Limerance Journal: Help Needed

Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Background: I'm in my early 60s, 6-foot plus and regarded as very handsome by many if not most women. It's because my physique is toned and fit (a full six-pack on a man my age is rare) I've got a good jawline and noble brow. I should be brimming with confidence. And I am not. I feel raw and wounded. When I was 18, that was the romantic ideal, Sorrows of Young Werther and all, but at my age, it feels like an oppressive burden. What if I never meet another woman I find as attractive?

(I am completely blown away by what Chase and his colleagues have built since the last time I checked in about 12 or 13 years ago. Way to go! This place is the most positive and supportive forum on the web by far).

I've been married twice, divorced twice, came out of a 10-year-relationship about 18 months ago that was pretty close to perfect til the pandemic, and have dated a lot since. Slept with seven women in the interim, none of whom I'd consider for a LTR. Mostly because they were less than half my age. My lifetime body count is less than 100 but probably close to 80.

I live in a small town, where I have outstanding social value and a solid reputation as a community leader. Also for being a ladies' man and all-around sexy guy.

The proximate problem is I've developed an intrusive obsession with a woman I've only slept with once. Textbook limerence. It's been two months since she broke up with me and it's just getting worse.

This is the sixth time it's happened to me since my first incident at age 12. It can take me two or three years to get over it - and no amount of sleeping with other women cures it. In fact, judging by the two new lays since, it makes it worse. I need help from people who know first-hand what's going on. Therapy is important, but I can't share the same understandings with a therapist.

Another part of the problem is that in three of those prior incidents I did get into a long-term relationship with the object of my fascination. In fact, of the ten most beautiful women I have seen in my life, I have slept with three, married one and still sleeping on and off with another. So it makes me feel, not unjustified, that I can turn around any situation and "get the girl." What I should be doing is focusing on getting beyond her, understanding Chase's Paradox that the best way of getting her back is by getting past her. I believe I've hooked her enough that I'm confident she won't ever forget me. Given the amount of public attention I get, forgetting me would be nearly impossible.

In this case, I felt like I employed my best seduction skills - witty banter, deep diving, compliance, moving her from place to place, getting her back to my place, escalating fast, etc. Did not sleep with her on the first meetup (not a date), though everything but actual penetration. Second date, cooked for her (works every time) and we spent four hours getting after it. It was a little awkward at first, a little performance anxiety, but I acquitted myself well and gave her a good time. It's generally by the third lay that, for me, anyway, the feminine-masculine polarity synchronizes and then it's off to the races. In my considerable experience, the time between the third fuck and the 20th is typically one week or less.

We were making plans and flirting furiously via text and voice as we set up the next encounter. Next outing didn't happen because reasons. I suggested a couple of fun alternatives, she said she had other plans for the morning, said we could do lunch. At lunch I asked if she was available that night. She said no. I said, "So it's not happening then, eh?" No, she said. "It's moving too fast." I said, "I don't remember asking if you wanted to go steady." She shook her head. She also mentioned the age thing - barely over a decade. In fact, she's the third or fourth oldest girl I've dated since my breakup. I took it stoically, though I was distraught on the inside. I really liked this girl. Smart, funny, beautiful. Exactly my type. Exactly everyone's type.

I figured from casual remarks she's made about other dudes, that she might have gotten serious with one, or felt bad about hanging out with me. Or who knows?

I felt that gnaw in my stomach when she refused my offer to hang out. If I was on my game, I would have canceled lunch and backed way the hell up, no contact. In similar incidents in the past, I would slip away and not contact the girl for five, six months, and then ping her. It works more than half the time. Time is like a tide, after a few months, all that will be left in a woman's memory is the high points - this tall sexy sweet talker was a lot of fun and yes please just what the doctor ordered.

In fact, I've got five or six women on standby now from previous lays and other interactions that are ready to go on short notice. As I said earlier, all of whom I'd of been happy to be with in ordinary circumstances. None of them were near as attractive to me now. That's what's plaguing me - I've been here before, and it can cause me to miss out on awesome opportunities right under my nose. That's what happened with my 10-year-relationship - she was a rebound from my most recent limerence struggle and it ended up being the best relationship I've had, by far.

We texted a few times afterwards, I played it cool and funny. No neediness, not eager to get her out again. She suggested a few meetups, but they didn't happen, and I got the feeling she wasn't invested emotionally. But then this past week, I reached out to her about something unrelated and SHE suggested we get together. I played it cool, left the ball in her court, and she texted morning of, said the day got away from her, let's reschedule. No firm plans.

Meanwhile, I'm having these endless conversations with her in mind. She's the first thing I think of when I wake up, the last thing before I slip off into sleep. She said she'll reach out next week, but I'm fairly sure it won't happen.

