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The Return Of The Mack


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Intro- 11/15/21
Wassup playas!

I'll be chronicling my adventures with women, along with what I'm thinking about during the process, in this journal.

Back in my high school years, I had some success with women without knowing pick up artists even existed. I pulled mostly from social circle, but could always have quality conversations with any woman; I guess you can say I am partly a 'natural'.

As I went to college, I was focused on other areas of my life and never built or joined a social circle, so I've been in a slump with women for a while. I didn't care to change this until recently when I started reading posts on this site- therefore, I decided to build back up my social circle and form a tribe of hot women to do fun things with.

SO! It's time to get back out there and transform from ex-mack to Mack Daddy! Enjoy the ride :))
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Where I'm at/Current issues
I would describe my style of game similar to entry level razorjack. I agree with him on a lot of points, namely mindset being the most important factor in any pickup. He also went from some past natural success to PUA. However, I am not at the breakthrough point where Razorjack went full player mode! I have some work to do before then...

This needs some work, I've been scouting thrift shops looking for cool clothes. No dice so far but I'm working on it

Social Proof/Competition
I need some more practice on befriending more people in a venue, as well as visibly being with some attractive girl whether I am gaming her or not. This, I feel will take me to the next level because it will prove to girls I am attractive and they're not making things up

Staying in Convo with <8s
I think they can sense I don't really want them, lol. I think it's worth approaching them for practice but I tend to not get anywhere and let the conversation die because I frankly do not care if I ever see them again. Are my standards too high?

In this journal I'm just gonna post what I'm working on and how I'm progressing, I don't think I'll post many interactions unless I come out of them with some specific way to up my game.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
11/18/21- FUCK!

I am pissed. I was leaving a class, and as I went through the hallway towards the exit, I spied with my little eye a baddie. We were going different ways- perpendicular, not opposite, in a crowd of maybe 200. I could tell she was at LEAST a 9.

I said "hey! I like your pink pants. they're very flashy." she had peacocked!!! truly cool pants, and with a well sculpted ass showing too ;)

She excitedly thanks but never stopped on her trajectory, and we kept walking our separate ways.

I'm mad. This girl had a great body, pretty eyes, and seemed like she had high self esteem/was cool. She's exactly what I'm looking for.

Well, a situation like this will happen again. So in what ways could I capitalize on a similar opportunity next time?
  • Pretend like we're going the same way- come up and tap her on the elbow then start to walk and talk with her​
  • Wheel around in front of her and actually stop her to start a conversation​
  • Just start walking with her any way possible. Do I really care if I'm late for my next class?​
  • Immediately transition to conversation after a compliment opener​
  • Do the compliment opener in a way that makes it clear I am interested in her, not just giving a compliment in passing​
  • introduce myself immediately after the opener, then go for handshake and grab her hand so she can't just walk (I like this idea a lot, will take some calibration but definitely doable and probably more powerful... maybe put her arm around me and walk with her for a min?)​
  • note: this will have to be a 1-2 minute convo and then number close. I think if I come across as socially savvy, ballsy, and different from other guys it would lead to a meetup reliably.​
I actually had a twinge of "out of my league" syndrome when I saw her because she was extremely hot; however, I quickly realized I don't believe in 'leagues' or any bullshit like that. So it's good I opened, and good I realized that a girl as hot as her would be excited I said something to her.

I might be there at the same time next week, so I'll see if I can spot her, but chances of seeing her again are low. I'll take these lessons and apply them to street game/ any hectic venue and get into conversation with the next super hottie I see.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
It's time for a quick update. Since the last time I wrote anything I've worked mainly on breaking through social conditioning- that little force that convinces you not to approach with the excuse that 'it would be weird'. I've improved on talking to girls in less than optimal approach situations. Besides that, I haven't made any noticeable outside progress.

I have, however, made considerable progress with my inner game. I watched rsdTyler's Blueprint Decoded seminar and it completely rocked my world. Imagine my previous understanding of social interactions, mindset, and game in general as a house; the Blueprint was the tornado that leveled that house to the ground. I feel like I was shown the matrix and how to use the glitches to my advantage.

