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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just 1 approach today. Compliment opener, chatted about where she's from. Wasn't as hot from up close as I had expected, so I told her to enjoy her stay and said goodbye after a minute.

It felt great to spread some love without wanting or needing anything! I complimented her on her wonderful hair, and I think she loved it.

Had one other opportunity with a girl nearby on the beach, a blonde with a smoking hot body but her face was a bit icy. She definitely left me an escalation window, I saw her put on her socks while I was in the water, but then she staid put for a while and looked over at least once. But unfortunately I didn't go over and talk to her... chalk it up to AA. I could be banging her right now... fuck!

Oh and I just called the Chinese girl from yesterday. No reply. Didn't expect her to want to meet, almost didn't call but then decided to just give it a try anyway.
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JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
First number close today. After only one year of approaching. Hooray! :)


Saw this hot girl wearing high black boots and a short black dress in the street. Long black hair, slim figure. In short, the type that totally turns me on. (A bit like a real life version of the girl in my profile pic, but with a dress not a skirt). So I had to go meet her.

While I was walking over she sat down on a bench. That bench was back to back with another bench, and on the other bench a homeless guy was sleeping. Kind of awkward but I opened her anyway. I said "Hi!", and she looked a bit startled. I smiled and said "Oh I didn't mean to scare you", in English. She smiled and seemed happy talking to me, though her English wasn't the best. Found out she's from China, and visiting here. I asked if I can sit next to her, she said sure while I was already sitting down.


I asked her a bit about her travel plans. It turns out she's new here and doesn't speak the local language. She told me how she ordered some food without knowing what it is. I probably should have vibed with her on that, because the same thing happened to me when I was new in this country. But I was kind of nervous and rushed through the set, because I found her really hot and she seemed so compliant.


I don't remember the exact order of how things happened, and I'm probably forgetting some details, but here's the key points:

I found out about her logistics, asked how long she is staying, but she said she doesn't know because of whatever (she had a bit of trouble speaking English, and I didn't understand it). I asked her if she's single or has a boyfriend, she said single. I told her we can walk around and I can show her the nicest places. She told me she has plans to meet a friend later that afternoon. So I asked her what she's doing in the evening, said she has no plans so I asked her if she'd like to meet up. She said she didn't know.

At that moment I took it as a rejection, even though it probably just meant "I don't even know you, we just met". I said "You don't know? (awkward pause) Okay I don't want to pressure you" and switched topics to her travel plans again. (I probably shouldn't have said that, just say "okay you can decide later" and switch topics.) She told me the city she wanted to visit next, and I said oh that's an awesome city, I've lived there too before. (Should have stayed on that topic longer!)

Then I said "I have to go, but I can give you my number so you can call me if you want to meet up". She said okay, so I asked for my phone, put in my numer and called myself. Then chatted with her for another minute before telling her I have to go now.


Afterwards, I kind of felt like I completely steamrolled the girl. I find it so hard to read Asian women! I don't have much experience with them except from the few ones I cold approached, and they always seem so compliant that I tend to caveman them, lol.

Nevertheless I was happy about my first number from day game, even though I got it in a bit of an unsmooth way. I had no expectations of actually contacting her, since she had neither Whatsapp nor any other messenger that I had. Forgot to ask what she uses for texting.

But then later in the day, I decided to just give her a call anyway. I expected her to not answer or block me outright, but she actually picked up! I asked her how she was doing, how her day was, and if everything was all right, to try and establish a little belated comfort which I completely forgot about when I met her.

She told me she's meeting her friend in a few minutes. I have no idea if it's a male or female friend, but I said if she wanted to meet up later, to just give me a call. She said "Okay I'll do that". I then told her it was a pleasure to meet her and talk to her, and she said "For me too."


She didn't call me back, and of course I'm not holding my breath. I probably did lots of things wrong. I did use some light touch when I was sitting with her. I think I touched her lightly once or twice, and shook her hand when exchanging names. Got a fair bit of compliance too, but completely forgot about comfort, similarity, teasing and all those things. It was also a bit tricky with the language barrier.

Still felt great! Especially after the call. I was genuinely surprised that she took it. I'm not used to calling girls any more, since everyone is texting nowadays, but since she didn't have whatsapp it wasn't an option. Calling is actually kind of cool, maybe I should do it more often. (Once I get more numbers.)

