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The Guide to Getting Hot Girls (of Any Type)

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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
In light of the bombshells / other posts:

1. Get your fundamentals tightened down HARD. The prettier a girl is, the more men are competing for her, and the better an option you MUST be. Specifically, you must tailor yourself to be the kind of man that SHE goes for, focusing on the qualities that you yourself have under your control. So, if you want to date a ghetto black girl and she mostly only goes for black thug guys, quit whining about how hard it is that you're some skinny white guy and go get as dirty and nasty and hood as you can - fix your accent, fix your walk, get muscles, get a couple of tattooed tears, get a little gold jewelry, or maybe a grill. OR, become one of the OTHER type she goes for - maybe she's the hood rat looking for a good man to get her out of the hood, or look for the subsection of ghetto girls who secretly long to explore the exotic world of well-dressed white men - then figure out where you can meet women like this. Find what she wants and become this, through and through. You don't want to change yourself for a woman? Tough. Just like there are women you want, and any woman who wants you is going to have to become that before you pay any attention to her at all, there are also men whom women want, and any man who wants their interest is going to have to become that before they pay him any mind.

2. Next, devalue her looks. If you're mesmerized by women with tight bodies or bleached blonde hair or tattoos or whatever it is, there's an easy fix for getting over this: force yourself to evaluate women by face alone. Every time you catch yourself going, "OH my god... look at her heavenly buttocks! No woman with such bountiful buttocks would EVER date a man like me, whose buttocks are far less bountiful by comparison," give yourself a good knock on the head and force yourself to evaluate her by her face ALONE. Pretty amazing how even girls you froze up around before become EXTREMELY human when you're only looking at their faces. And, see past the makeup, too - big fake lashes and shiny lipstick and rouge on her cheeks all disappear overnight. So long as you are gasping for breath around a girl, sweating bullets, and falling all over yourself, you are shooting your own feet off with those girls. You need to get cool, inside and out, because no matter how hard you try to look cool on the outside, if you're a mess of nerves on the inside, it will show.

3. After this, look for other role models you can mimic. What other guys who are "like you" (whatever that means to you) do well with girls "like her" (again, whatever that means)? If you don't know any or can't find any examples, then you need to a.) get out more and meet more people, because trust me, I personally have met or heard a fair bit about just about every kind of man specializing in just about every kind of woman, and/or b.) move to a city that isn't population 10,000, where everyone's trapped in social circle and nobody's going to give you the opportunity to experiment much socially. If you still can't find any role models, tough cookies, go become a role model for other guys like you with the same preferences as you to follow.

4. Next, go build up lots of FEMALE FRIENDS like her, FIRST. No, don't just start approaching her. If she's this special, exotic, and wonderful to you still, you don't know anything about her and you won't connect with her. You need female friends of her sort first. Why? To get familiar with girls like her. What's she like? What are her interests? What does she talk about? What kind of men does she date? What kinds of guys does she cry over? What qualities does she detest and run away from? How does she spend her Saturday afternoons? What are her dreams in life? Why did she get that tattoo on the small of her back, or decide to start bleaching her hair, or putting in extensions? How come she has a little dog - why not a cat, or nothing? The goal here is to get to know this demographic of women SO well, that you are COMPLETELY comfortable around them, understand them inside and out, and can walk up to any girl like her with ease, thinking, "Oh, she's just like my friend," and know ALL the right buttons to push to get her interested in you. This feeds back into #1, because before you can become what she wants, you've got to KNOW what she wants.

5. Do it. Do it. Do it. But maybe someone can just tell you that one secret... that one little magic line that makes every conservative Asian girl wet, no matter how intimidating and scary you seem? Maybe someone can just give you that one facial expression that turns redheads from bored with you to insatiable for you? Perhaps, if you just ask enough times, SOMEONE will finally hand you the routine you need to run to at last excite those fiery Latinas who've heretofore treated you like you were invisible? Nope; sorry. There is NOTHING like that. Nothing. Nobody on Earth has it. I don't have it. No one else on this forum has it. Nobody else on any OTHER forum has it. No matter how many people you ask, how many times you ask it, or how many times you rephrase the question, there is no intravenous solution to becoming great with a subsection of women overnight. If you want to specialize, you must know your demographic INSIDE AND OUT. You must eat, breathe, and sleep interaction with her. You've got to spend every waking moment talking to her, laughing with her, interacting with her, flirting with her, and getting to know her innermost secrets. Only by spending enough TIME AROUND HER will you begin to morph your personality into what she and girls like her find most appealing.

That's your magic pill. It's time spent around a type of girl getting to know her very well. Spend enough time around a certain kind of girl, in intimate ways (good friends, lovers, girlfriends) and you WILL come to know them inside and out. They will stop being strange and exotic, and instead will become familiar, boring, and blasé.

Then, all of a sudden, you will start meeting them, and to you, they will be just another girl, one like so many others just like them you have already known well. But YOU will be a new, sexy, mysterious stranger, who seems to know them so well but is so unmoved by them, unlike most of the other men "like you"... what's so different about you? HOW can you be this unmoved? How much EXPERIENCE with other girls like her must you have? Immediately, she views you as a heavily preselected man, and her interest in you shoots through the roof.

This is why success with women breeds success. It's hardest in the beginning, I realize that, but same as what we talked about in "Can't Stop Thinking About Her? Here's Why You Need to Meet More Girls", there's no shortcut to success. You're not going to pitch a no-hitter to help your team win the World Series if you suddenly find yourself thrown into the stadium for that and you've only ever played Little League before. You've got to work your way up, and you do that by getting intimately familiar with a thing. In women's case, if women are strange and exotic and alien to you, you need to spend a LOT more time around them and get to know them very well and very deeply. You need female friends, confederates, confidantes, and, eventually, lovers and girlfriends of their types.

There is ONE other way, and that is being so goddamn solid and dominant and strong and sexy in general, and having your life so thoroughly handled, that women are an after thought to you, and you don't spend an ounce of time worrying about any of them because you're so busy working on building the things that are important to you. However, if you still have insecurities about women, it can be pretty hard to go here FIRST; it's usually easier to solve those insecurities first, as they're the lower hanging fruit. Once they're out of the way, you've freed your mind to focus on more important things, like whatever great contributions you'd like to try and make to society and the world.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 23, 2013
I like this post Chase, but the problem is not the lacking of information on how to do it. You've provided more than plenty. The problem is that people want to see results really fast.

