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STICKIED: Sex Talk Gambits Compilation (And more)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Hey guys.

So this is a compilation of my sex-talk gambits. I write this primarily because I sometimes forget some of the great gambits myself. I have been doing sex talk since late 2008 and trust me, using the same material over and over does get old. So what happens is that I will change my stack up by discovering new amazing gambits, but over time I will forget some of the good old ones. And usually after a few years I sometimes rediscover them and I regret having stopped using great gambits. So this post is a personal note to myself.

I will share each of my gambits as well as a personal note for each of them. This personal note will contain some of the the following info:
- When in the interaction the gambit should be used
- How hard it is to pull of (intermediate, advanced and very advanced - sex talk generally not being suited for beginner)
- The level of sophistication (some girls are too dumb for sophisticated gambits - i.e. young girls, white trash, clubs girls etc)
- Unique aspect/benefit of the gambit

But before I share with you my gambits I would like to share some posts that serves as a good theoretical groundwork for sex talk before I get to share some practically oriented posts on how to deliver sex talk properly and avoid potential pitfalls. I will after that share some posts on transitions before I finally get to all my gambits. I will finish off with some reports that shows you some real-life practical use of sex talk.

Theoretical Groundwork

Here are some posts covering the overall theoretical groundwork you should have in mind when using sex talk.

The Purpose of Advanced Techniques
Note: Just because I have faced trolls in the past claiming "you don't need all this". This is to protect myself from them. It also tells you why you should use any of this.

Why Frame Control Is the Most Important Tool in Seduction
How Frame Control Affects Your Entire Interactions with Girls
Frame Control Methods to Get Women in Bed Fast
Note: Sex talk is ultimately sexual framing. Hence you need to understand concepts and techniques like "frames", "framing" and "frame controle".

What Is a Sexual Frame?
Why You Should Set a Sexual Frame... And How to Do It
Note: Sex talk is ultimately sexual framing. Hence you need to understand what it is and why you should set one (its benefits and the issues that occurs when you fail to do so)

Showing Intent Without Showing Your Intentions
Note: Sex Talk (at least my way of doing it) follows the rules of indirect game. Hence this post is a key one when it comes to sex talk's "theoretical Groundwork".

Anti-Slut Defense: Why Women Want Sex but Act Like They Don’t
Should Guys Still Worry About Anti-Slut Defense?
Note: Anti-slut defense (ASD) is a common form of resistance that you may face when getting sexual with girls. These posts explain the phenomenon. If you are looking for sex-talk gambits on how to deal with it, then go straight to the section "Busting ASD".

Sexual Prizing 2.0 - The Concept Behind Sex Talk
Sexual Prizing - GC Post
Note: Must read if you are unfamiliar with the concept. This is THE concept that makes sex talk so powerful (i.e. framing yourself as a great lover). The second article (GC blog article) gives a deeper read into my first time experienced the effects of sexual prizing, whereas the first one is more of a theoretical post.

How to Use Sex Talk to Set a Sexual Tone and Mood
Note: A General post that covers how sex talk works - what it wants to achieve and how it does that.

Attraction - Can it be Generated? - An Introduction to Compliance-Based Game
Note: How Sex Talk is linked to compliance building, and how sex talk can actually get girls to fully choose you as a sexual partner.

How To Talk About Sex

Here I will share some posts that covers how to talk about sex the right way. I will also share posts that gives you tools to "spice up" your sex talk.

General posts on Sex Talk

Sleazy Sex Talk vs. Sexy Sex Talk: What’s the Difference?
Note: Do it wrong and you will a) generate resistance and b) give away too much of your power (lose the meta-frame). This post explains how to avoid those two pitfalls.

Who Should Do the Most Talking During Sex Talk Seduction?
Note: Who should do most of the talking when talking about sex? It depends. The different aspects and variables that you need to take into consideration are covered in this post.

Touch During Seduction: How Much Is Too Much?
Note: When and how much should you touch (if at all) when using sex talk. This is answered here.

Sex Talk Tonality: How to Use Your Voice During Sex Talk
Note: What tonality is best suited for sex talk, and how should you calibrate it as the interaction progresses? It is all covered in this one.

Sex Talk Calibration, Pt. 1: Context for Sex Talk
Note: Part one on calibrating sex talk. Here we discuss contextual factors and how you need to calibrate to those, and how the context affects your overall calibration.

Sex Talk Calibration, Pt. 2: How Explicit to Be
Note: Part two on sex talk calibration: how explicit should you be? which factors determines who explicit you can or should be? What is the difference between "light" and "bold" sex talk? All discussed here!

Using Sex Talk to Hook Girls Early in a Conversation
Sex talk can be used as a fantastic hook-technique. It may be a bit risky and hard to pull off, and requires good control and calibration. However, it can generate solid hooks, if not golden hooks, sometimes even turning the conversation around from neutral into very positive. There are ways to increase your chances of making it work in the early game, as well as factors you need to take into consideration - on whether going for it is worth it or not. All is covered in this article.

Using Sex Talk During Seduction's Mid-Game
Sex talk works best during the mid-game, and is also the easiest to pull off during that phase. This article covers why that is, and how to make it work even better during this crucial phase. Although sex talk works BEST in isolation, sometimes, this is simply not possible. This article covers how to deal with this situation, and how you can, run sex talk in groups.