I might give her another call tonight, or maybe tomorrow. Think she's leaving in two days if I understood her correctly on that. Don't have high hopes she wants to hook up, but who knows. Stranger things have happened, and sometimes girls have positively surprised me when I took a hail mary.

What I did well today: Went for the open without thinking twice, asked her if she's single, got compliance, went for the close and called her later.
What I didn't do so well: Still wasn't fully present in the set. I was quite nervous, and rushed things too much.
I could have stayed with her much longer and maybe even invited her for a walk, and shown her some stuff. She wasn't seeing her friend until much later.
I need to be more flexible with my plans for the day when meeting girls.


I did two more cold approaches today, but only in a half assed way since I didn't find them as attractive after the Chinese girl. Really did it more as a way of keeping up the momentum, in case I'd run into another SHB later.

Anyway I feel today, being 11/11, was already pretty damn good.
Excellent!! Putting in the work is paying off


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Weather was bad today, and very few people in the streets. I still went out, but didn't see any opportunities to approach.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just one approach today. Indirect. Saw a hot girl from behind, in tight yoga pants, sitting on the wall taking photos. She was surrounded by people though so I couldn't approach in the moment. So I passed her by on my bike.

After half a minute I decided she was too hot to not at least give it a try. I turned around, and caught up with her at a traffic light. She was on a foldable bike, so I chatted with her about that. The girl was really pretty actually! But it was the first approach of the day, and I wasn't warmed up, so when the traffic light turned green I let her go.

It was already getting dark, so I didn't get to talk to more girls.

I think I need to get more momentum going. Tomorrow I'll aim for at least 3-4 approaches.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today's summary:
  • 2 "Hello"s - got ignored
  • Walk by tease with a cute promoter standing outside a restaurant - She was yawning big. I said something like "So tired!" roughly translated. She laughed. I said "lots of hours on the street eh?", she kind of shrugged and gave a noncommittal answer. I remembered she was working and her employers could probably watch us talking, so I made a finger on lips gesture, smiling at her and moved along. Turned around once, she was still smiling in my direction :)
  • Skinny, bit older woman putting her shoes on on the beach - I asked her if she'd been swimming. She said yes, and we got to chat. Found out where she's from, and that she lives right by the beach and comes here everyday. Said she wants to move to the Carribean. I think I've seen her before actually. We chatted for several minutes, then she left. I wasn't really attracted but it was a good interaction nevertheless.
It was pretty much a case of Error 404 - HBs not found. I wanna get laid already god damn it...
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
2 proper approaches today.

First one was a woman coming toward me, looked kind of alternative and I thought she might be interesting. Stopped her with "Excuse me", then asked her for her Zodiac with a smile. She sighed and mumbled something anout being in a hurry, then rushed off.

Second one was on the beach, a girl with (probably) her mom. I liked her shirt and asked if it was a band logo, and it was indeed. I chatted with her a bit about what kind of band it was and what they are called, then wished her a nice day. She was quite nice but not really that attractive, plus her mom was standing next to us.

Later in the evening I missed a chance with a cute looking girl sitting leaning against a tree. I couldn't really see her face, and I had the impression she was too young. So I sat down leaning against a nearby tree, but couldn't get myself to approach. Damn AA! Just when I thought it was gone...

Eventually the girl left. I followed her at some distance, but still couldn't get over AA. When I started to feel borderline creepy, I aborted.

Maybe she was too young, but maybe she wasn't. All it would have taken to find out was to walk over and talk to her!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
2 approaches.


1st was an Asian lesbian couple who took seats at the table next to me while I was having my coffee. They looked pretty cool, one of the girls had borderline scary looking long black (fake) fingernails. Which combined with her Asian demenaour was kind of funny.

They were holding hands so I knew they were lesbians. But I liked their style so I asked about an exotic drink that one of the girls (the one with the long fingernails) had. She was quite open and talkative, and even showed me one of the ingredients on her phone because I had trouble understanding her description. I then asked where they were from, she said "Me I'm from China". I asked if they're on holdiay here, and she said "hmmm kind of". Maybe they were on honeymoon? Or doing something exotic? Who knows.

As I'm typing this I'm realizing I fell back into boring interview mode again at this point. If only a little. Guess a cold read or tease would have been better. But since they were a couple I also didn't want to be over the top flirty with her, out of respect. Maybe a mistake in retrospect? Since she seemed quite open.