The problem with most people (myself included) is that they want a quick solution. You know read this one article and tonight go and seduce a girl and have sex.

Most people are not willing to spend 5+ years on learning seduction. Even I started approaching a week ago and I feel bad for not having any big results yet.

And most people are like that with be it weight loss - they want that new product that makes you lose 20 pounds per week with no diet or exercising, or just read this one book and become a millionaire overnight, or in seduction.

And with seduction especially in the beginning it's hard when you've had no past success to look back to. Like now I'm wandering if I'll have to approach and work on my "game" for 1-2 years before I go out and sleep with a girl. I guess if you've done it for years and have slept with many women you don't worry about this anymore. Same in fitness if you've been working out for 3-4 years and you want to put on 10 pounds of muscle - you know it might take you 6-7 months but it easy cause you know it'll work. Or in business if you're already successful and you want to start a new company even if it takes you a few years to get it to make lots of money, you don't worry cause you know you can do it and it will happen. And I bet it's also in seduction you know you will get to sleep with a hot girl - just approach enough girls and work on your process.

But when you're an absolute beginner. I can only see how much hard work it's going to take and you don't know that it'll work. I can tell you to work out every day and stay on a strict diet for 30 days and you'll lose 20 pounds. I know it cause i lost over 110 pounds. But a newbie doesn't know it'll work and doubts it. Also people don't start a business cause they can only see the risk and lots of work and dedication i takes. Or in seduction if you (Chase) tell an advanced guy just go in that club and approach 20-30 girls/ approach 50 girls in day game, you'll get at least one. The guy would agree and do it, cause he's done it and knows it might take 20 approaches but he will do it. Tell a complete newbie to approach 100 girls in a week and that he'll get 1 girl - and he'll doubt it cause he hasn't done it. He doesn't have the reference point that tells him it's possible. He can only see the 100 approaches and 100 rejections and how much hard work it's gonna take.

It's the same with me now. I have no positive past experiences not even a single date. So my mind doubts if this will work. It wanders if this is true and possible or if every single article/post/advice is a lie, if every single lay report or claim made on the board or in the articles is a lie, if every filmed approach is fake and the PUAs use paid girls to shoot those. If at I'll ever get even a single girl, no matter how much I improve and think in numbers. I don't have anything that can tell me/show me it's possible if I just continue working on it. And the only reason I'm doing it and will continue doing it due to blind faith. I don't believe it will happen but I keep going anyway hoping it will. Like the first weeks of working out - you don't know if you'll actually lose weight but you go on every single day with every single exercise with every single rep.

It's the same think with seduction I don't think or imagine it'll happen but I keep working on my fundamentals and process and keep approaching and bearing rejection after rejection because I hope it'll work someday on some girl.

Most people don't have that blind faith that keep them moving forward. And then a year passes and they wander what would've been if a year ago when they thought of starting to work out and diet, start approaching and working on their process, started that company, they had just started working instead of giving up.

So they don't only need "the how to" , they need the motivation to do it. And Idk how and even if you can help them. You might consider this about some future articles. Instead of writing about how to do sth. Just write some great inspirational/motivational article explaining how the process works in the beginning and make the readers really psyched and really eager to buy your products and start doing it. Cause let's be honest the people who buy your products aren't the experienced seducers, it's the complete newbies and losers (like myself) that are wandering if it'll work and if they should buy that product that this Chase Amante guy says will work, or if's just a scam. I hope you do write such a inspirational/motivational (or a few) article that will get the new arrivals and people not familiar with your website, psyched about learning how to make girls chase.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

Most people are not willing to spend 5+ years on learning seduction. Even I started approaching a week ago and I feel bad for not having any big results yet.

If it takes you more than a year to get your first lay (even if there's some dumb luck involved), then it means you're doing something very, very wrong. And usually that has to do with correcting a mistake that you're repeating over and over again without realizing (or asking to see if you're making) the same mistake. Chase spent 5+ years learning seduction so that we don't have to.

I've mentioned this several times, but I had my first lay from reading this material after about 3 months of approaching regularly every weekend, and it ended up being an extended social circle lay. My first cold approach lay came at about 4.5 months. And I considered myself to be a fast learner, and at the time, there was no forum to get feedback from.

Anyone who expects to see results after the first few approaches isn't recognizing the difficulty of the task before them. Learning this is NOT easy, and Chase has already mentioned this. It is a grind. But the harder you grind, the faster you will learn. I'd say it took me about 12-15 months to be where at a level I felt comfortable with, and this is coming from a guy who learns quickly. So don't expect to get results immediately, but also don't expect it to take 5+ years because it shouldn't.

If people could all have amazing results in a month or less, then everyone would be on Chase's website becoming absolute studs with women, and it would appear that naturals were EVERYWHERE banging every hot girl in sight. Luckily, that isn't the case; so for those of us that put in the time and effort to improve, we get to have the girls that some guys can only dream about.

- Franco
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
The problem with most people (myself included) is that they want a quick solution. You know read this one article and tonight go and seduce a girl and have sex.

Most people are not willing to spend 5+ years on learning seduction. Even I started approaching a week ago and I feel bad for not having any big results yet.


The only solution to going out in a single night and seducing a girl when you've got no prior experience is money...

If you take a look at the "best of" section in each board then you'll see my progress in the span of a year - within a single year where my prior dating experience was only one girlfriend I laid 13 women and currently have an amazing girlfriend named Celestina =) ahhh my mami chula....

For most people - even the most advanced learners it generally takes around 3-4 months to start seeing results, and from there things start to take-off rapidly. It's just like weight-loss where you work out for 3 months but don't see immediate results because you're changing your mitochondrial size and capacity to allow for exploding weight loss after that 3 months.