Using Sex Talk in Seduction's Late Game
Sex talk can work fantastically well during the late stages of the interaction (e.g. when you two are in full isolation) when you are about to escalate the vibe and seal the deal (have sex). However, even though it may seem easier to use sex talk at the end of the seduction process (high compliance, lots of report, good logistics), the truth is, this is not always the case in praxis due to issues related to a lack of prior sexual frames set earlier in the interaction (see the post on sex talk during the mid-game). Hence sex talk is not primarily an end-game technique. However it is a useful tool to use when you are dealing with a hard nut to crack (resisting girl), or girls you have pulled "accidentally" and more. This post covers all this and more.

Heating Up the Sex Talk with Girls: Verbal vs. Physical Escalation
Note: The old debate of physical vs verbal game. Find out the pros and cons of each, as well as when each should be used.

When to Switch to BOLD Sex Talk When Talking to Girls
Note: When do you need to take out the big guns and opt for bold sex talk (instead of say, physical escalation). I also list what types of tricky context bold sex talk can be used to solve.

2020's Special Editions

Women Today Are Less Worried About Being "Sluts", More About Being COMFORTABLE
Note: This post is an essential read for people living in the West, particularly in more progressive countries. In fact there has been some minor social changes due to the influence of feminism and the LGBTQ+ movement that has influenced women's attitude both towards sexuality but also towards themselves and men. This post discusses these changes - including the lower impact of anti-slut defense, the new perception of sexual liberalism, the social discomfort caused by social media, as well as how feminist and queer-ideals is impacting the ethos of sex.

Adapting Sex Talk to Lonely, Independent, or Older Women
Note: A continuation of the the post above, with an emphasis on the modern conception of the strong and independent woman and how this ideal that many young women tend to strive toward affects interactions with men and their attitudes towards sex. I also discuss how to deal with this. I finish off with a few notes on how all of these social changes affect women who have passed their late teens.

Spicing Things Up

Keep Her Interest Piqued with Conversation Thread Slicing
Note: Good way to recover in case she turns cold or your are losing the flow of interaction. It also has other great benefits (linked to "fractionation".

The Conversation Pause as a Mighty Tool of Seduction
Note: A good tool that should not be discarded that easily.

How to Use "Weasel Words" to Implant Ideas in Her Head
Note: A bit of a misleading title since it also covers how to use commands, meta-states and fractionation to spice things up. This is fully optional. You can have great results without using any of these techniques. However sometimes you just need that extra... push. The example used in this post is the "orgasm control gambit" which I will share further down this post.

When Topics Turn Stale: Inflation of Conversation
Note: If you over-use sex talk, this can happen (see below for the solution "Fractionation").

Fractionation’s Role in Hooking Up with Chicks
Note: This is the solution to avoid the above issue. But beside this, it is also a great tool to make your sex talk more power and let its effects really stick. It also helps you dodge potential resistance. A really KEY concept.

Fractionation Simply Explained
Note: A more simplified take on Fractionation.


Many struggle with the whole "getting into sex talk" phase. Hence here are some tool to facilitate the process. Mind you however that many of my sex talk gambit posts do also contain some ideas for transitions.

How to Bridge Your Conversations with Girls into Juicy Topics
Note: The go-to way of transitioning into sex talk. This technique focuses on gradually turning the topic into sex through conversational management.

Assumptions as Tools of Attraction
Note: Assumptions can also be used as a tool for getting into sexual subjects. You will have to gradually escalate into it by using non-sexual assumptions first, before eventually making more "naughty" assumptions, from which you can easily transition into sex talk. Bonus point with this technique: it is stimulating and helps you establish rapport in a fun and exciting way.
Fun fact: this was my first ever GC post!

How to Transition into Sex Talk with a Girl by Using Proxies
Note: another go-to way of transitioning into sex talk. Here you sneak the topic of sex talk by referring to what other people say. In case she resists, she can't blame you, and the resistance will not be linked to you! Neat!

EXPLICIT CONTENT! How to Sexualize Conversations with Minimal Resistance
Note: A cool technique that can help you facilitate a transition into sex talk while limiting your chances of facing resistance. Also a create "hook" technique as it uses intrigue. This technique works GREAT with "sex stories" but also a generally great tool when you feel that your material is a bit too explicit for the situation.

Tactics Tuesdays: Baits & Subversion, Pt. 2: Sex Talk Transitions
Note: Based on the very powerful hook technique of "Bait and Subvert" (original post) it is here adjusted for sex talk transition. This is a bit harder to pull off than other transitions because it requires more creativity and finding good baits and subversion can be hard, especially on the spot. That said, you may use the canned ones as a starting point. The idea here is that you really catch her attention and subvert her expectations as a mean to not only stimulate, but also introduce sex talk indirectly in an under the radar way. Very powerful stuff.

Smoothly Bring Up Sex Talk with Girls (w/ Fractionated Transitions)
Note: A trickier way to organize your transitions, when nothing else works. This is a strategy to gradually sneak in the subject of sex talk through fractionation. Harder to pull off. Mostly a last resort transition method although some like to use it as a default mode (I occasionally do) as a mean to transition more safely with girls who are prone to resistance and/or to hook her more deeply into the conversation and leave her wanting more (= compliance). For advanced guys.

Again, there are tons of additional transitions in the posts below. Almost all my gambit posts contains examples of transitions!

The Gambits

Mind you that these are not all my gambits. I have not written all my gambits down. However I may do in the future and when I do I will update this thread.

Many of these posts contain the gambit as well as potential transitions. Additionally I break them all down and provide info about how they work and why they work so that you can use those as templates to create your own gambits (or your own versions of my gambits).