As far as game goes, I'm back in my hometown for a few days, so my best bet is to find some girls to talk to when shopping for clothes. Ideally I can work some game and improve my fashion at the same time. It's interesting how certain game concepts have already improved my ability to communicate and influence what goes on around me, regardless of whether I am trying to pick up a girl or not.

Long story short, I've made big progress on my inner game but have fallen short on approach volume. I have a few days to play around in my hometown, then I'm going to rethink my venues for practicing at college because they're lacking. The most important thing for me to do is make a ton of approaches to get that field experience. It's time to hop on that grind.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Figured I'd write a little piece on my thanksgiving break to cement my thoughts about it. I didn't do any cold approaching as I was with my family pretty much the whole time but I did see some old friends and had the opportunity to see social dynamics in action.

Things I did noticeably better than in the past:
  • accepted/rolled with small failures and made them funny (ex. failing to catch something tossed to me)​
  • not reaction seeking​
  • being outside my own head​
  • my voice! I cut through sound way better and even was complimented on it​
  • using the power of anticipated responses to be answered if I asked a question​
Things I noticed when it came to girls (note: there were only a couple chicks I wasn't friends with already that were possible interesting)
  • kino is totally natural from the outset if you aren't weird about it (ex. putting your arm around her as you say hi) ....however it has to be calibrated obviously
  • I was getting stuck where a girl was neutral- I wasn't able to steer the conversation very well in a loud environment. I did a terrible job of creating attraction through what I said- I knew this and it probably was reflected in my body language as well.
Things I messed up on:
  • creating attraction
  • might have screwed up by talking about a girl's recent breakup
  • my voice wasn't calibrated all the time- sometimes it was too harsh, other times they couldn't hear
  • wasn't particularly motivated to talk to girls I didn't find that attractive- I still did, but I think they could sense I didn't really want them
  • stalling out in conversation (weird because I usually don't have this issue)
  • pong!! goddamit I'm rusty
Things to focus on:
  • not reaction seeking/acting on my own intentions
  • having fun!
  • getting in more conversations with attractive girls. that's the big one

Oh, and I found some cool clothes in my home city. It's not enough to piece together a whole new style but every little bit helps. I bought one shirt that's super dope but I simply do not get enough pussy to wear it at the moment.

Overall it was a great little progress checkpoint- I have a long way to go but I'm confident I'll make it there.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I don't want to be writing this but I have decided I have to in order to make use of public accountability. Not that anyone is keeping up with this journal real time, but psychologically, it'll do.

My current problem is not opening enough girls or not progressing to a conversation once I have opened. So, I made a list of my excuses, how I will get past them, and what my goal is.

excuses-- counter arguments
She isn't that cute-- it would be good practice to talk to her and to use right action
She's busy in what she's doing-- wouldn't she love it if an attractive guy interrupted her to tell her she's cute?
I'm tired/don't feel like it-- I cannot let my emotions control my actions. Also, I don't feel like taking control of my love life? Really?
It would look weird to other people-- I cannot let what others think influence my actions.
I might get rejected-- good, I will have learned something
I'm nervous-- no, I'm excited!
I already screwed up the best opportunity to open-- Too bad. Go open, it's better to learn something than nothing. Second best time to plant a tree is now
My reputation might be damaged-- I'd rather be the guy that shoots and misses than the guy who never even tries
I don't want to be 'that guy'-- I'll have to risk being perceived as 'that guy' before I can become 'the man'

My target is to meet 5 girls a day, 6 days a week. I must either introduce myself, get her name, or have a 30 second+ conversation; other than that, there are no restrictions. If I do not hit this target, I will change my name to goose (ha) for a month per each day I miss the target.

Gah, I'm irritated because right now my main failure is not bothering to try. In my eyes that's the worst possible thing I could do.

I'll be posting my 5 interactions daily for the next 2 weeks until I prove I can talk to these girls regularly. Ciao
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I wanted to be in bed an hour ago, damnit.