Anyway Ico, think about things logically - if every guy was able to seduce women after a day or two of reading then the competition for beautiful women would be immense and the same things that made you good with women would be the "norm" for every guy and then you'd be right back to square one. The point is that it's not easy for guys to learn this because of what it takes but on the same note because of that it gives you the biggest advantage as long as you're willing to stick with it ;)

So keep approaching - writing FRs and receiving feedback,


EDIT: Franco... why do I even bother? You always beat me to replies I wanna write....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 23, 2013
Franco, you mentioned asking if you're making a mistake. It made me wander will it be weird to ask a girl, who's rejected you - why she rejected you? I mean that's good feedback and will help you learn faster.

If it was your approach - you came on too strong/weak. If it was the way you look and vibe. If it was just bad timing or you're not her type or she actually had a boyfriend.

Of course asking in a normal just curious way, non attacking or defending. Just asking out of curiosity. And telling her she won't hurt your feelings and to be honest. Not sugar coating it.

Is this a good idea to help me learn faster or is it a bad idea and will backfire?

Plus on I won't wait even 5 months for my first lay. I've decided that I don't sleep with a girl till the end of May (cause that's when summer starts and everybody from the part of the capital, I live in, moves to their hometowns or most of them to the seaside to work and party) I'll be playing the money card during the summer. I'll be in my hometown and at Sunny Beach. You know driving a ferrari(I've been thinking of buying an F430 for only 100k which is a good deal if it can help me get aid) and renting a yacht for week (I checked it costs 10k or 1 week), plus being a VIP at the clubs. Since most people buy a couple of drinks and spend 20 to 50 per night if you spend 3-5k they treat you really great. They give you the VIP table with bottle service, give you special treatment and even bring girls to you. All that coupled with approaching 10 girls per day I think I might have a nice summer. If that fails I'll be calling the high end hookers every night for a few weeks to get it out of my system this shame of being a virgin.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Zphix said:
EDIT: Franco... why do I even bother? You always beat me to replies I wanna write....

Work's been slow lately! Need something to do. Good to know that we're on the same page, though! ;)

It made me wander will it be weird to ask a girl, who's rejected you - why she rejected you?

It won't necessarily backfire because you've technically already "lost" the girl if you're asking her why you failed, but it definitely won't help you (and she'll think you're a bit weird for asking).

Remember, a girl doesn't have logical reasons for why you failed. It's not like girls read GC and will tell you, "well, you could have moved the conversation faster and number-closed me with more confidence. Also, I wasn't available for the next two hours, so you could have gone for an instant date and fucked me in the car or somewhere else public."

It just doesn't work that way.

When I mention asking for advice, I mean coming on to the boards and asking experienced members (or asking other natural friends you might have that are good with women). Women are not good at taking other women to bed; men are the ones who take women to bed, so if you want advice from someone who is actually going to give you useful advice, you need to ask a man who is good at taking women to bed.

I hope this makes sense. =)

- Franco


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Franco and Richard are all over this one. Just one extra note, Ico:

Ico132 said:
The problem with most people (myself included) is that they want a quick solution. You know read this one article and tonight go and seduce a girl and have sex.

Most people are not willing to spend 5+ years on learning seduction. Even I started approaching a week ago and I feel bad for not having any big results yet.

Sure, of course. There's a bit of a, "Whoa, this is harder than I expected," effect that hits you any time you start something new, unless you'd already built up a ton of peripheral skills and the new thing you're starting is really just pulling together a bunch of other things you already know how to do (e.g., the guy who's good at surfing and skiing will tend to have a much shorter learning curve with snowboarding than the guy who's done neither of the three before will).

I went through that at first too - you go out thinking, "This is going to be a piece of cake! I'm such a hottie women will fall at my feet," and then you come home crestfallen because every woman treated you like some irrelevant, clueless chump trying to get her attention when she had more attractive options to tend to instead. When that hits you, you either throw your hands up and declare it isn't for you, and then go spend your time on something else (hopefully some other constructive skill-building exercise, like learning programming or entrepreneurship or a trade or some other branch of social skills), and maybe you come back to this later on when you're more ready - which is what happened to me the first time I tried to teach myself pickup at 18 - or you adjust your expectations and tell yourself this is going to be a bit of a slog, but you're going to knuckle down and make it happen because goddamnit, you want this.

So, in this post, I'm talking to one specific group of guys:

Those with no experience with a certain set of girls and are striking out with them left and right.

Some guys come into this and they're getting laid instantly, usually because they both have tight fundamentals already, and they have spent enough time around a certain kind of girl, flirting with her, getting to know her in and out, and connecting with her very deeply, that all seduction material does for them is put the last pieces in place, and they connect the dots and say, "AH - I see how to get her!"

Other guys come into this and they struggle for a good while, here usually because they both lack solid fundamentals, and do NOT have much or any experience with the kinds of women (or any women) they are trying to get.

The difference between the first guy's learning curve and the second guy's learning curve is the difference between the guy who's surfed and skied and wants to learn snowboarding, and the guy who's never done either and wants to learn snowboarding.

That second guy can complain that he's been practicing snowboarding for a week and he still can't go down the black diamond slopes, but the best snowboarding instructor in the world can't get him there in a week because he just isn't coming in with the peripheral skill sets in place to have a learning curve that short. He can pay his dues on the bunny slopes first, or he can hang it up for a while and go learn surfing or skiing first and have an easier time of it when he comes back to snowboarding, but either way, until we invent the "upload program" function of the Matrix that allows skill-learning to be synced directly into someone's memory banks, the only way to get there when you aren't there yet is putting in work.


EDIT: one other point - note that the original post was not a "spend 5 years learning seduction" post. The first post wasn't even really about seduction for the most part. It was a "if you want a type of girl you don't know anything about yet, forget about learning seduction - first, learn about HER" post.

EDIT II: this gives me a great idea for a peripheral article or product series for GC... "How to Get Familiar with X Kinds of Girls." Hmmm...!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 23, 2013
Franco, thanks for clarifying.

Cause for me (and probably most men) - you know the reason you like a girl. You know it's either her body, her face, her character, something other specific. And after reading so much GC I've trained my mind to always look for the right reason why sth happened. Not always with me. But rather while watching a movie or seeing other guys interact with girls, etc. And I analyze what and why happened and breaking it down. Why sth worked or didn't work.