My goal here is to document my "recovery." I'll try to post a couple three times a week about my attempts and approaches, other dates, lays etc. I would love some insight and suggestions in the meantime.
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Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Weekend Update:
Two same-day dates. Both from dating apps. Breakfast with an appropriately aged brunette, much better looking than her photos. I almost bailed, thinking she'd be unattractive. Could not be happier to be wrong. She was tall, bright brown eyes and a slim figure, but with nice hips and big natural boobs. Yes!

I dove deep into her past, motivations, plans, dreams, reflections, got in a couple cold reads that hit, kept returning the focus to her, lots of sexy eye contact, triangle gaze, etc. I figured her height probably made it difficult to find an appropriate partner, so I felt confident things were going well.

Afterward, we parted with a long, intimate hug. Made tentative plans to get together during the week. I texted an hour later, saying I enjoyed getting to know her. No reply for 10 or more hours. Then the bare minimum, thanking me for breakfast. I replied again, details about the cold read that seemed to rock her world. Radio silence.

What did I do wrong? First, I paid for the meal, against advice. Second, I didn't sexualize the conversation. Third, I had an excellent opportunity because of a nearby event, to change venues, to help her with her shopping, etc. I bailed too soon.

It worries me that I was certain she was interested and attracted, when clearly she was not. What are some signs I missed, things I could watch for in the future? What could I have done to spark attraction?

Late afternoon Date:
Had the makings of a lovely encounter. Sunset at a beach cafe. She was clearly interested (though the morning date makes me wonder if I'm reading everything wrong). The conversation flowed, she has had an interesting life, lots of great conversational threads.

However, I was not at all attracted to her. She was much less better looking than her photos. Had big, rough man hands. Yikes. Did not text afterward, neither did she.

What did I learn? That practice is good, don't bail just because there's no physical attraction. It's still part of the game to get to know people, to seek commonalities and explore differences. She was a fascinating woman, just not doing it for me, no stirring of the loins so to speak.

Note on Object of Limerance: I am not on social media, and was only on in the past because of my business. But this girl I am obsessed with has been following and commenting on posts in which I am mentioned (I have a high public profile, and get referenced frequently). Not sure what it means. I know what I want it to mean, but I have lost a lot of confidence in my ability to know anything for sure.
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Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Been a rough couple of days. Business has been tough. Stupid time-sucking tasks that leave me frustrated and depressed. Broke. What's the point? Still obsessed about this girl — have to exert myself to not look up her social media or her website, etc.

As I mentioned, she's made a few comments on posts that tagged me. Doing my darnedest not to engage with those posts like the thirsty little bitch that I am. Having endless conversations with her in my mind, trying out lines, imagining how we might get together next as she keeps saying we should, etc. It sucks hard. I feel like a lovelorn teenager waiting by the phone.

It's been a good 15 years since I felt this way and it's just as bad. Well, maybe not quite as bad as then, if I'm being honest, but I ended up with that gal for a five-year tumultuous relationship. Saw that old love today, as I do several times a week (it's a small town, be careful not to shit where you eat) and she gave me a withering glance. Which means she still has feelings for me. But I just can't put either of us through that again. (Unless I hit a dry spell as I did a month ago, reconciliation attempt #37 which ended predictably badly).

So I want/need to celebrate a recent success in the field. A week ago I cold-approached a very tall woman at the supermarket. She had a great figure and an OK face. I steered my cart in and around her before mustering up the courage to approach. "Wow how tall are you?" So clever. But she engaged, we went back-to-back, got in some early touching and steering her around. I'm still a good three inches taller. Went for the number close by basically holding out my phone. I could tell she was thrilled to be approached.

She put in her number, let's call her Anna Alaska because that's where she was from. In town visiting her sister. Nice. I gave her mine. "What's your name?" she asked. "Call me (my first name) That Hot Guy." Laughed. Good. Her face wasn't doing it for me, but that booty was. Butterface special. Half an hour later she called. "Sorry, butt dial." Sure babydoll, you can butt dial me with that fancy fanny all day long.

We made a plan to hang out on the weekend - I felt like everything was lining up. Then I felt hesitation. Because Anna (not her real name) wasn't that hot? Who cares? Never used to bother me in the past. I blame this damn limerence situation. We did get together the next night at the local honky tonk with her sister and brother in law, played pool, tried to let her win but she was worse then me (hard to believe), listened to live music, having good conversation. A little deep diving, no cold reads. No stirring in the loins. In days of old, I'd have been all over it. A nice ass - which she definitely had - was all I needed.

I could tell she was waiting for me to ask her back to my place, hoping to have a sexy story to pleasure herself with back home. I didn't. Ejected after the band finished. Great music, so nice to get out and listen to live music again. She texted a few times, trying to get me back out, I was polite but noncommittal.

Still, I got myself out there, met a decently attractive women many men would have been thrilled to get with.

In the past month, I've had three women from months (one more than a year since last contact) ago ping me out of the blue. Two were quite attractive, one I had laid. One I would have felt was out of my league at one time in my life. Just wasn't feeling it. I should feel flattered that I had made a mark, but all I could do was wallow in misery about the one who got away.

Got three numbers from online yesterday and today - had a great conversation with one last night that went on for nearly an hour. She was English and had one of the sexiest voices I've heard in a while. Great photos, too. We made plans to get together weekend after next (we'll both be traveling this coming weekend). Not ideal distance-wise, but we'll see.

Another text exchange led to a possible rendezvous end of the month. Distance again a factor, but for one weekend for someone with such gorgeous photos, it'll be worth it.

Since the breakfast date with the surprisingly attractive woman with the terrible online pics who ghosted me, my confidence has been shot. Today didn't help. Got discouraging feedback on a creative side project. Failed to make two easy approaches, just feeling melancholy. The afternoon date from Saturday texted me today, three days later, saying she had fun and wanted to hang out again. Told her she was awesome but I wasn't feeling the spark. Made me feel worse to reject her. But, hey man hands.

State of Mind: Low energy, depressed, feeling overwhelmed with the futility of it all. Starting to feel my age. Feeling lonely and out of sorts.

Plan of Action: Work on fundamentals. Style, posture, facial expressions, get a new wardrobe. Better sleep. Get therapy to deal with limerence. Make friendly, low-key approaches, both men and women, entirely independent of outcome, just become a charming, gregarious fellow, see if my luck changes.

Upside: My physical condition is near peak for someone my age, got my gym routine locked in so I'm grateful for that. Business is looking up if I can hang on another couple of weeks.

Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
One failed approach this morning, one successful. Still early in the day, hope to add more.
Walked by lovely blonde sitting outside cafe. Couldn't get a word out, didn't even slow down, didn't even try to make eye contact. Felt like shit.

Walking behind a gorgeous brunette with an incredible ass. God I love yoga pants. Walked past her, turned around at my normal stopping point, she was still walking along. I gave her the policeman stop. "I've just got to tell you, you've got the most magnificent head of hair I've seen in a long time." Her eyes lit up. "Wow thank you!" That was it. And it was sincere - that wavy-to-curly gorgeous mane of hair was truly a wonder to behold. Way too young though. It's hard for me to tell, but I couldn't even guarantee she was legal.

Reflecting on my current obsession. I've got it bad. But I remembered a limerance problem even worse nearly 25 years ago, a few months after my first divorce. Was a 36-year-old fitness model introduced to me by a mutual friend (her professor). We seemed to hit it off, but the 2.5 hour distance really made it difficult. I only got together with her twice, both on her turf, had one sweet but quick (nothing French about it) kiss. We talked a lot on the phone. It seemed like it was going to happen the next time we got together. She was planning on coming up for the weekend (I lived in a beautiful area, but rugged and remote and virtually no eligible women whatsoever). She canceled for a legitimate reason, sick kid.

Next meetup was going to be on her turf again, as I concocted an excuse to travel through her area. She said no, she was busy that day. Then she proceeded to tell me she didn't think I was over my ex (I was) and that blah blah, she'd met someone in the meantime, blah blah. Crushed. Really sobbing hard for a woman I'd barely kissed? What the hell was wrong with me? I sent her a congratulatory note a few months later when she graduated college - she was eager to catch up, wondering why I'd ghosted her. "Let's get together, I'd love to take you to my favorite overlook." I was over the moon. We made a plan to get together next time I was in her area. As I finished my appointment and drove toward her area, I kept my phone by me, waiting for the call that never came. That was the longest and loneliest ride I've ever taken.

For years, I mean five years at least, I was obsessed with this fitness model. To make matters worse, she was the cover model for a fitness magazine in my gym. I should have thrown it out, not sure why I didn't. Every time I worked out for months and months, there she was, with that million dollar smile, and one billion dollar ass. Even after I laid at least a dozen other women, even after I got married again. Limerance is a real mental disorder.

Part of the problem is living in a small town. I've got massive social proof, but few prospects. My most recent relationship was, by far, my best yet, but the distance, even though it was barely a half-hour drive, took a toll. That's why this current obsession stings so much - to find a suitable companion is doubly difficult.

Karea Ricardus D.'s journal inspired me to write mine. I loved learning how this master seducer was not immune to the same pangs and longing for a broken relationship or failed romance. Thanks, brother, for reminding me we are all in it together.
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Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Limerance Update:
Got together with the object of my obsession yesterday for what was supposed to be a quick hello. It turned into a two-hour deep conversation and bonding experience.

It's probably a bad move to keep in contact with her, but I keep reminding myself I've turned around these situations in the past. Of the six women I've been obsessed with at this level, I've turned three into LTRs.

We walked and talked about everything. I gave her a (false) disqualification; that after much deliberation, I'd removed her from my target list. Told her I feel she needed an ally and friend more than she needed another horny dude trying to stick his dick into that sweetness. But, hey she should be very flattered that she was on list to begin with, along with the most beautiful and dynamic women in the region. She said, "Hey I'm hurt!" in a teasing manner. But a friend of mine says there's no such thing as irony. I beginning to believe it.

She talked about her (privileged) childhood, her most recent breakup, why she moved to the area, her dreams and ambitions. I kept the focus on her throughout. That's relatively easy for me to do, I do not enjoy talking about myself. (Even though I've had an unusual and fascinating life). She'd try to turn it back to me, I'd give a brief, slightly mysterious and open-ended reply and quickly led it back to her. Her descriptions were vivid and compelling. It was strange, I felt for a moment here and there that we were the same person. A sense of oneness. Powerful and a little spooky if I'm being honest.

I've been struggling with thread-cutting lately. Have had several dates and phone conversations with women that went into dark and unhappy places, and found it hard to redirect to happier topics. Not yesterday. Everything she threw at me, I effortlessly turned it into something positive. Her: "My ex was a brilliant guy but he'd make fun of me for not having read the books he'd read." Me: "There's 27 different types of intelligence and they are identifying more all the time ... and why couldn't he have taken the opportunity to talk about the books and made an interesting conversation out of it? I just read this incredible .... blah blah, what do you think about depth psychology?"

Among the discussions that I directed: I told her that it was good she cut off our intimacy after one fuck. The first one is often awkward, figuring out each other's bodies, performance issues, etc. The second is better as we figure out each other's pleasure points and find a rhythm. The third is where the magic happens; our masculine and feminine energies get synchronized and then it's off to the races. The time between the third and 20th fuck is about a week .... I was pointing to myself the whole time, using us and we pronouns, etc. She appeared to be eating it up.

Lots of flirting - she mentioned that my eyes danced when I laughed, that she found my photos online very handsome, etc. I told her that I could either look at her with her big brown eyes (amazing portals of light) or listen to what she was saying, but not both. Just a few examples among many.

I gave her the triangle-gazing, soulful looks, etc. She is so much fun to look at; bright sparkly eyes, a lovely trim figure, a sexy laugh and an ironic teasing manner that I find very attractive. Looks-wise, not even in the top 10 of women I've been with, but near the top of most attractive personalities. I was reminded that I've got a bad case of limerance for a reason.

Eventually, I had to get back to work, so I was the one who cut it off. She said several times she was enjoying herself and would have loved to continue, that we should make a regular thing of it.

We left with a tender hug - and I kissed her on the corner of her lips. Was going for the cheek, but she moved her face toward my lips. She said, no no we're friends and friends don't kiss on the lips. (So why did you move your face then?) So I went in for another kiss on the lips - "you mean not like this?" She said, "Yes not like that. Like this," and kissed me on the cheek. OK not sure what that meant. She seemed to be having a good time though.

Sent her a text explaining that I had a wonderful time being friends, even though I was afraid I'd not be able to restrain my baser impulses, and I was proud of myself for having done it. And how fascinating I found her (true). She replied somewhat cryptically which I took to mean that if we were lovers, I wouldn't be getting to know her so well. Silly girl. No plans for a followup yet. Will probably text next week and see if she wants to go for a hike (we've been talking about it for months, but always gets rained out).

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Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
I’ve heard limerence can be caused by attachment issues which can be effectively treated with ifs therapy + mdma
Interesting 🤔 makes sense. Waiting to get a therapist who is cleared by my insurance. I’ve thought about ketamine. Hadn’t thought about mdma.

Thanks 🙏

Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
This weekend was kind of a bust. Hanging with buddies Friday night for our monthly get-togethers. These are powerful and well-placed men, but they are so blue-pilled it's ridiculous. Maybe one or two I could have had meaningful conversations about women. Even though I'm an older man, I still need mentoring, just as I love mentoring myself. Of my three best, lifelong mentors - all experienced and worldly men - two have died in the past two years and another succumbed to dementia.

Spent a couple mid-week evenings checking my "beaver traps" on dating apps. Easily obtained five women's numbers and have set up four dates. First one was meant to be yesterday, Sunday, but her sister got bad sick and she had to fly out of state for a couple nights. We'll pick up mid-week. Two meetups are set to happen this coming weekend, and a fourth, very long-distance, end of the month when she will be visiting closer to me. Tonight I will push to get a couple more dates lined up.

I've got a solid profile, well-written and intriguing, some humor, good photos (some are a little old, five-six years, though I've nearly always had reactions like "Oh you're so much better looking than your photos!" Or "You look younger than your photos!" A friend of mine once suggested that I set up a sock puppet account with one good photo and state that I'm 6'3" (true) and nothing else. He thinks it'll do just as well as my real one. Women don't read profiles either he claims.

In my age range, the odds appear to have shifted dramatically in my favor. I've heard that there's four men for every one woman on most apps, but it appears to be reversed now. In high school I couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with a fist full of fifties, now I get 100-150 "likes" or messages in a week or two whenever I re-subscribe. Most aren't attractive or too far away, but still.

And the age thing doesn't appear to be too big of an obstacle. I'm getting lots of likes and messages from women as young as 20 years younger. In real life, it's even greater. Not long after my 10-year relationship ended, I quickly found myself rotating three women more than 30 years younger than me. That was fun, but it ended when I reconciled with my girlfriend. I didn't have the energy after that draining, six-months experience to re-engage, plus business really sucks; am hanging on by a thread.

No contact with my limerance object since Friday's two-hour encounter. I can't tell if she's keeping me around for a backup, or she genuinely likes me and regrets ending our sexual relationship, or if she truly wants to be platonic friends. I gave her the false disqualification, and it did seem to pique her interest, but it's been a few days now and no contact. I don't know.

It's depressing to be my age and know so little about women. I used to think that I was a mad poon slayer especially after my second marriage ended back in 2007 after bedding more than a dozen women in a short period of time. And I got into a five-year relationship with one of the most beautiful and sexy women I've ever encountered, but maybe I just got lucky or had unduplicable circumstances.
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Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Been a rough couple of days. Business has been tough. Stupid time-sucking tasks that leave me frustrated and depressed. Broke. What's the point? Still obsessed about this girl — have to exert myself to not look up her social media or her website, etc.

As I mentioned, she's made a few comments on posts that tagged me. Doing my darnedest not to engage with those posts like the thirsty little bitch that I am. Having endless conversations with her in my mind, trying out lines, imagining how we might get together next as she keeps saying we should, etc. It sucks hard. I feel like a lovelorn teenager waiting by the phone.

It's been a good 15 years since I felt this way and it's just as bad. Well, maybe not quite as bad as then, if I'm being honest, but I ended up with that gal for a five-year tumultuous relationship. Saw that old love today, as I do several times a week (it's a small town, be careful not to shit where you eat) and she gave me a withering glance. Which means she still has feelings for me. But I just can't put either of us through that again. (Unless I hit a dry spell as I did a month ago, reconciliation attempt #37 which ended predictably badly).

So I want/need to celebrate a recent success in the field. A week ago I cold-approached a very tall woman at the supermarket. She had a great figure and an OK face. I steered my cart in and around her before mustering up the courage to approach. "Wow how tall are you?" So clever. But she engaged, we went back-to-back, got in some early touching and steering her around. I'm still a good three inches taller. Went for the number close by basically holding out my phone. I could tell she was thrilled to be approached.

She put in her number, let's call her Anna Alaska because that's where she was from. In town visiting her sister. Nice. I gave her mine. "What's your name?" she asked. "Call me (my first name) That Hot Guy." Laughed. Good. Her face wasn't doing it for me, but that booty was. Butterface special. Half an hour later she called. "Sorry, butt dial." Sure babydoll, you can butt dial me with that fancy fanny all day long.

We made a plan to hang out on the weekend - I felt like everything was lining up. Then I felt hesitation. Because Anna (not her real name) wasn't that hot? Who cares? Never used to bother me in the past. I blame this damn limerence situation. We did get together the next night at the local honky tonk with her sister and brother in law, played pool, tried to let her win but she was worse then me (hard to believe), listened to live music, having good conversation. A little deep diving, no cold reads. No stirring in the loins. In days of old, I'd have been all over it. A nice ass - which she definitely had - was all I needed.

I could tell she was waiting for me to ask her back to my place, hoping to have a sexy story to pleasure herself with back home. I didn't. Ejected after the band finished. Great music, so nice to get out and listen to live music again. She texted a few times, trying to get me back out, I was polite but noncommittal.

Still, I got myself out there, met a decently attractive women many men would have been thrilled to get with.

In the past month, I've had three women from months (one more than a year since last contact) ago ping me out of the blue. Two were quite attractive, one I had laid. One I would have felt was out of my league at one time in my life. Just wasn't feeling it. I should feel flattered that I had made a mark, but all I could do was wallow in misery about the one who got away.

Got three numbers from online yesterday and today - had a great conversation with one last night that went on for nearly an hour. She was English and had one of the sexiest voices I've heard in a while. Great photos, too. We made plans to get together weekend after next (we'll both be traveling this coming weekend). Not ideal distance-wise, but we'll see.

Another text exchange led to a possible rendezvous end of the month. Distance again a factor, but for one weekend for someone with such gorgeous photos, it'll be worth it.

Since the breakfast date with the surprisingly attractive woman with the terrible online pics who ghosted me, my confidence has been shot. Today didn't help. Got discouraging feedback on a creative side project. Failed to make two easy approaches, just feeling melancholy. The afternoon date from Saturday texted me today, three days later, saying she had fun and wanted to hang out again. Told her she was awesome but I wasn't feeling the spark. Made me feel worse to reject her. But, hey man hands.

State of Mind: Low energy, depressed, feeling overwhelmed with the futility of it all. Starting to feel my age. Feeling lonely and out of sorts.

Plan of Action: Work on fundamentals. Style, posture, facial expressions, get a new wardrobe. Better sleep. Get therapy to deal with limerence. Make friendly, low-key approaches, both men and women, entirely independent of outcome, just become a charming, gregarious fellow, see if my luck changes.

Upside: My physical condition is near peak for someone my age, got my gym routine locked in so I'm grateful for that. Business is looking up if I can hang on another couple of weeks.
Hmm anyone know why this post is stuck in moderation?
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Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
I've been feeling a little better today, maybe through a (false?) sense of hope that I can turn things around with my limerance object. We bantered a little by text yesterday. I initiated, did not feel supplicating at all, just fun. Will try to arrange a meetup this weekend.

My online date for yesterday cancelled. That's two cancellations in a row - both seem to be legitimate, though it's a good reminder to plow numbers. Life happens. I've got two more coming later this week. I'm looking forward to actually clapping eyes on the 5'11" Eastern European babe. Put out a couple dates, waiting to hear back. It's been a day since I've texted but I'm not worried at all either way.

I've found it fairly easy to get numbers, then meetups, from online. Some of these women appear to be very attractive. The girl who cancelled tomorrow's date had a kinda kooky face, but a swimsuit photo showed a full, ripe figure with those thicc thighs that make want to put babies up in there. I'm hoping it will still happen when she gets better.

I've been working on presentation. Always ready to show a sly smile with a slight underlook. Been getting good reactions. Lots of women hovering, eye flirting, etc. Few of them hot enough to get me worked up though. I just want to emanate positive energy and feel it flowing back at me.

Another thing I've got to work on is not being intimidated by hot women. They are few and far between, unfortunately, in this small town. Though I did have a pleasant encounter this morning at the coffee shop with three women who were in town taking a class at a nearby center. Opened with something about their badges. I knew a good deal about their presenter, a guru of some fame. They asked me questions about the town, etc, while we waited for our orders. Two were adorable, one a petite strawberry blonde with a tight little round booty. Sweet. Shoulda gone for the number pull, but they seemed too young. I know, limiting myself.

This forum has been immeasurably helpful. I'm learning a lot about how to tighten up my game. Got to work on thread-jacking, building suspense, recognizing tests and how to pass them etc. I'm pretty good at presenting a sexual vibe, and general conversational deep diving. Not great, but getting better.

(Update: The tall Eastern European beauty just now texted, it's on for tomorrow!)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 14, 2022
Hi there brother! Thanks for sharing all this... it's given me a lot of inspiration. I'm 49, came out of an LTR a few years ago that left me pretty devastated, and while I've been dating since, I've never really got my game back and really committed to meeting new women... the biggest self-limiting belief I have.. and one that has really messed with me, is the idea that I'm too old... I know rationally that's not true, and I'm in great physical shape anyway, but still I've let it hinder me (a lot of fear of being seen as a creep)... ANyway, reading your journal helped and inspired me.. thanks!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Hi there brother! Thanks for sharing all this... it's given me a lot of inspiration. I'm 49, came out of an LTR a few years ago that left me pretty devastated, and while I've been dating since, I've never really got my game back and really committed to meeting new women... the biggest self-limiting belief I have.. and one that has really messed with me, is the idea that I'm too old... I know rationally that's not true, and I'm in great physical shape anyway, but still I've let it hinder me (a lot of fear of being seen as a creep)... ANyway, reading your journal helped and inspired me.. thanks!

Same here! I'm in the exact same situation, ended LTR a few years ago and haven't got much action since. I started day gaming in November and have to say I love it! Even though I'm probably not approaching as much as I could, often due to age concerns.

Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Hi there brother! Thanks for sharing all this... it's given me a lot of inspiration. I'm 49, came out of an LTR a few years ago that left me pretty devastated, and while I've been dating since, I've never really got my game back and really committed to meeting new women... the biggest self-limiting belief I have.. and one that has really messed with me, is the idea that I'm too old... I know rationally that's not true, and I'm in great physical shape anyway, but still I've let it hinder me (a lot of fear of being seen as a creep)... ANyway, reading your journal helped and inspired me.. thanks!
Thank you for sharing as well brother. If I've learned anything, age is no longer the issue it was once. I've got theories I'll share at some point. As far as seeming creepy, let me tell you a little story from summer before last when I was still with my most recent ex.

At a wedding in another state, she was chatting with a very pretty 27yo woman, who was from Moldova, spoke excellent English and was looking to get into medicine. Since the ex was an MD it seemed like a natural affinity, but once I entered the picture little miss Moldova started homing in on me. We chatted briefly but shared a lot of context and dreams and ambitions.

The next day we ran into her at an event, and I showed her photos of the actress who she looked like exactly. Uncanny resemblance actually. My ex was like "Why are you creeping on that young girl?" I felt stung. She thinks I'm a creep? What did I do that was creepy?

A few days later I got a Facebook invite from her. How? I never gave her my last name, so she was obviously asking after me. (I'm very rarely on Facebook, didn't expect her to be either). Since that 10-year relationship was winding down, I accepted her friend request, and another few days later she sent me a message saying she was coming to a town near mine, did I want to get together for a lunch or a drink, smiley face emojis galore? I didn't, because complications in my life at the time.

I wanted to tell the ex "So are you telling me that girls send facebook and meetup requests to older men that they find creepy? Interesting."

Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Date with tall Ukrainian woman last night. We had confusion about where to meet up - she was there and I was there and I learned that the brew pub had a second location. We met up at a third location between those two. My first words: "Well now we have a story to tell our grandkids." Got a good reaction.

She wasn't as pretty as her photos, but I love tall women (5'11") and she had a great figure (and by figure, I mean ass). The conversation was stilted and awkward because of her accent and the ambient noise of traffic going by and chatter of other diners. Could hardly hear her, or her me.

Ran the Cube on her and she began to get engaged. She ran another test on me involving your favorite animals, your favorite drink and your favorite something I forgot. We agreed that both were fun, but not entirely accurate. I was happy to see some spark in our interactions.

She ordered herself food and a cocktail, I limited myself to one small appetizer. Was not hungry, nor am I in a cash-flow position for a couple months (post-tax season) to date three or four times a week. I end up paying every time because I'm too old-fashioned to feel comfortable asking girls to split the bill. I do believe these Slavic beauties expect to be paid for and it would be disqualifying if not. That's something I need to work on.

We parted with a nice hug and a mutual cheek kiss. I'm just learning that the hugs are a bad idea (thanks Chase) and that an extended handhold is much better. I am understanding that, so there's a little progress. She said "We should get together soon." I said, "I'd ask you out again if I knew you'd say yes." She nodded her head vigorously. I know bad move; it could have been seen as supplicating, but I presented the proposition very confidently, like "I won't waste your time if you won't waste mine."

Got another date tonight with another girl 16 years my junior. Then Saturday lunch with another closer to my age. I've got two more to schedule, am thinking I need a spreadsheet.

Also ran into my ex-ex, with whom I had a brief reconciliation a month ago (I needed to get laid after obsessing over the object of my limerance), she was sweet and wanted to talk soon. That's big progress from the fusillade of shouting she gave me after our third meetup last month, chasing me out of her house. It's me cheating on her 14 times in our five-year relationship. What happens is that she could break up with me with no contact for weeks at a time, and I'd find a fuckbuddy to keep me occupied in the meantime. I'd break it off with that girl to reconcile, rinse, lather, repeat. Until I found someone nearly as attractive and kept her on the side while reconciling with the other. It got discovered and blew up in my face.

About to be expected, it's a very familiar pattern that I've learned to live with. The girl is super-sexy and one of the best fucks I've ever had. And it is comforting to read about masters like Karea Ricardus going through much the same thing.

Comments welcome about what I did right, but more importantly, about what I've been doing wrong.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Man you're killing it with all those dates! Glad to read you are having so much success. So (love) life isn't over at 50 after all :)

I just looked up what limerance means, I wasn't familiar with the term (I'm not a native English speaker). Turns out I've had that same feeling with several girls in the past. They were all girls where something happened (makeouts or sex), but the girl (not me) broke it off after a short while.

I've also had LTRs of several years, most of which I ended myself. I still tend to obsess over the exes for a long time but I wouldn't call it limerance, because I don't have the urge to get back together.

I just thought I'd tell you what came to my mind after finding out the meaning of "limerance". Maybe it helps you in some way.

You seem to be in a good spot though, being in touch with the object of your desire. I think there's a good chance you may still get together with her.

And kudos for getting all those dates from online! I'm not doing much online myself, I deleted Tinder when I matched with a trans person (and with almost no one else) for the 2nd time in a row, hahaha.

But that's probably a good thing, because it gives me more time and motivation to focus on day game. Which I've always been curious about but haven't had the balls to start doing it until late last year.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Oh and one thing I wanted to tell you but forgot: You said your "limerance girl" broke up with you.

I once had a female friend who told me she broke up with someone, but she still wanted and missed him.
I told her "But you broke up with him!"
Her answer was: "Yeah but I'm a woman..."

Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Hi there brother! Thanks for sharing all this... it's given me a lot of inspiration. I'm 49, came out of an LTR a few years ago that left me pretty devastated, and while I've been dating since, I've never really got my game back and really committed to meeting new women... the biggest self-limiting belief I have.. and one that has really messed with me, is the idea that I'm too old... I know rationally that's not true, and I'm in great physical shape anyway, but still I've let it hinder me (a lot of fear of being seen as a creep)... ANyway, reading your journal helped and inspired me.. thanks!
I feel you on the devastation. I believe it's harder for men to recover from a breakup - good or bad. Know that you are not alone, for whatever comfort you can find in that.

At 49 you are too old? I've been finding that for girls under 30 or even under 25 an older man is an older man. In fact, it's clout for a girl to be seeing an older man. "My man is 35," says the young sweetie. "Oh you poor thing, my boyfriend is 65." Girls love to one-up each other (men too).

They make no distinction between 35 and 65 really. Older is older to them. Go forth and multiply young man.

Casanova Newhouse

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 11, 2024
Man you're killing it with all those dates! Glad to read you are having so much success. So (love) life isn't over at 50 after all :)

I just looked up what limerance means, I wasn't familiar with the term (I'm not a native English speaker). Turns out I've had that same feeling with several girls in the past. They were all girls where something happened (makeouts or sex), but the girl (not me) broke it off after a short while.

I've also had LTRs of several years, most of which I ended myself. I still tend to obsess over the exes for a long time but I wouldn't call it limerance, because I don't have the urge to get back together.

I just thought I'd tell you what came to my mind after finding out the meaning of "limerance". Maybe it helps you in some way.

You seem to be in a good spot though, being in touch with the object of your desire. I think there's a good chance you may still get together with her.

And kudos for getting all those dates from online! I'm not doing much online myself, I deleted Tinder when I matched with a trans person (and with almost no one else) for the 2nd time in a row, hahaha.

But that's probably a good thing, because it gives me more time and motivation to focus on day game. Which I've always been curious about but haven't had the balls to start doing it until late last year.
Man you're killing it with all those dates! Glad to read you are having so much success. So (love) life isn't over at 50 after all :)

I just looked up what limerance means, I wasn't familiar with the term (I'm not a native English speaker). Turns out I've had that same feeling with several girls in the past. They were all girls where something happened (makeouts or sex), but the girl (not me) broke it off after a short while.

I've also had LTRs of several years, most of which I ended myself. I still tend to obsess over the exes for a long time but I wouldn't call it limerance, because I don't have the urge to get back together.

I just thought I'd tell you what came to my mind after finding out the meaning of "limerance". Maybe it helps you in some way.

You seem to be in a good spot though, being in touch with the object of your desire. I think there's a good chance you may still get together with her.

And kudos for getting all those dates from online! I'm not doing much online myself, I deleted Tinder when I matched with a trans person (and with almost no one else) for the 2nd time in a row, hahaha.

But that's probably a good thing, because it gives me more time and motivation to focus on day game. Which I've always been curious about but haven't had the balls to start doing it until
Same here! I'm in the exact same situation, ended LTR a few years ago and haven't got much action since. I started day gaming in November and have to say I love it! Even though I'm probably not approaching as much as I could, often due to age concerns.

@gameboy you’ve got my respect and admiration for day game! in my limited experience, it has been tough and yet rewarding. Are there any threads where I can follow your adventures?
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