1. girl waiting for elevator in library. Chill, she was asian but not that cute and it wasn't awkward but we were merely making conversation
2. girl in gym. Opened and had a legit lil conversation. Once again not that cute but whatever
3. girl in elevator at library. solid 30 sec convo, nothing to talk about
4&5. two girls on the street I said hey my names x to. they said nice to meet you but it was awkward/cringey and we quickly moved on.

opened a couple other girls during the day but didn't stop to talk. It is important to note that to get the last few approaches I was out at night around the library specifically to find girls. I pussyfooted around for a solid 30 minutes before finally opening that two set like a bitch. Oh well

Note: none of these girls were particularly attractive to me and none of the conversation had much of a sexual vibe to it.

Another Note: the goal of this goal is not to reach step two of seducer on the way to becoming a PUA or some dumb shit like that. It's to make meeting girls a natural part of my everyday life that I do wherever I go. Same thing with meeting people in general.

Also, the room above me is having either a party or an intense game of musical chairs. Fuck you I want to sleep.

PS, I don't really care if my writing makes sense when it's late at night. Sorry not sorry!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
forgot to update last night. Idk why I promised to post my interactions for the next two weeks but I'll live up to it anyways.

1. girl in gym talking to worker
2&3. girls near my class (where the teacher didn't show up, why do I even go?)
4. girl in library elevator
5. girl in the gym at night when I went to the sauna

didn't particularly want any of these chicks, didn't engage for longer than a 30 sec conversation with any.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2020
Never talk about anything that's not fun/interesting/cool [at least to them] why on earth would you talk about a breakup.

Sounds like you need practice with your rambling, and the only way to do that is to get the reps in. Sure, some girls will only allow for 30 seconds but the whole goal is to improve in that area. My bottleneck was that I was good at that part and terrible at escalating kino. It definitely takes time and experience with being in the same situation over and over again to succeed. There's no magic pill, you just gotta keep at it and keep improving.

You saw a super hot girl and didn't walk with her? Dude....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
why on earth would you talk about a breakup.
She was an old friend, not too concerned

You saw a super hot girl and didn't walk with her? Dude....
That's kind of the point of me being here, to make things like that not happen ;)

Obligatory overview of sets

1. Random street open about something situational
2. Girl in library, started by talking about her glasses
3, 4, 5. 3 set I made fun of for posing for a picture
couple more idk

From now on, I'm going to post my baby steps on new things I did right. I believe that will be much more helpful than posting the little things I did wrong (as long as I know how to fix them)

baby steps
Talked to a girl in a cubicle at the library for the first time. This opens the door for many future approaches
Literally shouted at a girl as an opener "STOP COUGHING" she found it funny. I'll use that in the future


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
opens of the day

1. girl from class. not really a cold open but I count it
2. counter clerk in gym (good idea to open the first girl I see in the gym, sets a good precedent)
3. gym girl- apparently the zumba coach
4. random girl street stop outside the gym
5&6. Girls going to semi formal (I'm biased against the hot bitchy looking type girls, I might need to work on that)

baby steps:
Saw proof it doesn't matter what you say to open.

POWs (pieces of wisdom)- I'm starting this section to recount the little things I learn through experience.
-You won't be able to move her unless she's on an emotional peak, even if she's attracted

stop screening whether to open girls on if they're attractive enough or not. You're not "risking" her actually being a 5 instead of a 7.5, you're training your brain to do the right thing by saying anything at all. If she isn't that cute just have fun by opening!

Open because it is FUN! Escalate because you are ATTRACTED! Stop creating obstacles for yourself.

oh and also, I seem to have a default mode of going about my day in a very business-like fashion. For example, I am unlikely to change where I'm going in order to walk the same direction as a girl. Creating some wiggle room here might boost my results significantly.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I said I'd open at least 5 days a girl, 6 days a week which means I get a day off. I took it saturday, I talked to one girl only. However, that implies I will do as little work as I'll let myself get away with which is something I will change.