So I guess for girls it's that she didn't "feel it". She doesn't need to know why she didn't feel it. She only cares that she is not interested, and doesn't need a reason why.

I think that's what you're talking about.

Chase a few things to you.
I kinda get what you're saying. It's the born natural talent vs the hard working from Naruto(I know it sounds lame for a guy to watch anime and read manga, but I started when I was 13 and it was actually my inspiration to change my life, beat depression, lose the weight, start a business). Like there is this guy Sasuke who is born with a special kind of eyes and he just needs to see the fighting technique of the best fighter and he can learn it in less than a week. While there are the guys like Naruto and Rock Lee, who have been training for 10 years all day every day, till tears start falling till they start bleeding, till basically complete exhaustion and loss of consciousness. They are both at the same level but one learns it easy the other works harder than anyone else and surpasses the lazy genius.

So I think I see your point. And It might be better this way, cause if I really work hard I'd get way more experience than some natural and might reach a level that a natural simply can't. I hope so.

What I was talking in my original post was that I have no way to be certain it'll work I only hope that it will. It's not possible to know when I've not experienced it but I'm working on experiencing it.

EDIT II: this gives me a great idea for a peripheral article or product series for GC... "How to Get Familiar with X Kinds of Girls." Hmmm...!

I definitely think it's better to be a product. The main 2 reasons are: 1st it's gonna take a bit more effort and time and you should make some money from it. And 2nd people value information more if they've paid for it. It's like girls and investment. For an example one of my products on the topic how to make lots of money from iphone apps - it costs 200$. If it was free most people would read it and say "hmmm cool" and forget about it and never do it. But when they've paid 200$ for, it you can bet they'll implement the information and actually start making money from apps, or they'll feel like idiots for wasting their money(and people don't like to feel like idiots).

When you said it, some ideas came to my mind on how to do it. And a few weeks ago, I wrote down some thing you can/should change about GC and your strategy to have bigger profits. Cause if GC changes my life and I actually have success with women, I'd like to return the favor and what I'm good at is online business. In a few months when I start getting results with girls, I'll personally contact you (you can sent me you e-mail on a private message, so I'll have it) and you can hear what I have to suggest. Also about the new product I think I can help you out a lot (if you'll let me). I'm the kind of person, when someone helps me in a big way - I help back in a big way. It'll be my way of thanking you if it does change my life and I get results with girls.

Just and advice if you do create this product without my help - don't release it before the end of the summer(meaning the release should be in October). There are some types of products that do best when released at a certain time of the year. This is the same like a product for weight loss. If you have a choice between releasing it during the summer or at the end of the summer - it's better to choose at the end. You think that people might be more likely to buy it before the summer but it's actually the opposite. After they've spend yet another summer being fat and feeling like crap, they feel like they've wasted yet another summer, they are really emotional at the end of the summer and vowing to change and never go through that ever again and it's super easy to sell to them at that time. It's the same here - most people will do most of their approaching during the summer or won't do any approaching an will just day dream and feel depressed(the profit is not going to come from the 100 regular guys who are experienced - it'll come from the thousands of newbies starting to learn). Plus during the fall and winter people have more money to spend(that's why iphones and other new tech comes out during the fall or winter). Plus when a product is released it's the time to make the biggest splash and you can build a lot of hype before the launch. And I like to always sell a few hundred copies of the product before it's even launched - it's kind of a guarantee that you're on the right track and at least you won't lose money, and you can build a lot of hype about the launch.

It'll be up to you if you'd like a bit of help or not. My part is to keep approaching and see results, And if you send me your e-mail, to help you with what I can.


Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
I am going to be politically incorrect here, Black women (ghetto or not) are generally the most open minded of all races. I have known many Black women who were not only open to dating interracial but preferred it. From what my Black friends have told me it has to do with the fact that a lot tend to like mixed kids or kids who have the "good hair". As a White guy I have noticed that around Black and Asian girls I have automatic DHV.

Though this is a good thread, I think we can improve it a bit more. I would love to see number 4 being expanded on, mainly in the point of:

1. Where do you find the given types of women?
2. How do you break into their circles once you do?

I love a blonde bombshell with the All American looks and unlike other members here, I am a White male so I should have no excuses. In the Northeast (especially NYC), I found that it is not easy to find the All American blonde bombshell. The few blondes you do find are Scandinavian tourists and Eastern European immigrants. NYC has a lot more White women who are brunettes due to the high Jewish and Italian population. When you do find a pretty looking Blonde, they are surrounded by so many men or are usually in a relationship that it is tough to actually go anywhere with them. Thanks to Franco I know that California is a good place but I can't be the only one who is a bit thrown off by how expensive it is there.

Now I have met one from dance class who I have a date with about a little over 2 hours from now but generally these kinds of women are not easy to find. What I am trying to know is how do you find them in a given city. Even then I notice that breaking into their circles is not easy.

For example I know they love country music and go to country music concerts. I have that privilege, I don't know if my friend who happens to be foreign looking for example can even break into that crowd as I have been to country music concerts and people there are openly racist a lot of times (eg: Riley Cooper who is a WR for the Eagles).

As weird as it sounds, I think we should stereotype classes of women to give guys a direction. How can a man find the kind of women he is looking for first and then break into their crowd? What shocks me is that there are not many articles on how to land the blonde bombshell, Chase could write one because I know lots of guys who are crazy for those kinds of women but find them very difficult to attract.

I know we can't do it for all kinds of women but we can do it for those a lot of guys love. From my experience those women are: Blonde bombshells, Asian women, and Latinas.

In the Northeast I can say blondes are much harder to find while in the college towns down south you see them all the time, unfortunately if you aren't in college there it is very hard to get with them.

Asian women are plentiful in the Northwest and in California, lots in Hawaii, and there are many in the Northeast too.

Latinas are plentiful in the Southwest but they are more Mexican looking, NYC has a lot of Puerto Rican looking ones, and Florida (especially Miami) has all kinds.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

So I guess for girls it's that she didn't "feel it". She doesn't need to know why she didn't feel it. She only cares that she is not interested, and doesn't need a reason why.

Now you're getting it. ;)


How can a man find the kind of women he is looking for first and then break into their crowd? What shocks me is that there are not many articles on how to land the blonde bombshell, Chase could write one because I know lots of guys who are crazy for those kinds of women but find them very difficult to attract.