I decided to order another coffee, and see if there was going to be a chance to reopen and maybe have some fun with these girls. They were quite lovey dovey though, leaning against each other and cuddling, so I didn't want to intrude too much.


Approach #2 was a girl leaning against a tree on the beach. I kind of redeemed myself for the one yesterday that I didn't approach, lol. The girl gave me prolonged eye contact as I walked by with the bike in hand. So I decided to go back and talk to her.

Openend situational, then asked her where she was from and what she was doing here. She was actually a student, so maybe a bit young for me. I got self conscious because there was a couple sitting right behind her, who were staring at me while I opened. Also, she was nice, but not super hot IMO. So I just qualified her on her field of study (which I genuinely liked), and then wished her a good day.

EDIT: Re-reading this... she *did* give me a lot of eye contact before approaching. Which might have been an IOI. Maybe I should have talked to her longer and tested for attraction! Did I just eject too soon again?

Damn, the insights one gets writing this journal. Pretty cool!


Saw a girl I thought looked hot from behind, standing in the middle of the road at a traffic light. She was wearing a green crop top showing off a nice slim waist line, blue jeans, and casual sneakers. The light was red and there was lots of traffic, so I couldn't get to her right away. So I talked myself out of it mentally, telling myself she looks way too young. Which of course I had no way of knowing before talking to her.


I'm proud of both approaches today. Especially opening the lesbian couple took some balls. I was positively surprised how cool they were. I'm starting to like the Asian babes!

Maybe I should have tried escalating a bit more with them... but I have zero experience with that kind of situation.

As for the missed approach... gotta stop this negative self chatter and just go approach, then find out if she's a good fit when we talk!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
4 approaches today. They all happened literally last minute, maybe within 15 minutes of each other. The sun had already gone down, but it wasn't dark yet.

Weird how this happens sometimes! I'd been walking and biking around all afternoon and couldn't find any interesting girls. Was already preparing to go home with 0, and then...

I saw a girl sitting by herself. Black clothes, belly free, nice slim waistline. Saw her from behind, decided she's hot and placed myself in her field of view. Noticed her looking at me. I went and approached, but she only gave me one-word answers, then looked back down at her phone. She did smile at me at first, so I got close, exchanged names, shook hands, crouched next to her. But she'd just keep looking back at her phone. I asked about her in the General section.

I guess she just wasn't interested, so I moved along after a while.

I walked over to an area where I saw a few girls sitting near the shore. One had some food, so I said "Enjoy your meal!" cheerfully and in a loud voice as I walked by. She just gave me a forced smile and brief nod, then looked down again.

2F set, with some music and drinking. They were dancing (sitting down) and singing, so I waved at them and said something as I walked by. They reacted well but both were chubby and unattractive. Seemed to be in a good mood though.

I kept walking since I wasn't really interested in them. Walked around a bit and found a lemon. When I walked back, they waved at me. I gave them the lemon and told them it smells good. One of the girls took it and they both laughed. I tried to talk to them but I don't know if they understood anything, they were talking in Russian or Ukranian I think. I laughed with them anyway.

Noticed a pretty hot girl behind them, so I walked over to her, thinking maybe having vibed well with these two would give me some social proof.

(Does it count as a full approach if I'm not interested? I'll just count it because I reopened them, so that's 2*0.5=1 approach.)

Another girl had appeared in the meantime, sitting between #2 and #3. She had taken off her jacket and was sitting there in a white top, with very nice cleavage. I walked over to her and said "Aren't you cold in that?" She just gave me a sceptical look, shook her head, and looked down again.

I did follow up, saying "You look like you are!" but she wouldn't engage.

Another uninterested one. How come only the unattractive ones seem interested?
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
2 approaches today.

1st one, a girl sitting on a wall with a can of beer. So I stopped in front of her and just said "Cheers!", grinning at her. Had to repeat a few times, switching to English and then again after she took her earpiece out. When she answered I realized that I didn't actually find her attractive, so I left it at that.

Crossed her path again later and she gave me a big smile, so I guess she did like it.

2nd one was after dark already, since I had a hard time again finding girls I like. Saw a girl with gorgeous long black hair walking in the street, so I just had to do a compliment opener. Followed her then opened from the side, saying "Excuse me?" - she turned to me, with a sceptical look at first (too many beggars here) - "I love your hair!" - She smiled and said thanks, but kept walking. She was also talking on the phone apparently. She looked very young, had bracers, so I said "I just wanted to tell you that!"