The Classification System

In parentheses, I will list the level of explicitness of each gambits. The more explicit, the more it focuses on spiking her arousal, at the price of being riskier to pull off (unless you have done all the right pre-work that reduces resistance before hand, such as focusing on reducing Anti-slut defense, isolating, build rapport, investment, and more importantly, set a prior sexual frame! More info on all this in the posts above in the "How To" section). You may jump straight into a more explicit gambit if you feel the conditions are there (she seems liberated, into you, or you feel the setting allows for it) or if you prefer playing it risky. The less explicit gambits are safer and tend to focus more on comfort. But just because they are safer does NOT mean they are less powerful. They serve a different purpose as they focus more on easily setting the sexual frame, generate sexual comfort, and frame you as a safe and knowledgeable lover, without focusing too much on the explicit dimensions of sex. The lighter sex talk gambits can be a good way to pave the way for more explicit gambits later on, if these are necessary (more info on this here)

The Distinction between "light" and "bold" sex talk is covered here.

Here is the classification system:
  • Light sex Talk: Safe gambits that can be introduced right away. They do not trigger ASD, they set the sexual frame, they generate comfort and also ups her compliance by conveying sexual prizing. They can also be used as hook techniques! (yes almost right after the opener!)
  • Somewhat Light Sex Talk: Contains a bit more explicitness than the previous one. For these reasons, they may sometimes (but not necessarily) be more powerful as they contain more sexual juice and may convey more sexual prizing. They could be used right away after the opener as hook techniques if the situation allows for it, however it will be more challenging and less safe. They can however be used safely right after the hook point.
  • Somewhat Bold Sex Talk: Entering the "bold" territory, these gambits are focusing more on arousal. They also have an emphasis on the more explicit dimension of sexual prizing (i.e. sexual techniques, sexual experience etc). These can be used when you need to escalate the vibe sexually.
  • Bold Sex Talk: Bold Gambits are of the more "sexual" and explicit type. Good for arousing her, escalating the vibe, and make her more compliant when you are in an isolated setting and got her hooked and invested.
  • Very Bold Sex Talk: those are useful when you really need to "tip her over the edge" - where you want to crank up her arousal to the point of no return. These are risky and requires some degree of calibration and should only be used if necessary - basically the situations where you need that extra "kick" of compliance. More info on this here.
  • Somewhat Light/Bold Depending on You: The gambit is either somewhat light or bold, depending on how you deliver them, whether you add the extra explicit details or not. Choice is yours.

PS: For Nightgame you may use some of these gambits post initial hook. For Daygame they should be used after you have managed to move her/isolate her/extract her, or during an (instant) date.

Easy Sex Talk Gambit - Seducing Men Vs Women (Light Sex Talk)
Note: Amazing for the early game. Very easy to pull off. Very short gambit. Works on all girls. Sets a good initial sexual frame (a foundation). Not super powerful, but it is low effort. It also opens up the way for other gambits. Amazingly good for early hooks. This gambit was used in my "post lock-down report" (see the report section).

Sex Talk Gambit: Female Submission (Somewhat Light Sex Talk)
Note: This is the 2024 version of my older gambit. I It is a great "hook" sex talk gambit that gets you started sexualizing (i.e. setting the initial sexual frames) by grabbing her attention with a paradox women often face, which you will resolve, by setting sex-positive frame, while simulatanously blowing her mind. It also displays some female understanding (pacing) while conveying sexual prizing (since you resolve a sexual issue many women have). Just GREAT. (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements).
Original forum post can be found here.

3 Sex Talk Gambits: Good/Bad Sex, Sex is Unfair, and the Dark Side (Somewhat Light Sex Talk, Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: Very easy sex talk gambits (yet still powerful) that works amazingly well to set the early sexual frame. The sex is unfair is the easiest gambit to pull off in my opinion and is an amazing ASD-Buster (prevents it from occurring). Those techniques can work in groups - if you feel calibrated enough (it is harder). These techniques works GREAT on younger and dumber girls. They are also shorter, so better suited for noisy/chaotic environments. (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements)

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Mental G-Spot (Somewhat Light Sex Talk)
Note: Also one of the gambits I overuse lately. It has a bit of a pattern interrupt in it which puts women off-guard. It shows a lot of female understanding and display tons of sexual prizing. It can easily be transitioned into the Narrative Gambit. This game is easy to pull off early game if you have a good hook with the use of a strong bait such as "do you know what I like about women?" .... "is that I can literally touch their G-spot in public".... to which the girl will react weirdly... to which you can respond "well not that G-spot down there... the real G-spot".... which will make them curious. And there you do and deliver this amazing gambit.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: Sexual Frustration (Somewhat Light Sex Talk)
Note: One of my more recent gambits. It is part of my current stack (2020-2021) and I use it a lot. I just freaking love it. Why? because it allows you to set a strong sexual frame quickly and early on in the interaction with little chances of facing resistance (if you deliver it properly). It also displays tons of sexual knowledge (sexual prizing) while talking about situations most women can relate to (pacing). Additionally you can, if you want, allow yourself to get explicit without facing too much resistance. One of my favorites and most used.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Good Lover (Light Sex Talk)
Note: also one of the gambits I currently use a lot. The title of the gambit is a bit misleading - as this is the gambit where I lay out what a good lover is by talking about how he is a guy who "both makes her feel desire and allowed to feel desire". This gambit shows tons of female understanding (pacing) and can create lots of sexual comfort. It is a gambit that uses that "contrasting technique" (see "Other Sex Talk Related Techniques" ) and can be used early on, but it also works a lot later on. The gambit also displays sexual prizing. However it does not overly arouse her. It can have a good effect on preventing ASD though. (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements)