There is no place in the United States that just "blonde bombshells" flock together or are in high abundance. The reason? Blonde bombshells are not a race or nationality. They can be any type of white girl with blonde (possibly dyed) hair that takes good care of her body and flaunts it. That's about it. While you can specify areas that there might be a ton of WHITE people (blondes, brunettes, and red heads included), there is no particular place (in the United States) that blonde women are in much higher abundance than anywhere else. Hair color is just hair color. A "brunette bombshell" could dye her hair blonde and suddenly become a "blonde bombshell."

I've actually had girls I've dated dye their hair a completely different color (after some talking about it of course) just for the variety effect of it. Sometimes it almost feels like you're with a completely different girl (physically). The point that I'm trying to make here is that the word "blonde" shouldn't even be taken into context when trying to locate a subset of women. If you want to find an area that has lots of WHITE women who take care of their bodies the way you would expect a "blonde bombshell" to, then that can be done.

Even in California, you aren't going to be surrounded by a majority of blondes. There are a ton of them, but it's still evenly mixed in with the brunettes, and there are just as many guys going after the hot brunettes as there are the hot blondes. Personally, I find the most attractive of brunettes to be at the highest tier of women, so a "blonde bombshell" is actually a grade lower on my scale than a "brunette bombshell." It's all a matter of perception. Perhaps this is actually why I tend to get more attraction from blonde girls in general -- I don't value them as highly as I do very attractive brunettes.

To re-iterate the point in case it got lost, hair color is not an attribute that should be used to define the location of women. The same goes for other features. Any post that talks about "How and Where to Get Attractive Brunettes" will also contain the same content as "How and Where to Get Attractive Blondes."

I just wanted to make this clear. =)

- Franco

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014

Agreed with most of that post but I would still say Blondes are more desired overall than brunettes and get more attention. A good example would be a woman like actress Katie Cassidy (she has been posted here before but she was the blonde on taken who was friends with Liam Neeson's daughter), she is naturally a brunette but she does color her hair blonde and looks more attractive while doing it. Even though it is just a hair color, I feel like a woman feels completely different about herself when she goes blonde. It is like a guy who has a normal looking body hitting the gym religiously and taking steroids to have big muscles, he is still the same guy but he transforms into another person.

I do agree with your post in that blonde is just a hair color but I also think when people say it, they mean it as a image. When they say blonde they mean a good looking blonde bombshell and I notice that some areas tend to have a lot more women with that image than others. For example, when I was in Nashville I noticed an overabundance of such women while in NYC it is much harder to find women like this.

The point I am getting at here is when guys seem to like "blondes", they don't like a hair color, they like an image.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

Agreed with most of that post but I would still say Blondes are more desired overall than brunettes and get more attention.

It really just depends where you are. You tend to value what is more scarce to you, so if blondes are scarce, then they are going to be more valued. In Southern California, it's pretty evenly split between attractive blondes and attractive brunettes, and you'll see high status or good-looking guys with both. Neither one is valued more highly than the other, and California probably has probably some of the most attractive women in the world (of a specific type).

What I do find is that the guys here who are successful with women don't hold themselves to any one type. They aggressively approach all attractive women of all backgrounds, and that's part of the reason they have so much success. It's a combination of understanding that it's a numbers game and that pre-selection can win you girls you didn't expect to win over. For example, I've had attractive blondes hit on me at bars before just to generate enough pre-selection so I could go after the attractive brunette I was eye-balling earlier in the night. It really goes both ways.

The point I am getting at here is when guys seem to like "blondes", they don't like a hair color, they like an image.

Well, that's not the way we use it here in America! If you are going after a "blonde" here, then it means you're literally going after a "blonde-haired" girl. If you want an "All-American" girl (which is what the image is REALLY referring to), then you just want the American white girl who is fit, tan, has a sexy smile, a fun personality, and American interests... regardless of hair color.

- Franco


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
So, if you want to date a ghetto black girl and she mostly only goes for black thug guys, quit whining about how hard it is that you're some skinny white guy and go get as dirty and nasty and hood as you can - fix your accent, fix your walk, get muscles, get a couple of tattooed tears, get a little gold jewelry, or maybe a grill. OR, become one of the OTHER type she goes for - maybe she's the hood rat looking for a good man to get her out of the hood, or look for the subsection of ghetto girls who secretly long to explore the exotic world of well-dressed white men - then figure out where you can meet women like this. Find what she wants and become this, through and through.

Chase, really eye-opening about tightening fundamentals towards a certain demographic. Even though there are many types of girls exist and to get results, like you suggested, involves going out there and finding it yourself. For example, I have found that wearing professional clothing has not worked well for approaching younger girls.

Some guys come into this and they're getting laid instantly, usually because they both have tight fundamentals already, and they have spent enough time around a certain kind of girl, flirting with her, getting to know her in and out, and connecting with her very deeply, that all seduction material does for them is put the last pieces in place, and they connect the dots and say, "AH - I see how to get her!"

Wow! This is exactly what happened to me. After 2 months of approaching and no dating experience, I got my first lay with a career-oriented girl. I was exposed to this demographic 4 years beforehand knew the struggles, aspirations, and personalities of this type.

EDIT II: this gives me a great idea for a peripheral article or product series for GC... "How to Get Familiar with X Kinds of Girls." Hmmm...!

I think creating a list of girls and the types of men they go for would be helpful. Though you stated earlier many different types of girls exist, there must be certain guys throughout history a majority becomes attracted to. For example, in the U.S. I see the gossip/T.V./movie fanatic girls as well as athletic going out with guys in sports leagues/teams.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
It really just depends where you are. You tend to value what is more scarce to you, so if blondes are scarce, then they are going to be more valued. In Southern California, it's pretty evenly split between attractive blondes and attractive brunettes, and you'll see high status or good-looking guys with both. Neither one is valued more highly than the other, and California probably has probably some of the most attractive women in the world (of a specific type).