She said thanks again, still walking away from me. I said "Lend me some?" with a gesture to my head (I just got shaved bald earlier today). She laughed at that, but without turning back.

That was fun! It always feels good to spread some love.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
6 openers today. The day was sunny and my mood was great.

Compliment opener, got ignored

Situational opener, then chatted a bit, but she only gave me polite short answers and didn't seem very interested

Compliment opener. Told the girl she has a beautiful jacket (it was really stylish). The girl loved it, but kept walking. I asked her if she's from here. She stopped and said "No, I'm from Ukraine". I said "Oh, it's better to be here". She said "Yeah". (bit lame I guess, but couldn't think of anything better)

I really didn't expect her to be Ukranian, and was kind of thrown of by the fact. (I guess I read too much about politics.) The girl looked like she wanted to take off, so I said "Nice to meet you!" She said "Nice to meet you too", and thanked me again for the compliment.

Told a girl on the beach to be careful with her handbag, since she was lying face down and I thought she might get robbed. While I was talking I realized there was another towel right next to hers, probably her bfs. Later checked back on her to confirm, and yeah she was taken.

Complimented a girl in a 2F set walking by, with a big smile. She gave me a smile back, but it didn't seem very enthusiastic and they kept walking.

Girl taking pictures of the sunset. I said "Beautiful view, eh?" She said "Yeaah", kind of nervously. As she answered I realized she wasn't that good looking, with a ton of weird makeup, so I didn't engage more.

Pretty good day all in all! Could probably have done better with #3 though. The girl thanked me twice for the compliment, but I messed up the follow up. I'm not too much into Ukranians generally, since most of them seem to be blonde, but this one was dark haired and really hot so I would have made an exception...

EDIT: Oh and #2 spoke the language real well, even though she wasn't from here. I should have complimented her on that! Maybe that would have engaged her more. Who knows? Worth a try next time!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
6 openers today. The day was sunny and my mood was great.

Compliment opener, got ignored

Situational opener, then chatted a bit, but she only gave me polite short answers and didn't seem very interested

Compliment opener. Told the girl she has a beautiful jacket (it was really stylish). The girl loved it, but kept walking. I asked her if she's from here. She stopped and said "No, I'm from Ukraine". I said "Oh, it's better to be here". She said "Yeah". (bit lame I guess, but couldn't think of anything better)

I really didn't expect her to be Ukranian, and was kind of thrown of by the fact. (I guess I read too much about politics.) The girl looked like she wanted to take off, so I said "Nice to meet you!" She said "Nice to meet you too", and thanked me again for the compliment.

Told a girl on the beach to be careful with her handbag, since she was lying face down and I thought she might get robbed. While I was talking I realized there was another towel right next to hers, probably her bfs. Later checked back on her to confirm, and yeah she was taken.

Complimented a girl in a 2F set walking by, with a big smile. She gave me a smile back, but it didn't seem very enthusiastic and they kept walking.

Girl taking pictures of the sunset. I said "Beautiful view, eh?" She said "Yeaah", kind of nervously. As she answered I realized she wasn't that good looking, with a ton of weird makeup, so I didn't engage more.

Pretty good day all in all! Could probably have done better with #3 though. The girl thanked me twice for the compliment, but I messed up the follow up. I'm not too much into Ukranians generally, since most of them seem to be blonde, but this one was dark haired and really hot so I would have made an exception...

EDIT: Oh and #2 spoke the language real well, even though she wasn't from here. I should have complimented her on that! Maybe that would have engaged her more. Who knows? Worth a try next time!
Great stuff. 6 opens is good. And a few compliment opens as well. Great job.

With the Ukrainian girl situation, I never comment on politics and religion. Those don't do us any good. I think you should keep a stock routine ready to drop.

I have a few go tos:

Her: I am from Ukraine
Me: Oh nice. I had a friend who went to Kiev/Odessa/Lviv (some city in that country) he really loved the vibe and the food. So which city are you from by the way?


Her: I am German.
Me: Oh nice. I had a friend who was from Germany and she absolutely loved drinking beer and eating fries. Are you also like that?

These help in not having your mind go blank and making sure that the first 30 seconds-1 minute of the interaction does not have any awkward pauses.

That first minute is really important in my experience. Girls are still processing the fact that they have been approached and still sizing you up in a is he a threat or is it okay to engage kind of way. So its essential that we keep talking in a calm collected manner as if everything is normal and then they eventually fall into our frame.