Making a Girl Trust & Feel Comfortable with You (Seduction Gambit) (Light Sex Talk)
Note: A gambit that aims at generating sexual comfort by talking about... the importance of sexual comfort (no girl will disagree with its importance! Super powerful, easy to pull off, and very safe to use! what more can I ask for! Very low chances of generating resistance - in fact it reduces resistance to sex and sex talk, while also conveying some sexual prizing. (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements)

"Self-Control Is Sexy": A Sex Talk Gambit (Turn Her On!) (Light Sex Talk)
A fantastic gambit that I have used a lot throughout the years, but did not share until 2023. This one really hooks well, sets the good frames and conveys sexual prizing. It also has an element of contrasting, making you seem more attractive compared to other men. But the real kicker is that it conveys sexual prizing AND sexual comfort. Best part is? It can be used fairly early. One of my all time favorites. (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements)

Sex Talk Gambit: Women's Sexual Subjectification (Light Sex Talk)
A very simple gambit that works allows to get easy hooks, making this gambit ideal for the very early game. It hooks girls in, gets girls talking, and has a conclusion that many modern women resonate will. It can also be used later on with great effect and opens for transitioning into many other great gambits. This is one of the gambits I often go back to. (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements)

Sex Talk Gambit: Independent Woman (Somewhat Light Sex Talk)
Note: A gambit made for the current era. Discuss the virtue of being an independent woman, which aligns with trendy feminist value, and reframe this as a virtue of sexual liberation she ought to strive towards in order to become a truly independent woman. Very powerful, very easy to get into, strong hook rate and an overall smooth way to prime her towards sex-positivity.

PS: All these gambits can be used in the mid-late game as well.

Advanced Gambits for Mid-to-Late Game

Tantric Sexual Prizing: A Routine that Makes Her Wet with Words (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: My friend Pablo (Pablo Garcia from GC) loves this one and has actually ended up using it more than me. This gambit displays tons of deep understanding of sex (sexual prizing) as well as it facilitates touch and "connecting" with the girl. This gambit has been delivered successfully in the early game by very advanced seducers like Pablo and myself, however it is more of a mid-to-late game gambit. This gambit is its own thing really. Note suited for dumb girls. (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements)

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Sex Therapist (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: Advanced but accomplishes so much. Busts ASD? Check. Allows you to escalate physically? Check. Convey sexual prizing? Check. Lots of flexibility and options for further transitions (into other gambits?)? Check. Just an amazing gambit that I have forgotten. I was part of my 2018-2019 stack. During this time I was in my prime and this gambit shows me why! (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements)

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: Narratives (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: Good follow-up to the mental G-spot gambit. This gambit is a very flexible gambit that will easily match her. It also allows you to transition into other subjects. On top of that is conveys sexual prizing. A very strong and powerful gambit.

Sex Talk Gambits: Interhuman Relations (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: This posts contains 3 gambits that focuses on the interhuman dimension of sex. A slightly hypnotic rapport building style of sex talk gambit, while at the same time having an arousing and rapport building effet. Sexual prizing is conveyed as per most sex talk gambits. The last Gambit, the "blowjob" gambit is a bit more advanced as it is a bit explicit, but can be used in the early game if one is calibrated. Else, keep that one for the late game. (Contains ASD-Busting/Sexual comfort elements)

The 8 Types of Orgasm Routine (Bold Sex Talk)
Note: A classic! One of my first gambits. One of the gambits that has made history. I love this one however I do not use it often enough because... yeah I have been using it since 2009... so it got a bit old. However in special situation I do use it and it never disappoints. It can be used in the mid-game as well as the late game. It can turn her on, but it can also frame you as a good (erhm... rather "amazing") lover. This gambit has the strength of allowing you to create numerous sub-topics which you can elaborate on. It works on most girls and it is just GREAT. This gambit can be hard to transition into though - however I added an easy and cool transition as a bonus in the post. Nevertheless this gambit will always have a special place in my heart and is one of my all-time favorites.

3 Sex Talk Gambits So Bold & Explicit They Arouse Girls Instantly (Bold sex Talk)
A compilation of 3 short (but powerful) bold sex talk gambits, that focuses on arousal (making her aroused) and sexual prizing. These gambits work very well with the 8 types of orgasm gambit - either as a continuation, or as a way to pave the way for it. These gambits can also be linked to the gambit below (the squirting gambit)

The Squirting Gambit (Bold Sex Talk - Although has some lighter sub-gambits)
Note: Sexual prizing gambit that has a similar effect to the 8 types of orgasms one. This will make her see you as THE great lover, and will likely arouse her a lot. Contains multiple smaller "sub-routines/gambits" that could be both used individually, or is succession, constituting one big gambit. Some of those "sub-gambits" are very bold, some are less less.

Tell Her You Can Last All Night: The APE Sex Talk Gambit (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
A gambit I have been using situationally, but seems to work well - very well indeed. Good for hooking, good for sexual prizing. It also contrasts you from most other men in a pretty unique way. Good gambit to open up for more explicit stuff. One thing I really like with this one is that it makes women not only react, but also share their own experiences, which is always good.

