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Got my first number, probably blew it, advice?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
Real quick, thanks for all your help! I've gotten further than ever before thanks to all the support. I'll link the tactics that helped.


Ethnicity: White
Position: Sitting
Outfit: T shirt, shorts, crew socks, sneakers.
Duration: ~7 min
Result: Number + response


University Campus. I just got out of an interaction with someone who just walked away after I gave her my name. I forced myself to make another approach before the hour was up and headed to a gathering place. I see an artist chick. Not my usual type, but interesting still. I initially walked past her because it was hot and I needed water, but I came back and she was still there. She was sitting on a couch with her legs on the seat, leaning against the corner wall sketching.

Notable moments:
  • I walk slightly past her, then look over my shoulder and open, "You look chill."
  • She giggled and I asked if the seat next to her was taken. She took up 2/3 seats, and said the seat was open.
  • I ask for her name and she tells me her name and how it is spelled since people often mess it up before asking me mine. I tell her my name, offer my hand, squeeze her hand, and don't let go for a while until she pulls back.
  • She tells me she is in her first semester on campus.
  • I sit straight and only turn my head to her while maintaining a blank expression, but energetic voice.
  • She is sketching people and I ask her to show me. I move closer to see it. She shows me the whole sketchbook including some kinda embarrassing sketches.
  • I cold read that she is majoring in art and she confirms. We deep dive into art since she loves to draw. I start to understand that she loves unconventional stuff and isn't afraid to express herself, hence her drawing to express her thoughts she cannot easily find pics of. I tease her a bit telling her the art department is full of snobs, but she assures me she can handle them. It seems she doesn't talk much about how much drawing means to her.
  • One of the sketches is of a handsome shirtless guy. I then joke, "I have some competition, but I'm not worried." She laughs.
  • During the conversation, she keeps looking away to continue sketching, but she keeps talking.
  • I notice her friendship bracelet and ask her to show me her hand. I hold it, light stroke it as I run my hand along the bracelet. We talk about it; it has sentimental value.
  • She mentions that she is normally not on campus at that time but her ride got massively delayed.
  • I tease her for the embarrassing sketch and she justifies it as "having grown from what I used to draw". I ask if she used to draw baby seals, which she denies, but says she likes them too.
  • By now, she is sitting up straight and we are sitting next to each other at an angle kinda facing each other.
  • After briefly talking about seals, I bring up the "3 Animals Game". She says her #1 favorite is a black cat (they are mysterious and she doesn't mind the bad luck associated with them). I immiediately get up and walk away saying "Bye,", but stop when she laughs. She asks what's wrong with her answer, I say I'll explain when she's done. She then says deer (they are cute) and snakes (she actually likes unconventional animals considered nasty, like rats). I mention that snake scales are made of the same material as fingernails and make a hand gesture she doesn't look at. She tells me about when she held a boa constrictor (she forgot the name, I mentioned it). I then tell a story about a talent show where I got to hold another contestant's snake, describing it as the "weirdest hand massage". She laughs.
  • I then start looking at her lips and mention a nearby art show she'd be interested in. She assumed I meant a different one she saw, but I clarified which one I meant. She said she never visited that building before, so I offer to show her. She refuses as her ride is likely to arrive soon.
  • I then say, "I just noticed something about you." She asks, "What?" I then steer the conversation to something I can't remember. I make a few jokes about things she mentioned early on to tie it together.
  • I then say, "We should meet again sometime." She asks, "Do you have Instagram?" "I do, but I rarely use it." "What do you have?" "I have a phone."
  • She then asks, "Do you want my number?" I accept, then add it to my phone and make a callback to how she told me to spell her name and how she'd probably have killed me had I misspelled it. She laughs. She then says, "Text me so I know you have it."
  • I text her, 'Who's that handsome guy you're talking to?'
  • I try to set up a chase frame but her ride arrives quickly and she leaves. I tell her, "Text me when you get home so I know you got there ok."
  • She does indeed text me a few hours later at night. I text back a few minutes later because I was getting out of class saying I'm glad she's safe and not caught in the nearby accident shortly after she left (my classmates kept talking about it), it was great talking to her about art, and her sketches will be famous one day.
  • She thanks me and agrees.
  • I then send an image of poorly drawn black cat meme and text her with, "It would have been real bad luck. I propose we continue getting to know each other soon."
  • No Response 4 hours later. It's past midnight.
Also, I accidentally struck up a conversation with a nearby guy after leaving the interaction. I used some game since I don't know how to consciously make friends (all my closest friends were the result of accident, yet we became inseparable). Social momentum is a hell of a thing. We had a lot in common and we swapped numbers. Thanks to Girls Chase, I may have made a new friend (I don't use that term lightly, but he has potential). He also seems somewhat familiar with game as he pointed out some of my tactics and asked for help with girls after we talked for half an hour.