Stereotypically Blonde bombshells have always been seen as the "trophy wives". I am speaking from my experience in Kansas, NYC, and the south and it confirms that saying. Most of the rich and high status guys I knew had blonde bombshells as girlfriends and in the younger crowd the pretty boys had girlfriends who were blonde bombshells. It was almost like a benchmark for achievement. As I have said myself, I find that the blonde bombshells are generally more conscious of their self-image so they are less forgiving of shortcomings compared to other kinds of women.

What I do find is that the guys here who are successful with women don't hold themselves to any one type. They aggressively approach all attractive women of all backgrounds, and that's part of the reason they have so much success.

I do limit myself based on race because personally I am just not that attracted to Black women or women with darker skin, not that into most Asian girls either unless they are Japanese. What is even more odd is that I have had a lot of these women that I have no interest in give me strong IOIs and actually want to date me even more but I believe in the end it is all about going after what you want. I am just naturally more attracted to White women and Latinas.

Well, that's not the way we use it here in America! If you are going after a "blonde" here, then it means you're literally going after a "blonde-haired" girl. If you want an "All-American" girl (which is what the image is REALLY referring to), then you just want the American white girl who is fit, tan, has a sexy smile, a fun personality, and American interests... regardless of hair color.
- Franco

When I was growing up in Kansas and spending time in the south, you know what people meant when they said Blonde. If a blonde was unattractive they would use other traits to describe her and not her hair color. So when people said Blonde, they meant an attractive woman with blonde hair, not a plain jane with blonde hair. If she was a plain jane, they would say something less favorable to describe her like "that chubby girl" or "that really skinny girl". Though the All American girl comes in all hair color, we mostly imagine her to be a blonde like Heather Graham.

BarryS1 said:
I think creating a list of girls and the types of men they go for would be helpful. Though you stated earlier many different types of girls exist, there must be certain guys throughout history a majority becomes attracted to. For example, in the U.S. I see the gossip/T.V./movie fanatic girls as well as athletic going out with guys in sports leagues/teams.

I posted a thread on that to see how people would respond but so far it hasn't really gone as well as I have expected. Now I want to talk to your post about sports leagues and teams, do you know how tough it is to get on one? I hate to be a dick here but most of us will not be playing on the Denver Broncos at all and the guys that are have their choices of many kinds of girls. It is like saying if you want to date or marry a 10, just do what Leonardo DiCaprio is doing and become a rich and famous actor. What I think would be helpful for Chase to do is give men advice on an image they can realistically make themselves into.

Being a part of a sports team or league is not realistic, a lot of that is determined in how well you play ball in your teenage years. With that being said, there are certain things those guys have that your normal male may have a chance of copying and one of that would be a very nice body (muscular frame).

Thread is right here:



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
I am just naturally more attracted to White women and Latinas.

Ditto. I have little-to-no interest in Asian women and African-American women for the most part -- there are cases where they are of mixed descent and have really attractive features, but other than that, I generally only go after white and Latina girls.

What I think would be helpful for Chase to do is give men advice on an image they can realistically make themselves into.

The problem with this is that it's going to vary by location (in terms of looks), so it would be unrealistic to ask him to make one for "All-American" girls since these girls' preferences are different depending on which state you're in. The matter of the fact is, you just need to look at the guys in YOUR area that are having success with these women and then emulate their looks and mannerisms.

If you take care of your facial features, hit the gym to get at least a toned body, and dress fashionably well -- emulate those around you having success -- then you'll have the tools to succeed. From there, it's about injecting yourself into the social groups that are hanging around these types of girls so that you can get the social proof necessary to have more consistent success.

EDIT: I should mention that my current girlfriend is basically the type of girl everyone is talking about in these threads; she's a white, blonde-haired go-go dancer born in the states with a bubbly personality and a smoking body. I'm not speaking from inexperience here; I've also laid a few other girls of a similar type. I'm also not hugely muscular, but I do an intensive, 2-hour upper-body workout once a week that keeps me rather toned and gives me that "V" shape that girls swoon over.

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
Chase this is a really awesome post. Much of it is very relevant to stuff I’ve been experiencing infield recently and semi-recently.

I wanted to note/summarize some of the relevant observations I’ve made in regards to the post and lessons I’ve learned as a result. I’m writing this really more for my own benefit than for anything else (writing stuff down helps sort of jog my subconscious mind and helps me realize things I might not have considered before) but am glad at the chance to help if any of what I write is eye-opening or relatable to any of the other guys.

1. Get your fundamentals tightened down HARD. The prettier a girl is, the more men are competing for her, and the better an option you MUST be. Specifically, you must tailor yourself to be the kind of man that SHE goes for, focusing on the qualities that you yourself have under your control. So, if you want to date a ghetto black girl and she mostly only goes for black thug guys, quit whining about how hard it is that you're some skinny white guy and go get as dirty and nasty and hood as you can - fix your accent, fix your walk, get muscles, get a couple of tattooed tears, get a little gold jewelry, or maybe a grill. OR, become one of the OTHER type she goes for - maybe she's the hood rat looking for a good man to get her out of the hood, or look for the subsection of ghetto girls who secretly long to explore the exotic world of well-dressed white men - then figure out where you can meet women like this. Find what she wants and become this, through and through. You don't want to change yourself for a woman? Tough. Just like there are women you want, and any woman who wants you is going to have to become that before you pay any attention to her at all, there are also men whom women want, and any man who wants their interest is going to have to become that before they pay him any mind.

There are different classifications of girls (goth, punk, sorority girl, cali-white girl; also age, career social status, cultural background) and a variety of different girls out there. As a seducer, it’s ideal if you can adapt to a girl from any walk of life and cater to the particular type of girl each and every time. Examples of this: tank tops work well with more liberal party girls but a button down happens to work better with a more conservative girl; with older professional women you may tease a tad less and qualify them on their accomplishments vs. a conversation with a younger girl who doesn’t know what she wants in life who you can inspire and deep dive and qualify that “yes, she should travel and becoming a traveling musician and wow, that would be quite the awesome, adventurous life for her”.