I saw you had a back and forth with @FunGuy in another thread. I definitely don't endorse his tone and manner of speaking to you which was definitely disrespectful and not at all calibrated.

But I do feel that unless you fill in that first 30 seconds with a planned conversation, those casual openers will mostly not lead to full fledged conversations.

You are doing the hard bit of opening and with a more committed approach where you stick in there with a plan and at least speak for 30 seconds you could make your approaches count for a lot more and get way more results.

But its just observation from my end. Go at your own pace and great job today! 😎


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Great stuff. 6 opens is good. And a few compliment opens as well. Great job.

With the Ukrainian girl situation, I never comment on politics and religion. Those don't do us any good. I think you should keep a stock routine ready to drop.

Great point. I try to avoid commenting on politics as well. But when she said Ukraine that's the only thing that came to mind, unfortunately.

Actually, if she'd been from any other country maybe I'd have come up with something better... she looked more like a South American than a Ukrainian.

I have a few go tos:

Her: I am from Ukraine
Me: Oh nice. I had a friend who went to Kiev/Odessa/Lviv (some city in that country) he really loved the vibe and the food. So which city are you from by the way?

Would you just make something up? Personally, I don't know if I'd feel comfortable just inventing some fake story.


Her: I am German.
Me: Oh nice. I had a friend who was from Germany and she absolutely loved drinking beer and eating fries. Are you also like that?

These help in not having your mind go blank and making sure that the first 30 seconds-1 minute of the interaction does not have any awkward pauses.

That first minute is really important in my experience. Girls are still processing the fact that they have been approached and still sizing you up in a is he a threat or is it okay to engage kind of way. So its essential that we keep talking in a calm collected manner as if everything is normal and then they eventually fall into our frame.

I think that is very true. I've also come to this realization just very recently. Girls are just as nervous as us when they get approached! They get AA as well apparently :) I've seen it in many of my recent interactions.

And the solution is probably to keep calm and show you are a cool person to talk to.

But I do feel that unless you fill in that first 30 seconds with a planned conversation, those casual openers will mostly not lead to full fledged conversations.

You are doing the hard bit of opening and with a more committed approach where you stick in there with a plan and at least speak for 30 seconds you could make your approaches count for a lot more and get way more results.

But its just observation from my end. Go at your own pace and great job today! 😎
Thanks man! You're completely right about that.

Actually, just today when reading about your 30 day challege, I was wondering how you seem to manage to transition every opener to a close (unless you get rejected right away). That's the part I'm most struggling with at the moment.

So how do you come up with something in the moment? Do you stick with stereotypes, like if they're English ask them if they like tea? Feels almost a bit silly, but I guess for a cold approach it can also help the girl feel more at ease?

How do you make a plan for the first 30 seconds? I find it's unpredictable. And a bit hard to have a routine for any possible country she could be from, even if you just do the major ones...

I mean I'm working on it, definitely. Just today I made some notes what I plan to say and do in my next approaches, roughly. But who knows if I'll remember... :ROFLMAO:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Would you just make something up? Personally, I don't know if I'd feel comfortable just inventing some fake story.
Okay lets unpack this. I saw another thread on the forum somewhere of another guy writing a long winded post about how he cannot compliment someone's fashion or something like that because he does not care about fashion and therefore its not "AUTHENTIC". I think this word is being misused and over used unnecessarily.

This is my take on all this. First of all I don't view it as a "fake story". To me its just a "conversation filler". It helps the conversation proceed in the first few seconds of meeting a stranger. Its an insignificant thing in the larger scheme of things. And no I am not worried about 'authenticity' in the first few seconds of meeting a stranger.

I know that it takes a lot of balls to cold approach and your brain freezes up many a times and therefore you need to have something ready to go and you don't have time to stand there thinking of something in the moment. Sometimes when I am in state and fully warmed up something else may pop up into my brain and I will use that. But if not, I am going with my stock prepared conversation fillers.

So I don't really care which country she is from. She can say she is an alien from Mars and my response:

"Oh nice. I had a friend who went to Mars and she really loved the vibe and the food. So which part of Mars are you from by the way?" :D

Actually, just today when reading about your 30 day challege, I was wondering how you seem to manage to transition every opener to a close (unless you get rejected right away). That's the part I'm most struggling with at the moment.

So how do you come up with something in the moment? Do you stick with stereotypes, like if they're English ask them if they like tea? Feels almost a bit silly, but I guess for a cold approach it can also help the girl feel more at ease?

