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I keep hearing from all kinds of people that the game is a lot harder now than it used to be. And for a while I believed it had gotten harder myself. About 4 years ago I started to notice that I had to work a lot harder for a lot less results… but looking back, I was in a city that doesn’t really lend itself to daygame, and so I was using tinder. And tinder is mega rigged.
I haven't been cold approaching, but I've been doing a bunch of online stuff and I loosely stayed in touch with the scene. Here are my thoughts on the topic, and I'd be curious to hear yours. The two cases I can see for game being more difficult now:
1. Smart phones messed with the SMP, since girls get far more sausage thrown in their face now. Especially the dating apps are definitely rigged against most guys. I do believe tinder is harder than it was when it first came out, and it’s harder than even other forms of online dating. But, I’ve seen stats that most girls aren’t using tinder actively. And more importantly, I think online attention is about as fulfilling to girls as porn is to guys. Yeah it’s fun... but it just doesn’t really cut it. It’s empty.
2. Direct daygame is probably harder now because it’s not a novelty anymore. 10-15 years ago, some girls responded to a direct street approach with “Wow… Oh my God… This has never happened to me before”. Flattered, stunned, impressed. A2 is done. Now it seems I can’t go downtown in any European city without seeing some PUAs around.
All that said… is REAL pickup artistry harder now than it used to be? I don’t consider direct approaches real pickup artistry… they’re more like “hitting on girls". Don't get me wrong, they're great... I love them and I have dozens of lays from them. But they're just one tool in our toolbox and probably should be bonus rounds, not your bread and butter (I will elaborate on this below).
If you’re in a huge city with over 2 million people... fine… do them.
If it’s direct or nothing because you will never see her again... fine… do them.
But realize it’s pretty much a numbers game.
The reason being, girls don’t judge a guy’s attractiveness in 1-2 minutes. Unless you’re the “classically handsome” type, it takes them about 20 to 25 minutes to decide if they like you. Even the hottest girls (I’m talking literally top models) ARE 100% open to average looking guys, because personality CAN get them extremely attracted, even in the absence of a guy having those model good looks. I can vouch for this from personal experience, on many occasions.
I have a bunch of friends who look like that and cold approach, so I can confirm this is real. If you do NOT look like that, you need some time to display yourself if you want better odds.
Imagine you’re in the market to buy a new car. A car salesman stops you on the street, shows you a car as you’re on your way to an appointment and you’re in a rush. Or, he only swipes through a few pictures of the car on his phone. He says: “hey, do you want to buy this car?” You’re already late and don’t really have time to assess the car. You’re actually looking for a car, and this one looks great, but he’s forcing you to make a decision in 2 minutes and you know almost nothing about him or the car. Plus he just stopped you in the street like a bum.
What would you say? “Uhm… I don’t know… I guess I’ll pass… I gotta go, sorry.” Maybe you’ll give him your number and then rush off and forget about it. Exact same response most direct street approaches get. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t like you if you had more time with her. “Give me ten minutes to talk away my ugly face and I will bed the Queen of France.” -Voltaire.
Torero says the best daygamers lay 1 in 30 approaches. I’ve been hanging out with some of his friends and they confirmed this is considered an excellent stat among the top Euro jaunters. Newbies, 1 in 100. Really guys? One in one HUNDRED? Come on... that isn’t game. That is spam.
I hope people still remember Mystery used to actually go 5 for 5, and he’s accomplished this on a number of occasions. Approach five hot girls and lay ALL of them. I haven’t met him, but many of my friends have… enough to vouch for the veracity of these claims. My old mentor CJ actually did one better, as he had streaks of “more lays than opens”, because he developed tech that got girls to open him, and then he took down all of them.. My personal best was 3 lays out of 7 cold approaches in one day. chur (top level ASF guy) was with me that day and can corroborate.
So it seems to me: 1. direct daygame is harder now, due to saturation, yes. It was a bit of a loop hole 10-15 years ago, a gap in the market that has since been balanced. And 2. online game is harder now, due to smart phones, yes.
But actual pickup arts? Engineering a situation where you can talk to a girl for 20-25 minutes before making a move? Engineering social proof before you even open? Is all that harder? I guess the plandemic has made that somewhat harder with all the dog muzzles and BS rules. But outside of that, could it actually be easier now, because nobody really does it much anymore?
There are a lot of hot girls where I am… and I see most of them with guys / as couples. Surely those guys are meeting them somehow, yes? How are they doing it? From talking to them, I guess many people seem to meet through social circle again these days?
There was an NLP axiom that we often used to quote back in the day: “what the thinker thinks, the prover proves.” If you believe game is harder now, it will ACTUALLY be true. It will become a self fulfilling prophecy. Your belief will turn out to be true in your experience of OBJECTIVE reality.