2. Next, devalue her looks. If you're mesmerized by women with tight bodies or bleached blonde hair or tattoos or whatever it is, there's an easy fix for getting over this: force yourself to evaluate women by face alone. Every time you catch yourself going, "OH my god... look at her heavenly buttocks! No woman with such bountiful buttocks would EVER date a man like me, whose buttocks are far less bountiful by comparison," give yourself a good knock on the head and force yourself to evaluate her by her face ALONE. Pretty amazing how even girls you froze up around before become EXTREMELY human when you're only looking at their faces. And, see past the makeup, too - big fake lashes and shiny lipstick and rouge on her cheeks all disappear overnight. So long as you are gasping for breath around a girl, sweating bullets, and falling all over yourself, you are shooting your own feet off with those girls. You need to get cool, inside and out, because no matter how hard you try to look cool on the outside, if you're a mess of nerves on the inside, it will show.

I struggled with this a lot in the gym (and still do at times) where girls are often so ridiculously curvy and wearing next to nothing and you can be seducing them and doing a good job with conversation/fundamental/chase framing but fuck up just so slightly with your eye contact. When talking to girls you are interested in, you have to be able to hold their gaze in an attractive fashion (explained well in the types of sexy looks article) and do it for that seductive extra few seconds. For me with some of the less dressed girls at the gym it'll be, “you’re doing good, you’re doing great, and then fuck! your eyes just wanna go to their tits, but you can’t do that so you look them in their eyes properly and end up holding the lusty mutual gaze just a few touches shorter than you would usually hold it".

It’d be so slight but I’d have to hold the eye contact just a tad shorter because otherwise my eyes would get drawn to their luscious sweaty boobies (a minor sticking point; girl won’t notice you happening to break eye contact a second or two earlier than usual, unless she’s particularly socially aware and has good game herself).

The solution I came with was partly the one that Chase gave: that yes, look at her face alone (you’ll find it’s not as attractive, often, in relation to everything else) and other than that something else to do too (in my head) is find something, anything that’s maybe not attractive about her and tell yourself “eh she has some acne, she’s not that hot” or “eh her butt could be a lot bigger she’s not that hot”. If you can get that in your head that she’s attractive but “eh not that hot, not that special, she has x flaws” it helps you be able to converse naturally, smoothly, and look at her face if you were having trouble with that before.

3. After this, look for other role models you can mimic. What other guys who are "like you" (whatever that means to you) do well with girls "like her" (again, whatever that means)? If you don't know any or can't find any examples, then you need to a.) get out more and meet more people, because trust me, I personally have met or heard a fair bit about just about every kind of man specializing in just about every kind of woman, and/or b.) move to a city that isn't population 10,000, where everyone's trapped in social circle and nobody's going to give you the opportunity to experiment much socially. If you still can't find any role models, tough cookies, go become a role model for other guys like you with the same preferences as you to follow.

Yes, I think different types of guys that can get different types of girls, and in different modes of game (gym, club, street, beach, library, coffeeshop, airplane, etc.) should be used as role models and you should pay attention to them/tweak your game to match some of the things they do. I think having a different role model of each type of a seduction helps you be able to shift and fit condition 1 and be the right type of guy for the right environment, situation, and girl. For gym game, I have a friend who’d be very extroverted/direct/touchy and sleep with new girls in the gym regularly; I found that I wasn’t getting consistent new lays with gym game doing a chill, smooth style approach (that works well for me in daygame for coffee shops or social events). I changed my style in the gym to a little more extroverted a little more direct and flirty and it helped boost my lay count/success rate with girls at my gym. Helps to find role models in each environment (for example, a guy on youtube who’s walking daygame style I like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbNz_IgdukU )

4. Next, go build up lots of FEMALE FRIENDS like her, FIRST. No, don't just start approaching her. If she's this special, exotic, and wonderful to you still, you don't know anything about her and you won't connect with her. You need female friends of her sort first. Why? To get familiar with girls like her. What's she like? What are her interests? What does she talk about? What kind of men does she date? What kinds of guys does she cry over? What qualities does she detest and run away from? How does she spend her Saturday afternoons? What are her dreams in life? Why did she get that tattoo on the small of her back, or decide to start bleaching her hair, or putting in extensions? How come she has a little dog - why not a cat, or nothing? The goal here is to get to know this demographic of women SO well, that you are COMPLETELY comfortable around them, understand them inside and out, and can walk up to any girl like her with ease, thinking, "Oh, she's just like my friend," and know ALL the right buttons to push to get her interested in you. This feeds back into #1, because before you can become what she wants, you've got to KNOW what she wants.

At times when you aren’t trying to seduce a girl (with the intention of sleeping with her or sleeping with her and then dating her) but are just in a social environment, work, school, with friends, a family party, whatever; spend more time with girls. When you’ve gotten decent with girls, you’ll find that you’re an attractive guy and one that girls will like and enjoy spending time with. I think that you can learn the most from just being with girls, being around girls, (keeping smooth and charming and good fundamentals all the time of course) and then just being curious and inquisitive and asking questions and making observations of them. Don’t spend an inordinate amount of time, but spend bits of your spare time with girls; if you have a choice between spending time with guy friends or girl friends, pick the girls. As a seducer, even when you’re not actively pursuing a particular girl, you should be able to relate to girls, understand them, love them and their energy, know them and be able to understand them better than they can understand themselves. Love to be around women, and once you are socially savvy and have a decent level of experience getting new lays under your belt, spend occasional extra time you have with them.

That's your magic pill. It's time spent around a type of girl getting to know her very well. Spend enough time around a certain kind of girl, in intimate ways (good friends, lovers, girlfriends) and you WILL come to know them inside and out. They will stop being strange and exotic, and instead will become familiar, boring, and blasé.

There are a lot of types of girls and the more time you spend with each type of girl, the more reference points you get to better your process when you run into that same type of girl again. Guys that have been at it for years and years have a ton of reference points, know and understand tons of the different types of girls, and could give crazy accurate cold reads about each of them. The more experience you build the more you recognize it all; I’m young and know there are a lot of places and environments and types of girls I’ve yet to see and experience. With each new girl I make sure to be smooth and sexy, but also very inquisitive, warm and interested in understanding her and what her story is. In that way I can become familiar with her type and recognize it the next time I see it.

There is ONE other way, and that is being so goddamn solid and dominant and strong and sexy in general, and having your life so thoroughly handled, that women are an after thought to you, and you don't spend an ounce of time worrying about any of them because you're so busy working on building the things that are important to you.