  1. Did I escalate the text too soon?
  2. Did I not establish a romantic frame and now she feels caught off guard?
  3. Was my last text confusing on what I meant by the bad luck?
  4. Is this normal and I just keep waiting? I've never gotten this far, but I'll wait.

Bob Z

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 7, 2024
you seem to have done a fine job. i'll chime in since i don't see any more senior guys responding.

my thoughts:
-you may be overgaming. you were using that many tactics in just an initial approach. its good you were being flirty but good to balance it out with normal conversation. she seemed to like you so no big deal. i definitely recommend doing more non-pickup socializing, going to parties/clubs/social gatherings where you meet new people (not nightclubs but clubs at your college - i presume you are in school? or are you just approaching on campus?). will has good post on it

response to your questions
1. yes you probably "escalated too soon." you basically asked "wanna fuck." i recommend looking through @Skills text guides you can find on forum
2. you seemed to set a "romantic" enough frame, but i would recommend seeding the date before getting the number next time
3. i cant tell the context without seeing the meme so cant tell
4. if she doesn't respond after 24 hours, text her "good morning ☀️" (this is from skills text guide which i recommend) - its basically a low stakes approach invitation over text. if she replies then continue conversation from there, then go to soft close, then hard close (its all in text guide)

more thoughts:
nice job making the approach. really what you need more than anything else is more practice. both more socializing overall and more approaches to build reference points. i recommend creating a journal in the journal section so you don't have to write full field report per approach. me and a few other guys keep active journals and give each other feedback, accountability and encouragement. you say this is your first number? congrats. how many approaches have you made?

main takeaways are
1. read skills text guide and work on implementing it
2. keep making more and more approaches consistently
3. read @Will_V 's post and implement more socializing into your routine (although i disagree with him saying not to approach until you get to X social level, i think approaching supplemented with general socialization is the best course of action personally)
4. start a journal if you'd like and comment on each others

good luck!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
Thanks for the advice.
its good you were being flirty but good to balance it out with normal conversation.
Now that you mention it, I do tend to "overgame" when I feel pressed for time. In fact, I felt pressed for time the entire time I spent texting her. My second field report shows me jump the gun each time I felt constrained. She and I had an unknown time constraint during the conversation; she got a phone call and had to leave shortly after giving me her number.

We did talk about traveling, which I forgot to mention, along with a bit about the university. I'll try to work on getting a better balance, however.

she seemed to like you so no big deal. i definitely recommend doing more non-pickup socializing,
My friends agree. Funny thing, right after I left the room, I struck up a conversation with a guy and we talked with minimal game from me (just fundamentals like tone, not talking about myself, avoiding interview mode). We hung out again today.

I presume you are in school?
Yes. It is a very large commuter university. The chances of reputation harm are small, especially as I always quickly establish a good reputation in my classes. Classmates usually know my name and respect me, and people feel relieved seeing me in another one of their classes.

1. yes you probably "escalated too soon." you basically asked "wanna fuck." i recommend looking through @Skills text guides you can find on forum
Thanks. I couldn't find them when I searched, so this is very helpful.

2. you seemed to set a "romantic" enough frame, but i would recommend seeding the date before getting the number next time
I tried to seed a date to the "nearby art gallery" on campus mentioned above for precisely to get help get her number. It must have came off as too casual if you couldn't tell.

3. i cant tell the context without seeing the meme so cant tell.
Here is the conversation. Context: She said her favorite animal was a black cat and she didn't mind their association with bad luck. Also, there was a notable traffic accident nearby sometime after she left. My entire class afterwards was talking about it.

I'm glad you weren't caught in the accident nearby. It was nice talking with you about art. Those sketches will probably make you famous one day.

thank you man, i agree it was nice talking

(I then send this exact picture)

It would have been real bad luck. I propose we continue getting to know each other soon.