The reason is that your negative expectation will cause you to unconsciously act more fearfully, which gets conveyed to the girl in your mannerisms,voice tone and other subtle non-verbal cues. She will then respond accordingly with significantly lower attraction, if any. Your negative expectation will also cause you to make less moves and the moves you do make will be less bold. (The inverse of all the above is also true). What girls you can and can’t get is largely about your own beliefs.
So: I would make the case that >>>the more you use tinder, instagram and other online and smart phone crap, the harder actual cold approach will be for you also<<<. The reason is that these apps will crush your self esteem. Through no fault of your own but simply because they’re set up in a fundamentally counter-productive way. And you cannot be a successful ladiesman with a crushed self esteem any more than you can be a successful MMA fighter with a crushed body.
For a while I used the apps and they’ve caused some deservingness issues from my AFC days 20 years ago to resurface, along with some serious AA. Fucking ridiculous. I hear my mind say dumb shit like “I hope she likes me” or even “she probably won’t like me”, which I KNOW from past experience to be false. I wish I had never even touched these apps. They definitely messed with my head.
It is of course entirely possible that I’m wrong about the above, and that game really is objectively harder now for everyone. I’ll have to see how it goes this year. I can see game actually being harder along one dynamic: flakiness… simply because girls have much more leads now than they used to have. Even I as a guy got flakey as hell when I had dozens or hundreds of numbers or online matches. It was really hard for girls to pin me down. All other elements of game, I don’t think should really be affected.
1. I’d love to hear your perspective, especially if you’re in field doing cold approach. Not based on online game or the moan-a-sphere, as Torero called it (rest in peace, brother).
2. I’d especially love to hear from anyone that’s actually making cold approach work in 2022 (1-2 lays a month absolute minumum, better 5-10). What have you observed in terms of changes vs. 5-10 years ago?
3. Finally I’d be very curious what “naturals” do these days. Is that still a thing? Jockular guys racking up 10-20 lays a month from cold approach, all without ever reading a website about dating?
Curious to hear your thoughts y’all!
-Karea Ricardus D.
I haven't been cold approaching, but I've been doing a bunch of online stuff and I loosely stayed in touch with the scene. Here are my thoughts on the topic, and I'd be curious to hear yours. The two cases I can see for game being more difficult now:
1. Smart phones messed with the SMP, since girls get far more sausage thrown in their face now. Especially the dating apps are definitely rigged against most guys. I do believe tinder is harder than it was when it first came out, and it’s harder than even other forms of online dating. But, I’ve seen stats that most girls aren’t using tinder actively. And more importantly, I think online attention is about as fulfilling to girls as porn is to guys. Yeah it’s fun... but it just doesn’t really cut it. It’s empty.
2. Direct daygame is probably harder now because it’s not a novelty anymore. 10-15 years ago, some girls responded to a direct street approach with “Wow… Oh my God… This has never happened to me before”. Flattered, stunned, impressed. A2 is done. Now it seems I can’t go downtown in any European city without seeing some PUAs around.
All that said… is REAL pickup artistry harder now than it used to be? I don’t consider direct approaches real pickup artistry… they’re more like “hitting on girls". Don't get me wrong, they're great... I love them and I have dozens of lays from them. But they're just one tool in our toolbox and probably should be bonus rounds, not your bread and butter (I will elaborate on this below).
If you’re in a huge city with over 2 million people... fine… do them.
If it’s direct or nothing because you will never see her again... fine… do them.
But realize it’s pretty much a numbers game.
The reason being, girls don’t judge a guy’s attractiveness in 1-2 minutes. Unless you’re the “classically handsome” type, it takes them about 20 to 25 minutes to decide if they like you. Even the hottest girls (I’m talking literally top models) ARE 100% open to average looking guys, because personality CAN get them extremely attracted, even in the absence of a guy having those model good looks. I can vouch for this from personal experience, on many occasions.
Miller is one of the top evolutionary psychologists in the world, focused on studying human mating scientifically. But this sexy PERSONALITY he talks about takes TIME to convey. About 20-25 minutes. A direct street stop, or a few pictures on tinder, both short circuit her entire evaluation loop. In both cases you’re asking her to make a decision without enough data. That works fine if you’re this guy:Geoffrey Miller said:What women are looking for, in short term mating, is not just bad boys. They're looking also for guys who are really witty and intellectually exciting, or musically or artistically talented, or who really excel at lots of mental displays, even that might be completely useless and irrelevant in a long-term relationship, but that are still really impressive.