How do you make a plan for the first 30 seconds? I find it's unpredictable. And a bit hard to have a routine for any possible country she could be from, even if you just do the major ones...
Yup if she does not walk away or clearly does not want to engage, I stick to my plan and go for the close most of the time.

And I have no complex system, its quite simple if you look at the structure. Lets take an example. Lets take your setting which I see is usually the beach or around it. How I would do it with my system:

Me: Hi, I was just passing by and I saw you lying here and I wanted to come and say you looked very cute/nice/stylish/pretty with your red bathing suit and funky sunglasses.

Her: Oh.. Thanks.

Me: I am thinking you are not from around here, I am guessing German. Right?

Her: No, I am from Ukraine.

Me: Oh really? That's nice. I had a friend who visited Ukraine (insert random city if you know any) and he/she really loved the vibe and the food. Which part of Ukraine are you from by the way?

Her: Oh I am from Odessa.

Me: Okay. I have never visited Ukraine but you know what I am a big fan of the footballer Andrij Sevcsenko. I suppose you know him?

Her: Yes I do.

Me: Are you a big football fan?

Her: Nope. Not really.

Me: Football was my first love you know. Ever since I was 5 I always loved it and used to play and watch it all the time. So sometimes I know absolutely nothing about a country except some footballers or football teams from there. What about you? Are you into any sports?

Her: Well, I used to play volley ball in school but not really into sports.

Me: Ah okay. And what do you do? You give off the vibe of an accountant who is crunching numbers all day at the office. ;)

Her: No, I am into marketing.

Me: You know I studied xyz but I do abc. Its funny 10 years ago I would never have thought I would be doing abc. How about you were you always sure about getting into marketing?


You see that is my system. If you zoom out from the details, it just follows a simple pattern:

1. Make a statement/Describe something/Tell her something about yourself
2. Ask her a question
3. Rinse and repeat

That is basically it. I don't lie about anything that matters. I in fact, I share things about myself openly even without her asking as it helps take the pressure off her and she gets a taste of me and that I am a normal guy who is actually opening up and is quite social. This helps her become comfortable divulging information about herself slowly.

But in the beginning I never expect anything from her but one word answers and short responses. I think there was a clear rule in PUA called the 90/10 rule. That in the beginning you need to carry 90 percent of the conversation till slowly the ratio moves closer to 50/50 as the interaction proceeds. You really cannot expect a 50/50 conversational ratio from the beginning.

Another note on Authenticity
So some stock stories and my opener is also where I "lie" if you want to call it that. So this is my opener if I am stopping a girl on the street:

"Hey, I was just standing there waiting for my friend (I was just walking back from work/I was just going to meet a friend/ I was just walking around the mall thinking of buying a scarf) and I saw you walk past and I thought you looked really pretty (stylish/cute/nice) and I wanted to come say hi!"

Okay now, many a times, no I am not waiting for my friend, no I am not going to buy a scarf etc but I am doing daygame so yes its a lie but what the hell am I going to say? :D

"Hey I was just walking around doing this 30 day challenge from a seduction forum called GirlsChase and it requires me to approach 4 girls everyday and so I came over to talk to you so that I complete by 3rd approach!!" ????? :ROFLMAO:

The second one is more "AUTHENTIC" but also retarted and socially uncalibrated and the girl CANNOT RELATE TO SOMETHING LIKE THAT. So in order to be socially attuned, I say some things that are not technically true.

I think a lot people overthink this whole fakeness/authenticity thing. Its not about being authentic in the first few seconds but being socially calibrated and relatable.

If she becomes your girlfriend and you start dating, you can open up and tell her that you used to struggle with social anxiety and you had to overcome it and all that and she will think you are a brave warrior and love you more for it. LOL

But in the first few seconds forget about all that.

Sorry for the big rant. But again these are just my thoughts, experiences and views. Hope it helps. :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Sorry for the big rant.
Not at all, man! That rant was awesome!

I think it's actually one of the most helpful posts I've seen in a while. Detailled, with actionable advice.

And I wasn't judging you at all about the authenticity thing. It's just something that never occurred to me. Seemed like way too much mental work to make up some random stories while in set. But if you have something prepared for standard situations (like they say in soccer), I can totally see how it would work to get a good conversation going.

Gonna field test it right away!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
5 approaches today.