4. if she doesn't respond after 24 hours, text her "good morning ☀️" (this is from skills text guide which i recommend) - its basically a low stakes approach invitation over text. if she replies then continue conversation from there, then go to soft close, then hard close (its all in text guide)
Thank you. My texting skills are still in infancy as you can tell.

more thoughts:

nice job making the approach.
Thanks. I guess I am self aware enough to notice most of my shortcomings, but it means a lot to have someone else confirm them before I jump at shadows. Thinking about it, I probably should have just told her 'good night', conversed the next day, and sorted logistics.

i recommend creating a journal in the journal section so you don't have to write full field report per approach.
Good idea. I didn't know much about journals until recently.

How many approaches have you made?
This semester, I made 4 approaches before the number, then 1 more since then (club rush, not enough time for game).

Though I actually started last semester. It took me 4 approaches to get a number, but I don't count it because I never set a romantic frame and she never responsed because I only asked if she had a boyfriend AFTER I got her number (she did) So, I don't feel I "earned" it because I was misleading. In total, I had about 20 approaches, but I was so new they were mostly just conversations with strangers with almost 0 escalation. No approaches during the summer. So, my true first number was after about 24 approaches (many of which lasted under a minute).
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
What was she drawing erections
Weirdly, I am very hesitant to talk about her stuff like that online out of respect (I didn't even mention why we were pressed for time). But whatever.

She used to just draw animals and doodles. Now, she drew anime guys, some shirtless, one as a mer-man. Nothing too erotic, but it is pretty thirsty. She thinks she went from drawing generic, acceptable stuff to more unusual stuff she actually wants to see and is proud to show off now.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024

I used the "Good morning ☀️" recommended by @Skills and @Bob Z and got a convo going for about an hour. Y'all saved me from the harmful PUA texting mentality.

I woke up tired and sent the text without much hope. She responded 3 minutes later. In fact, she kept responding quickly. It took me about twice as long to respond to her at any point, but my responses were longer. Granted she always moved the conversation and we texted almost the same in total. I didn't use emojis beyond the opener because I was sleepy and don't often use them anyway.

  • I asked about her at the university (her first semester) and asked if she broke any rules. She said "surprisingly not yet" and her week was shitty.
  • I asked if it was because art class was full of snobs (we kept joking about that in our first encounter), forgetting that the class wasn't this semester. I apologize and circle back to her constantlt sketching compared to others just being on their phones, then switched the subject to the school's foam sword fighting club.
  • She 'played along' not knowing it was real despite being "a little shy around strangers" but how she'd do it "in a heartbeat if [my] friends were involved". I asked if this was her way of asking me to go with her, but she instead excitedly asked about the club meetings after realizing it was real. The logistics wouldn't work out.
  • I joke about her stress management class scamming her if they didn’t tell her about that club, then suggested she give me the tuition money instead. She laugh and considered it, then said, "well i was hoping to check out some other clubs </3". I said if she was brave enough to talk to a random handsome stranger who approached her, she was brave enough to join any club that involved getting stabbed (with foam). She once again brought up logistics: she questioned her ability to commit to commuting that long for that club.
  • I asked if her weeks were that exhausting and she began venting, including a wall of text. Car break downs and tow truck troubles. I just expressed sympathy and tried cheering her up with a joke.
  • I asked if anything positive happened, she mentioned good food and friends.
  • I guess I got freaked out by her mentioning friends, so I hesitate a couple minutes then soft close, "We should celebrate the good times."
  • No response for 8 minutes so I excuse myself, "I gotta head back to work. Talk to you later?" Not sure why I said "head back" as I hadn't left home before opening with "Good morning ☀️". She wished me luck and I teased, "That means something coming from the girl with the worst luck this week so far."
  • No reply after over an hour, but I get it.
  • A social butterfly friend who believes game fundamentally cannot work told me I sound too formal since I write complete sentences, care about spelling, don't use emojis much, and don't abbreviated. He also recommended I reply with '😂' more often.

1. Am I moving too slow now?
2. Am I missing opportunities to flirt and let this enter a friendly frame?
3. How's my style, is it too stiff? I've prided myself on being the intelligent, mature guy since I was a kid.
4. Am I headed to the friendzone? Why do my soft closes keep failing?