Sex Talk Gambit: Strangers Vs Lovers (Written by @TomInHo) (Somewhat Light, Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: A really good gambit that I have had personal success with. I have played with variations of it, always with great success. A real banger that deserves to get more attention. A great gambit that can help you dodge the whole "I only have sex with boyfriends" objections, while framing sex with strangers as desirable. And even in cases where you are not dealing with such objections, this gambit is a great stand-alone as the subject itself captivates most women, which provides a solid hook and allows you to pace her reality while paving the way for other juicy gambits. Very solid stuff.

Advanced Arousal Oriented Gambits (good for late Mid-Game and Late Game)

Talk About Orgasm Control, and Turn Her On (Very Bold Sex Talk)
Note: Very explicit and very suited for the late game (or even back at your place). There is some sexual prizing at play here, however this techniques has arousing as its main purpose - and it does so GREATLY, better than physical escalation in my opinion. This technique is ideal when you need to extra boost in arousal, however it is a risky move to use without a great foundation and compliance. The ideal late game move where you have to pull. Using this early on without extracting or fucking her will cause FSC. So time it well.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: Sexual Tension and Liminality (Bold Sex Talk)
Note: This is one of my old gambits that was inspired by 60 Years of Challenge and Cosy's (Cody Lyans') non-verbal sexual tension game. It is a VERY powerful gambit to establish sexual tension verbally and arouse her verbally. However this gambit is a bit long and hard to pull off. But if delivered right it will get her aroused beyond the point of "no-return". It needs to be delivered in isolation. Additionally it is a very verbose gambit and is not suited for dumber girls. Just like the other "arousing" gambits, this one can cause FSC and hence it is key that you have a great foundation in regards to social and sexual frames before using it. Additionally, it is best to use this gambit if you intend to "seal the deal" whether it is shagging her, isolating her, extracting her and so on.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Blindfold Routine (Written by @Pelusita aka Pablo Garcia) (Bold Sex Talk)
Note: A gambit it you really want to get kinky. Works very well on freaks and experienced girls. A bit more risky, since not all girls may be into this, but with good calibration and used on the right girl at the right moment, and she may end up being soaking wet for you. However, interestingly, this gambit also has a comfort building element when discussing "safe words".

How to Know If a Girl Likes Oral or Anal Sex: The Pleasure of Sex Gambit (Bold sex Talk)
The title frames this gambit as a screening-tool (for girls receptive to anal and oral sex) and although this holds true, this gambit has also helped me escalate the vibe shockingly fast while also allowing me to turn girls into becoming curious about such practices (e.g. anal). Also in cases where the girls did not find these practices appealing (usually anal sex), the gambit nevertheless had a positive impact and was pretty low-risk (if transitioned into and delivered right) - all things considered. It surely sets an incredibly strong sexual frame, and may make the girl somewhat curious about you sexually. It also tends to make them very engaged. On paper, this gambit seems extremely risky, but in reality it is not - or maybe I am just delivering it right. Nevertheless, give it a read, and a try. It is actually one of those gambits I used a lot in 2022 - 2023.

Busting ASD (while Setting a Sexual frame)

These are gambits that has as its primarily function to bust ASD. That said they are also great hook techniques and will also set a sexual frame and display sexual prizing (and thus up her compliance towards you).

Being the Sexually Liberated Guy (Light Sex Talk)
Note: A go-to technique for busting ASD - preferably preventing it from occurring.

How to Have Discreet Sex (and Communicate Discretion) (Light Sex Talk)
Note: Same as Above

Pacing and Leading a Girl on a Date or in Bed (Light Sex Talk)
Note: The other techniques serve as a mean to bust ASD proactively (primarily). This one is more suited to dealing with ASD/resistance reactively.

The Purity Gambit: Open Up Sexual Topics in a Surprising Way (Light Sex Talk)
Note: This is the 2024 version of my gambit, now made into an article with more examples and more detailed breakdown. One of my current favorites. I love this one. I overuse it. It is a great ASD buster as it truly reframes "promiscuity" as something desirable. Great for all phases of the interaction. It also has a great success rate. I just love it. You can also frame "sexual purity" as something a strong and independent women would strive toward - hence making this gambit very useful for our time.
Original forum post can be found here.

4 Smooth Ways to Reframe Her Objections to Casual Sex (Light Sex Talk)
Note: Shows numerous small gambits that can help you reframe typical objections linked to casual sex - objections that are typically linked to ASD. These mini gambits can be both transitioned from (into something else) or expanded upon and become their own gambit. These examples also sow great examples of frame-control, which is paramount to sex talk.


The Mirror (Light Sex Talk)
Note: Needs to be delivered one-on-one in a more quite environment where you will not be disturbed. This is a very advanced technique. It is however THE MOST POWERFUL ASD/Resistance-buster that I have. Will not work on dumb girls, and will only work on smarter young girls. However it won't work if she is overstimulate by the club and her attention span is too short. That said, that first I used it it was on a 19 year old girl. So... yeah.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Secret House (Somewhat Light/Bold Depending on You)
Note: Almost as powerful as the mirror gambit, but easier to pull off. This is, just like the "8 types of orgasm" gambit, one of my earlier gambits and I freaking love it. Whereas the "Mirror" gambit will re-frame her resistance as something arousing, this gambit focuses more on displaying or rather inducing a a sensation of lowkeyness. This gambit uses swish-patterns and basically makes her visualize a scenario where "nobody would know what happens between her an a man". In this hypothetical scenario, would she accept his move or not? Very likely, she would - and there you just made her admit that. Interestingly, those feelings will be linked to you. A very powerful gambit, however, it needs to be delivered one-on-one in a calmer environment. It can be hard to pull off.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Period Paradox (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: A great gambit that can work pretty early on. You display a lot of female understanding (pacing) and girls will be intrigued and hooked in the conversation. The magic with this gambit is that it frames sex as something natural... but it also frames "period sex" as something acceptable and natural. Ideal gambit to use if you face "I have my periods" resistance , but can also be used as a powerful gambit in field without you knowing her menstrual status.

