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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
So far today I've conducted three more-or-less cold approaches on campus.
#1: Opportunistically engaged an average Latina girl I sat down next to at a table on the quad. She was sweet and maybe a little un-intellectual. But I started philosophizing in humanities class about various things of relevance to this journal, partly as a result of this interaction.
#2: successful but inconclusive, see my FR up tonight

I've noticed that when appraising girls both at a coup d'oeil and during conversation, I place more value on depth of character (in the theatrical etc. sense) than on raw aesthetics. For instance, while the "9/10"s among the Swedish girls often have great personalities to match their looks, among the "8"s I prefer the "blond farm girl" look to the "icy good genes" look. Also, my extrapolations as to how they look in bed (during foreplay, O face, and waking up) matter.

#3: Minute-long interaction in withdrawn-books area of library foyer, failed to hook.
My understanding of things, and peak performance, is definitely better. Passively my fundamentals are good and improving.

The problem is that under physical or emotional fatigue or pressure, I lose awareness, my cognitive mind retreats away from the real world, and I operate on instinct. This often works fine for many tasks, including ones some people would consider complex.
Eventually I need to get my baseline to the point where I'm smooth and sexy on default mode.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I'm too tired to write about what I saw that showed me how useful that can be.


I've been more courageous about daygaming lately.
However, I ducked an approach today while waiting for the bus despite IoIs and her being quite attractive, because I was on home ground where I'm well known, and I still by default am much less open to women around friends and family. (Recently I had something similar happen the one time my mom and sibs tagged along with me on my side hustle.)

Unless something changes, I'll be putting more effort into actually getting laid soon.

For now, I need to just step up my daygame practice and be more active about approaching and socializing in general. And continue to get fit etc.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Due to multiple quite promising FWB leads over the past few days, I'm going to be focusing on business, social, getting my schedule and finances in order, i.e. being and presenting the best, manliest, and sexiest version of myself that I can.
Schedule is especially important because:
-I need sleep etc. to be on the ball and keep the momentum going.
-Dates and other planned social activities require known time slots.

Also going to try not to ejaculate until I can do so into a vagina. The current streak is already having a powerful effect


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
At some point yesterday I had a tremendous epiphany.

The non-BO "man smell" girls talk about is basically just the smell of my (or your) forearms 😂😂

But being a straight guy I never understood what they meant. Most girls probably don't understand what "natural girl smell" is either.

Now that I get it, it sort of makes sense.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I don't expect much of anything to happen until Tuesday but you never know ;)
After that, I hope things will get very interesting. I probably won't share all the details for privacy and OPSEC reasons.
Anyway, looking back, this was a phenomenal week pretty much from start to finish. Honestly, it felt like God was my wingman. Every time something went wrong, it just got better after that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Almost there...had a rotten day where I sat at home and rotted...I'll be fine tomorrow probably

So long as I'm in shape on Tue, Wed, Thu to work on the leads, I'm fine


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Alright it's showtime!

Much of my effort will be devoted to the home front, but doing so will probably boost my fundamentals a LOT.

Gonna keep casting my net while I follow up leads though...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
A few weeks ago during break in PE class I was hanging out with two girls, one older (30), one freshman I was neutral about and hadn't been giving much thought to. The older girl had been flirting a little but not what this post is about.
I hadn't previously noticed any signs of interest from the freshman and I was really tired, so I asked her some get-to-know-you questions I had forgotten the answers to. She teased me about it and tried to make me guess or remember.
(It didn't fully occur to me that she might be actually interested in me but not showing it.)

A few minutes later for some reason I brought up a case I've mentioned a few times above:
Me (approximately to this effect): "I had a girl in [redacted] class try to hook up pretty aggressively. I didn't quite get what she was about at the time, I'm not used to people flirting with naked intent. I'm used to flirting being mostly just a recreational activity, right?"

Both girls were a little disappointed, said little after that.

Bloody hell.

The times they have a-changed thank God. Today I would never say such a laughably ignorant thing, at least not in such a setting. Plus, I tend to be decent at not making the same mistake twice.

Gonna figure out a way to smoothly indicate my paradigm shift to her. I think she's still interested.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I've gradually learned to be more sexual by default, in a calibrated way. I tend to actually be more low-key/subtle if I have real intent, not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. But with female friends and classmates I'm not into (and ofc most guys) I definitely feel comfortable about having a sexuality and owning up to it.

I've been better lately about building momentum via small talk and casual social interactions (eg bus).

Realized recently that the whole "sometimes girls want empathy, not actual solutions" thing can apply to language class(es). Yeaaaah. Taking corrective action.

