Yeah the "try your hat" is a clear AMOG. Same with "can I try your jacket" or "try that prop". You never EVER let them try. I noticed also that in the super high end clubs, the top crowd - usually male models, influencers and so on, who wear fancy stuff and tons of props will ALWAYS ignore you when you comment their outfit. Secondly, they will NEVER EVER let you try their stuff.
Same goes with "high value" gay guys - and gay guys for some reason are master frame-controllers. Not sure if they are conscious about it, but at least on some unconscious level, they know that people will try to AMOG them and outframe them. Gay guys will NEVER let you try their cothes or Props. They will give you some sassy response like "you too poor to buy your own stuff honey?".
They never bring it up because they KNOW you will toast them again. They know very well it was NEVER about them trying your hat... so basically, the trying the hat is a pretext, not the actual subject at hand. This is why they don't bring the subject back up. Because the true "subject" is the underlying frame, which is "I want to tool this guy, but he is hard/impossible to tool, and by failing he tools me, and I don't want this to happen".
Many guys actually are VERY conscious about their behaviour. In certain circles - where dominance and "alphaness" is everything, guys will openly admit doing shit like that to tool guys.
There is this club with this guy constantly trying to tool me. At first he was trying to compliment me a lot with "nice jacket dude", "girls must love you with this dude" etc... and then later on try the arm around neck thing. He always got outframed. At some point he snapped and the passive aggressiveness ceased: he would suddenly tell girls in front of my face "this guy is a bullshitter don't talk to him" which clearly backfired. He then went up to me and told me "why can't you just fucking die".
So... yeah... funny when they reveal themselves.
Turns out he is the brother of the head of security. He could technically kick out anyone... but turns out... I know the owner and manager. Oooops. Must be frustrating for that guy!
I usually ignore peacocked dude. Why should I care. Unless I wear a similar style or similar type of jacket, I won't open. If I do, I can open with the "we are on the same level" but I see no point in that.
In nighttime social circle
@Mr.Suave (THE EXPERT) distinguishes between "connectors" (key guys who can get you access to things, introduce you to girls, or to other key people) and dead-ends (most guys, those who basically bring nothing). You never waste time on a dead-end.
Why the fuck should I open a guy who peacocks? Unless he is a key guy (a connector, promoter, picker, famous dude etc) i see no points in that. But if he is a key person, I would open indirectly, and after chatting for a while, tell him "hey BTW, looking good tonight" and then exit the set. In this context, it is always well-taken.
If you run up to dudes and compliment them, them will ignore you - this is the case for high value people (celebs, influencers, connectors) I noticed. There MUST be something to it.
I think it is instinctual in the sense that they feel threatened by it - that is at least
@Pelusita 's theory.
Not sure this explains every situation. In many cases, other men may simply see you as high value and leech from you (being leeched from usually involves some AMOGING and when that is not the case, you will nevertheless benefit nothing from being leeched on). However,
@Pelusita's theory holds true when it comes to very masculine "macho" guys. They hate seeing skinny feminine flashy dude get the girls, when in their circles, attractiveness is (and according to their belief, also "should") be linked to muscles, badassness and "masculine behaviour". This is partly why
@Pelusita and I (but also
@Maximilian) are careful around bouncers because they totally freak out when they see some flashy "feminine looking" guy get the girls. It shatters their reality.
In the animal world, the flashiest person is usually the leader, and the guy who fucks all the women. Even historically, and still in many cultures, the leaders of tribes etc, wear the flashiest clothes. So there must be something biological and instinctual to it.
Worse case scenario: AMOG
Best case scenario: Leech
(Most of the time: AMOG)
Conclusion is the same.
Also if you let him "leech" he may "accidentally show up" whenever you are in isolation with a girl... and it will be hard to get rid of him since... you are his "friend" now right?
Depends on the venue. In certain venues (where it is a status competition - could be high end or ghetto), or a place with tons of male competition (bad ratio venue), then it is ALWAYS an AMOG.
I'd say the majority of time - even in friendlier venues, it is still an AMOG we are dealing with. Why? Most guys are not intelligent in field, and believing they are is in my book a form of projection. We believe aliances are useful. Most men, actually don't.
Example: Guy is stuck with a 2 set. He can't pull both. But no way that he will make it easy for you to enter that set and take the leftover girl. From a PU perspective, the smart call for the guy would be to befriend and assist you, because you coming in, will help him get his girl. But nope, he HAS to DESPERATELY assert his dominance. It is "his tribe".
I prefer to hit hard because this reduces the chances that he will try again. This strategy leaves an opening for future power-plays by him. If not powerplays, there will be annoyances.
Most AMOGS are not high status people (which is weird why it is called AMOG - as in "alpha male of the group") because high status people don't need to AMOG you. So most guys who status jockey are low value people - and usually what
@Mr.Suave refers to as "dead ends".
Thus not worth your time.