The way guys are getting laid via direct day game is basically how NON PUA guys were getting laid during the Golden Era of PUA.
i.e. - there is no game, there is no skill, there is no SEDUCTION.
Modern "Game"
- These guys "looks max"
- They approach girls that are basically in their same demographic.
- She becomes aware of him, her reptilian brain says yes.
- He gets the contact information
- The attraction half life is strong enough that she actually remembers him/the way he made her feel
- The text interactions are good enough
- The social media is good enough
- She feels safe enough to meet up
- They hook up
So it's a lot of brute force.
I say this about Day Game any chance I can work it in, but Krauser (noted day gamer), said he converts maybe 1 in 20 day game approaches into a hook up.
Aside from the articles and books at Girls Chase/Skilled Seducer -
By nothing, I mean nothing as effective as the "golden era" of pick up.
*gets on soapbox*
A lot of the idea of PUA got lost when we stopped calling it "fast seduction".
At the time, I was there, everyone knew what we were talking about, but 5,10,15,20 years later that OG meaning was lost.
But to call it fast seduction, means there's such a thing as slow seduction.
What even is seduction? From the latin (seducer) which breaks down to se and
duc - aside and leading - leading aside.
A seduction is something that basically pulls someone away from the path that they're on.
Think Odysseus and the Sirens.
The thing is so good, so enticing, so alluring, so attractive - that the person that was going one way, goes a different way - toward the thing that has captured their attention.
At first out of novelty and curiousity, but then out of want, out of hunger. Something less intellectual, and more primal and physical.
IMO, at a high level, PUA is a "seduction" - is drawing a chick into a situation where before she was not thinking about sex, much less sex with the particular PUA, and she then finds herself ass up in the back of a Hyundai Elantra.
That's what a fast seduction is. It's not that the chick likes you or doesn't like you, that you're compatible or not compatible, but it's more like
putting her in a situation where she can't control herself.
- At the Gucci store after she gets her Income Tax Refund
- At a bakery with every possible sweet sugary thing available
- Hanging out with her most gossipy friend and getting the tea on everything
- Bottomless Mimosas at brunch
- stalking her Ex on social media
There's no force involved, no control, no coercion.
She just can't resist it.
This goes well beyond picking up girls
- It's a store positioning the candy at the eye level of a child.
- It's potato chip companies spending hundreds of millions of dollars to get the exact combination of crispness and flavor.
- It's the endless scroll of social media.
- clickbait and rage media
was about seduction. It was about offering a lot of "chick crack" in terms of the value she would get from interacting with a PUA. It was about bringing her through those emotional stages, and giving her more "emotional reasons" to go forward. Never pushing her into it, but her pulling herself in.
She was exposed, then enticed, but to get more of those addictive emotions, she'd have to give up something, she'd have to play along, and before she knew it she was doing the walk of shame the next morning. (or done properly, she'd be happy and excited)
Be he witty and charming, be he dark/serious/sexual/provocative, be he a whirlwind of energy, be he the muscle bound jock telling dirty jokes.... There were/are so many archetypes of
interaction and
personality ...and that's all gone now.
Looks/Money/Status. That's what is being taught.
All of us veterans know that LMS can help, but it can hurt, but ultimately LMS does not SEDUCE.
These things attract, but after you attract the girl, get her attention - then the interaction component needs to kick in - and these modern methods do not teach that.
Nobody even talks about pick up this way anymore.
As for what I do
I haven't changed my idea of what seduction is. It is still drawing the woman off of her dead end path to boredom, but also inflaming her passions in a controlled and predictable way.
- Approach
- "pre-approach"/first words
- open
- attraction material/banter/flirting - "the back and forth"
- screen - red flags, logistics, my actual screening for what I'm actually looking for
- qualify - get her to prove herself (fake screening)
- escalate - verbal (flirt), kino (touch), logistical (place to place)
- get cooperation - let her pick up threads, test for interest, force investment, dancing, etc
- build trust - touch and go with the kino, handle the friends, start convos with 3rd parties - impress 3rd parties.
- escape the venue - logistics were handled, some heat's been established
- build more trust
- build more heat
- close
- debrief
In terms of what to do when I meet a girl, nothing has really changed. I don't do dating apps, and I don't "slide into the dm's".
I have had to adapt to the times though.
Social Media
I'm not really trying to date 22 year olds like when I was 25, so I'm not on TikTok.
I do have an instagram, but to really take full advantage of it, I'd have to spend a lot more time on it.
At my age, LinkedIn is more important..
Looks Max was never a big thing in the late 90s/early 00s. Plenty of guys were gym rats, but forever alone.
A lot of the gurus were short and skinny, skinny fat, tall and lanky, average looking etc. They might peacock, but the "club kid" thing is very niche. It's probably still effective - but the look has to match the personality and lifestyle. "congruent"
As time has gone on, all the ones I can think of have gone through "fashion makeovers"
You have to looks max in 2024.
- Haircuts
- Beard
- Skin Care
- Being a good BMI, ideally lightly muscled, but not so much as to look like Mr. Olympia.
- clothing - this is really a hard one. Most guys look generic, even if they think they're stylish. Stop trying to be stylish.
This guy is stylish. He embodies what stylish means
8M likes, 141K comments - wisdm on June 19, 2024: "High fashion……typography?".
112K likes, 539 comments - wisdm on October 5, 2023: "Chrome Consigliere.".
Most PUAs don't want to be stylish.
This is as far as they want to go in terms of style. Basically look "cool"
The modern tweak is to look cool and athletic, so get fit and wear clothes that allow that athleticism to be seen.
People notice, but you don't announce it.
For me this is always a work in progress. Tweaking this, tweaking that. Diff Colognes, Diff Looks, etc.
But I enjoy this. For a lot of guys my age, they'd rather not do the work and just stay home.
Targeted Going Out
Can't just go downtown anymore
- Due to age and preference, I can't just hit the dance clubs at all.
- For health and preference, I need to curate the bars I go to. (gotta avoid the craft beer, and stick to *sigh* mixology places)
I subscribe to a fair amount of "what's going on around town" newsletters and IG pages.
I want to go where I'm gonna run into "never been married"/"recently divorced"/"I have no kids, just a career".
Plus, I'm not really trying to put up #'s like back in my hey day. Sex is important, but it's not the overriding concern.
And that's basically it.
Texting, Date Design, dealing with her phone addiction....those are details imo.