Sex Talk Gambits: The Sexual Perversion Gambit (Somewhat Light Sex Talk)
Note: This gambit is fantastic in many ways since it turns the socially conditioned attitudes and beliefs towards sex upside down: sexual abstention becomes perverted, whereas, sexual curiosity and acting upon this curiosity becomes non-perverted. An amazing routine to loosen her up sexually, while communicating a frame of authority surrounding sex and sexuality. Good gambit for hooking her in too, so good for the earlier portions of the interaction.

Talk About Pansexualism with Girls (and Hook Them In!) (Somewhat Light Sex Talk)
Note: A gambit well-suited for the 20's era of "woke" that adds a sophisticated view on it that young people these days can actually resonate with, while allowing to share an interesting reflection on gender norms, orientation, and sexuality while at the same time convey essences of sexual freedom, curiosity and sexual prizing with an emphasis on sexual understanding. I would use this gambit in more progressive (western) countries, and be more careful using this one in more traditional culture.

Note that many of the gambits cited in some of the sections above (Early Game (Post Initial hook) to Mid-Game & Advanced Gambits for Mid-to-Late Game) also contain ASD-busting and sexual comfort-building elements and can thus also be used to handle resistance. E.g.:

Other Sex Talk Related Techniques

Here are some other techniques that you can use to set a sexual frame and that involves sex talk.

Set a Sexual Frame by Blaming Women for Being Freaks (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: A bit of force-framing here, which can be bit hit or miss. However the "teasing" element of it makes it less risky. Additionally you are not force-framing HER but women in general, which will lower her defences a bit. This post involves tons of good early game sex talk gambits that are both easy and quick to deliver.

The Seduction Liminoid: How to Create a Sexual Tension Bubble (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: Not a gambit but an overall template on how you can establish this "bubble" with a girl - a space uknown to the outside and where the outside world is forgotten. A space where you are both free and create the rules according to your liking. Good way to establish a strong connection, build good rapport and re-frame potential obstacles to sex.

Make Yourself the Sexual Prize by Showing Her Your Sexual Standards (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: Another good technique that can serve as a template to make sex talk gambits on the spot. This technique is more suited for the moments where sex talk reaches the point of "flowing" naturally in the interaction between you and the girl.

Attract Her Harder with the NLP Contrast Technique (Somewhat Light/Bold Sex Talk - Depending on You)
Note: Amazing hook and early game technique that allows you to set the initial sexual frame. Easy to pull off, allows you to stimulate her, and is very non-risky. It is the best technique for early game sexual framing/sex talk.

How to Use Sexual Qualification to Prime Women for Sex (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: Related to the technique above - this technique is more suited for when you reach the phase where sex talk flaws naturally. You do need some sexual frames already set as well as some compliance to make this work, but it works like a charm the moment you have these foundations set.

How to Tell a Sex Story, Part I (Somewhat Light/Bold Sex Talk - Depending on You)
How to Tell a Sex Story., Part II (Somewhat Light/Bold Sex Talk - Depending on You)
Note: Sex stories can be a great way to set the sexual frame and amp her up. Not my go-to technique but works well in some situations - usually when it feels natural to use it.

Special Sex Talk Gambits

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Femme Fatale (Bold Sex Talk)
Note: This gambit is a weird one, but extremely powerful. The strenght of this gambit is that is allows you to sex very bold sexual frames right away why amping her up really quickly (hence also suited for the VERY early game). The gambit was designed for chaotic venues where I had to pull the girls quickly (or else lose her in the crowd). It is a very powerful tool that allows you to skip many phases of the interaction. However this gambit is a double edged sword. Although the chances of rejection are low (she won't get mad), the chances of facing FSC (female state control) are VERY high on this. However this is not an issue if your goal is to pull her fast or never - which in chaotic venues is your best bet.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Anti-Climax Routine (Somewhat Bold Sex Talk)
Note: This gambit has a bit of a special place because it works like a charm especially AFTER you have deliver another juicy sex talk gambit. This is because she expects you to be a very dirty and sexual person after you deliver a juicy gambit. Hence you tell her "what you would like to do with her" and she expects you to make a move... but nope... not really.. .and this as a result not only stimulate her, but really makes her chase you even more - hence a good gambit for amplifying the meta-frame.

The Cuck Frame Pickup Gambit: "Watch Me Bang Another Chick!" (Bold Sex Talk)
Note: The most risky gambit of them all. But this is a really good gambit for those girls who are too cool for school. It also works amazingly well on attention seeking freaks (who uses sex and sexual moves to get validation/attention from you).

Reports Involving Sex Talk

Here are some of my reports where I use sex talk. Most reports are recent since 90% of my reports from mASF and Sedfast/NextASF are gone. That said you can find some of my older reports in this thread (some do contain sex talk).

These reports also contain some other unique sex talk gambits that I have not yet made an individual posts about.