Today (sunday) I opened at least 10 girls just cause it was easy and fun. Momentum plays a big role in this. For example, it's the difference between seeing a girl in the library, thinking she's not cute, and going to a particular floor and doing your work. OR, you talk to that first girl about something boring, then talk to the entire elevator (good fun and practice being social), then talk to the one cute one when you both get off at the same floor.

What I'm working on: the million dollar mouthpiece. I'm starting to put emotion behind any story and make anything that comes out of my mouth compelling to listen to. To practice, I'm grabbing at a random thread of a basic conversation and rambling it into something interesting to see if I can make the conversation fun. It worked ok today, I only thought to try it this way before my last interaction.

current obstacle- my main issue has been controlling social frame enough to pull her along with me in whatever I'm doing.
way around it- get more physical, If I'm holding her hand or body and physically direct her (not creepily) she'll be way more likely to go with me

POW- If you open with something indirect (anything other than I want to meet you/you're cute), CHANGE TOPICS ASAP! If you stick to the first thread she will actually believe that's why you're talking to her and the interaction will end without a true conversation. dummy.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Written 12/7 in the morning cause I was tired last night. Yesterday I opened 5-10 girls, nothing particularly noteworthy. A couple in the gym, a few on the street, and a few in the library. Those are pretty much the only places I go on a daily basis

Reaching the social hook point is super easy if you're both going the same way or if she's sitting down; it's harder when you're going opposite directions. My conversations have been a little too boring. I did at least try to add some emotion to my words but in the end I was still too logical.

I still don't like to approach girls who are studying. This could be for two reasons: A, I have a global belief that people don't want to be interrupted while working because that's how I operate, or B, I don't believe my value is sufficient to warrant a disruption of their studies. I think it's A, I just feel bad interrupting a girl studying for finals. I need to remember that she is waiting for someone like me to talk to her regardless of what she's doing.

POW- you have to steer her in the direction you want BEFORE it's time for her to decide which way she's going.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Got some good work in today. Opened 5-10 girls and it's really becoming a habit more than something I have to force myself to do. Most of the time, she is actively trying to keep me in conversation but it's fluff and logical. I haven't been creating attraction verbally until a minute or two in, which is way too late. However, when I do shift to emotional/illogical talk, it's gone pretty well although it feels like I need to warm that up.

Also, when I open girls they always seem to respond well. It's like if you're not weird about it, it's not weird.

baby steps- opened a girl by shouting at her from across the street. She wasn't cute enough to pursue, but still. Nice.

I automatically assumed a couple girls who whispered when I walked nearby thought I was hot. I am trying to reverse my old pattern of assuming negative intent in ambiguous situations, so this was a very positive sign of progress.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Today (yesterday as I write this) was nondescript, low energy, and not very interesting. I opened 5-6 girls on the street and at the library without much to report. I did better at being flirty and illogical, however I didn't feel like there was any chemistry with any of the girls I talked to.

I think my problem is the girls I talk to are predominantly not attractive enough to be attracted. This seems counterintuitive BUT I used brainpower, I promise. Think about it; girls who are only somewhat attractive are unlikely to ever feel sexy because guys don't really want them, they just want sex. These are the girls who get fucked and dumped and are (understandably) mad about it. Hot girls, however, have been conditioned to like sex because guys make them feel sexy and wanted. Therefore, they want to have sex more, want guys to find them attractive, and are much more in touch with their sexuality.

Anyways, the point of that rant is to say that I need to talk to hotter girls. Only problem is they're harder to find. The hunt continues!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Today was a bit weird for me. My final exams were over yesterday so this was my first full day without any school obligations at all. This is obviously a good thing, however there will be fewer and fewer people out here as the days go on. I've been treating different spots around campus like different venues, which is shortsighted so I need to find a couple more places to approach.

I was thinking about my ideas from yesterday and took it too far this morning. I was in the gym, some girl was attracted (I think) and I never said anything cause I didn't think she was hot enough. I realized that is just a rationalization and I should've said something at least, but I'm not bent out of shape about it.

I knocked out my approaches on the street, actually pretty easy now. I talked to a couple hotter girls but didn't start with something that would build attraction, so we had a fine interaction but nothing I went to escalate.