I have a bunch of friends who look like that and cold approach, so I can confirm this is real. If you do NOT look like that, you need some time to display yourself if you want better odds.
Imagine you’re in the market to buy a new car. A car salesman stops you on the street, shows you a car as you’re on your way to an appointment and you’re in a rush. Or, he only swipes through a few pictures of the car on his phone. He says: “hey, do you want to buy this car?” You’re already late and don’t really have time to assess the car. You’re actually looking for a car, and this one looks great, but he’s forcing you to make a decision in 2 minutes and you know almost nothing about him or the car. Plus he just stopped you in the street like a bum.
What would you say? “Uhm… I don’t know… I guess I’ll pass… I gotta go, sorry.” Maybe you’ll give him your number and then rush off and forget about it. Exact same response most direct street approaches get. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t like you if you had more time with her. “Give me ten minutes to talk away my ugly face and I will bed the Queen of France.” -Voltaire.
Torero says the best daygamers lay 1 in 30 approaches. I’ve been hanging out with some of his friends and they confirmed this is considered an excellent stat among the top Euro jaunters. Newbies, 1 in 100. Really guys? One in one HUNDRED? Come on... that isn’t game. That is spam.
I hope people still remember Mystery used to actually go 5 for 5, and he’s accomplished this on a number of occasions. Approach five hot girls and lay ALL of them. I haven’t met him, but many of my friends have… enough to vouch for the veracity of these claims. My old mentor CJ actually did one better, as he had streaks of “more lays than opens”, because he developed tech that got girls to open him, and then he took down all of them.. My personal best was 3 lays out of 7 cold approaches in one day. chur (top level ASF guy) was with me that day and can corroborate.
So it seems to me: 1. direct daygame is harder now, due to saturation, yes. It was a bit of a loop hole 10-15 years ago, a gap in the market that has since been balanced. And 2. online game is harder now, due to smart phones, yes.
But actual pickup arts? Engineering a situation where you can talk to a girl for 20-25 minutes before making a move? Engineering social proof before you even open? Is all that harder? I guess the plandemic has made that somewhat harder with all the dog muzzles and BS rules. But outside of that, could it actually be easier now, because nobody really does it much anymore?
There are a lot of hot girls where I am… and I see most of them with guys / as couples. Surely those guys are meeting them somehow, yes? How are they doing it? From talking to them, I guess many people seem to meet through social circle again these days?
There was an NLP axiom that we often used to quote back in the day: “what the thinker thinks, the prover proves.” If you believe game is harder now, it will ACTUALLY be true. It will become a self fulfilling prophecy. Your belief will turn out to be true in your experience of OBJECTIVE reality.
The reason is that your negative expectation will cause you to unconsciously act more fearfully, which gets conveyed to the girl in your mannerisms,voice tone and other subtle non-verbal cues. She will then respond accordingly with significantly lower attraction, if any. Your negative expectation will also cause you to make less moves and the moves you do make will be less bold. (The inverse of all the above is also true). What girls you can and can’t get is largely about your own beliefs.
So: I would make the case that >>>the more you use tinder, instagram and other online and smart phone crap, the harder actual cold approach will be for you also<<<. The reason is that these apps will crush your self esteem. Through no fault of your own but simply because they’re set up in a fundamentally counter-productive way. And you cannot be a successful ladiesman with a crushed self esteem any more than you can be a successful MMA fighter with a crushed body.
For a while I used the apps and they’ve caused some deservingness issues from my AFC days 20 years ago to resurface, along with some serious AA. Fucking ridiculous. I hear my mind say dumb shit like “I hope she likes me” or even “she probably won’t like me”, which I KNOW from past experience to be false. I wish I had never even touched these apps. They definitely messed with my head.
It is of course entirely possible that I’m wrong about the above, and that game really is objectively harder now for everyone. I’ll have to see how it goes this year. I can see game actually being harder along one dynamic: flakiness… simply because girls have much more leads now than they used to have. Even I as a guy got flakey as hell when I had dozens or hundreds of numbers or online matches. It was really hard for girls to pin me down. All other elements of game, I don’t think should really be affected.
1. I’d love to hear your perspective, especially if you’re in field doing cold approach. Not based on online game or the moan-a-sphere, as Torero called it (rest in peace, brother).
2. I’d especially love to hear from anyone that’s actually making cold approach work in 2022 (1-2 lays a month absolute minumum, better 5-10). What have you observed in terms of changes vs. 5-10 years ago?
3. Finally I’d be very curious what “naturals” do these days. Is that still a thing? Jockular guys racking up 10-20 lays a month from cold approach, all without ever reading a website about dating?
Curious to hear your thoughts y’all!
-Karea Ricardus D.