Indirect Club Game Just After LOCKDOWN (A Case Study)
Note: The longest report in the history of the community. It is obnoxiously detailed. Covers tons of sex talk. It involves the "good lover" gambit as well as the "seducing men VS women". It also involves the common ASD-Busters ("being the seuxally liberated guy") as well as other unique situational sex talk gambits.

Pulling Off a Lay When You’re Sick & Dog-Tired: A Report
Note: Cool report from Bulgaria. Great sex talking covering some unique sex talk gambits not covered elsewhere. A tight and straight-forward cookie/cutter game execution.

Alek's 10th Anniversary! (Featuring Glow, Hot Girls & Juicy Material!)
Note: A long and detailed report with tons of great sex talk. Includes the "8 types of Orgasm Gambit" as well as "display of lowkeyness" and a version of the "narrative gambit".,

How to Use Sex Talk, Part II: Case Study
Note: A great report that covers some very explicit sex-talk. It uses the "Bdsm" sex gambit, which is Pablo's (Pablo Garcia's) go-to gambit. It also involves the "sex is unfair" gambit as well as other ASD-Busters. I also use the "good sex/bad sex gambit. Overall great report.

Fractionation’s Role in Hooking Up with Chicks
Note: This one focuses more on strategic calls than sex talk. However it contains the "Secret house gambit".

Picking Up a Girl in a Gay Bar: A Report
Note: This one is an older report. I was a bit more "direct" and explicit back in the days. Nevertheless a great report with tons of great info.

Threesome How-To: Step-by-Step to Get Two Girls
Note: also an older report from 2013 where I pulled two (!) girls from a bar. Covers tons of great material including the "sex is unfair gambit" as well a cool gambit based on "contrasting".

"Fifty Shades Of Grey" VS "120 Days Of Sodom"
Note: A great report with an original "on the spot" gambit.

Toe Jam: When Some Random Dude Starts Sucking Your Girl's Toes... (Teevster's Freakshow Report)
Note: A bit of a weirder lay report that displays advanced sex talk. The application is used in a context of dealing with male competition and the report puts additional emphasis on frame control (a key dimension of sex talk).


Alright this is it.

This is my compilation of sex talk gambits and sex talk related posts.

Questions? comments?

If you have any favorites or any of these you have had success with, please do not hesitate to let me know


Last edited: 10/08/2024
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 14, 2019
This is a massive post. Thanks for putting it all up. Will need to spend some time working through it to see which parts suit my personality.The 8 types of orgasm is a classic as I recall though.

I wish a post like this had been around when I started off so I did not waste time being an entertainer and got stuck into the more fun parts of pick up earlier.

José enrique

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 22, 2021
Thanks for your contributions to the community... my sexualization game got a boost thanks to you....

Nowadays establishing sexual frames and escalating the (sexual) vibe is something I naturally do both verbally and non-verbally....

And so I am inspired by you and Ross jeffries stuff to come up with my own gambits... I have many here some:

Women will trade a man for a man who will do her better not for one with more money.....

The conversation went like this:

Me: You know. I saw an interesting post on facebook where a radio host guy was saying that women don't leave a man for a man with more money but for a man who is better in bed. I want to know what you think about that.

Her: Yes. It is true that money can offer anyone a man who is able to last in bed and blah blah....

From there I took several subtopics such as:

-Talking about bad dudes
-Talking about good sex with foreplay, which many skip.
-Talking about what is worse than a bad fuck or a guy with a micro penis.

And so the conversation was getting dirtier and dirtier...

Here is a Gambit with Pnl:

The Porn Movie

Hey. You know the other day I was talking to a friend, he overheard a discussion of two guys in college and they were saying that girls don't like to watch porn movies....

My friend obviously laughed and thought what innocent guys... if only they knew that women are very sexual creatures and actually love sex as much or more than us men....

Option 1: Story (personal) Rich descriptions with Pnl

You know one time I was watching porn with a friend girl... and we wanted to do something fun. Repeat those same positions but with clothes on... and we started to feel a lot of excitement... you know that excitement when you are with this person that attracts you and you start to imagine all the positions they will do in sex... how they will dominate you physically in bed and you surrender with all passion surrendering to the Desire ... your body begins to raise the temperature and your breathing becomes heavier as he touches you in a sensual and passionate way you feel that heat that descends from your belly to your most feminine intimate part and makes you want to be penetrated now... it happens to me that when I watch porn I get so excited because I know that everything I see in that scene I will probably do it to the next girl we have intimacy...


Suggestions that could be added I listen to them... you can detect the orders incubiertas there ...

Oh by the way there is another very effective and powerful material. It is called the Test that excites a role play that combines pnl and I have applied it by text and calls with answers like: that makes me hot, you're going to make me wet of course except for some that are stimulated a little but still react well.

That routine was created by a friend who was a student of ross and I have also learned things from him about pnl... I would only pass that routine to you out of gratitude for what I have learned from your style... I have also adopted it (Sex talk + Pnl)...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Thanks for your contributions to the community... my sexualization game got a boost thanks to you....

Thanks! I am happy to hear that my material has helped you out.

And so I am inspired by you and Ross jeffries stuff to come up with my own gambits... I have many here some:

That is awesome!

Nowadays establishing sexual frames and escalating the (sexual) vibe is something I naturally do both verbally and non-verbally....

Ross has great material, although I find it a bit too indirect - but it is understandable considering he is a mater hypnotist first and foremost. However he could sometimes be a dick in person.

Women will trade a man for a man who will do her better not for one with more money.....