I spent some time thinking about eye contact and how I'm screwing it up. Mainly,
  • do NOT make eye contact unless you intend to!!!​
  • if you're attractive, make brief eye contact, and don't open, she can only assume you're a pussy like the rest.​
  • if you do on accident, smile a lil and look again​
  • Do not look around the room at people. It looks like you're scanning for value because you have none yourself​
  • If you're sitting down/on your phone, be engrossed or at least appear engrossed in what you're doing. If you make accidental eye contact with a girl who would pass you on her current path, she will change it to avoid you​
Also, a girl walked past me at one point when I was sitting and it looked like she was about to open me but lost the nerve. Lol


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
It's 12/11 now but I'm gonna write my daily dispatch like it's still yesterday.

I did better in the gym today- opened a two set without thinking on the way in. It was pouring, I said something dumb about their umbrella that they couldn't even hear. I chatted with them for a bit but the hot one was talking on the phone and I never really talked to her before we went our separate ways in the weight room. Also, one other girl I had like a 10 second exchange with kept looking at me once I had left the weight room even though she was with a dude (assumed it was merely a gym buddy, no point in assuming he's her bf?). I wasn't going to go back into the weight room purely to talk to her after I was done with my workout...

I talked to a few others throughout the day but not much happened. I think today will be the last day people are actually out on campus, everyone is leaving for the holidays.

POW- The negative of following her lead somewhere is much less severe than the negative of going separate ways. It's a 10% drop in chances vs a drop to almost zero.... follow her if you have to.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Saturday was my rest day for just about everything so I didn't talk to anyone; today I got my approaches in but nothing too interesting. I was right about campus being a graveyard; there was hardly anyone out and about or at the gym. I ended up talking to the only attractive girl in the gym, a couple at my apartment, and a couple at a grocery store. I learned some things so they were all good

Momentum is huge. For me, before I am "warmed up", my words are pretty good but the delivery is just a little bit off. There's usually no real emotion behind my first talk of the day. For example, the first girl I talked to laughed and said 'that's funny' after something I said, but it was more like my words were funny instead of I was funny. For her to find me funny, I would have had said it because I thought it was funny. It's very subtle, but definitely real.
If you want to be funny, find humor in what you say. If you want to be interesting, be interested. If you want to be fun, have fun.

side note: I feel awkward in stores that I have no intention of shopping in, ex. the girl section of a clothing store. I need to get over it

current roadblock: clear intent. For this to work, she needs to 100% know that I am hitting on her- otherwise she will not be comfortable because she doesn't know what my motives are. So, my goal for upcoming approaches is to make it obvious I'm talking to her because I find her attractive.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Hey to anyone reading this. I realize 99% of this journal is a write up my thoughts on what I've been doing so far-- what do y'all want to see?

What I've been doing is basically summarizing my notes for the day. I could keep doing this, write only my progress/failures/sticking points/lessons, write out the actual interactions, or do some sort of weekly summary (after my 2 week daily promise is up).

Also, how's the formatting? Most of the posts are small(ish) blocks of text, maybe that's no fun to read.

I'm writing this so I can see my own progress but will gladly take suggestions on how to make it more fun for others to follow along.

Any feedback is appreciated!

**this goes for anytime in the future you read this as well!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Campus is a little less dead than I thought. No hotties in the gym tho :(

Today I played around, no serious approaches due to low volume but a few where I had fun and screwed around. I wrote yesterday about momentum, saying that it usually takes three sets to warm up. I realized today that I can do other things besides approach to get into a resourceful state like listen to certain music or do self amusing things. Also, it's become way easier to stop a girl on the street.

Honestly I didn't think about game a whole lot today, I'm trying to get a business deal closed before christmas. Fingers crossed.

++ 5 girls a day 2 week challenge is over! I'm going to keep opening but am gonna focus more on finding one single girl to take the interaction as far as I can moving forward now. I'll lay low ish for the next few days then I'll make a new challenge for myself once I get back to my hometown for the holidays. I'm proud of myself though, I learned a lot in the past couple weeks.
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