Overall life's good, but I sometimes get impatient with slow-burn leads. It'll be worth the wait tho ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I need a gay wingman!
Funny enough, I saw something very similar just now with two classmates in another class. And funny enough, in both cases, the straight guys are in similar situations as myself vis-a-vis necessity for low-keyness and discretion etc., for the same reasons.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I realized that the habits and qualities that make a good lover carry over outside the bedroom into both clothed interactions with women and other aspects of everyday life.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I think the main limiting factors on my game are currently, in no particular order:

-Lack of online presence vis-a-vis college. Ages ago (i.e. several weeks) I started a thread on this, and quite simply the replies were WRONG about the facts on the ground. Action planned.
-Mediocre social skills, especially under fatigue and other adverse conditions. Improving, but not quickly enough for my liking.
-Insufficient aggressiveness and drive. Partly due to not quite meeting emissions standards (currently aiming for max 2x/week), partly due to fatigue, partly due to other factors. I am definitely improving here though.
-Insufficient momentum. This depends on efficiency and productivity improvements in various areas, currently in the pipeline.

On the plus side, I really have improved and grown noticeably in almost all areas of my life in the past weeks and months.

Patience is required. Can't wait for the breakthroughs though. Not just talking about game.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Conclusion of the Initial Campaign

Well, it's been a bit over two months and I'm starting to adjust to the college milieu (and the seduction mindset)...now the real work begins!

The previous campaign was a limited success. I didn't fully achieve any of my primary goals, but I made progress in all of them, and in academic and personal areas. I also successfully navigated the challenges of the adjustment period.

Where to now?

Well, I obviously want more or less need to have more woman in my life by winter. The sooner the better.
At the same time, I can't devote too much effort to this. I'm building myself an independent life brick by brick, and I have courses etc. to keep up with. Thus my gradual disillusionment the time and energy commitments that usually come with having an official GF.

And the "independent life" part is the sine qua non of all this. So far, for the most part, I haven't acted as if it actually is. And despite major financial improvements, I'm nowhere near desperate enough to squeeze full independence into my budget.
Furthermore, moving out is a megaproject, no question about it. I don't know if I can do so before the end of the semester, simply because of the time and energy entailed in setting up a fully functional base, even if it's shared.

Anyway...having one or more women is only one part of being a successful man. All the parts matter.
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Doing an exciting activity tomorrow due to Vets Day, now I just need to find a girl to accompany me and make a date out of it
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
So far today:
-Due to changing weather and random laundry-related factors, I unknowingly put on the single gayest (in the original sense too!) combination of clothing in my entire casual-dress wardrobe. Girls LOVE it!! (one passing male rando did a one-liner over his shoulder, I laughed literally all the way to the bus stop 😂)

-An Asian exchange student I had first talked to last class: 1) suggested we study together (even tho we have no "book" classes in common) 2) asked me for my number after class (duly traded numbers) 3) suggested we have dinner after class sometime. I like her looks and personality, can def picture the conquest. Plus, as indicated by behavior, she's delightfully inexperienced and probably a complete virgin (I looked up the statistics for her country 😏 ). Unfortunately when I asked her about tomorrow, she has legitimate plans and currently I don't push girls much in such cases.

-I had a phenomenal convo getting to know a dynamic duo I've met before. Highly classified though. Besides, all you "guest" lurkers reading this would start masturbating through pants if you knew the details :p


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Incremental progress continues on most fronts, with the notable exceptions of physical self-care, spiritual practice, and semen retention.

Total workload is increasing this week.

Physically I've been pushing myself a little too much. Luckily I'm used to it by now. But I need to be as fresh as possible.

Another weekend of wasted time and energy. Basically got piled on from all the different time and energy wasters.

I need to just focus on logistics and state. Hard to do that while I work leads but I'll try.

All I gotta do is build momentum and then keep the wheels turning...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Last night I instadated for the first time, on barely any food and sleep and lots of other handicaps. Whether I screwed up depends on how I spin it.

I did quite well for full-on zombie mode Surveyor though. Cognitive handicap worse than drunk (not that I've ever been), but luckily I'm still myself on default mode. Except for unthinkingly accepting her ludicrous claims to have a boyfriend (taken girls don't suggest dinner sometime) and her denial of having any sexuality whatsoever (she's older than I am even if she's from Asia) then having an honest and mostly one-sided convo about sex once she killed the tension.

Still waters run deep with girls like her. We'll see what happens later today.

After that, evening class was quiet, except for a pleasant surprise which unlocked the hidden reserves I needed to get through the evening.

Zombie mode Surveyor in November is better in some ways than regular-slow-day Surveyor back in August. Also far ahead of the late and much lamented God Mode Mist.

I am the unstoppable force. Even at turtle speed. Ultimate triumph is inevitable. Eventually.