1st - a 2F set, quite young, I compliment one of the girl's hair and she smiles and says thanks, but they kept walking
2nd - an older woman sitting reading a book. The wind was quite strong and I said "Your books gonna get blown away!" She just says "No." I follow up "Yes, quite the wind!" She says No again so I guess she wants to be left alone.
3rd - this one was so weird that I decided to post a FR for it.
4th - a girl walking quite fast. I caught up with my bike and asked "Excuse me, do you have a second" but she ignored me. She was wearing work clothes so I assumed she was late for work, and didn't insist.
5th - a quick drive by compliment with a girl who's hair I liked, but she ignored me and also wasn't that hot from up front so whatever.

#3 was hilarious. Plus, I also got to practice some story telling in set. Think I did quite well in that regard, even though the girl wasn't interested in the end. I had fun regardless. Telling some stories did help to creat a chill vibe, and she asked me one or two questions back before blowing me out.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Another number close today. This one felt a lot more smooth than the # close with the Chinese girl recently.

Very similar situation to yesterday (the one I posted the FR about). Another Korean girl, and actually almost at the same spot on the beach lol.

This girl was way more open than yesterday's though. Her English was also much better. I opened situational, she had some beer and spilled a bit, and I said "What a waste of alcohol!" - She's like "I know right"

Asked her what beer it is, she told me the brand, I asked her if it's good and she said yes. At that moment we got interrupted by some pesky salesman, so I lost my train of thought, ejected and went back to my towel. Probably a mistake since she was super open from the start, but it turned out well in the end.

I walked around a bit, and when I came back I reopened. She was super friendly so I sat next to her and we chatted for a while. No idea how long really, I'd guess maybe 20-30 minutes. I let her do most of the talking. Found out she's visiting the city and is here for 2 weeks, still has 10 days left. Finally a girl who's not leaving tomorrow!

I did some light touching, teasing, similiarity, and a bit of deep dive. Complimented her hair at some point, to which she said "It's really long" and I said "I like long hair. Lend me some?" to which she agreed. So maybe you could call that a little bit of complaince even though it was a joke obviously.

Qualified her on being adventurous when she told me she's travelled to Europe a lot.

I'm not sure how effective my touching and teasing was, she seemed rather neutral with it. I'm still finding it hard to read Korean girls.

After a while I told her I gotta go soon, but we can meet some other time. She said yes we can hang out, but she also has to work at the hostel. (Guess it's a remote job? Or she actually works at a hostel.) She says we can meet on the weekend. Today is Friday, so I say "Tomorrow is the weekend!" but she goes "Yeah but my friend's arriving today." I tell her to just give me her number and we'll figure something out. Grabbed the number literally seconds before her friend arrived at the beach (a Korean girl). That was close hahaha!

After getting the number I gave her two kisses on the cheeks, which is customary here. I asked her "Do you do the 2 kisses thing in Korea?" and she said "Not really!" So I said "Well you'll have to get used to it here" and as I left for my towel her friend arrived literally 5 seconds later.

I attempted another approach later, girl walking on the street, compliment opener but she wouldn't stop. Only gave me a quick glance and didn't even answer.

We'll see how solid this number is. I'm not holding my breath, but I had fun talking to her and it was a great experience either way.

I'm following protocol and sent her an icebreaker shortly after. She doesn't have Whatsapp so I sent my first SMS in decades I think. Had to figure out how it's done on my phone lol.

Nice to be getting some results :)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Another number close today. This one felt a lot more smooth than the # close with the Chinese girl recently.

Very similar situation to yesterday (the one I posted the FR about). Another Korean girl, and actually almost at the same spot on the beach lol.

This girl was way more open than yesterday's though. Her English was also much better. I opened situational, she had some beer and spilled a bit, and I said "What a waste of alcohol!" - She's like "I know right"

Asked her what beer it is, she told me the brand, I asked her if it's good and she said yes. At that moment we got interrupted by some pesky salesman, so I lost my train of thought, ejected and went back to my towel. Probably a mistake since she was super open from the start, but it turned out well in the end.

I walked around a bit, and when I came back I reopened. She was super friendly so I sat next to her and we chatted for a while. No idea how long really, I'd guess maybe 20-30 minutes. I let her do most of the talking. Found out she's visiting the city and is here for 2 weeks, still has 10 days left. Finally a girl who's not leaving tomorrow!

I did some light touching, teasing, similiarity, and a bit of deep dive. Complimented her hair at some point, to which she said "It's really long" and I said "I like long hair. Lend me some?" to which she agreed. So maybe you could call that a little bit of complaince even though it was a joke obviously.

Qualified her on being adventurous when she told me she's travelled to Europe a lot.

I'm not sure how effective my touching and teasing was, she seemed rather neutral with it. I'm still finding it hard to read Korean girls.

After a while I told her I gotta go soon, but we can meet some other time. She said yes we can hang out, but she also has to work at the hostel. (Guess it's a remote job? Or she actually works at a hostel.) She says we can meet on the weekend. Today is Friday, so I say "Tomorrow is the weekend!" but she goes "Yeah but my friend's arriving today." I tell her to just give me her number and we'll figure something out. Grabbed the number literally seconds before her friend arrived at the beach (a Korean girl). That was close hahaha!

After getting the number I gave her two kisses on the cheeks, which is customary here. I asked her "Do you do the 2 kisses thing in Korea?" and she said "Not really!" So I said "Well you'll have to get used to it here" and as I left for my towel her friend arrived literally 5 seconds later.

I attempted another approach later, girl walking on the street, compliment opener but she wouldn't stop. Only gave me a quick glance and didn't even answer.

We'll see how solid this number is. I'm not holding my breath, but I had fun talking to her and it was a great experience either way.

I'm following protocol and sent her an icebreaker shortly after. She doesn't have Whatsapp so I sent my first SMS in decades I think. Had to figure out how it's done on my phone lol.

Nice to be getting some results :)
Amazing stuff. So happy to see you progressing or rather your progress is just showing in tangible results now. 😎

Don't get too down on yourself if the girl does not respond. Its still a massive milestone. In the beginning a lot of my numbers flaked as well and they still do now. To some extent it is inevitable but the ratios improve.

And most importantly, its easy to ignore, but great job on the compliment opener where you got ignored.

I don't know, maybe its just me but to be honest its great when you get good reactions and numbers etc but for me I think the real boost in confidence I had and the real growth I have experienced has come from experiencing the rejections, the girls who just ignored me, the ghosts and no replies etc.

That is the "downside" of pickup that makes most people never attempt it. So if you just make peace with that downside and get used to it, then cold approach simply becomes a game where you either just feel neutral or experience all the amazing bits of it like the dates, the numbers and the sex.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
1 approach today: Attempted a street stop with a hottie coming towards me, but got ignored. I think my timing was a bit off, I opened a split second too late and she promptly walked past me.

As usual on Saturdays, I didn't see many other interesting approachable girls. So I decided to take it easy today.

Don't get too down on yourself if the girl does not respond.
I'm not too hung up on this particular girl. Given the excuses she suddenly came up with when I told her we can meet some other day, I think there's a good chance she won't be interested. If she is though, that would be a nice bonus.

It does feel like I'm finally levelling up though. Probably something like level 3 out of 20, or however many levels one can attain in this game called day game :)

I finally got over my mental block or whatever it was that kept me from opening, staying in set, and properly closing. If I could do it with the girl yesterday, then I can do it with other girls. And I will probably get better and better at it. That's an awesome reward for all the hard work!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Did a few warmups, then 2 full approaches. Both were girls sitting leaning against a tree, on the beach.

The first one I found actually quite hot and got a lot of AA. So I walked around opening a few random people to get warmed up, then eventually walked over to her and opened her with an opinion opener for a change. I asked her if she would go swimming with this weather (it was quite cloudy, cool but not cold). She said no. So I guess that didn't work out lol. I told her I wanted to go swimming, but with all those clouds I don't feel like it either. She was smiling, but did seem a bit evasive. I asked some questions and told some (short) stories, trying to get a balance. Eventually she politely blew me out with "I'm enjoying some time by myself".

Later opened another girl sitting, this one seemed to be drawing. I put myself in her field of view and looked in her general direction, without looking at her directly. I thought she flashed me a brief smile, then looked back at her notebook.

I slowly walked over and asked her if she's drawing the sea. She took her headphones out and I repeated. She said "No, I'm writing" and started to put the headphones back in. I quickly followed up with "What is it, is it a diary?" She said "Yes, a diary". I found her ambiguous because she semed to be smiling, but she was also putting her headphones back in again right after answering me.

I didn't have a good follow up and felt like asking about her diary would be too much of a privacy intrusion. So I said "Cool stuff" and moved along.
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