I feel like I’m here; you have to be a fair bit narcissistic and improvement-oriented to get here. In my observation, if you are at this point, much of the new girls and new type of girls you meet will see this in you and be attracted to it.

I think the advantage of being there is that it helps you proceed confidently and strongly into the unknown (and experience things you may know nothing about or have any idea about).

You still won’t know the new type of girl or new type of experience and for that, building the reference point and learning would help you become familiar with the type.

It’s important to build those experiences and be able to know each of the different types of girl; if you build up to that confident/dominant state, however, you’ll be able to embark onto each unknown with poise, masculinity and inner strength and confidence.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Wow... awesome thread guys!

So I just want to add this on the measure of success in light of the bombshell thread. How quickly success comes to guys is very dependent on what exactly you define as success.

See a lot of folks read a few articles here and think they'll be bedding these beautiful blonde bombshells immediately. No way that will happen! But all the while... This is all they focus on... The girls who are 10s to them. Then NO success comes if you define success as taking these girls to bed.

Before I ever learned of any of this I had a friend back home who'd boast how he got laid very regularly compared to the rest of the guys. Sometimes though we'd wince. Yes he got laid a lot. But mainly because his standards were very low... A lay was a lay to him. But he was cool with that. That was his measure of success. Getting laid was a win. Going home alone was a loss. He would never willingly go home alone because he couldn't take the hot blonde if her chubby friend was down that night.

The point with that story is... If you're beginning and not getting laid AT ALL, you've got to be looking at all women. I mean sure, look for attractive women but she doesn't have to be that 10. But if you ignore these and complain about lack of success then what do you expect? You don't go from owning a bus pass to being a formula 1 driver with nothing in between.

If you are learning. Learn by meeting all sorts of women any time you can. If you are not getting laid. Then bedding a 5 is success. Once that's easy... move on 6s and 7s. I plateaued myself around 8 or 9s. Really awesome girls but I just wanted to prove I could get those absolute 10s in my mind. It took time... but it meant honing skills with the 7s 8s and 9s more until I got what I really wanted... I just feel a lot of guys have this sense of entitlement like after working so hard for school and careers and doing the right things in life that the world now owes them something. But nothing works that way.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Estate said:
I just feel a lot of guys have this sense of entitlement like after working so hard for school and careers and doing the right things in life that the world now owes them something. But nothing works that way.

Wise words. Felt and feel like this every now and then. "No fate but what you make" comes to mind.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
I have a thing for hot girls. Not particularly picky about getting with the blonde bombshell but I do have a preference for good looking girls that are White because I grew up watching them on TV and seeing them in magazines. Where I live (Tennessee), these girls make up the majority, most of the girls I like are going for these kinds of guys:

1. Country boys - guys who wear camo jackets and love hunting, guys who drive pickups, and the ones who chew tobacco.

2. Frat boys - typically guys in the best ranked frats in their college that dress like southern gentlemen.

3. Athletes - football players, track runners, etc.

All these guys do have one thing in college, they are all White (no exceptions). As a male of Libyan heritage (I look visibly minority though) I have tried to break into the first 2 cliques and haven't had much luck. The guys in category 1 have told me to fuck off right to my face or hang with my own kind. The guys in category 2 have told me they don't take upperclassmen as rushes for their frat. As for category 3, well I wasn't allowed to play sports growing up so that isn't an option.

It is almost like I have the answer right in front of me but don't know what to do with it. Like I know the truth and it has made me even more miserable than I was before I knew it (ignorance is bliss perhaps?).

Now the good news is Franco has told me he has seen all colors of men do well with all kinds of women in California so I am definitely going there to see what is up but I fear these men are something bizarre. Like these aren't your average Middle Eastern looking guy but some guy who has millionaire parents and drives a fancy sports car. Problem is, I am not that guy.

I am more than willing to hit the gym and max out my looks, try new styles, and talk to over 100 women but I know that being a pro athlete and a millionaire are not something which can come easily in 2 years or even 3 years.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Thanks man. Honestly I write that because it's exactly how I came into all of this. I lived up to my early 20s being the good kid in school, good grades right through college, landed a great career and was very active in sports and stuff. It was just always what I was taught. Do the "right" things and be the good kid and you'll get the rewards later in life. Certainly that applied to some of my lifestyle but with women it didnt. Once I got over that idea that I was "owed" something and I had to put in the hard work like I did with the other stuff I had.. it all made more sense and worked out.

Not wanting to start this debate again but it's nothing but excuses. Look there will be people who don't accept you anywhere. But you're not hearing the advice here. If you want to hang with these guys you need to be the kind of guy they hang with. Your youth was obviously much different to theirs but you haven't said HOW your trying to fit in. Just asking them to hang is often not enough. And for the last time. It's not about your skin color! Peoples attitudes, interests, way of life, social skills etc far out weight any of that and it sounds like your not adapting to what they know. You just want to be accepted without changing anything. Look.. I know that doesn't sound fair but I think on this forum at least we talk about the realities rather than being the PL Brigade preaching the world is unfair and we should all be accepted as we are. We're here to learn what it takes to succeed, not make excuses.

What you are saying about your area... I could equally say about Boston. Quite frankly... I don't fit in. Even as an Irish man in a perceived Irish city... it's so far from the truth. A native Irish person just does not identify with Boston Irish. They can be quite ignorant to real Irish culture.. but around here women are attracted to 2 types. It's a sports town so you get the big loud jock types with no style but confidence oozing from every pore. Or else you see the young professionals. They look dress and act like money pours from every pore. They grew up owning boats and spending their summer at their parents 2nd home on the cape. It's just so not the lifestyle I grew up with. Even if I initially attract a woman I struggled to understand what it took to date them as I didn't own a summer home on the cape... I didn't identify with jock culture.
But I overcame it in a few ways. I had to learn how to be around these guys and be liked. Some of it is BS but I had to to open up my social circle. I had to learn to be more like my surroundings instead of waiting for them to adapt and accept my lifestyle, how I talk and how I act. It is what it us. But if I never accepted that and worked on it.. I'd still be having a hard time.

Just some food for thought.
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