason why my desire is gone is that I worked so fucking hard and all I had to show for my effort was a girl who I could easily get from Tinder. We hung out twice

Sex was fantastic but still... twice... so much work, effort, rejection, pain and bullshit for two orgasms of a girl who is basically your typical party girl

Maybe this is something that's clashing with what I was unconsciously expecting? I don't have any expectations that I'm aware of but maybe there's something underneath my awareness

Or maybe I just think that all of that bullshit wasn't worth it so why go through that again?

I'm not too sure

As I was thinking about this for the past week though I thought about trying some TRE I think it's called. Got to thinking about these past few years and how I feel like they've stolen a big part of who I used to be as a person

Honestly made me tear up

Because I feel like I'm changing again just like I felt a few years ago. I don't particularly care for the changes I experienced back then but they're kind of necessary for my survival. I'm a little worried about what part of my identity I'm throwing away this time...
Last edited:

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Weird thing happened at work. Saw a girl, and.most people would say she is cute. But she looked so insanely nice that I wanted to approach her and if I wasn't at work then I would have


Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I think it's normal, you will want to approach cute nice girls... I do get the burnout thing though, give it sometime and let the will of meeting women find you again, generally it comes back strong eventually

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Notice that my drive is basically non-existent. Do, however have a second date with a girl from work tomorrow. Same one that I assumed wasn't interested when she cancelled on me

Also had a coworker send me a link about worst places in America for dating. Depends on which site you land on but where I live is consistently one of the worst

Which actually made me feel better. If this place sucks so badly then how will I do when I move again?

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Coworker was a waste of time :/

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
My drive is returning... but it's cold outside now and I don't want to venture out lol

Also some moron just hit my car in the parking lot. Without a drivers license. Or insurance. Or money... so today is going well so far

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I just plain feel weird lol

A cross between motivation and apathy. Feel stuck. Think I need to come up with a game plan and stick to it

Not sure why but I keep getting my hopes up for a girl at work. Coworkers are trying to set us up a little. She flirts a lot, sometimes on her own. Noticed that I've been feeling down and brought it up but didn't quite know how to phrase it and then got embarrassed about it later

Buuuut then I remind myself it's just harmless fun for her. It's not gonna go anywhere. Weirdly enough that makes me feel better. Not sure why...

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Small update for anyone still following along in my day game journey

Still feel weird overall, plus still trying to figure out life. For those that know then you know...

I'm not on here as much but I just read through the best seducer thread and man oh man what a wild ride! Haha some hilarious stuff on there, and I definitely agree with Sully's idea about gifts to encourage voting lmfao

It's indeed cold outside so I more than likely won't be making an approach for a good while. Did the same thing last year but I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately in the mean time. It's weird but women aren't as high up on the list. Not sure if this is some kind of ego defence mechanism or what (to be fair it could be something in my subconscious trying to keep me away from all that rejection, shit stings after a while)

Trying to get back to my mental health podcast. I enjoy doing it and it's fun. It does good things for my mental

Overall though I think my day game woes will come down to vibe. I felt like I was into something on the approach with the girl in August in the report (which I think was the last time that I was actually active). Im still keeping all that in mind. When it's not as cold out I'll give it another go and see what happens

Did I mention that I hate the cold? Lol

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Been a long time since I've written in here. Still believe that KC is just weird, not entirely for sure why either. But I was in the Tulsa area for a little while, had a lot of fun temporarily managing a strip club there. Then moved back to where I am now, which I'll probably be for a solid year

Had that LR that I kinda just fell into that I wrote about in December. But that girl kinda made me mad and I got mad at myself for chasing for a few weeks. So I got back on Tinder and met a few different girls, one of whom I talked about in a different post (I still think that it could work and I'm glad that I looked through it again, I won't be using it as a game technique but I do want to explore it) and another girl whom I'm dating now

I met the girlfriend a few weeks after Lilo & Stitch girl. Also got my first ever STD which is rather shocking to me given how loose I've been in the past. And the real kicker of the story? I'm 75% sure I got it from a blowjob of one of the tinder girls who was begging me to take the condom off. But even though my relationship hadn't been cemented yet I already had her confirmed as my number 1 and it's a personal rule of mine to only have one girl get it without a condom. And she gave me Chlamydia anyways lmao, like damn

Probably because it's easily curable and the only real repercussion there was a week of no fun I find it kinda funny. My first STD and it was from, like a 2-3 minute blowjob to get ready for another condomed up round... Meanwhile there are quite a few women recently whom I wasn't as... disciplined with... in the past year who gave me no trouble whatsoever >.>

There is a possibility that I got it from Lilo & Stitch but since I'd already deleted her number long before this I can't contact her and the timeline doesn't match up with when I got symptoms

Anywhoo, small rambling update for anyone interested or when I feel like taking a stroll through memory lane

The girl I'm seeing is nice. She's a bit inexperienced and nerdy with some tig ole bitties. She's also a real sweetheart who still can't get enough of me even after 3 months now. There are still some issues there that we're working on, namely her giant ass walls when it comes to intimacy and having trouble cumming. Sex has gotten a lot better than when we started

I do still plan on leaving the country so that weighs on my mind a bit with her, so I try to be a little extra sweet to her so that she'll look back on me with fond memories
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers