Indirect/Delayed Direct/Technical Game!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
South Florida
In the necessary early stages of getting rid of aa and getting feel for people, spam approach and direct is obviously needed, once you get through that stage depending on situation you will probably learn towards situational and/or indirect cause it will just flow better, unless is a fast / very little time to work, obviously direct.... I am still trying to understand this post, no every thought is he try to fuck me or not in day time, they can get side trAck by the subject specially if is spontaneous and natural done right....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019
Direct openers, here in Africa produces too much of a fuckboy vibe. You got the girl thinking if this is what you do with every other girl :confused:. This thought might give you some flakey numbers(that player guy). Whenever you contact her, that's what she feels. On the other hand, some will immediately hook. Starting playing with their hair, looking down submissively and being responsive. Anything you tell her she just says OK and gets to doing it.

Indirect opener is you using situations and things happening in the moment to get into her reality- making yourself this new attractive guy I met on the bus. It gives an impression of a movie setting as it doesn't look pick up. This is intriguing and I find that they will definitely want to see the end of the soap opera. Lol

I use indirect openers more than I use direct openers. I prefer to lure the target with plausible deniability, making her attribute our meeting to Nature just shuffling daily cards and we happen to be on the same path. This story looks intriguing and might lead to a sure close.

Direct openers. Sometimes, they just create doubts in the woman's mind about you. Though, some will be submissive and let you lead them to their fantasies but some will just find you too confident and get scared that you might hurt them, emotionally.

I guess using both openers in a calibrated manner to the scenario or setting at hand is what actually works wonders.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
I am still trying to understand this post, no every thought is he try to fuck me or not in day time, they can get side trAck by the subject specially if is spontaneous and natural done right....
What I'm talking about or how I'm looking at her reveals my intentions. Her continuing to talk to me means shes a willing participant in the game I'm playing. After that, we start vibing (Vs "every thought is he trying to fuck me"). I use sex talk to help seal the deal. Rather than set a sexual frame to the interaction


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
How I now see it:
1) "you are cute and I want to meet you" type openers is beginner game, it's just saying hey I want to play the game of trying to seduce you, can I?
2) push pull or qualifying opener or teasing is intermediate game, you are already playing the game and being upfront about it
3) indirect game is advanced, you are never stating anything that could consciously be interpretated as man to woman, there is always plausible deniability, but you are still seducing covertly both verbally and nonverbally


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
guys, just a note to be carefull w over concluding from some limited view of things - stay humble, know the limits of what you know
and move beyond most PU perspectives readily available

on direct - a weak word you should dig more into vs the level youre discussing it at
At the end of things everything is sexual
even w. mundane things the subtext radiates it if youre unaware
or radiate it if you consciously steer it
thing is
you can display intent or sexuality in various degrees

if you keep it hidden, a subtext under-glow and am tempting instead of directly stating it or similar she ll ever be unsure about your sexual intent w her but itll arouse her
if you push pull it shell think its there then not due to the value of loss and control of the mans sexual intent
if you route it down intimacy like movies shell be drawn into her true seed for most women not the selecting you from she sees you bs. Biggest thing there is to avoid bad categorising by her.
so nothing is settled like OP outlines at the end as many of us have explained before from the skilled level.

+ delivery is key
if youre dominantly curious the questions type opener affects her mirror neurologically in a whole other way
if youre a nervous wreck likewise
if youre a brute shell comply but run away as you activate all her protective sensors

This level of nuance needs to be adjusted to her state at the moment too

The key most of you should start putting your focus on is to create moments that lead the interaction and shape up your engagement for this. if youre not there read field rapports from the higher levels and copy for drills for your self to start seeing things better and sensing the impact of the doings.

An example of a good direct opener is you have the best ass ive seen in ages or run away with me or what are we supposed to do with this energy between us? to this youll say whaaaaat are you talking about glow. You cant say that. And i would answer: YOU cant say that. Cause you cannot apply these blindly like you do. and theres often a preopening movement pattern going on too with mutliple elements. A read of her vibe. and an opening sequence like Teevs outlined somewhere - we use opening structures and routes. Also sometimes you wanna use setups before the opening line eg with more bold openers.

also i just give a hint of it and maybe i switch to others making her wonder if it was ever there.. etc etc

Also Bacchus and i outlined multiple reality pacings for indirect in the advanced board recently. Most of these can be openers or socalled RPOs.

understand your ignorance
work more to understand situations and girls true sense of things - their world
and have a C-al-i-b-r-a-t-o-r mindset instead of a stiff rigid narrow gazing mind
that includes to calibrate your mind on these matters

props to all the action taking w. the 30 day challenges for those doing it.

*Nods upwards in recognition*
Last edited:


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
This level of nuance needs to be adjusted to her state at the moment too
that enables some of us to kiss open girls in night game
Didn't understand much of the what you said above, but on this bit. I like Saul Tee's take in The Technical Game Bible, for what enables some of us to kiss open girls in night game (basically your opener doesn't matter)

Remember that time you opened a girl and she seemed SUPER happy and excited to be chatting with you - that's because her 'buying temperature' or 'emotional arousal' was high when you opened her.

Remember that time you opened a girl and you make out instantly? Sorry to break it to you, but it wasn't because you were 'on point' or were able to accidentally pull off some magical body language trick that triggered primal levels of attraction to the point she couldn't keep her hand off you. Rather, she already had a high level of compliance because her buying temperature happened to be at a high point when you approached.

Remember that time you opened a girl and pulled her within minutes? The reason you were able to get away with that sort of stuff is because her buying temperature was already extremely high at the time you approached. That's all.

"Okay... but what is it that caused those girls to have a high level of 'Buying Temperature' in the first place"

Well, you can also think of buying temperature as emotional excitement and stimulation. And the reason those girls were feeling emotionally excited at the time you approached them was probably due to some combination of events that occurred in the night prior to that moment.

Let's hypothetically map out a girl's night out ;

She arrives at the club.
She grabs some drinks with her friends.
She rejects some loser trying to hit on her.
She gets on the dance floor and starts flirting and grinding with the hot guy.
Then she has a fight with her best friend who happened to have a crush on that guy.
Then she ditches the guy and she makes up with her friend.
Then she gets a spontaneous message from her ex-boyfriend Chris.

So throughout that process she is being put through a myriad of emotions, feeling - happy, excited, annoyed, turned on, upset, relieved, nostalgic, etc...

Then she happens to meet you. At that point, her emotions are organically spiked through the roof. That's why you were able to get away with so much, so quickly.

Basically, you were simply at the right place, and the right time.

As someone who as made out with girls immediately upon opening (not impressive btw, but inexperienced guys will think your god for doing so lol), I agree with this take (freshest memory I have is this chick I opened from the back ("NEVER OPEN GIRLS FROM THE BACK BRO") tapped her shoulder, then when she turned around I just smiled at her, then we made out. Ya she found me hot, but she doesn't go around making out with every hot guy she sees. Her BT was also really high when I approached her.

An example of a better direct opener is you have the best ass ive seen in ages or run away with me or what are we supposed to do with this energy between us? to this youll say whaaaaat are you talking about glow. You cant say that. And i would answer: YOU cant say that. Cause you cannot apply these blindly like you do. and theres often a preopening movement pattern going on too with mutliple elements. A read of her vibe. and an opening sequence like @Teevster outlined somewhere - we use opening structures and routes. Also sometimes you wanna use setups before the opening line eg with more bold openers.
ya you can get away with saying this if you noticed her checking you out, as I explained to J Wick, when you preopened (her level of interest+availability is likely high, so the odds of her responding well to these openers, is good).


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
removed it.
irrelevant in itself - focus was on the adaption to her state as a pointer.