The conversation went like this:

Me: You know. I saw an interesting post on facebook where a radio host guy was saying that women don't leave a man for a man with more money but for a man who is better in bed. I want to know what you think about that.

Her: Yes. It is true that money can offer anyone a man who is able to last in bed and blah blah....

From there I took several subtopics such as:

-Talking about bad dudes
-Talking about good sex with foreplay, which many skip.
-Talking about what is worse than a bad fuck or a guy with a micro penis.

I love the transition. This is a good hook/bait for the early game. It gets the girl immersed into the subject... and from there you have plenty of options of subjects you can discuss.

Here is a Gambit with Pnl:

The Porn Movie

Hey. You know the other day I was talking to a friend, he overheard a discussion of two guys in college and they were saying that girls don't like to watch porn movies....

My friend obviously laughed and thought what innocent guys... if only they knew that women are very sexual creatures and actually love sex as much or more than us men....

PNL in english is NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming).

You are welcome :)

Make sure you make it clear that the "friend" you were talking to is a "female friend". This adds a dimension of social proof to the gambit.

Again this is a great transition. Now you need to make a follow-up gambit out of it.
Option 1: Story (personal) Rich descriptions with Pnl

You know one time I was watching porn with a friend girl... and we wanted to do something fun. Repeat those same positions but with clothes on... and we started to feel a lot of excitement... you know that excitement when you are with this person that attracts you and you start to imagine all the positions they will do in sex... how they will dominate you physically in bed and you surrender with all passion surrendering to the Desire ... your body begins to raise the temperature and your breathing becomes heavier as he touches you in a sensual and passionate way you feel that heat that descends from your belly to your most feminine intimate part and makes you want to be penetrated now... it happens to me that when I watch porn I get so excited because I know that everything I see in that scene I will probably do it to the next girl we have intimacy...

Very good gambit for stimulating/arousing her.

Suggestions that could be added I listen to them... you can detect the orders incubiertas there ...

These are good transitions that can allow you to get into sexual subjects very easily. The "porn" gambit is a great gambit for stimulating her and get her aroused.

However I would really recommend you reading the post on sexual prizing. Sexual prizing is THE CONCEPT that makes sex talk extremely powerful. I would try to implement that into some gambits. The idea is to convey to women that you are a great lover, who understands them on a sexual level, and who has skills and experience that could provide them with the best sexual experience of their life. Why is this key? It generates compliance, it stimulates them, and it makes them chase you (sexually). Unlike pure stimulation (like your porn gambit), the compliance caused by sexual prizing does not fade as quickly as compliance caused by pure arousal. Hence it is more sustainable.

I am not saying that going for arousal is bad. But it should only be used as a tool for escalating. If you do not get to move her, extract her, or fuck her when she peaks in arousal, then eventually her arousal will fade (disappear) and you will lose everything. Sexual prizing is not as mood-dependent and the compliance that is caused by it can survive over time.

Nevertheless - these transitions were really good.
And the porn routine is a good gambit for arousal.

Good stuff.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
This is a massive post. Thanks for putting it all up.

Thanks man! Appreciate the props.

Will need to spend some time working through it to see which parts suit my personality.The 8 types of orgasm is a classic as I recall though.

I wish a post like this had been around when I started off so I did not waste time being an entertainer and got stuck into the more fun parts of pick up earlier.

Yes the 8 types of orgasm is one of my first ones. It is also the one most used by others.

Well not sure when you started out, but posts like these were available back in the 2000's on the masf.

Many of these gambits are "rewrites" of some of my older gambits for instance.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Holy Sh#t, thx a lot Teevs!!!

I was looking for some of those before nextasf's funeral.

You are welcome and thanks for the kudos.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013

Lil kevo

Space Monkey
space monkey
May 12, 2021
En joyed da posts however u gat any other positions i can use for threesomes


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
En joyed da posts however u gat any other positions i can use for threesomes

You mean a sex talk gambit for threesomes? This thread is not about sex-positions.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 26, 2014

This is a lot of material to go throught but it's all gold imo.
I will take my time with experimenting and implementing this for sure.

Thank you for your generosity with sharing your experience. !
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Update: Sexual Perversion Gambit added to the list.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Jesus bruh you have been PROLIFIC since I left the community! And you probably have all that stuff ready to go on the tip of your tongue also.

One of my biggest problem is that I forgot a lot of my repertoire and have to re-learn all of it. I had SO MUCH STUFF ready to go in my head... hundreds if not probably thousands of gambits. But gradually getting there again.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Jesus bruh you have been PROLIFIC since I left the community! And you probably have all that stuff ready to go on the tip of your tongue also.

One of my biggest problem is that I forgot a lot of my repertoire and have to re-learn all of it. I had SO MUCH STUFF ready to go in my head... hundreds if not probably thousands of gambits. But gradually getting there again.

I wouldn't say "profilic". I have kept doing what I have always been doing - not much have changed aside from just getting better and better.

And yes, 95% of these gambits are part of me. That said, I sometimes "forget them" forcing me to back and re-read them. I also have periods where I favor using X set of gambit, and another period, I change my stack. This is mostly just subconscious and also a way to make this thing exciting and fun and not overly monotonous.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Hey. I realized I forgot to post the following sex talk gambits, so I will do so right now: Sex Talk Gambits: Interhuman Relations

More posts on sex talk coming to the main blog very soon, including 2 posts on calibration, 1 post on transition and perhaps a few new gambits (got up to three, will see how many I end up writing down in the near future).

Stay tuned.